t T J ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y r r r Y r T Y t Y Y Y r r r Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y T t f T t t Y Y r y Y t Y SETTLERS GET HOMESTEADS Government Passes Title To Siletz People A number of Polk county people IjomeBteaded land in the Siletz country and Sec. Hitchcock held ud their claims, refusing them pat ents. Word was received a few days ago that the U. S. Government had issuel a patent to three of these claims. The Daily Capital Journal in mentioning the matter says; "The three lucky men who wert. favored last week are Richard Paul, of Falls City; P. A. Finseth, of Dal las; and W. L. Wells of Hal fey. The Siletz reservation was opened for settlement under the homestead act of 1902, but un account cf the densi ty of the timber on the land and the lack of roads and section lands, it was practic ally impossible for the home stead law to be complied with. But because of the valuable timber on the land the Bettlers were reluctant to relinquish their claims. Some of the Bettlers ex pended several thousand dol lars each in the attempt to improve the lands. Upon the attempt of Sec. Hitch cock to oust them, those who really gave in were out their money and their efforts. The land that was given up by the settlers was at once grabbed by the land agents of the Northern Pacif ic, the Weyerhouses and oth er interests. Many of those who persisted in keeping their claims, and who took to the courts, lost their de cision, hut, under the new condition, t ie chances of ob taining patents to the claims are exceedingly promising to the present claimants." GREAT BARGAIN OFFER Beginning Friday, Novem ber I, the people of Indepen dence will be treated to one of the greatest bargain months ever offered to the reading public in Polk coun ty. The Independence Mon itor has entered into a con tract with several of the lead ing publications of the U. S. and is prepared to put out this great offer to not exceed 100 people. The great bar gain offer is this. 1 years' subscription to the Independence Mon itor, regular price $l.f0 1 years' subscription to the Pacific Homestead, regular price fi.OO 6 years' subscription to the Farm Journal, Phi 1 adelphia, regular d i fr prica i.w Choice of any one of the Farm Journal's great farm, poultry or stock books, regular price $.50 One climax double ac tion, auto razor strop, regular price $2.50 Thp total price of this offer h $6-50 The bargain period of not to exceed one month and not to ex- in the ae of high prices. Why This Great Offer is Made The reason that the Inde pendence Monitor is making this wonderful offer is that they want new subscribers. The Monitor is the leading weekly paper in Indepen dence. It gives to the people of Independence local news and news of the day. It is a capable publication and ca ters to the people uf Indepen dence and vicinity. Of the Pacific Homestead little may he said. For years pawt the Pacific Homestead has held the field as the greatest weekly farm maga zine published. This offer is open to the old subscrib ers of the Pacific Homestead as well as the new. Iiy tak ing advantage of this great offer it renews your sub scription for one year besides giving you all these other publications. The farm Journal of Phila delphia is one of the oldesl and largest Farm Journals in the U.S. It takes up scien tific farming throughout the entire world, eives methods of farming in the east, the west, the north and thes juth. It takes up the entire coun try and is a benefit to all classes interested in the ag ricultural industry. The Farm Journal pub lishes a number of farm books which are of great interest to farmer" throughout the country. Among these farm i books are, "Poultry Secrets" dealing with the methods of handling poultry in all its branches, how to feed, how to build poultry houses, and PLOWS HARROWS DRILLS The Liberty Foot Lift Gang Plow TheSouth Bend Chilled Plow The J. I. Case Steel Plow The Rock Island Harrow The Van BruntDriII It will pay you to look over these lines. These implements have stood the test of time and are the best the market affords. Call, see us and get Prices. J. HSBBS & CO. DEALERS IN All KINDS OF HARDWARE, INDEPENDENCE ceed 100 orders for $3.25 .how to care for and handle This is a great concession chickens. Another book published by them is called "Half a ton of butter par cow per year." This book takes up the dairy industry from a scientific standpoint telling how to get the great est amount of butter in a yeir The book, "The Million Etrg Farm" gives a complete his tory and record of the farm which produces 1,000,000 eggs a month or, in other words, one of th greatest poultry farms in the world. Another great book is "Corn Socrets." As you know, corn can use the strop years and at the end of that time you find it as good or much bet ter than it was the day you bought it. These strops are on exhibition at the Monitor rffice and 100 of them will be given nut in this great bargain month offer.- These strops retail at all hardware stores at $ 2 ,50. In addilion in this section of the countr7 is rather hard to grow. To beatuccess in the Willam ette valley, corn must be handled, tended and cared for right. Of the climax razor strop.it is not necessary to say much. It works automatically. Merely place your razar in the holder and pull the hand les of the strop and it pro , to being able to sharpen your duces an even btroke that the 0d razors, they will sharpen best barber cannot duplicate, j your safety. Tha climax With the climax strop you j auto stroq has an adjust ment which will hold the blade of eleveo different makes of safety razors; in fact you can strop the blade of nearly every razor manu factured today. Call at this office at once, see our strops, have its efficiency demon strated to you, take it to your hardware merchant and if he does not cooperate with us that the standard retail price of these strops through out the U S. is $2.50, we will refund vour money. jvr jr r s-j-j r r r r r r -""'" t4 The New Store's Bis: S PLUB1GE PAC ale Is On With a i ivt r a. 4. i, i D . .sv. : I I - , K- he sale opened Saturday, hundreds of satisfied customers took ad- Herzogs New Store is the Mecca of Bargain (jiving, vantage of the wonderful saving. j.M.wes, r. f. d. no. i, Independence held the lucky number and received the $20.00 suit. The sale will continue for another week. Men's suits, overcoats, shoes, hits, furnishings, etc., are all Going at a TERRIFIC SACRIFICE This is an opportune time to buy your Immediate and future supplies. Real over the price quototions carefully and profit hereby Ito.oo 15.00 16.00 20.00 23.00 Mens Suits Suits $ 5.98 8.89 10-e 12,49 16.49 Mens Underwear .73 Hanes $ .33 l.Oo Lambs Down .60 1.23 Wool Underwear .79 1.50 Glastenbury Wool 98 1.73 Coopers 1.29 Odds and Ends of Fine Underwear: 2 0!) " .98 2.30 Men's Sweaters 1.79 2.50 Rough Neck 2.19 6.30 Athletics 3.59 Mens Union Suits 1.29 Hanrs $ .79 2.50 Wool 1.79 2.73 " 2.19 ,73 Mens Shirt .39 1.00 " Overalls .69 2.00 whip-cord rants 1.39 2.69 Corduroy " 1.98 4.00 Dress Pants 2.39 Mens ITd'kTs .04, .08, .19 and .39 Mens Overcoats 12.00 13.00 16.00 18.00 25.00 $9-98 11.89 12.89 13.89 16.89 Boys Suits 2.50 3.50 4.50 4.50 5.30 1.98 2.98 3.49 3.79 4.49 Boys Overcoats $6.00 lO.OO 11.00 12.00 $4.19 7.69 8.39 9.98 M'ins Dress Shoes Mens High Cuts 5.50 6.50 7.50 " 4. 9 " 5.59 " 6.69 Boys Shoes Girls and Boys Calf and Patent Boys Lace and Button 1.75 2 00 2.50 $.98 1.39 1.59 1.79 1.98 Boys Union Suits 1.2S .75 .75 rieece-Two liece Underwear Union Suits .75 .49 .49 .49 Slickers and Raincoats 2.SQ 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.5o 1.49 2.29 2.49 3.19 3.59 4.29 1.00 2.00 2.50 15.00 Slip On 17.50 .89 1.39 1.98 9.98 12.98 Rubbers & Rubber Boots at Reduced Prices Mens Work Shoes 2.50 3.50 3.75 4.00 1.98 2.49 2.QA 3.29 Mens Hats 2.00 " .98 2.50 " 1.69 3.50 Mallorps Cravenette 2.S9 Mens Caps .75 " 139 1.00- " .79 150 . " 1.19 Suit Cases 2.00 ' 1.49 2.50 " 1.39 3.00 " 2.39 8.00 and 7.50 " 6.39 Mens Suspenders .25 .50 .50 Mens Belts .19 .39 .39 Flannel Shirts 1.25 1.60 2.00 8.50 .79 1.19 1.69 2.59 LOGGERS and LUMBERMEN Heavy Shirts all reduced Work Gloves .25 1.00 1.50 1.75 Canvas Gloves Pig Skin Horse Hide .19 .89 1.29 1.39 Sc.- 4c. lie. and 21c. Mens Neckwear 5 Silk Ties ' 05 19 39 Mens Socks .10 .15 .15 .25 .50 Rocifort Black and Tan White Foot Heavy wool .06 .09 .08 .19 .39 This is a new stock: all seasonable goods. Come by all means: don't delay. The greatest money saving event of the season, equalled nowhere at no time. Everything sold on this sale Is backed up by our own personal guarantee. If under any circumstances the article proves unsatisfactory, bring it back and we will replace It or refund your money Herzog's New Store, Independence, Oregon All votes on the Moter Cycle are cood duriug this Sale 1444444444444444444444 ttttt-f1tttttt ft 4 ttrtttt 4 4 tttt 4 tttt ttttt tt t 041 I Y Y V Y Y Y Y Y "Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v V 9 A V f V f t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f t V f