THE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR Published Weekly at Independence, Polk County, Oregon, on Thursday. Intend 'at Second Class Matter August 1,1912 at the Peat Office at Inde pendence, Polk County, Oregon, unfltr me aci oi marm d,i". 5. A. Hurley, Publisher & Proprietor SuoscrlpUon Rates: One Year $1.50 Strictly In Advance Independence, Oregon, Friday, Jai. 24, 1913 What Advertising Will Do Did you ever sit down and,think what advertising will do for you, Mr. Grocer) man? .Take for instance a campaign . . IT started by you on certain lines t quality goods mow you have a special line of no; eunne-d tomato-?, catsup, 01 nnnn -td vflifntahlfH. Your wholesale auwvx coiih-h t- you o with samples, bragu up tlieir good rjualitiea, you as a remili buy them, Tsow do you tt 11 your trade a'jout iiiem i i There u a pur ami in everything. TI.civ'h 'he -bnM.. u UtiH circtm; th" comic in the p: y, : merry man m 'hey keep tin; nu niyKpf of i 'u .v LUlnniog '-very wn-rr . 1'olk county Cotswol.l sheep were 1 throughout 'o tl.H ,,r Mslern fain a d to k first prizes. Tint ni-aii- tint you try roget a trade eMablishcd for them? Do you tell i'.dk county is a world ivinm-i '. tine sheep. r ,i i i the reonle about them? Now again the buny hoimewif wants somtthing special for a meal, what can she get, fhe asks heraelf? And why not you Mr. Groccryman help Iot? Think of tiie Jittle extrim you have in your store, that cost no more than the common run of potatoen, flour, beans and becon. Tell the busy housewife about them. There's olivet in bulk, ntuffed olives, fiench sardine, canned calrnon, specials in cookies, hominy, canni d asparague, pure strained honey, etc., etc. Then every Ktore lias a few specials they are overstocked in and could sell at a small reduction and could make money by making room for more staple goods. Because goods are offered cheap is no sign they are inferior in quality, because the successful merchant a'ways keeps his stock moving. Stagnant stock is not an asset, it is a li ability and a heavy one. You can't afford to pay in'erest on dead merchandise. Ad vertiwing helps move your good-". Try the Monitor, Independence best advertising medium. Farmers Are Prosperous In the last two issues of the Monitor we have had con siderable review nevvs of this county showing quite a de velopment among the rural districts. The farmers, as a rule, are prosperous and are making probably more clear money yearly from the amount they have invested than any class of business men. There are no old, grained-to-deatb farms in this county at the present time. The land is being enriched bv dairying, clover raising ami divsersified crops. More hogs, eheep, goats, cows and chicken1 are being raised and they bring the best of returns on the money in vested. The Hour mill owners rocogiiue this change and plan securing their future grain from the big gram fields of Eastern Oregon. The Willamette valley is the future gar den spot of the west, as well an the fruit, dairy nnd poultn center of lha state. The Power of Suggestion We boast of our originality, hut from the cradle to the grave we are mimics. We gel the laugh, the walk, the talk of our neighbors; we tell the stories told us to our next door friend; we crane our necks to see wluu others are see ing. We even go to a moving picture show and smile with the actum. Wo dress in the came style of some person we think stylish and they get tin ir ideas from some other. We eat what some one suggests na being good, and here is the nub to our advertisers. ' fcH't the style in dress and eat ing by suggestion. Blanket Of White Over The West According to reports the show of the hist week covered the entire went from the Rockies to the coast and from the Siskiyous i orth. This is of innstimahle vaiueto thee intern Oregon, Idaho and VWhingi n Hectinn and will mean sev eral millions of dollar in th' increase of crops. It will mean lull reservoirs in ail the irntjatiiitf sections of th w xi and will alo prevent the giiii i from freezing out. I'nkei all in all, it ii a big help to the country Monitor's Contest Popular The Monitor contest is receivi ng gem rat attootioi and is bound to le t lie most attract vo of any contest ever given in Polk county. We have a. ranged to have u man in charge of the work here during the next two months, nnd will close wih a sucoisf ul. dnn record that will advertise 1 the Monitor f . r and wide as the most wide awake paper in this part of Oregon. Boys Should Learn To work .Ve print this week an iraprfa i' letter from St its Sup r intendent of Instruction Alderman, The hoys and girls should lea n to do something worth while themselves and he ia outlining a method that is proving very pjp lar. Polk cjunty schools under 11 C Seymour are making fine piogrea with the new system and it is popular. Mere Man Gets But Little All nature is demonstrative of work. F rom t ho old world circling on its axis to the chicken scratching for its living, Man must do likewise, but the gn at majority complain principally because a few have so niuoli as a result of their labor and the big herd so little. It looks like a just com plaint too. Even the leaves rustle. Ib a leaf. There seems to he warn, times in the Washingto . legis lature and HjU M-hw-party an; ;m- rmd ihn guts. The republicans and d-nv.rat, combined control and are juet handing out a fe crumbs now an 1 then to the third parly count icb. The Oregon he Mature talks is th.o it would trim dow n the appropriation budget V th- minimum. To -re has b en . goodly nurnbrof bills introduced iskio lor oi-donations The beggars seem to think li e can get, by not asking. The stylish, time ho-ored. -ociety f t ict'm i, tho presi dents grand inaugural bull, is so ee done auy with tht year is the report from the New .Jeisey and a reception only, will he the feature family soon as some of thier truiks have arrived. They have bought land from Pearte Brothers and will make their home here The thrt-o V's, vim. vigor and viv icity r almost at imprortant to the iverag j p irs m as the thrad It's, rolling, ri'ing and rit lmietic. If you holievoin Independence just say a fowgood things for it now and then. SUNNY SLOPE NEWS A. J. Shipley was on the ick list last week. Mr. ChesboroofTh Dalles1 was hero Monday on business. Dell Plaster a, id wife were trading in Dal las one day the past week. Quite a number of p ople in this neighborhood have had colds. There was no school hi re this we-k on account of Hie recent snow. Riley Rhoades visited with friends in Monmouth Katur day and Sunday. Newt Foster ftom no. ih of Mon mouth was seen in our vicinity Thursday. Clay (iiithridge made a business trip to Falls City one day the past week. Mrs. Veil Venter of the Luckianiute "passed through this neighborhood Tuesday. Mrs. K. Clarke sold her team of hoises last week to Mr. Prophet of Pottage Grove. Mr. plessinger and family of Independence called on Dell Plaster and wife ednes day. It' ley Rhoades visited with Kd Wonder and family of the Luckianiute the past Week. Miss Inn Fishback spent Vcdnesday and Thursday editing rehitives and friends m thu huckiauiute. MOUNTAIN VIEW Mrs. Guy McDowell has been on the sick list. Mrs. Fields is very sick at the hnspital in Salem. Mrs. Bowles of Dallas is visiting Mrs. M. 0. Wilson. The Ladies' Aid mt at Mi e Clarke's last Thursday tosew. Mrs. James Smith has been on thesictt list with neuralgia. Charlie Adams is visiting his sister Lena Sampler, near Liberty Rosa Grice of Monmouth spent the week end with her parents. Glenn South wick has been sick with la grippe but is im proving now. Some are making good u-e of the snow by having jolly coasting parlies, Many fruit trees have been broken down under the weight of the snow. Mis. Gibson had been Portland with her son Mr. Lje Gii.son and wife. Mrs. J.R. Chapman is still iinproviin, horn being very badly hurt by a fall. Mr. Webb and wifeo Ohio are visiting with their sou II. M. Webb and wife. Many telephone" pole? and wires were troktu down under ihewetghtof thesliow Mr. Do run and f-unily have moved into lluir mv house which is Hearing completion. in r;n n..,,.L-, i, I ,(..' Toe rabbit huntei II Ml l"'t ' H'ii' I . mmm " in 4 of Mistletoe were pi iH.n.t "' but the raohiis re "i. sts of her mother, M i s. 'e. d ooe on the i.uatei t. Kli.a Olin nnd family Tues-' Mi-- Nei.d dl, K tint aim i lay. K iNeiuiail have ieen visit n.; I. "j; wtih Mr. and Mrs. Wel I Mil 111 IIIV '"OO " euo III . iheie were a large number of j f,lrl ' snow birds Hying around try-j Nan Wilson, Kate Fry, nsj to get food where ever and Mrs. Bowles mted .Mrs. hey enuM. Mon t tail to J toes Mo tn rnuay aner- feed t he l)irds. iit oii. John James an i wife are An article from Salem speeting relatives irom vt ites that Ira Smith, former- I'- nnsyivania to make them 1 of this place, is h inz men-' H visit. t'oned as a po-sibility as a Mr. Morgan and fimilj einilidate for Governor. ;.ie been vi uing with the Ira is now a mem, lr of the l.rters pu"ents, J. Wehber legislature fiotnt'oos Coun'v. i,d v fe. Hugh MeClain of Coos ir. Mtlbr and wife of country has been designated (; , ,.M woo I have been visiting to carry the Oregon i led- ;;, former's sister, Mrs. orial vote to Washington . Koeiin. where it will be oast for Wil- . . (hir mail oat rier changed I route s.Miif which make It is reported that 1 1 cents j is being offered on contract for 1913 boos, hut this vear's eiperieme is making the Clarke and wife are growers a hltle cautions. expo-ting John Mmons ana This town needs more opti mists and less p.-B-iu.ists. The men that t-ee - e silver lining behind th clouds are he men that make the world h'ippv. "I don't want him to come urounJ me when he'sgrou chv" said the bishfui young laciv. Thct's whv be smiles now. Thefuiou man came durii g the week and left a ba'J cold hahind i od wiMlber for the de'itist though. Tin- in in wit lit le hammer should leave the Monitor alone, because lhtle knocks make pore spots. Independence sent a small mountain to the legislature. New Building on Monmouth Street. Mr. Anderson , the bicvele i i ni r a rmm. has mnnaseo o ioii frontage i f Mrs. H. II. Ja? i)i rson and is erecting a new corrugated iron building on the property. He is moving the present building to a lo cation heownbin North In dependence. The new build ina will he 20 by 40 feet. New Real Estate Firm T. It. Nunn and J. W. Wiltse formed a co partner ship last week and will do a general real estate business. Both partners are old hands in the business and are ac- . i duantea in inis seciiou Debating League Formed Independence, Monmouth, and Fells City have formed a debating league. The school receiving the most points is ;o receive a large silver cup which Supt. II. C. Seymour will award the winner. Each school will have four debit, es CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All notieei under this held will be charged at the rate of lc a word for one insertion or 6c a line by contini oui advertisers. Fraclonal lines count as full lines. LIV1 STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. for salb-A good horse for $100. See R. J. Taylor. for SALB-Running jreari of a good 2J waon. R. J. Taylor. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE ABSTKACT3 OK TITLE made promptly, carefully and at a reasonable price Brown 4 Sibley, Attorneys and Ab- Hlrai-tors. 610 Mill St, Dallas, Oregon. in about an hour or tiour a half Inter. DEALERS IN COAX AND WOOD coal, for sale; The Chaa. K. Spaulding Logging Co. RESIDENCE PROPERTY rOR SALE roR sale New bungalow; 5 rooms mid bath, beam ceiling, panelled walla. buffet in dining room, tinted wall, fire place and cabinet kitchen. Easy terms. Inquire K. C Eldridge at Creamery. TOM & BILL Hudquarters for Cigars Tobaooo, Confictlontry, Soft drinks, tc Iknit forget the DON RE.MO five cent cigar Located on C street lOPYRIGHTEO lIJ R STERN & SON EW YORK 4 CHICAGO CLOTHES may not make the man but they help a lot to establish him We make the kind of clothes that make a man feel right. The clothes wear right and eatisfybecause our kind of tailoring makes it possible. E. M .Dietze, Tailor I Odd Fellows Bldff., C Street I "THE PANTORIUM" l ACKERMAN'S FISH MARKET Deae 'i in t X J. J Fresh Oysters, Clams, Crab, Salmon, Halibut and 1 Small Fish of All Kinds. X X X X All Kinds Of Fish and Poultry Located In old Hotel Building Facing Railroad Street Goodness to the House- wife,vith pride of cooking:, signi fies materials that will make appetizing, palatable food that kind that brings praise from family or g:uest. Carefulness In purchasing gro ceries gives satisfying results. With us quality counts. Our groceries are of the standard brands. Some of ourSpecialsare Drifted Snow Flour, Dilmonte Canned Fruits Flag Brand Vegetables, M. J. B. Coffee Fluke & Johnson, Grocers i