Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, November 21, 1912, Image 1

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    i i A '
VOL. 1
NO. 28
Win. Cockle Buys Liv
ery Stable on Main
Several Smaller Deals are
Made in Residence and
Business Section
The Crowley barn, formerly
known as the Asa B. Taylor
property, was sold this week to
Wm. Cockle. The property is a
valuable one and was bought as
a speculation and for renting
James Hilliard. last week, dis
posed of his blacksmith shop and
tools to Al Whitney. Al is run
ning the property, Mr. Williams
being employed to take charge of
the shop. Jim has decided to
quit blacksmithing, stating that
he had been in the business long
Mr. Reese, who owned the cot
tage on Sixth street just north of
the high school building, sold the
property this week to Mr. Wright
a new arrival here. The property
was immediately rented to Wm.
Cockle, who will move to town,
having disposed of his fine farm
Eouth of town last week and is
to give immediate possession to
the purchaser.
On Weduesday and Thuasday,
Nov. IZ and 14. the ladies of the
M. E. church will hold their an
nual Chrysanthemum Fair in the
church parlors.
This Chrysanthemum Fair is
one of the big events of the sea
son and the parlors will be bril
liantly decorated and everyone is
invited. Don't miss it.
One Will Stay and Others
Will Return Later
Charles C. Freeman and i'&m
ily and Henry Langlois of West
vi'.Ic Center, New York, and
Frank Fluery of Constable, New
York, arrived in Independence
this wef k and are visiting with
B. A. Rockwell. Mr. Freeman
will locate here permanently and
the other parties will probably
make their home at Independent
after returning to New York
. and disposing of their property
there. Mr. Freeman was here
several months ago and was high
ly pleased with the county and
saw in it a good field for invest
ment, as well as a desirable sec
tion in which i.o live, so returned
to his home and disposed of his
home and property in the eaat
with the intention of locating
Ejectmant From FarmJury
. Trial Verdict forPlaintifl .
J. H. Colhn3 brought suit
against S. A. Davis. lessee of a
farm belonging to Mr. Collins,
for ejectment and recovery of
possession, The defendent ans
wered claiming a term lease and
conditions unbroken.
The trial was by a jury and
the verdict wa3 in favor of the
plaintiff and a writ of restitution
was issued and placed in the
hands of the sheriff for execu
tion. Attorney B. F. Swope was em
ployed by the plaintiff, while the
defense was represented by Os
car Hay ter. The case may be
appealed to the circuit court
Turkey and Chicken for
Thanksgiving Promised
Mr. I. C. Young, proprietor of
the Main street meat market,
has ordered a fine lot of chickens
and turkeys for Thanksgiving.
Leave your order early and
have one put away for you,
Thanksgiving comes but once a
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Southwjck
were very much surprised Thurs
day Nov. 17 when about 70 of
their friends and relatives gath
ered to offer congratulations
in honor of their twentieth wed
ding anniversary.
The people all brot well filled
baskets for dinner which were
enloyed immensely.
A gift of $10.00 was given by
the people to Mr. and Mrs. South
wick with which to purchase
china ware. Those present were
Messrs. and Mesdames A. R.
South wick, G. A. Miller, B.
Southwick, G. L. Adams, Hugh
Allen, Jas. Imlah, Kochn, G. W.
Porter, Stewart, C. A. Clarke,
H, Lynch, Hodson, A. J, Brown,
L. Grice, A. O. Brown, Frank
Wilson, Webster, D. S. Adams,
O. C. Waiter. G. L Savage, C.T.
Roy of Buena Vista, E. C. Rich
mond of Salt Creek, T. D. Mc
Dowell of Portland, Mesdames:
John Shaffer of Eola, Webb and
son, Dick. Baker, G. W. Chap
man, M. C. Wilson, O. E. Fry.
The Misses Nellie Taylor, May
Wisner, Rosa Grice, Esther Bai
ley, Mildred Imlah, Marion Mil
ler, Ammon Grice, Vera and
Glenn Southwick, Lawrence Im
lah, Mrs. M. M. Bailey and Eu
gene and Blaine Southwick.
Calvery Presbyterian
The usual services will be held
at Calvary Presbyterian church
next Sunday. In the morning at
11 ocloek, the pastor will speak
on the topic, "The Progress of
Cristianity." Evening service
at 7:30. Tiie public are cordially
invited to these meetings.
Several Hog Raisers Have
Trouble With The Dis
ease Around Jola
In the neighborhood of Ko
la the Monitor correspon
dent bft been informed that
a number of hogs have died
from swine plague ncently.
G. W. Cnapnian has had
a loss of about 50 head,
while R. VV. Hogg and T.W.
Brunk reports quite a loss
among their wiue.
The disease U not yet ful
ly und.T control and the
stockmen state there may be
considerable loss.
li. oi 0, and 0. A. C. will
Battle in Albany
Patched Up Old Scores Long
Enough to Battle A
In a meeting of represen
tatives of the O.A.O. and the
U. of O. at Albany, arrange
ments were made for the
much talked of O. A O.-Ore-gon
football game to be play
ed in Albany next Saturday.
The selection of Albany as
a place of holding the game
was brought about by an of
fer to the two schools by the
busines0 men of the city to
ertct bleachers and furnish a
field free to the schools.
Excursion rates have been
granted by the railroads from
all parts of the state and 10,
000 is figured as a conserva
tive estimate of the crowd
that will attend.
To-morrow morning an ar
my of carpenters will be em
ployed in the erection of the
I leachers. The contract
which the schools have with
the business men of Albany
calls for the furnishing of
bleacher and grand stand ac
commodations for 10,000
Albany is so situated that
the students of each institu
tion can eat their lunches at
their home campus and at
tend the game at Albany in
the afternoon, returning to
their homes in time for din
ner in the evening. Salem
Independence Orchestra
Give Best Time of the
The Independence orches
tra has decided to give the
big dance at the Opera House
in Independence, Thursday
night, Nov. 28. Six pieces
w"ill make up the orchestra
and L Damon will be floo
Tn Independence Opera
House has been secured for
the occasion and a big at
tendance is sure eipected
from Monmouth, Dallas.
Itickreall, Suver, Airlie and
other near by points.
Everyone is invited to
come and help make tbe
evening a success.
..,. -Mil- I ......
Mrs. J. H. Thurston, Oias
Mrs. J. H. Thurston, who
died at her home between
Suver and Airlie, Monday at
1:00 A. M. , was well known
to the people of this commu
Mrs. Thurston had a para
letic stroke abut 10 months
ago and had be n iu povr
health since? that time.
The funeral was conducted
from he "home.' Rev. Baum
of the Episcopal" Church of
Corvallis had charge of the
services. The funeral was
at 11:00 A. M. Tuesday, and
the burial was in the Cham
berlain cemetary. Mr. Hen
kle of Independendence who
had charge of the undertak
ing, stated that there was a
large attendeiice at the funer
al, over 30 rigs being present.
Mrs. Thurston leaves a
husband and several children
who have the sympathy of
their many friends in their
hours of sadness. M r s.
Thurston had many friends
in Polk county and the death
comes as a surprise to many
of these. i
Fine Residence Property To
Be Completed at Once
Contractor McIIenry who
has been absent for several
months at contract vork will
Mtart work t) finish his bun
galow on 4th street in the
Hill addition. This proper
ty when completed will .be
one of the new, modern, up
to-date homes recently
built in this city.
Several Properties are be
ing Improved This
The city hall roof was
treated to a coat of tnr this
week which will help consid
able; a little insidv work
would help some.
Lay ton Smith has been
giving his residence on 4th
sirebt a new coat of paint.
New stair' were built into
the Howard property this
W. S. McCready Purchases the
L V, Baker Place
VV. S, Mc Cready who re
cently purchased the L. V.
Baker property in the emit h
part of town on fourth street
raised it and put a new
foundation under it this week
He is having a 12x24 addi
tion built on the south side
which will make it a very
desirable property as a resi
dence. Mr. McCready will
occupy the property. C. VV.
Purvine and T. VV. Hart are
doing the work on the place
The second team of the I. H.S,
will play basket ball teams of
the High schools and five games
have been scheduled already.
Foot Ball to be Forsaken
For This Game
Team Organized this Week
and Practice Begun un
der Coach I,I:lntlre
Asst. Principal
While foot ball has been the
show for the last few weeks,
new maiden was ushered in this
week and Miss Basket Ball is on
the boards. About ten or twelve
of the high school boys are flirt-
ing with her, but it has not yet
been decided which of the as
pirants will be accepted by her
coaches and choosers but a good
team is promised. Monmouth
and Dallas are both good basket
ball towns and these two teams
will probably be among those
with which the Independence
team will have games during the
first of the season.
Pretty Home Wedding Sunday
M Home ol Brides Parents
Married at high noon Sunday,
November 16, at the brides par
ents, Mrs. Edith Davidson to H.
Montgomery Ward of Portland.
Dr. H. Chas. Dunsmore, officia
The wedding was a pretty
hoiiie ceremony and only imme
diate members of the family
were present. After partaking
of a bridal dinner the young
couple left on the afternoon
train for Fargo, N. D., where
they will spend a few weeks "is-
iting with the parents of Mr.
Mrs. Ward is a graduate of the
State Normal and a young lady
of exceptional ability and at
tainments who has a host of
friends who wish her much hap
piness. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Owen of this
city and spent her childhood days
among the people of Indepen
dence. Mr. Ward is city sales
man for Marshall Wells & Co. of
Portland. The young couple
will make their future home in
Portland and will be at home to
their many friends from and af
ter Dec. 20. The Monitor ex.
tends greetings and best wishes,
County Surveyor Suver Is Busy
on Tract Recently Pur
chased County Surveyer, F. M. Suver
assisted by K. N. Wood and C.
W. Black were over from I he
county seat Monday to lay out
into town lots a new addition to
the city on Ash Creekland south
of the motf-r track. The tract
consists of five acres.
Dr. Hewitt, Wiltse and Bice
purchased the five acre tract a
few weeks ago and will build
residences for sale on the prop
erty. They plan putting in ce
ment walks this winter, platting
it out and getting the streets
outlined and the grades estab
As soon as they get the prop
erty in shape they will commence
building residences, putting them
on the market for sale as soon as
they are completed.
The addition will belaid out in
conformity to the other additions
heretofore made in south Inde
pendence and will probably con
tain when completely survejed
about 20 lots and it is planned lo
have a house on every lot.
of principals club
High School Building, Dallas
November 13
The meeting of the Principals'
Club of Polk county was called
to order by , W. A. Jonhston of
Bethel and the permanent organ
ization for the year 1912-13 ef
fected. W. I. Ford of Dallas
was elected temporary chahrtsn
H. E. Barnhart, of Falls Tir
secretary-treasurer and W. I
Ford president for the year.
The arrangment for the reg
ular meetings of the club wereM.., ( in this section
left to the . officers of the .' ibi
and Superintendent Seymoui .
By motion the matter of solw-j
ting the books for this yw 3 1
study was left to H. C. Seyn,ut f
and J. H. Ackerman. f
Motion by H. C. Seymour liui?
the chair appoint a committee
consisting of three persons, .w
principles and one rural tearn
to secure as many as possible oi l;
the teachers and principles ti at fj
tend the meetings of the i ?'i
carneu. Mr. uaiey oi Ar.
W. A. Jonhson of Bethel and A" r
Dikestra, of Fairview, were ap
pointed on this committee.
By motion of Mr. Johnstoi tt
matter of the debates foi th.
year was deferred one week, r ui
the principals of the diff " .h i
schools were instructed to n Uf v
the secretary of the club di ' lr f
the first of the week folio inj
tho institute ivhptVipr or tint K,i I
i i i j i i . . r.f
scnoois wouia De represenu
the debating league should o;
If' 1
The challenge from Yar .
county for a field meet bet' . (
the representative schools i,i
those two counties wa3 accr'i 1
and upon motion of Mr. Sey v.r
a committee was appoint1 ! .
confer with the Yamhill ait'. r j
ities and make the necessary i r-
rangments for the meet. !ti.t'
appointed on that comnu'u-i
were Barnhart, Chute and S
mour. j
No further business --wig
brought before the meetin the
club was adjourned until c;! by
the president, or until the (int
set lor the next meeting.
II. E. Barnhvt,
The jurors for the Du-ev
ber term of the Circtit nrM
have qesn drawn andi'iut t !
of this section are:
S. II. McElmurry, J
Ilogers, S. K. Irvine,
Compton, of Itidepend
Geo. Uaun, K. A. l'agen
Wm, Ilussler, J. U.
and J. F. Small, Monm
O. A. Peterson, Suver; Rich
ard Paul, J. It. Moyer. Falls
City; AJfred Simkins, Salem;
G. VV. Newhill, HallBlon, O.
A. McCulloch, Amity; VV. 1
Miller, T. T. Notaon, J. 1).
I5even, T. C. Richmond,
Ralph Sunery, and Ja. Mid-
dletou, Dallas; J. M.Hebring,
Walter Norton and A
er, A. 1 r lie; v. . ui.i.iow,
Ruell; C. B. Wbaley, Kinlt-y
Edgar and Win. McQ'j- ,
Ricknall; John R. Ixy, Hu .
Vista; Ira C. Yooum, Willu
mina; S. L. Stewart, McCoy.
All faimers but three.
Pres. Belcher to be in the
City Saturday
Right of Way All Secnred
but one Piece of Land
Between Mill and
River is Report
It had been hoped that Mr.
Belcher, president of the Falls
City Lumber Company, and Mr
Cobb of the Cobb-Mitchell Co.,
would be in Independence before
we went to press but they were
detained and will not be here be-
' ; j..i.;j vin.Y.
? Mr '.VjJ is one of tne jm'
lwvers uf the 30,000 acre tract
f tmi' t r iu the Silets and this
lojrrfliv were me ursi, Kt
0M m Belcher are Dotn ex
"ti! hum Saturday.
Vi'a to give the people
H'onal good news after
t-ir crriv-J.
1 1 .j..
n,!1 company nave uirtauy
! nake a channel down
from their mill eita to
si -Frw!
fht v 1; 1 urchife J the
pbv ttii- v.-tfk tow
v.v.t r to t.
l,.U f
v'in r
1 n :j
I0t t-.'
- -V
;,. : "(rices will be
.ia., U ! K. Nunn Inde-
p:M'ltU TO.
Prof. ! '.'argresves who has
iTv ii :r f music lessons in the
' , , le time has been plan-
v. fti y
ranizing a Music Club
pils of his classes of
ce and Monmouth.
?ly the pupils and
r. i , .
A v,' i
. ts met at the home of
Irs. O. A. Kreamer
and a jolly time was
i musical program
. mtal solos by Mrs
ner, Vale Hiltebrand,"
: Creamer, Eloise Davis,
ir. itr.)
!,. fU
skinner, Mablo Juhn
n Jones and Lorain
; .-.r 4 g vocal solo byLe
.cf? I'iiVi i, The Misses John-
o. !.i i ! the program 'vith a
.", (? famous II Trovatore
artistically executed.
rton and daughters,
rence entertained the
the "Autowin" Club
-lutiful home on Mon
1 1 Wednesday evening
i l refreshment were
i those present report
-"'able time.
Meut were as follows:
fnd Mesdames. Mer
:''utler, R. R. DeAr
'j.' Thomas, H. B,
.ss Emeroy IS. rOevitt
le and Hal Hibbs.
ojth :
j i vfT '
Miss Tate, Miss Dunlap, Louis
Murdo.-k, Jas. Gentle, and Joe
Bell spent a delightful Sunday
with Miss Katie Dunsmore.
J your property protected?
I'iace jour fire insurance
with V. R. iiiiun Indepen
dence. Work has aalu been com
menced at drilling on the
Wh teaker well went of Mon
mouth. J.ll. (Jrouud of Monmouth
was a business visitor in In
depj.tdeuce Tuesday.