Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, April 18, 1913, Image 5

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Items of Interest Gathered in and About Town
Dr. Lowe Fridajr, Api il 25. Hart
Independence Studio over
Craven &. Moore's.
For the classes and masses,
Dr. Lowe's glasses".
Alfred Huston was in town
Monday from his farm.
& DeArmond nur.
V. W. Black bought a new I cha8ed a clover huller this
buggy Saturday. week. Q. 0. Graves of Port
land sold the ordfer.
XI e brick work on the new
moving picture show build-
ing and Masonic hall was
completed Thursday.
Neville Eldredee is travel
ling out of Seattle selling
sr l 1IT II mi "
miss urace waiiace made a creamery supplies to the
trip to Salem Saturday. creameries for a Seattle firm.
If you have mohair to sell, The Misses West and Hazel
see Allen Clark of Monmouth Bolmnnon were among the
Chet Long was in Dallas AncleJ'endence People that
Friday in a big Cadillac auto. vUittjd in Saleru, Saturday
J. V. Winters was a busi
ness visitor in Salem Satur
day. For best up-to-date union
made suits Bee Dietz the
Mrs. B. F. Swope and
daughter, were Salem visitoir
John Krebs was in from his
hop ranch, opposite Sidney,
J. J. Fenton is having his
residence on C street repaint
ed this week.
Mrs. J. L. Hanna and
Mrs. Margaret V. Hayter
of Dallas. Grand Worthy Ma
tron O. E. S. visited theNew-
portlodgi last evening. Sig
A Mr. White has been here
this week overseeing the start
ting of the crude oil gas en
gine at the Independence
Flour Mills.
J. R. Cooper sold his resi
dence building lying just west
of his new home and it is be
ing removed to the north
part of town.
The lovers of horse raciug
wiil be pleased to learn that
racing has been renewed in
VT v
iew ork stale, Saratoga
where races have been aban
doned for a number of years
has been selected and a fifty
one day race meet is scheduled
commencing May 30,
J. M Gentry returned Sat
urday from a three day visit
in Vancouver and Fisher,
Washington, where he visit
ed his son, Everett Gentry,
who was married about three
weeks ago to Miss May Sim
mons. Everett Gentry and
wife are making their home
in Vancouver.
Mr. MillholLnd received a
letter from his son la Indi
ana stating that while coming
home from school with a
number of school child en in
a hack, the driver saw the
flood coming and drove in a
run across a bridge, getting
on the other gide to a hill in
safety, just in time to see the
fiood crest sweep out the big
bridge in the rush of water
back to Alaska. It was 25
years ago this Spring when
Ueorgia, May 15. He left
Monday for the east and will
spend a month visiting, he left for Alaska. His fam-
Uunnghisabsencs Dr. Duns- ily live at Juneau. He had
more has accepted charge in never seen an automobile be
t MAL.h..U.i -1 U .lf 1 ...
uro i i.-5UHoiiu viiurcu bi tore coming aown on mis
Corvalhs aud will deliver the trip
bunday sermons there for the
next two Sundays.
Pastor Tapneott will preach
at 11 a. m., on' Some Ele
ments of Success in our
Church Work," and at 7:30
p. m. on, "What a Blind Man
Saw." Sunday School at 10
a. m. is Y. P U. at 6 ;30
p. m. Cordial welcome to
Jack Silbough Here
April 29
J. M. Gentry (the hop peg
IkltlCM riullVOrorl Vila laef nr.
j . .. . 0 i 0i v..,vvu mo iuoi ur t-
natiff hr.or wara iriaitnria in Sa-I r o
n I t his vaar trv I I. Wmm.
J week and he njw has to seek
Dr. Lowe's glasses ar e a new business. '
death to headaches. Ask
your neighbors.
Overcoats or suits made to
your measure for $15. by
Dietz, the tailor.
C. T. Harner and wife of
Warren Guilliams disposed
of his interest in the barber
shop to G. O. Stone. Mr.
Stone has property here and
took charge Tuesday.
T.Pfl OnlhraafVi moilii a (r!n
ST J j u miio a UIU
lltraf litafa I n (I nnn n H I 1
iuouuay 10 ivi
visitors Saturday.
c M i n nville
where he went to see about
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hart- securing the track and having
man spent bunday in balem a race meet ihis Spring
viai liner ralotivKj I
6 Bring your nuke fi Johnson
All styles of photo work at and Reeves grocery checks to
the Independence Studio, us in exchange for merchan
over Craven & Moore's.
Allen Clark is buying mo
hair and pays the best price.
Call him at Monmouth.
Mrs. E. T. Henkle has been
clerking in the L. Rice store
fur a little over a week.
We take eggs in exchange
for merchandise.
L. A. Cary.
L. A. Cary.
Dave Stapleton is going to
give his new barn a cosmop
olitan appearance purchasing
a barrel of oil and a barrel of
paint this week for that pur
Mrs. Browne and daugh
ters Kora and Vivian spent
! ployed
I man.
on the Salem States-
H. G. Seeley was called to Saturday in Salem vHting
Ca ifnrn.a ast tr rp his lr. Drowiie tVIlO 18 DOW em-
daughter who is sick there.
H. G. Seeley is back from
California. He likes Oregon
just as well-yes, a little better.
Dr. Lowe's glasses do not
need the guarantee that goes
with them. There's a reason.
Mrs. Jo mson disposed of
her Main street property this
week to Mcintosh & Kurn .
Dr. Ketch urn purchased a
manure spreader and a pu!
varizer Saturdav for bis farm.
The Independence erarage
have their machinery all in
olace in the new addition
built to their machine shop
and auto house. They have
a first class plant us now ar
W. H. Patterson writes the
Monitor that his chicken farm
is worth seeing. We hope
to visit it in a few days. An
Why be bothered with 2
pairs of glasses? Cal
at Hotel Lerona Friday, Apri
25. and have Dr. Lowe show
you th e new blended bifocals
with which you can see all
distances. No unsightly
lines or seams in the lenses
to collect dirt or steam the
eyes JNocement to come out
so have him show them to
you. Does not obligate you
in a y way to purchase.
Remember the day and date.
Scores of Independence refer
ences. iSo agents employed.
Beware of those claiming to
be such.
Rev. J. R. N. Bell was
elected commi.-sioner to the
general assembly for Willa
mette Presbytsrian of the
Presbyterian church, for the
general meeting at Atlanta,
Mrs. Silbough is a student
of municipal affairs and gives
much advice that is worth
considering. Sh) represent
ed the W. C. T. U. and the
Everett Logan, .1 Normal Womens clubs of Washington
graduate of the class of 1896, in the legislature of that
is a candidate for J. of P. in state recently and gives a
ortland. He is an old ac- very interesting story of law
quaintence of the editor and niaking.
is well known to the old Arrangements have been
students of M o n mouth, made to have her in Inde-
Here is hoping he suooeeds pendence, April 29. Her
as he is a deserving worker, principal address is in the
John McClintook, editor of
the Pacific Horse Review,
came up to Independence
Tuesday. He is looking over
the track and horses here and
was surprised at the number
of fine racers here. He thinks The Christian church ser
Independence puts up a good vices are proving to be very
appearance and likes the attractive to the young peo
town. The Horse Review was pie and we appreciate their
separated from the Rural attendance and seeming in-
Spirit about a year ago and teres! i our work. We wel
is a needed addition to ihe come everyone to all of our
publications along special services and especially those
lines in Oreogon. without a church home at
this Dlace. Bible School at
Mark Tatemof Alaska, a io o'clock followed bv nreach-
lorrnerioiR county man, who ing at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Mo
made his home at Rickreall, Tturf will sine at the mom
j i . . . "
uroppea into .dependence jng service this Sunday,
the first of the week, visited The song service will begin
part oi a day witn his sister, promptly at 8 o'clock. Mr
iurs. o i. walker, was dnv- Crow will also sins in the
en in an auto to Dallas visit- evening. The morning ser-1
ing nis brother. Will latem mon win ,e "Temotation on
and a sister there, and the the Christian Life." and the
nextd.iy returned to Portland evening sermon "The Value
io ciose a mining deal and po 0f a Soul."
Never Break Combs
ilHlfllllH1111HI'NEV'Rii ''IP i)
Made from Vulcanized Cotton Fiber
25c to 75c
Come In and see our
Williams Drug Co.
Sunday School 10 a. in.
(Masses for nil. Prenchine: at
11a, m. Text: John's (Jos-
pel 4: 23 & 24. Kpworth
League at 7 p. m. Topic:
loney the test of Christian
Character. Sacred concert
at 8 p. m. This will he a
treat to all. particularly to
lovers of good music. Come
early if you want a seat.
A new feature at our church
is the nursery where mothers
may leave th?ir children dur
ing the services and have
them carefully looked after.
Mis9 Pearl Smith will he in
charge which will be a sufli
eient guarantee that the
children will be well cared
T. N. Sandifur, Pastor.
Desitfn 691, by Glenn L. Saxton, Architect, Minneapolis, Minn.
ad from this farm appears in
Mrs. Nellie Liruves has this naoer
i i
been having fouie carpenur
work done at her place th i s
E. F. Black has just pur
chased one of those new Ma
jestic rangas trom Craven Sl
Will Tatem is maang In
dependence regularly this
season. He now stays at
P. R. engi
ft will pay you to look over
my samples first before order
ing your spring suit or over
coat. All work guaranteed
as to style and workmanship
Dietz, the tailor.
P. A. Chase and wife of
Monmouth left Monday afte-
noon for Lake county wheie
they have a homestead on
which they ars moving. The
property is a dry farming
ranch and thev secured water
neer of Newberg, tpent Sun
day in Independency visiting at a depth of 104 feet.
f; i
mmiuo. . . j:,..;(
J e 11 I 1 110, UlBtl lJ VLUOIJ
VT. Jiutiers res!uence is flger of the Oregon Power Co ,
receiving a new coat of paint headquarter9 at Eugene, and
Mr Rggs has the contract Mr white of r)ana8) were in
for the WOrK. ,l- :, T,,oaAav lvibintr
I Ul 1.1 VI J J j
Mrs O T. So he made a over business in connection
trip this week to Shedd, with the company. They
where she will visit a week are having codeiderable im
with her sister. provement work made here.
Pi (Dm i
Copyright, 1912. by Olcnn L. Saxton.
33 i , f 7
PUfLti ) .
KITCHCI Imirm f rl 1 mmmmmmm
r (j i i - -jmtm I
.-Tr, r-Ti fi vnncKm 1 j SaLad
1 IkI I" '1 MAUL rj
piazza lnirn tl
The eventof the season will
be the icecream social and
musicale given by the Chris
tian. church at the Opera
House this Friday evening
at 8 o'clock. Everyone ie
invited. Twenty cents ad
mission will be charged and
will include both icecream
and the following program:
Duett - Selected
The MisseH Johnson
In the Garden of my Heart -Ball
Gladys Irvino
Two Little Tots - Selected
Vivian Prown, Vera Johnson
I Hear You Calling Me - Hull
Dr. Mclntire
Who i Sylvia - Sohubert
Mesdames Paddock, Clare
Irvine, (Juy Walker
Reading - Selected
Miss Ivy Uurton
rhere Let me Iiest - Greene
Mrs. Pnddock
Violin - Selected
Mrs. Allen Chawe
It Lies on the Sleep - Weath-
Mr. ('row
Notice for Scaled Bids
Street Pavements.
Indt'pendence, Oregon, April Jrd,
1913. Sealed bids will be received at'
the office of the City Recorder, Inde
pendence, Oregon, until May 7th, 1913,
at 7:30 p. m. thereof, for furnishing
materials and constructing hard eur
face street pavements, soncrete curb
lines and grading said streets to sub
grade. Each bidder is required to state In his
bid the kind of paving he or they pro
pose to build, the price thereof, and
the same to be accompanied with hie
or their plans and epcciflcations for
auch paving and work.
Separste bids will be received for
said curb lines, laid street paving, and
said grading. Said bids will be opened
and examined by the City Council on
the 7th day of May, 1913, at Council
Chambers in aaid city. Each bid must
be accompanied by a certified check in
an amount equal to 10 per cent of the
total amount of such bid, subject to
forfeiture to aaid city, as fixed and
liquidated damages, if such bidder fails
to enter into a contract for such work,
should his or their bid be accepted by
City Council, according to the plans
and specifications furnished by such bid
der and accepted by said City Council.
The right to reject any and all bids.
plans and specifications is hereby ex
preasly reserved.
By order of the City Council.
City Recorder.
Marvelous, Is'nf It ?
the tiny balance wheel of watch
were to continue In one direc
tion It would flo around the world
In about three years. Think of
the care any engine would re
ceive Derformlng thla work. The
delicate parts of your watch re
quire attention or ruin will result.
Let me examine II.
If Good Printing is What You Want. Phone or Write
The interior of this colonial la artlaUcally arranged with reception ball,
stairway, Brrplaees, etc The rooms are all medium size. First story finish to
red oak or birch; second story finish In pins to paint. Kloors throughout first
and second story are birch or maple floors. Thpre are two screened piazzas
designed for this reaidenc one on the firxt story in rear of the dining roorn
end one In second story out from front Hide chnfulx-r. The one In second
story is specially arranged for a sleeping porch. This bouwe would cost to
build, exclusive of beating and plumbing. :SM. Hlze thirty-four feet will
sad forty-five feet six Inches deep over all.
Upon receipt of 11 the publisher of this paper will mipply Haxton's book of
pJans. "American Dwellings." It contaiftH "iH new and up to date designs of
sottaces. bungalows and residences costig from tl.uxj to Xti.uuO.
That Man Campbell, the
Makes Boots and Shoes
I make old fashioned French Kip
Peg Boots, Shoes for Cripples and
People with Deformed Feet.
Geo. S Campbell
C Street, in Old Hotel Building
Dickinson's Livery Barn
I. W. Dickinson, Proprietor
Teams and Rigs furnished any time of the day or nigh'
with or without driver
Satisfaction QtutrarUeecl
Barn Phone 3810 Residence Phone 3812
Saturday, April 26
The Monitor for 1 Year 60 cts.
100 Letterheads or envelopes, withf
name and address printed 75 cts. I
Trespass notices and sales bills at a
good discount
For Cash Only