Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, October 31, 1912, Image 1

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Committees Appointed, Sight and Terms Agreed Upon, Right of Way Granted, Company Well Satisfied, Work To Begin, Page 3
VOL. 1
NO. 22
Democratic Candidate for
Representative -
Joint District Polk Lincoln
Mr Brunk,s Ballot Number Is 66.He is
Progressive In business, successful
as a farmer and an old resident.
Mr. Brunk is one of Polk
Counties oldest residents,
being a native son of the
county. For 35 years he has
been connected with this
countyandhis interests are
the peoples' interests.
He believes in the Oregon
system in doIUics and is a
-j &
strong advocate of Statement
; No. 1.
As a orogressive farmer he
is alive to the needs of the
farming community and will
watch carefully their inter
ests. If elected he will be found
continually at work for the
counties he represents" and
opposing extravagant appro
priations, but always keeping
in view the measures that
will get best results for the
state, as well as the districts
he represents, a id yet' keep
ing the appropriation budget
to the minumum.
He believes in laws that
are just to the poor and ric!)
alike and will oppose all
measures made to foster the
special interests of the state
and against the common
I'd. Ad.
To The Tax-Payers and
Voters of Polk County
As the Democraic nominee
for the office of Sheriff of Polk
County, I respectfully ask your
support at the general election
to be held next Tuesday, promis
ing you if elected I shall con
tinue to serve you to the best, of
my ability. As to my record as
sheriff, the people alone must
judge. However, I deem it not
out of place to submit a few
facts for your consideration.
The first year I filled this of-
To Tiie Voters of Polk Couniy '
Promises are easily made and more
easily broken, but this I will say, that If
elected to the office of county sheriff, I will
give the people of Polk county the very best
there is in me,
Ballot Number 83 X, Third Name for
Pd. Ad.
ifice, the tax roll amounted to
$106,025.33. The roll for the
year 1911, now being closed
reaches a total of $305,551.99,
the number of legal papers com
ing into my hands annually for
service is now nearly four times
as great as the number served
during my first year in office.
Notwithstanding this v enor
mous increase of business, the
cost of conducting the affairs of
the office has not been increased
to the taxpayers. While three
times as much money is now be
ing handled annually, the collect
ing is being done with the same
number of deputies.
I might add that the delin
quent tax this year was less in
dollars and cents than when the
tax roll was only one third as
large. Polk county can safely
invite a comparison of its delin
quent tax roll with that of any
other county in the state, be
such county large or small.
The results obtained are due
to improved systems adopted in
handling the public money, and
to the further fact that the
experience gained in the office
work enables myself and deput
ies to perform a vastly greater
amount of work in a day, with
out increased cost to the tax
payers. On this record, I respectfully
solicit your aid in the coming
election, assuring you that your
support will be gratefully appre
ciated. John M. Grant.
fxi. ad.
John B. Teal
Candidate for County Judge
A square deal to every man
and every section. The taxpay
ers Interests first, A dollars
worth of work for every dollar
spent. Support appreciated.
pd ad
1 ' ' '"
At T
, t - , .,-- ;
To The Voters of Polk
I desire to make a final state
ment to you, inasmuch as I
have found it impossible to
meet you all personally, on ac
count of my farm and business
duties taking up part of my time.
I desired to see you and be
come better acquainted and ex
change ideas with you in regard
to what Polk county may desire
at the hands of its next repres
entative. Too often candidates for our
State Legislature discuss nation
al issues in which they will have
no voice whatever, for the pur
pose of appealing to party preju
dice when they should acquaint
themselves with State and Coun
ty affairs, so as to be prepared
to do their duty in onr State
Legislature. I, therefore, have
refrained from discussingNation
al issues and have confined my
self entirely to County and State
problems, so that if I am elected
to the State Legislature I may
be qualified to fully discharge
my duties for the benefit of all
the people, especially those of
our county.
There are two fundamental
propositions before the people of
Polk county, namely, Taxation
and Appropriations and Good
Roads, in which the people are
vitally interested: I am tnere
fore in favor of good roads lead
ing into our local trading an
shipping centers, but I am
posed to the proposed State
way measure as being detriment
al to the best interests of Polk
county, and especially shall I op
pose the Columbia River bridge
which will surely be forced up
on the next Legislature. In re
gard to taxation, I find what the
State of Oregon needs most ;s
reduction in taxation with more
tax-payers and fewer tax-dodgers.
1 am opposed to extravagance
of every nature in public office,
and believe the people's money
should be used carefully and ju
dicially so as to secure the very
best results.
I wish to say I am under no
personal obligations to any per
son, party or interest, and if
elected as your representative,
I will be absolutely free to work
for the best interests of all the
people. Having lived all my
life in Polk County, I believe I
understand the needs of this
county, and being more than an
average tax-payer, I shall scruti
nize carefully every appropria
tion bill that may come before
the legislature and ' oppose any
thing that is extravagant and
not for the best interests of
Polk County and state of Oregon.
Having signed statment No. 1
1 will, without hesitation, vote
for that candidate for U. S. Sen
otor, who receives the highest
vote at the generally election
next Tuesday, and will respect
fully ask for the support of all
voters, irrespective of party af
Verd Hill
To the Voters
As a Republican candidate for
the office of Counny School Sup
erintenent, nominated at the
primary election April last, I
wish to further announce my
candidacy by Baying that when
I was a candinate for my first
term as School Superintendent,
I promised that I wodld give my
best work for the schools of the
county. Now as to my having
kept that promise I ask that you
look up my past record and the
conditions and standings of the
schools of the county.
I have spent my entire time
in working for the betterment
of the schools of the county and
asking an election for a second !
term on the record I have made.
If re-elected, I will follow the
same policy as in the past and
give my best work for the ad
vancement of the schools of the
Thanking you for your sup
port, I am,
H. C. Seymour.
County Republican Ticket
Walter L. Tooze Jr., Joint
Representative (Tolk and Lin
coln counties.)
Elmer E. Paddock, Represen
tative. John B. Teal, County Judge.
Geo, A. Wells. County Com
missioner. John W. Orr, Sheriff.
E. M. Smith, County Clerk.
Arthur R. Allen7Assessor.
H. C. Seymour, County
School Superintendent.
Benj. F. Beezely, County Sur
veyor. R. L. Chapman, County Coro
ner. GaleS, Hill, For Prose
cuting Attorney
Gale S. Hill of Linn County,
Republican canJitme for Dis
trict Attorney, is a native of Ore
gon, born in AiD'.ny do years
ago. His people are pioneers of
(. ; Willamette valley, his father
j. Hill, one of the oldest
ng physicians of the
M, ws a wide acquaintance
in Polk County, having practiced
extensively in the county, in
fact made his start at Buena
Vista. Gale S. T:i"s.' has been a
Ballot Number 63
successful lawyer for over 12
years at Albany v here he enjoys
a large practice. For the last 8
years he has acted as" deputy
district attorney for Linn Coun
ty, giving excellent satisfaction.
He has taken part in all the not
able civil and criminal cases tried
in Linn County in recent years,
and is exceptionally well quali
fied to serve the people as dis
trict attorney. As deputy dis
trict attorney he has taken a
firm and positive stand against
tolerating frivolous and spite
work prosecutions, and if elected
promises to continue the same
policy in the interest of the tax
payers and the public.
in me oince oi assessor we
T a 1 m - - 0
need a man who has had exper
ience, the Republican nominee,
Arthur R. Allen is thoioughly
competent and qualified because
he has been connected with the
office of assessor as a deputy for
some time and thus understands
the conditions in this country.
No new man can do the work
in this office as well as an exper
ienced hand for the reason that
one must be acquainted with
property values and to do this
requires experience.
Mr. Allen has this experience.
He is a yonug man and theMon
tor believes- would be a thor-
ougly efficient offictr.
V tfiy 1
Pd. Ad
72 On
I wish to refer you to my
paid advertisement found in an
other column of this issue.
In that advertisement I have
given my general platform, but
there are a few politics which I
favor and which are in line with
my platform that I wish to out
line in this letter:
I favor good country raods to
market places to be paid for by
the counties in which they are
Shall oppose the bulling: of
roads and bridges for local com
munities at the expense of the
Favor good public schools and
will work for laws looking to
wards their improvement.
Shall oppose the creation of
new Boards and Commissions
and the employment of useless
Shall use every endeavor to
reduce State and County taqes.
The voters' wishes in the mat
ter of election of U. S. Senator
and in all other matters will be
my instructions which I will obey
If you think that my identifi
cation with the business interests
of and my twenty years' resi
dence in Polk County qualify me
for your service as Representa
tive, I shall heartily appreciate
your support, and are every ef
fort at my command to honestly
and faithfully serve you.
Respectfully yours,
pd a-" Elmer E. Paddock,
Public Speaking, Suffrage
Mrs Olive England Ensight
Opera House Monday
Under Auspices College Equal Suf'
frage leaftue of Po.tland, 7.45 p.m.
F. M. Suver, Democrat
Nominee For Surveyer
In F. M. Suver, the voters
have a competent ' surveyor
to do the c )untv" work. Mr.
Suver is an old resident, re
ceived his common echoo
education here and later
completed a course at the
O. A. C. at Corvallitf-.
During the last year he
ban Leen in charge of the
county survey work, under
instructions from the county
court, Mr. Heezeley, Lthe
county stuveyor, being ab
sent in other eountien dur
ing the whole of the time,
and is absent at t:ie present
Why not voie for and
elect a surveyor wh wiil be
i a this county, and who ivill
t ot ui-H the ollice as a make
!-lnft while engaged in other
districts at a regular work?
Mr. Suver is doing the
work now although the pres
ent candidate against him is
the man who was elected by
your vote before.
Consider these matters.
Vote for the man who will
be doing your work and
who sitUfie tli people,
Ask those who have had
work done by F. M. Suver if
Im surveying satisfies. If
it suit them, will it suit you?
pd adv.
Republican Candidate for
County Commissioner
Mr. Wells ha3 been a resident
of Polk County for 45 years.
Has been identified with the
farming interests of the county,
being a land owner and farmer
of this county.
As a !"member of the county
board would look after the best
interests of every section of the
county and would oppose extrav
agant and unnecessary appropri
ations. Believe in good roads, equal
and just taxation, and as low a
levy as possible to keep up the
public highways. pd ad
E. M. Smith, for Clerk
It was through the influence
of many men throughout the
County that I became a candi
didate for re-election to the of
fice of County Clerk; I should
have liked to make a personal
campaign of the County, but
could not do so without neglect
ing important work that Bhonld
be promptly done, as I have en
deavored to give my persoal at
tention to the smallest detail of
the office work.
I am proud of the fact that
this office cleaned to the County
over the sum of $3,000.00 above
all expenses during the past
It is only by experience that
I have, constant attention to
duties and hard work, that I
am able to give you the results
of a business office. I thank the
men of Polk County for the a p
preciation you have shown me,
in my efforts to serve you, and
respectfully ask your support at
the coming election. pd ad
Asa EB. Robinson, Jr,
Democratic Candidate for County Clerk
At the Ceneral ElfCtlon,
pd. adv.
Republican Candidate for
Joint Rpresentative
A vote for Mr. Tooze is a vote
for an active and aggressive rep
resentatation for thk district; he
stands for rigid economy in the
disbursment of public funds, con
sistent with the welfare of the
State: he is opposed to the crea
tion of useless salaried officers
and commissions; he believes in
the 'Oregon System" of Govern
ment, believing it to be a step
in the direction of an ideal dem
ocracy, the ultimate end to ba ac-
comnlished in our form of Gov
ernment; he will vote for the peo
ple's choice for U. S. Senator; he
will work faithfully and indus
triously for this district and the
whole thereof,
pd. advt
Economy Pfiigram Contalnt 8ven
fiatlnct Points.
First 1'lnra the itate unlTrUjr,
agricultural college and normal icbool
all under one board of regents, thus
doing awny with two boards of regents
and the board of higher curricula.
Bocoud Do away with the many
boards and managements to which our
itate penal and eleemosynary Institu
tions are subjected and place tbera
under the management of ons stats
boiirtl made up of the governor, see
rutury of state and stute treaiurer.
Third Abollah all existing useless
offices, liourtls and commissions and
rut off (tie ninny needless approprla
tlnim. I'ourth Adopt a system of ftxlng
tic smbr'-K of county officers whloh,
whilo nllnwhiR Just pay for serrlces
ieaVnd, v ill prevent the perpetual
m; icJIinR before the legislature for
!:- p:ri of of securing a raise.
; i T1-" adoption of a uniform
.' i i of r.'-eotints for county officers
' ',' ir: kliiR of an annual report
- c rir ty clerk to the sncreUury of
- , -ir,r, tne tranaaotlons of all
' il'i" P.-.lM.
-Hie refusal of the leglsla
, ',n'ler the measures carry
rit tions which may be lay
!' ; iriiig the last half of the
--'-t the legislature em-
"v competent clerks Instead
. : : iv.v of Incompetents, as has
' ' . In the past.
Republican Nominee for
pd id
November 5, 1912
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