Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, September 26, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. 1
NO. 9
One Mile Of Gars Garry
Hops To Market
him brought in say he was help
less and dead to the world.
Buffum and the Orth woman
were captured in Portland and re
turned to Salem. The woman
has been about the streets of the
city for the past mon th. String
er at first told Sheriff Minto
tha,t he had been held up and
robbed by two highwayman a
short distance across the river in
Polk connty but through weak
ness in his statements the Sher
iff finally convinced the man
to tell the truth, and his second
FOR R EC EIPTS story haa been verified by the
coniessions mac nave oeen made.
The couple had but a few dollars
2 OOO OOC tne monev left when they
port of the above is that Stringer
took a load of hop pickers home
to Salem from the hop yards
here and after arriving in Salem
Frank Buffum, who also had been
in this county induced him to go
With him and nresnmahlv trnv
The record for the receiving of him drutrc-ed Honor whih nvPr-
hops was DroKen at me inaepen- came njm
dence warehouse Monday when
933 bales were received in one
day. The nearest approach to
this record was made on Satur
day when 840 bales were re
ceived at the warehouse.
It was estimated by Mr. Dixon
who has charge of the freight
incr business of the Independence
warehouse, that there is now in Visits avery KOOItl ana
Makes talk to Students
On Exhibits at Fair
the house here over 6,000 bales.
This estimate was made Monday
evening. It is safe to estimate
that by the time we go to press
the warehouse will be filled to Prol. beymour, Supt. of
its capacity of 8.000 bales. Tak- schools for Polk county, came
. . . i . ii i I m J ji ii
ing into consideration tnac a over luesuay witn tne commit'
great part of the hops have not tee sent by the Commercial club
arrived, that about 1,000 bales of Dallas to meet with the club
have been shiDDed. that over at Independence, and whiLi in
2,000 bales are in the hands of the city, made a visit to the dif
the Wigrich people that will be ferent rooms of the schools in
shipped direct from the ware Independence and spoke upon
house at their place, and that the industrial work of the schools
several hundred bales are being and suggested that the children
stored in the canning factory take part in the exhibit work of
building, and Burtons and others the county fair at Dallas. The
have their own warehouses from purpose is to stimulate industrial
which they will ship, it is safe to lines in the schools of the county
estimate that there will be hand- and Supt. Seymour is working
led through Independence this along these lines,
year more than 3,000,000 pounds
of hops. This in car lots means
over 100 cars of hops over a mile iiiprilir nflUPDCCP
in length, from Independence, fi I ULlML UUIlUnLdO
Not a bad slogan, "Independence
ships a mile of hops every year. With 3000 delegates, represent
It the hops raised and shipped ;ntr q2 nations, in attendence.
around Independence were placed president Taft at 1 o'clock, Sept.
in one bale, the thickness and 22. onened the Hvtrine congress
width of one bale, there would be in urn-ine the creation of a sepa-
a continuous road of hops over 10 rate exeCutive department to
miles in length, or you could have chartre of all matters of
walk from Dallas to lndepen- hviriene. the president said
dence on Independence hops two e should develop a depart-
feet deep and three feet in width. ment in which government funds
should be expended in research
work of every kind that would
be useful in the practice and en
forcment of hygienic and pre
ventative medicine,
"I am proud of the record at
taid?d by phyiscian3 in Ameri
can army. They have given
many important discoveries tor
stopping transmission of disease
to the world. But for these dis
coveries the construction of the
Panama canal would have been
Ladies of Independence in
vited to participate
Textile and Hand Painted
' China Exhibits Wanted
From The Indepen
dence Section
Concluded from Our Issue
of Last Week
The Monitor is in receipt of
post card from Mrs. D. M, Metz
ger, of Dallas, asking us to an
nounce that there is to be a tex
tile and hand painted china ex
hibit at the fair there on Octo
bers, 4, and 5, and that they
would like to have many exhibits
from Independence. Ladies de
siring to enter their work shoul
communicate with Mrs. Metzger
this section of Polk county
should cooperate with the Dallas
section and help make the first
fair year at Dallas a big success,
Picker Robbed in
Methodist Conference
Held At Ashland
Rev. ' andifer Chosen to
SucceedHimself. Oth
er Charges in Polk
A special to the Oregonian
from Salem under date Septem
ber 22, states that, "Frank Buff
um and Ora Orth confessed to
Sheriff Minto at the County Jail
today to working the "badger'
game" on Ed Stringer and taking
$85, the product of labor in the
hon fields of himself, his wife
and his father. Officers strong
ly suspect as well that knockout
drops played a prominent part The Methodist Conference at
in the theft. Ashland chose Rev. F. N. Sandi-
Stringerwas employed at Bur- fer to fill t':? p; !pit in Indepen-
ton's hop yard near lndepen- dence for another year. Rev.
Hpncft and came here to cash his C. O. Keath was elected to the
hop checks, when he fell in with charge at Buena Vista, D. L,
Buffum. Buffum asked Stringer Field to Dallas and L. T. Prose
to drive him into the country, is to supply the Falls City charge
hnt finailv nersuaded him an au- the coming year. The next
to would be better than his car- meeting is to be held in Eugene,
The last of the rails on the
American Bottom railroad from
Independence was laid Tuesday
and the ties are all in place,
The middle of the week saw
the men at work fastening the
rails to the ties and train loads
of gravel have commenced to
come to ballast the track.
me roaa win ne a gooa one
when completed and of much
benefit to the bnsiness interests
of Independence.
About two weeks ago a car re
pair man was at work on the
gasoline engine at the Indepen
dence and Monmouth railways
roundhouses in Independence fix
ing it up for passenger traffic on
tnis line, a regular schedule is
to be placed in operation for the
people of the Americans bottom
This . will be another induce'
ment for dairying in the bottom
country and in the up land Sl-c
tion through which this road will
travel and will open up a profit
able industry in this line south
of Independence.
Prohibition Club'
In Buena Vista
.i i
nage. Tne urtn woman ngureu
in the temptation. Stringer
says he remembers taking a
drink from a bottle after they
had entered the machine and
sVi-v ffer that his memory
btr-Kgc rooiii. "i'
. i .O S.tiV
Fred M. Wealte of Falls City
was ordained elder. J. T. Abb
ott of Eugene was elected super
intendent, of the Eugene district,
of which Independence is a part,
whi'e James Moon of Salem was
rwH superintendent of the
i ' ' -.? ! 15riet
David H. Gil! organ iezr for
the Polk County Prohibition
Committee organized an "Out to
Win" Prohibition Club at Buena
Monday evening. The following
officers were elected: W. I. Rey
nolds Pres., J. K. Neal Vice Pres.
Martha J, Lee Sec, Mrs Emma
Ground Tres., F. P. Ground re
porter. The next meeting will
be held Oct. 17th and will con
sist of a discussion ol the mea
sures contained in the pamph
let that are to be voted upon
this fall.
Commercial Clubs Of Two
Towns Talk Coun
Observer, Walter Tooze Jr., and
Countj School Supt Seymour of
Dallas, were delegated as a com
mittee to meet with the Indepen
dence Commercial Club to see
about getting the cooperation of
Independence in their county fair.
They ask only for a friendly as
sistance n the way of exhibits
of products from their section
and of course want a good atten
dance from this section.
Owing to the bu siness matters
in connection with the saw mill
matters only a small attendance
wa3 present, as the greater per
cent of the business men were at
work settling preliminary matters
in this connection.
mose present were anxious
to aid Dallas in this affair every
way possible and insured them
of their hearty cooperation
Tooze and others, in their ad
dresses, stated there should be
no jealousy between lndepen- Tnev unloaded some things at
dence and Dallas: that there is a San Fernando, and got into Vig
common interest ti be promul- an or its Prt rather, at about
eated: the commercial clubs of "ve if . M., the 28th. Smal
Dallas. Falls City and lndepen- boat8 virays, came out
dence should work together for where the boat was anchored, to
the good of the whole county; teke tne mail, passengers and
that one community wished to freight ashore. The mail and
secure all it could itself, if that baggage was put into one which
community could not secure an came along side then it came on
iudustry, a farmer or a hop grow- t0 e in- e steps were low.
er, they should desire and help ered part way down as the swe!
one of the other communities to would come ln the Viray would
secure the same, rather than have come clean UP and iam into tn
themneave tfi countrv. stairs. When it would go down
- . .
Mondavt evenintr th matter " w aDOUt e,nt Ieet Delow
of the county fair is be to made a We walked down the steps one
special business at the club ata time and when the boat
raisea on a swell we wouia jump
Dean Now Teaching the
Children of the Islands
Some of the Things
Learned Here
The high school foot ball team
haii been organized and is a good
one. Ut Mc lntire is assisting
in the drilling of the team. The
team is hoping to show up well
this year and is planning on giv
mg tne ainerent scnoois a run
for their money. They are open
to all engagements and all in the
'out to win" class.
Plan of Albany Commercial Club
in. I he tide was coming in and
we had to race with the breakers
to keep them from breaking in
the boat had about ten oarsmen
so made it 0. K., the Virsy was
about 30 feet long.
We were met by Mr. Meade
the divison Supt and drove to
Vigan nearly two miles. Our
luggage came in an ox cart
They don't drive the carabos
here very much but use the Boks
a small animal like the jersey
cow but with a big hump on its
shoulders. Meade had arranged
for us to stay at Mr. and Mrs
Ashurst's. We have been with
them a week now, will remain
for the next two weeks, waiting
for some people to move out of a
house. Our house will be free
from insects as it is screened in,
it will cost us 20 peros or $10 a
month. Ashursts are rather
peculiar but good, jolly people,
and we are enjoying our stay
We have our Machacluo, or
servant, or page which ever you
wish. He is in the first year of
high school, very bright, speaks
iron, ours will have a tile roof.
School takes up at 7:45 A. M.
We must be in our rooms at 7:30
and it lets out at 11:30, takes up
again at 2 and lets out at 4:15.
I have three classes in Phillp
ine History, one in Commercirl
Geography and two in English.
I also have charge of all baseball.
Mary has two classes in General
History., two or three in Sanita
tion and I dont remember what
else. She ia now typewriting
our expense vouchers. We pre
sent them and get back the mon
ey we spent for necessaries on
the trip.
I have seen a real rain storm
already. Most of the time for
three days it just poured, Look
ing down the street one could
see only a block. There was not
much wind with it When it
rains that way with a strong
wind it is called a Bagino, it
takes roofs off of houses and
sometimes blows them down
When it rains without a wind it
is called a Nep Nep. The water
was about 18 inches deep in the
street by our house and flooded
the under part. Many times
they have to hire a rig, Calesa to
drive out in. I never saw it be
gin to rain so hard in Oregon,
Nearly all the goats here
are colored, red, black and
white. Everything is poor,
the hogs would have to stand up
twice to make a shadow. Their
noses are longer than their bod
ies. They act as buzzards over
here. Hogs, chickens, goats
and dogs with naked youngsters
roam at will through the streets
Every bed here, of the better
class, at least has a frame above
and a mosquito netting attached
The beds have no springs or
mattress as it. would be warm,
but they are like the straw bot
tom of a chair. 1 hey are sure
hard, but I suppose one gets ac
customed to them in time.
hope so at least.
Now I am exhausted. See if
the whole family cant write one
as long. Pa, you get busy, a let
terfrom you beats theOreganian
and Monitor combined. We
havent had a word from home
since we left
Dean and Mary.
MONDAY A. r.1.
A Large Attendance
Strong Course of Manuel
Training and Domestic
Science Added to Reg
ular High School
Dallas Asks The Coopera
tion of Independence on
the First Fair Which
They Hope to Make
the Dallas
English well, and seems to be a
Invitations were sent out today good boy, is 17 years old. Hope
by the Albany Commercial Club he proves to be good as I like
to the commercial bodies of Sa- rim quite well. His folks had
em, Corvallis and Independence some trouble and cannot furnish
to send representatives to the him any more money. He is
conference to be held in this city staying at the dormitory, pays
on October 3 to discuss plans for $8.50 a month. He wants to
the improvement of the Willam- work for his board and room and
ette river. save that His home is in the
It is now planned to limit the northern part of Luzon, he is
conference to five representa- here for school. We have to
tives from ea:h city so that the hire a cook yet,
matter may be discussed fully We reported at t'.ie high school
and expediently in one session. Monday and visited classes tw;
Ihe only question the conference days. The man who is going
will consider is whether to con- away was not feeling very well,
centrate all efforts for river im- Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
provement on the plan for a day A. M., so I took his classes,
lock system, which would give a His wife was ill for a day or so,
six-foot channel, or to work for so Mary took hers, got along al
the plans already recommended right but they never inherited
by the government engineers much brains to work with. We
which would give a 3.5 foot chan- will get part of our regular class
nel. The local commercial club es Monday, and the others when
takes the view that by working Mr. and Mrs. Rurer leave. It is
for the six-foot channel only, their house we take,
the work would be delayed sev- This is a town of about 1000
eral years as it would take a long people, large high school, 500
time, to get this improvement students, two elementary schools,
and that it would be more advan- government and municipal build
tageous to get the lesser project, ing, several churches and many
already recommended and have a good residences. This is the
3.5 foot channel, which would greatest stronghold of the Catho-
assure all-year traffic on the nv- HCs in the Islands. The streets
er as far as Corvallis states the are about 30 feet wide, no side-
Oregon ian Sept. 24. walks, most of the people go
barefooted, and with some the
bareness reaches higher. Most
Several of the hop growers of the buildings are made of
in the section ODDosite lndepen- bamboo with a thatch roof. But
dence rep rt a crop this year of all the better buildings have con
about the same size as that of creteor cement, a brick founda-
last year, counting out the loss tion up about 10 feet and wood
from mould. on up with tile roof or corrogated
Mr. O. A. Stillman prohibition
Candidate for Congress from the
first District is making a second
tour of the state having complet
ed a very successful tour with
Mr. Pagetthe candibate for Unit
ed States Senator, he is now go
ing over the district a second
time while Mr. Paget is cam
Daisrainsrin other parts of the
The schedule that has been ar
ranged for Polk county has giv
en Independence an evening
meetinor this time and he will
speak on the streets of Indepen
dence frou the automobile water
wagon" next Monday evening at
8:45 P. M. Mr. Stillman is a
very able and interesting speaker
as all know who have heard him
in August and he gives A fine
representation of the facts con
fronting the voters in fiis cam
paign. He is able, practical and
progressive, and would make a
splendid representative in Con
gress if elected and with the
campaign that he is putting up
it is beginning to look as if he
will be elected. Do not fail to
hear him next Monday evening
at 8:45 on the corner opposite
the post office.
Miss Emrny McDeitt
made a visit to Dallas over
'lhesday with her parents.
O A. McLaughlen hauled
in 33 bales of hopsjat one
lond th;8 week and we are
t.:ld that this was the record
J. S. Cooper and wife were
among tjiosn attending the
round up at Pendleton.
Mr. Ridgeway the assist
ant paincipal will have sup
ervision of the athletio
work of the school and the
first part of this work that
is to be taken up is the foot
ball work. The boys are
practing daily and next week
the team for the coming
years work will undoubedly
be chosen. A number of
goods, husky lads have de
cided to take part and every
indication points to a win
ning foot ball team. Basket
ball will follow a little later
for both the boys and girls
and good teams will be se
cured in this sport. The do
mestic science rooms are be
ing fixed up and ariange
ments are being made to take
care of the manuel training
work in one of the large
basement rooms. For the
present time a small room
on the large noor is oeing
pressed into i-ervica for the
domestio ncience work.
The work in the publio"
school is rep rted organized
in fine shape and the class
work progressing nicly. The
teachers seem to have their
ieart and souls in the work
and the Monitor prophesies
the best school year in the
istory of Independence.
To start the year there are 60
students enrolled in the high
school while both schools to
tal 350 students. It is esti
mated that the school will
nroll fully 425 students
daring the year.
Surpjlse Party to bidepen-
denbe Girl
Monday evening about
hirty of the young people of
this city gave Miss Vera
5runk a surprise party at
rn .11.
ier home, iney assemDie
bout .'ight o'clock in the
evening and the surprise was
omplete. Games, icecream,
cake, cookies and other re-
reshments helped to make
the evening a pleasant one.
he occasion was the depart
ure of Miss Brunk for Salem
lis week.
E. M. Young after turning
over his contract hops this
week sold the balance of his
crop at 19 cents. This is the
only sale reported in this dis
trict at this time. A num-
er of crops under contract
are being taken over and the
ealers seem to be satisfied
with the class of hops baled.
lorst Bros, have 1200 bales
eliveredand enroute to New
York nt the presest time, but
t is u idertood that they will
lave about 4,000 bales to'l.-
liver in all.