Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, October 17, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. 1
NO. 12
, 1
H. Wunder of Monmouth
is Raiser of Fine
x Crop ,
Polk County Raises Banner
Crop is Report From
Information we
Have received
H. Wunder of Monmouth
brought into the Monitor office
this week a bundle of flax, The
sample was as pretty a sight as
one could expect and ihe heads
were all well filled and finely
- The Portland Linseed Oil Co.
last year sent out free samples
of seed to he usd for planting
purposes, about 14 pounds being
given free to any one who would
take the seed, plant it and make
a report back to the company.
Mr. Wunder, who is on; of
those thrifty, hustling1, up- to
date farmers, that always sue-:
ceed, decided he would try it.
He sent for 14 pounds and the
party owning a place joining his
and which he was renting, sent
for another 14 pounds and so Mr.
Wunder planted the 28 pounds.
He took good care of the cro p
and has gathered it into shocks
and is threshing it. From an av
erage shock he secured five
pounds of well matured seed
which the Portland Linseed Oil
Co. has reported back to him
as being as good as any they
have received, in fact they con
sidered his seed the finest that
had been grown.
The 28 pounds planted covered
about three quarters of an acre
and if it will average like the
shock he tried out he estimates
that from the 203 bundles he
wili easily secure over 1000
pounds. Estimating 55 pounds
to the bushel, and the selling
price, $2.35 to the Portland Lin
seed Oil Co., he will make a
gross return of $42.90 from his
land planted or about $56.00
from an acre of the soil.
The crop has created consid
erable interest, and Geo. H. Bur
nett, who has a farm adjoining
Mr. Wunder is planning on
planting 90 acres of flax for the
coming season, and Mr. Wunder
is making a trip to Portland to
make arrangements with the
Oil Company for seed for plant
ing on this tract as well as for
himself. ,
The industry is a promising
one and one worth investigating
by the Polk county farmers.
A few days ago Secretary "f
State Olcott sent out for in ru
ination regarding the parti..
thati ad been fined for allowing
their mufflers to be open, ex
ceeding the speed limit, and
other violations of the law as it
stands on the statute books.
Justice Wilson reported back a
clean docket in Independence.
Now that may not satisfy Ol
cott and he will probably get
busy some ol these days and
push along the enforcement of
the law.
For the benefit of those who
do 'not know the automobi'e
law specifies that every au'o
must have one light lighted,
showing white to the front and
red to the rear and the li
cense or
certificate number in
Arabic numerals across the
white glass of said lamp: shrJl
use the mufflera within the Aty
limiteof any city or village;
shall turn to the right when
meeting vehicles, etc., to the i
left when passing vehicles jroir.g'
the same way as the .auto; shaii !
use precaution, to prevent fright
ening horses; shall drive not to
exceed eight miles an hour with
in business section or crowded
part of any city; or faster than
eight miles when within 100 yards
of a vehicle drawn by a team;
nor across sidewalk crossings in
a city faster than one mile in
fifteen minutes. The penalty
for violating this law is not to
exceed $25 for the first offence
nor $50 for the second offence.
Independence Plays 0. A. C.
Freshmen Saturday at
Everv Indication is that
There will be a R ;al Good
Game on the Corvallis
Gridiron and the
Boys Hope to Win
The schedule for the Indepen
dence High School foot ball team
has been fairly well made up.
The team was placed this week
and is a strong one. The boys
believe they will make a good
showing in the game with the
0. A. C. Freshmen at Corvallis,
Saturday. Coach Mclntire has
been keeping them as busy as
possible and the training is show
ing results.
The games as arranged to date
Saturday, Oct. 19. O. A. C.
Freshman at Corvallis.
Saturday, Oct. 2G, Browsville
at Brownsville,
Saturday, Nov. 2, Corvallis
High School at Independence.
Saturday, Nov. 9, McMinnville
at McMinnville.
Plans are being formed for a
game with Salem High School
October 16 and Portland Acada
damy October 23. Communica
tions are on with Dallas to se
cure the Thanksgiving game
with the Dallas High School.
The line-up is as follows;
Center Richardson.
L. Guard, McKinney.
K. GuarJ, Reeves.
L. Tackle, Mix.
II. Tackle, Morgan.
L. End, Newton and Pome
roy. 11. EiuU'utltr.
Quiuter back, Russell.
U. Half.Williams and
Huntley. -
L. llalf.G. Newton.
Vv S. McClain was down frohi
Buena Vista the latter part of
last week with V. H. Mixer and
a team securing material for tho
installing of n new double roll
chopper at hi" plant in that city.
Mr. Me' i:i ; siaced that his
business was growing to such an
extent that he had to increar-o
the capacity of his plant theri
in order to take care f the trade.
The lumber he secured at Indep
dencewill be used for elevators
and hoppers which he is putting
into his chop and feed mill at
Buena Vista.
Hogan and German Start a
New Business in This City
A fresh fish, oyster and poul
try market has just been opened
on Monmouth street in the H. H.
Jasperson building. Hogan &
Ackerman are the new proprie-
tors and state they hope to keep
everything in the line of fish,
crabs, clams, eggs, poultry and
general supplies that go along
wilhafish market They open
er! the business this week to the
trade and promise to keep a good
suppiy of .seasonable goods on
hand at all tirw s.
John Schrenk, Fanalic, Shoots at Candidate on Way to
Address Brg Crowd. Late Reports State
Roosevelt Will be Confined to
t- r hp
Milwaukee, Wis. Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt was shot in the abdominal
region shortly before 8 o'clock Holi
day night while sitting in bis auto
mobile in front of the Gilpatrtck House
in Milwaukee, about to start for the
Auditorium to deliver bis scheduled
The would-be murderer was John
Schrenk, of New York City, a man
apparently dementefl on the subject
of the third term. He was captured
and locked up. Schrenk was within
seven feet of the Colonel whan he
leveled his gun at the former presi
dent's breast.
In notes found in the man's pockets
at the police station were statements
that the man had been visited in a
dream by the spirit of William Sic
Kinley, who had said, indicating
Roosevelt, "ThlV is my murderer;
nvenge ray death."
Colonel Insists on Speaking
Unconscious of bis wound. Colonel
Roosevelt proceeded to the Auditor
ium, and when his condition was dis
covered, in spite of the protest of his
physician, he made a stirring address
on the subject of his attempted mur
der. Weakened from loss of blood
and at the conclusion of his speech
be was taken to the Emergency-hospital,
where, after an examination by
phyBioians, the nature of his wound
was ascertained. It was not consid
ered serious enougb to compel a stay
In Milwaukee, and at 12: CO A. M. be
was taken aboard his special train
on a slow run to Chicago.
That the wound waB not more ser
ious was due to the fact that the bullet
was spent from passing through thej
J. C. Moore Kills Sell In Pres
ence of Staid
J. C. Moore, a laborer who has
been employed in the hop yards
of Sherman Hayes, secured a rig
Friday and went to Dallas to see
his wife from whom he has been
separated for some time. It was
stated he was desirous of 'secur
ing a reconciliation but was un
successful, A warrant for his
arrest was procured by his wife's
parents and Sheriff Grant had
just arrested him when he step
ped behind the buggy and shot
himself with a revolver, he died
immediately. Grant got him at
Bridgeport. He worked through
the entire hop picking for Sher
man Hayes and was employed by
him for the entire winter. This
was his second offence of tres
passing on the property of his
fathet -in-law, where his wife
has been making her home since
the separation.
County Candidates and county
Central Committee Meet
in Dallas
National Speakers Will
Probably take part in
the Coming Campaign
. In this County
A majority of the Central Com
mittee met at Dallas Saturday
with all the Republican candi
dates of the county but one and
talked over the situation and out
lined a plan oi campaign for the
remaining period o( thecampaign
Laurence Keyt of Perrydale is
chairman and M. D. Eilis of Dal
las, secretary. Mike Getzs is
committeeman from this precinct.
It was decided to have a speak
er of national reputation to make
an a Idress at Independence,
Dallas and probably Falls City.
The candidates will not make a
Koom oome 1 lme
Colonel's army overcoat, spectacle
case and the manuscript of hit con
templated speech.
The Colonel felt no pain at the time
the shot was fired and was not iwtr
that he was shot until he was on ills
way to the auditorium. His attention
wsb then called to the bole In bU
overcoat, and he found that h wave
not badly hurt A superficial exam
ination of the wound was mads when
be reached the auditorium, and three
physicians agreed be was In no imme
diate danger.
Assassin Stopped From Firing Again
The assassin was prevented from
firing a second shot by Albert H. Mar
tin, one of Colonel Roosevelt's two
secretaries. Colonel Roosevelt had
Just stepped into an automobile when
the assassin pushed his way through
the crowd to the street and fired.
Martin, who was standing In the car
with the Colonel, leaped to the man's
shoulders and bore him to the ground.
Captain A. O. Olrard, of Milwaukee,
who was on the front seat. Jumped
almost at the same time, and in an
Instant the man was overpowered and
disarmed. -
The man was taken into the hotel
and held there until he was removed
ta the police station.
In spite of the entreaties of physi
cians, Colonel Roosevelt insisted upon
delivering his address.
"I will make this speech or die, one
or the other."
Colonel Calms Crowd.
Harry F. Cochems, one of the Wis
consin Progressive leaders, told the
great crowd which had assembled In
the auditorium that Colouel Roosevelt'
Burns Detective Force Had Man
in Independence Few
Days Ago
Harry Harding, a chauffeur
who attempted to pass a bad
check on Craven & Moore some
time ago, but which was detected
in time to save the loss, was be
ing investigated this week by
the Burns detective agency,
which had a representative in
Independence examinin g t h i s
check In order to compare the
handwriting with other checks
issued by party carrying the
same name, Harry Harding. A
man by the name of Harry
Harding is also reported to have
been working for Barr, who was
murdered a short time ago in
Portland The Craven & Moore
check was taken to Portland for
comparison and was not used for
the purpose of indictment, but
as evidence of the connection of
this case with the others show
ing the handwriting to be the
same if possible. The check was
returned the first of the week
to Craven & Moore.
Improving ihe Road
From 15 to 20 men have
been working the last week
placing the county road
above the railroad tiirough
the Bolder, Hosier, and But
ler farms, so the wagon road
wont have to croBs the rail
road track. Til is work is be
ing done in Morion county
opposite Independence.
Subscribe for the Monitor
joint campaign but will carry on
a campaign independent of each
oth r.
The committee consists of 24
members and moat of the dis
tricts were represented. The
general opinion seems to bfl that
the ticket was meeting with a
good support and would have a
strong ballot in the November
had been shot, and liked the people
to be calm. The crowd was thrown
almost into a panic by the announce
ment, but Colonel Roosevelt calmed
them by rising and assuring them that
he was not badly hurt. Then he began
his address. Several times he seemed
to be growing weak and members of
his party rose to help him. He mo
tioned them to sit down.
"Let me alone. I'm all right," he
At 10:30 o'clock Colonel Roosevelt
v.'ns pitting on the operating table
trllilni? politics with the physicians
-vhilo they were awaiting the arrival
c( r.u X-ruy machine.
Ti'onel Roosevelt left the hospital
.1 11:25 P. M. He was able to walk
!:!.. '--ted. "I am feeling ins," he
Chicago. The following official
statement was issued by the surgeons
attending Colonel Roosevelt:
"Colonel Roosevelt's hurt is a deep
bullet wound in the chest wall with
out striking any vital organ in transit.
The point of entrance was to the
right of and one inch below the level
of the right nipple. The rang of the
bullet was upward a distance of four
inches deeply on chest wall There
was no evidence of the bullet pene
trating the lung. Pulse, 90; tempera
ture, 99.1; respiration, 20; leucocyte;
count, 81 st 10 A. M. No operation to
remove the bullet Is Indicated at the
present time. Condition hopeful but
wound so important as to demand
absolute rest for a number of days. -Dr.
John B. Murphy, Dr. Arthur B,
Bevan, Dr. Scurry L. Terrell, Dr. R. J,
T. R. Nunn Located In New
Balm on C Sheet
T. R. Nnnn opened up a gen
eral real estate office on the
north side of C street this week
and expects to do a general real
ty business. He will also han
dle insurence, loans and take
change of property for rental
Mr. Nunn comes from Port-
and has lately moved with his
family to this city where he will
make his home. He deserves a
fair share of patronage of the
business of this community.
Greatest Hobo in World
Made His Last Trip
Robert J. Kindelon, the chief
detective and special agent of
the Southern Pacific and the
head of the international associa
tion of such railroad officials in
this country and in Canada, re
ceived confirmatory advices yes
terday that the man killed a few
days ago near New Orleans,
while riding on a passenger
train brakebeam, was the most
celebrated tramp ever produced
in this country, and who hid his
real name for years under the
cabalistic marks "A-No, 1-the
A No. 1 was born in San Fran
cisco about forty years ago and
has relatives here. For th r
sake Kindelon is not disclosing
his real name. Not a criminal
vicious fellow, he was a victim
of the wanderlust all his life.
j Every railroad detective in the
country knew him and was
aware he was a constant brake-
beam rider but they liked and
frequently got postal cards and
letters from him. Kindelon has
fifty such communications, which
j were all sent during the first ten
'or fifteen years.
He ran away from home in
San Francisco in 1883 after hav
ing received a whipping at school.
Since that time it was his boast
he had traveled 470,100 miles on
train brakebeams, except once
or twice when he paid in fares
$7.65 as an ordinary passenger
above, intsead of on a level with
the car wheels.
In one year, he told Kindelon
not long ago while in town, he
traveled by rail 26,130 miles and
spent but $1.25 in fares.
A No. 1 was in five wrecks,
including one where an entire
train on the Baltimore and Ohio
went into the ditch, killing 14.
During his career as tramp he
gave w arning which prevented
15 or 20 wrecks. For Buch con
duct he received letters of
thanks, and in some cases, finan
cial reward from railroad presi
dents and other high officials.
Once he won a prize of $1,000
from a New York sporting paper
for crossing the continent quick
er by the brakebeam route.
He made tha trip in 11 days,
winning against six other compe
titors. He used $750 of this
money to buy a graveyard lot and
erect a monument to himself in
the village of Cambridge Springs
Pa., the only spot of the thou
sands he was familiar with in the
U. S. that he loved. The face
of the monument contains the
A No. 1.
(The Rambler.)
At Last At Rest.
Railroad men at
New Orleans
have arranged to
ship his re-
mains to that place.
Kindelon and other railroad de
tectives in other parts of the
country, likinjr the fellow for
various reasons, have aided the
New Orleans railroad people in
this movement,
They all considered the man a
remarkable study, after getting
to know him, for he was never
known to break the law except
steal brake beam rides. He
never would beg. Meeting
young boys and men on the road
he would try to dissuade them
from a tramps life.
,'I cant help being a tramp
myself," he once said to Kindel
on, but 1 hate too see otners
starting out on such a life. I was
justiborn that way. leant re
main in one place longer than a
few days without something in
me to go on go anywhere, just
to be going."
"Life and Adventures of A
No. 1" is a readable book he
wrote some nine or ten years ago.
It contains a warning to young
boys never to run away from
home. -S. F. Ex.
Big Attendance is at Eugene
Addison Bennett in portraying
the great 0. E. celebration at
Eugene writes to the Or goman:
From Ashland, Medford,
Grants Pass, Roseburg and Cot
tage Grove on the south; from
Portland, Corvallis, Indepen
dence, Dallas, Salem, Aibany and
Junction City on the North; from
all of the towns and villages be
twf en these places; from the Mc-
Kenzie on the east and the Siu
Blaw on the west; from almost
every hamlet and every farm in
all the surrounding country came
the people pouring into Eugene
today pouring by rail, by auto
mobile, by horse and buggy, by
stage, on horseback and on foot
to do honor to Jim Hill and his
fellow railway builders, to do
honor to Eugene, to celebrate the
completion of the Oregon E'ec
trie into this beautiful city.
If a vote could be taken tonight
on the Presidential eleclion there
would be no Taft, no Wilson,
no Roosevelt tickets dropped in
to the ballot box Jim Hill would
get the unanimous vote of the
thousond of people who are
here as the guests of Eugene.
And after the election they
would insist on John II. Stevens,
Carl R. Gray and Joseph Young
for members of his cabinet.
Albany-Mc Minnville Line
Says the Albany
This Would Probadly only
be a Feeder to the Other
Lines from Here Is
The Ablany Herald is interest
ed in the following report com
ing from Portland.
"McMinnville probably will be
given a direct connection with
the Oregon Electric next year,
as officials of the Hill road in
Oregon have been working for
many months on plans for the
construction of such a line.
On account of some delays in
securing the necessary rights of
way, actual work on the project
will be impossible for several
months. It is expected, how
ever, to start construction soon
after the first of the year.
The plan is to tap the Oregon
Electric main liie near Albany
and to bridge the Willamette at
that point. Several routes have
been surveyed, definite
selection has been made.
Adaquate terminal facilities in
the city of McMinnville already
have been procured, the proper
ty involving two blocks in the
heart of the business district
Rights of way through the
streets of McMinnville also have
been granted."
If such should be done Indep
endence would be a natural point
for this proposed line to reach,
in fact it would be the only town
of any commercial importance
reached between the towns of
Albany and McMinnville.
1. 0. 0. F. MEET
Grand Master Visits the
Independence Lodge
A joint assembly of the Re
bekahsand Odd Fellows of Inde
pendence and visiting member
was called at the I. O. O. F. hall
Saturday and an open meeting
was held for the benefit of the
The occasion wa3 the arrival
of Grand Master Wheeler of Port
land and his wife who were
present to meet with the Inde
pendence fraternities.
A short program was arranged '
and Attorney B. F. Swope acted
as chairman of the meeting.
The programme as carried out
was as fo'lows:
Instrumental Solo by Mrs. I. C.
Young, which received a hearty
Reading by Miss Shinners, of
the Airlie schools.
Vocal Solo. Chas, -Huntley
which called forth a return to the
stage. Informal talks on frater
naliym by J. S. Bohannon, Claud
Skinner, J. N. Jones, Archie Par
ker, Miss Edith West and W. E.
The address of the evening fol
lowed by Grand Master Wheeler
who snoke at considerable length
on fraternalism. He dwelt es
pecially on the Odd Fellows
home in Portland and the great
benefit it was to the fraternity.
His address was well received
and appreciated by those pres
ent. After the programme they all
repaired to the dining room where
the ladies had prepared a delk
ions lunch for the guests and
members of the fraternity.