Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, July 11, 1913, Image 4

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New Repair Shop
Bicycle, Motor Cycle and General
Pepair Work our Specialty. Give
us a trial. All work guaranteed
Items of Interest Gathered in and About Town
Dance Saturday night.
The ladie, uf tha OhriMjaii
church will hold one of their
lorular cooked fund Hale at
tlie Ihown l'hriney thin
Saturday, b -..inning at 10
a. in. Tlfn is your opportu
nity to piiiciiHsii HiiiiH deli
cacy you cannot. ptepjire, for
yoursel f.
Lenter Neal purchased tlie
MjCro.idy property on Fourth
street ti few davit ho and in
now located in thw now pro,
Bryan and Wilson are busy, Tripp
mill sella real estate.
Sheriff Grant, Judgu Teal
and Frank Kelhel of t ho Ob
server force were busineH
visitors in Independence
J. II. Simonton ami family
visited in Dallas a fww days
this week.
Why leave town for your merchandise
when you can find what you want at
the right prices In all linti of merchan
' disc at Conkey 6 Wahker'i.7
A report in thw Oregonim)
from Monmouth uum th
new city water works ar in
operation and tents with the
fire hoHH threw a stream of
water over the highest build
ings. Tlie pressure, is fit)
p muds to the inch.
OlarencH Mot 'ready wa in
town Tuesday from Oorvallift
on a short bluings trip. Ifo
is associated with hi- father
and brothers in a uuv mill at
Independence Orchestra give a dance
Saturday night.
Mr. ami M . W. W. Ire
land wero in tho city visiting
this week.
Dr. Mclntire und J. A.
Hurley made a trip to Salem
Tuesday to see the uiiihIi of pings."
the Cherry Fair. I
J i Mr.
j umitniuui arternoon was
panged at the home of Mrs
G. (Maude Skinner last Wed
nsHday, when n number of
ladien a se mbled to met Mr.
William CavaiiAiigh of Port
land. Six table of f00 were
played and prizes were award
ed Mrs. P. M. Kirkland and
Mrs. Cnvnnuugh for highest
Dr. It. E. L Steiner, Hupt.
of the State Hospital for the
iiisune, accompinied by hi
family and Dr Griffith wen
callers in town Wednesday,
If you like to dance -want a good
floor prefer good music -love a good
time-want good treatment attend the
Orchestra dance at the Opera House
Saturday night, July 12.
Mrs. T. H. Nun n, who with
her husband und uon moved
from here to Canada this
spring, h hopelemly ill in a
hospital near her northern
Mjhh Can it; Quasdorf is
spending the Hummer will
friends in Lexington, Oregon
Dr. Lowe's glasses art death to
headaches. Ask your neighbors.
The Telegram Wednesday
evening announced the deatl
of Frank Eitorbrooks, a pio
near printer of Oregon, Tuec
day. Ho learned the print
ing trade at Portland and
worked on the Oregonian foi
almost a half a century. He
wan one, of tho old timo print
ets of who,!) Henry Hill, now
an inmate of the Soldiers
Home of Orting, Washington,
and J . L. McOowati ol lie
proof reading staff o' the Tel
fgrnm, make up the old trio.
MctJowan s.iid "When 1 fiit
saw him on the Oiegonian in
1HC7 'Dad' was turning off
Oregouiaiid on an old lund
mt w . a . . .
tncri win dc a nrsi ciHsiaance ai ine ... i , , .1 ..; . r.,,l
Opera House Saturday night. (Uvea by mrt'Ie a l''"s" "P tw
the Independence Orchestra.
MeCready of Suver
iein!ence Weil neaday
For ix SeiGhore Outing
No outing i complete unlet you visit this old reliable m--ai-le
n'Moii, whii'h i-ilem to I In Hiiitinit'r visitor chum of
environment not liniii.l olni' h i-i-. I leliht fill points of in
ter t in tlie iii'inhtHi! hood, i'i'v net lishiiitf, surf bathing,
boat. ii(f, ti t ma twilling in Uu' now Nat atoriuni. l'otlaei,
room hoiiM hii I tints Ht ri'uooiiMlilo I'Mten. Ample hoti-1
HfCiMiimoiliiIuiiiH, Hliumlaiu-e -if sen food, oyatrra, elania,
crabs-milk and v-vetluVi, aLaince f formality and a
hoinolike Wflt'onit' for ail.
Doublo Daily Train Service
Mrs. Horace 15 Fletcher
was in Portland lawt week at
tending the Worl.i's Cbri
ti i Citizenship Conference.
We have the goods that have thequal
ity and we are sure the prices are right
at Conkey a Walker's.
Dr. William Cavanaugh, a
we1; known dentist of Port
land, motored to Independ
ence, where his family had
been vituling for a week,
making the return trip Bun
d-ty afternoon.
The big crude oil sprinkler
arrived in town tbi week and
Moiuvouth and V, street
have b en givei a good coat
of oil, Monmouth street has
been oiled to Monmouth.
Mr. Jamen, a merchant of
Silver, was in town Wednes
day evening.
ASk -Yon and your children are safe
vjir If you wear Dr. Lowe's supe
rlor glasses -eye safe and price safe.
They cost you no more than the In
ferior kinds usually sold and you have
the benefit of his skill and more than
twenty-one years' experience as an ex
elusive optician and optometrist. Con
suit him at Hotel Lerona next Thurs
day, July 17, to 4 o'clock only. Re
member the day, date and time limit
Scores of Independence references.
No agents employed.
Pearl Alexander is having
anew bungalow er cted on
his property on Mum Htreet
the contraot has been let to
C. W. Purvine, and the
cerm nt form for the found a
tion wan being placwi this
week. Tlie old renidetice will
be moved back and placed to
front on Sixth street and will
be rented. The nw build
ing will he one of t.ia best in
town and oovera a large aria
of ground space.
A. L. Sporling and family
moved the latter part of last
week to their farm joining
the (Jus Sperling place, north
of town.
('lint Moore made a buei
nesstripto Portland Monday
Dont forget the Orchestra Dance Sat
urday night.
Mr. Riley, a brother in law
of Prof. F. H. Chute, passed
through Independence, Mon
day, from Eugene to Salem,
where he will visit his faintly.
Mr. Kiley is a achool super
visor in the employ of the
County Superintendent for
Lane com ty.
Leave Albany Dally 7:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. except Sunday
Arrive Newport 12:40 p. m. and H;30 p. m. except Sunday
Season, YVfck-rnJ and Sunday
Excursion Fares East
Tit-kt-ta on x!f daily until September HO from
n!l main Hti.i branch lim points to Eastern de-
tii'ntioiis o i way through California or via
I'orilMiid. Id-turn limit OotoIxT SI
Kor illumrat liH)klet on Newport or copy of
' A MiHliou Day in Ort'on," mil Ion nfr't
tlrn. Pi. Ajt.
t I V SUN5lTSfc
i- 1 o"ti1!t I
Miss Opal Hall, supervisor
of drawing in the school of
New York Citv. is visiting
ler parent" in Monmouth.
A. H. Westfall of Mon
mouth le't this week for
British Columbia where he
ooks for a location. Mr.
Westfall's father aocompa
nied him on the trip.
Saturday nights orchestra dance oroir .
w s to pe the best of the season. Come
prepared to have a good time. The
Opera House has been secured for the
Pi. W. Johnson, postmaster
of Coi-vallis, passed through
Independence (Wdnesday for
a trip 'hrough FJasteru Ore
gon vialhe Dalles. iii trip
will extend over a distance of
about 1200 miles
(J. VV. Shellenbarger de
puty postmaster st Portlatd,
w&t an over Sunday visitor
who his wife and Hon who are
visiting in this city.
If you want foot comfort buy those
Elk Skin shoes at 0. A. Kreamer s.
Burns Powell, who formal
ly taught a term of school in
Independence, and a former
resident of Monmouth, whs
operated upon in Portland
Tuesday for a'.pendiciiis of
the Good Sarmarataii Hos
pist il. Hums ia a student of
the University law sohool in
If you want to buy a watch, it will pay
you to see Kreamer's watch display.
Dee Taylor is planning on
.i vacation He has been
scoiuing the country for fine
driving horses and first class
second liRnd rigs. He ex
p cts to go to Tillamook,
over land, and being an ex
pert fisherman and gun
shark thinks he can easily
hag enuogh game to do him
enroute. He will take his
long leather moneybag along
so in case of necessity he can
buy a few birds and fish if
needs he. He leaves Monday
He is going to take hi boy
along and also Mrs. Taylor
We wish them a fine trip
Buena Vista News Notes
Mrs. A. K. Fuller left Mon-
day for her hnnm a Mis
sou!, Montana, altera sever
ni weeks riett at Monmoulh
with her sister, Mrs. M. Stine.
Mrs KU Tharpaccompanied
tier home, whore she will
virit for a time. Mr. Fuller
was a former resident of this
Under the new widows pen
sum act Koe, Catdy of ibis
city is entitled to $47.50 pei
month is a report from Dalla
to the Oregonian. Two other
women of this county are ap
plicants for monthly allowan
ces under this hw.
Oa the way -nice bunch of Mallorv
hats. Watch for them at 0. A. Kreamer.
W. H. Block made a busi
ness trip to Portland Mondav
to lalk over the market will
the Portland Union Stock
Yards management. He has!
neon tuyingpute extensively
mostly hogs, j,,g te
Harley Pralher and wife
spent the week en ! with her
grandmoth'T in Portlani
Mrs Rupert Hall and chiki
ren returned from Oregon
City, wdiere she has been
vieiling her parents,
The Methodist Su n d a y
School has dismissed for th
next two Sundays lo attend
the Albany Chautauqua.
Miss Gladys Reynolds mo
tored to Dallas Frid 'y mom
ing with John Loy, remain
ing over Sat urduy and Sun
lay for the Chautauqua.
Buena Vista won the vic
tory in a baseball game wit
A li ne, cuimiay, tlio scor
stood 8 to 7 in our boys favor
The River Side Grange in
itiated four nevr member
Saturday night.
Cleve Prather aud family
with Newt Prather and fatn
ily motored to Salem to at
end theCherry fairSaturda
Will Bevens and wife sj ent
the wet k end with in r par
en Is in Eugene.
Paul Hansen has soiil his
mill to a Mr. Strawn and i?
going to Tillamook to tak
up business with his father
Mr McCarty has rented
the Sherwood place and ex
pects to move in soon.
John Donal 'son is working
for J. I) llibhs Co , ot In
Mr. llerron and wife of
near Portland "pent a few
days with relatives here last
A party of six young; men
autoing from A 1 1 a : y to In-
lependence Frida, broke
their machine near Ed Ham
on's and phoned into town
for an autouubile to tow
them in.
Waiter Willi.- and family
spent Sunday with the J. K.
Xeals. Thev expect to star
for then place in Easun
Oregon in about a week
Bert Snyder and fimi'y
nt to Sa'em Friday inoin-
ing returning Sunday afler
Many people have gone
black berryinj; of late.
Am-)S Hoi man and wife
came over from Dallas Mon
day. They expect to reeide
Harley Hall and wi'e of
Portland vi-ited his parents,
Jack Hall and wife over Sunday.
Ray Grounds spentSunday
with liis aunt, Mrs Sarah Col
lins of Dallas.
Mi Nola Roy spent the
Fourth with friends in Dal
las, returning Sunday.
Willie Hall is helping Jack
with his hay.
Charlie McLain has moved
his household goods into the
"Doc" Pdack house. II- and
his wife expect to take up
their residence here soon.
A party of Buena Vista
people went to Newport lo
cel. brate They were Ne.son
Anderson und wife, Ed Har
mon and wife and daughter
Blanche, Amol Gobat and
wife and daughter Addie.
Martin Konger and wife and
ittle daughter Emma and
Miss Geneva Crvderman.
They sent Thursday night
in (k rvallis and went on the
exaursion irain Friday morn
ing. It was the first glitnp.-e
some had had of the ocean
ana all gr atly enjoyed them
Cleaning and Pressing
French Dry Cleaning
and Sponging
Phone 7121 or call at Passing Parlnrs corner or Monmouth and
Monmouth and Railroad Street.
H. J. FORD, Proprietor
. t w t--,-.i-'- t.r , quite nt Monitor Office,
quests f .Met Mj a i .- .-ls-ter, i
Mr. Colman. la-' week.
M. .-nd M: ' Cl.-v. n -l-O'
tie wen- trailing in M-iun-inoiitii
Saturd . y .
Charle--. Shi--lev i- sjn-ud
ing the .veek at Corv-i!!ir vis
aing relatives
Hoy Johnson and Harry
Clinton are assisting Mr.
Warren with hi- work
dr. and Mrs. Joe Hustnan
were euesls of relatives in
Dallas Saturday.
Frank Clark of Monmouth
was a visitor here Wednes
day. Mrs Launia Bogy usk.i and
daughter of Monmouth visit
ed with her mother, Mrs.
Dave Olin , and family bete
Wednesday and Thursday.
Russell Fishback was in
attendance at the Christian
C'tizenship conference in
Portland Sunday and Mon
day. Ed Wunder and family of
Independence Sundayed with
Mr. aud Mrs. Herman Wan
der. V. A. Fishback recently
told a tine boar hog ,lo Dave
George Heck and family
and Mrs. Bertha Layson and
daughter spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs Jesse Johnson
of the Luckiamute.
Tom Marks and family of
Rickreadl Sundayed with Mr.
aud Mrs. John Walker.
A large crowd trom here
celebrated the 4lh at i)aii,s.
John Remington and wife
of tho county seat visited a.
ihe Riddell home Thursday.
Glen McNeil of Momouth
visited with his uncle anil
aunt, Mr. and .Mr. Allen
Towns, the past week.
Clem Fishback and family
of Carlton are vinting rela
lives here this week.
Jim WcGowan and fanvly
of Eastern Oregon were
Wanted V good farmer
who can slock n '!20 acre des
ert entry farm, liiatwill have
water fro m reservoir del i vef-d
to it this coining spring. Th
wdiole trac, un-ler ditch and
irrigable. Hood soil, fine al
falfa and fruit land. Not
overan altitude of 2300 feet,
and only two miles from rail
road, five mile- from a good
town. For particulars in-
Four lots a id good house In North
Independence, $ 1,300. R. J. TAYLOR.
Notice to Telephone Users
Owin.r to the fact that from time to
time we are obliged to employ new op
erators, who are unfamiliar with both
n imi'san i numbers of telephone users,
it becomes absolutely necessary that
we require you to call by number and
that you be earful to state whether it
is a "M:iin''or "Farm', number, giving
the word "Main" or "Farm" before
the nurnher. You will have no longer
to wait if you look up the number your
self than if the operator has to take
the time to do it for you, which re
quires not only you but possibly severa 1
others to wait.
A few numbers are ii correct in the
directory and some have been changed
since it was issued, therefore it may
happen that you get the wrong num
ber, in which case notify tha operator
who will give you the correct number,
a notation of which you can make in
your direetory.
If you will exercise as much patience
with us in miking this change as we
will with you, it will soon be accom -plished
nd with but very little incon
venience to either. This change will
not apply to those on farm lines until
the issuance of the new directory,
when they also will be required to call
by number.
Very truly yours,
By Clyde E Carlson, Manager.
We Wan
i Your priming
The farmer need: pointed stationery the
stme as lh merchant. Get letterheads
and envelopes from u.-t. It co-'tt you
no more than to buy tahlots and envel
opes by the bunch. It is more t a, ti.s factors'.
Butler Wraps, Sale Bills
:tC, EIC.
BEGINS it' forty-fifth chool yeai
StPTCMBtn 19 1913.
DEGREE COURSESin manyrhiwaof
Economics Min.nq forcstrt. Com
mirci. Pharmacy.
Two-YEAn Courses in aqricol-
turc . Howt Economics. Mechanic
Ir. lining, jricuUmr, -lomc-itic science
ana art.
MUSIC, invhi hnj; piano, string, ban-!
instruiiu-ii;s atnl v--k-c cu'.turr.
"Tiui i:Ki-::v:,tit ;ik t. I.ifk '
an-t a C1'iah.i j: will It ;;i.ti!.ii tree
on appiic.iti- n
Advlrt- FsnsaM, Regi-ra:,
t tVwTsnis, Oregon.
We Print Hotter Wraps. Sale Bill , Tres
pass Notice?, Statements, Notes, Re
ceipts, etc. We print oa crd board,
cloth nt- pit ps--r w h : t y,m want and an
vau -. 'tit it.
If you h tve a lim-e, a e-i.v, a hog, i
sheep, a go.u, i-r a pi. ce of tnr.chinerv,
or anything el.-f to t el!, advertise it in
this paper. Our ads are read and they
get ivsu'ts.
We Want Your Subscription
We iiend every etiergv to u. the most
and b- st news available We run ma
teiial .if especial interest to the farmer.
v io give matter th: t is of ne
s; our s-it si'i'Jiei (hirgrow
jeul.'.tii'ii provt s we a re miceeediiig.
L-ur-i sub-cribe. Send 50 to-
iet t his pap i for one year
We t
if - r
iog c
da .
Tlie Independence Monitor
O. A. HURLEY, Proprietor