Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, August 08, 1912, Image 4

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.is next of importance to the doc
tor's orders. Promptness means that we have the fresh
est and latest drugs right here in the compounding de
partment and that there is no need for unnecessary wait
ing. Efficiency signifies that the very highest skill Is
used in filling your prescription. The combination of
these two things is of the greatest consequence IN THAT
CURS. Ask Your doctor.
Besides a well equipped compounding department, we have
Urge stock of all the specialties usually carried by every first
class drug store.
ItitiHsry. fat Cards, Vifwinirf Risudiet, Liditt Hand Bags, Retail Remedies, Kreso Dip
Forest Fowl was down
from Airlie Saturday on
Miss Irene McGrath, of
Portland, is in the city visit
ing with relatives.
If you love your home
town you will send the news
about it to the Monitor.
The Monitor is not brag
ging about its job depart
raent but we want you to try
us out.
Marvin Richardson made
a trip this week to Corvalli
where he visited friends an
"C. L. Bise the cement con
tractor on the C street build
ings, made a business trip to
Portland, Saturday.
Mies Grace Wallace has
been outing for about ten
days in Portland, Astoria and
other Columbia river points
Mrs. R. J. Taylor took a pa
per fresh frcm the press
Thursday and has the honor
of being the first reader o
the Monitor.
Willard Ireland who has
been in Corvallis for several
weeks, came down the latter
part of last week to spend a
few day 8 in Independence.
Mrs. Jessie Cromwell, of
Salem, arrived in Indepen
dence Tuesday where she will
visit with Mrs. M. Mcrwin
and friends for a week or so.
Olenn Graves, a former
resident of Independence,
was in the city Saturday. He
is now traveling for an im
plement house out of Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. II 11. Wagon
er returned to Portland Sun
day after ? pending "everal
days in Independence visit
ing their daughter, Mrs lr.
W. U. Allin.
Mrs. Burton and daughters
Ivy ann Florence, Dr. 0.
Murphy, and Chester Hen
kle made an auto trip to Cor
vallis and Philomath Sun
D. W. Sears was in Thur
day from Portland. Dave
said ho would probably be
like the bad penny and re
turn hero in the near future
to live.
Drs. Duganne and Mcln
tire made a trip to Ilillsbor
n A 1 1
naturuay to attend a picnic
We understand they had
high old time among the ac
quaintances of Dr. Duganne
George Brey has improve
his chop mill and feed store
considerable in the last few-
weeks. He had a carrier put
in that will take the grain
straight to the receiving bins
Chas. Macaulay, George
Graves, and Jack Purvine
left Tuesday in their own rig
for a few weeks vacation at
the coast. They go to Tilla
mook and expect to fish and
Mrs. Emma Turner of Mc-
Minnville was in the city Sat
urday visiting with the fani
ily of J. S. Cooper. Mrs
turner al s o visited in
Monmonh where she has
many friends.
George S. Teall of the Sa-
ent Statesman panned
through Independence last
week from a trip to Falls
City, Dallas and Monmouth
on business in connection
with the capital city daily.
C. T. Haseue brought to
this ottice a turnip niensur-
ng eighteen and a half inch-
lies by seventeen and a half
nehes in circumference.
le came from Missouri and
tatt'H they cant show any
hing like that in the 'show
me state.
Dealers in
General Merchandise
We have a complete line of ladies dress goods
on hand at bed rock prices. Se j them before
TheSelzShoe for men, the Buster Brown shoe
for Children and the White House shoe for
women make satisfied customers of those who
buy these quality shoes.
Always a Very Complete Line of Groceries
Laoattd Coratr Main and Monmouth Streets
Independence, Oregon
The Pacific Homestead and
Town and Country Farmer
have consolidated. The lat
ter publication hud a num
ber of subscribers in this sec
tion. It was printed at Cor
vallis. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Drexler,
Urn. F. H. Kectjr pnd daugh
ter and Vera McKinuey left
for Newport Tuesday and
from there will go to Oiler
iiock, where Mr. Drexler has
a summer cottage.
Mrs. M. W. Wallace re
ceived quite a supply of mil
linery from the east thits
week. She will have her
opening in a few weeks, after
she attends the opening at
Portland and returns.
J. S. Cooper, J. A. Simon
son and J. VV. VViltse ru ide a
trip to Dallas and vicinity
Wednesday a week ago in re
gard to a little real estate
deal in which the two former
parties were interested.
Mart fScraft'ord the war
horse of Luckiamute was in
town the other day and
failed to register at the
Monitor oil ice. We have
credited him with a black
mark. Never again, Mart.
The Crab Club held their
weekly picnic Monday even
ing at Rocky Point, with the
usual members present
They ate plain steak and tea
bone in place of crabs. They
ivill have oyster salad nex
.Vernon J. Brown, of the
Kirkland pharmacy, left on
Wednesday for an outing
He expects to be absent for a
couple of weeks. Mr. Brown
stated this was his first vaca
tion for a number of months
and he thought he had letilly
earned a little rest.
Dr. A. J. Hiniker, .if San
Francisco, has taken the place
of Dr. W. R. Allin during the
latter's absence on the Ale
Kenzie. Dr. and Airs. Allin
and son William left in their
auto this week for their sum
mer outing and wi'l be ab
sent from ten day to two
Bessie and Ella Kennard,
who have been visiting with
their sister, Mrs. Rowe, left
Monday evening for their
lotne in California. They
went by private conveyance
to Salem, Air. and Airs. Rowe
accompanying them, and
there they took the train to
Mr. N. F. Jillispie, who ac
cepted a position last week
n the Urexler it Alexander
general merchandise store
us moved into the penlin-
ger property on Monmouth
street. His family accomnun-
ed him from Amitvnnd thev
xpct ti make a permanent
loine in (Ins city. .
Dr. (His Dole Butler, Jay
hadley Wriiou Butler, Lu
ther Giound and William
Mulkey took their annual
uiiting trip this week. Doe
is ehtet this war and has the
t'Htlu r. The ivsi, curry his
oad for him. lie tot a deer
ast ear and so out printed
is rivals. This year the ret
aim they will uin, -ven il
lev liavt U U- I'lMi down.
D. -M . I.ugu h whs in lKtl
1, M01 mouth nid liuhp.-u-
ence a tew tuns ago in the
interests ot the state tairex-
ibits and general pro
grammes. Jlo met with rep
resentatives of the Commer
cial Clubs ami was very ?n
llmsiiistio about the next ses
sion of the fair at alem.
l'olk county has heen one of
1 he leaders in the exhibit
line, h iving carried off the
blue ribbon tor excelling sev
eral different years. The co
unty court has heretofoie
taken con.-iderabie pride in
hoisting tiiis matter along.
Mrs. Wm. Pattou is at
coast this week.
Howard Heath was
Portland this week
Airs. Sherman Hayes left for
the coast Wednesday.
Night Watchman Pete Du
cep is off on a vacation.
J. S. Cooper relumed from
Portland Monday evening.
O. R. Durban k. of Peedee,
was a business visitor Mon
day. Guy Walker and Roy De
Arrnond are out to the moun
tains fishing.
Mrs. Kay Smith was a
passenger Tuesday for Eu
gene on business.
Peter Kline and family
and Wm. Aldereori and fam
ily left for Neskown in Tilla
mook couuty Monday.
Airs. George Conkev left
Wednesday for the coast,
where she will spend a few
weeks summer outing.
r E. Richardson, a real
eMtate man from Portland,
arrived in the city Thursday
and will visit for a few days
with friends and relatives.
Asa B. Robinson left the
fir?t of the week where he
takes charge of a drug store
at Tillamook, while the pro
prieior takes a few week's
Miss Ruth Leitch, who has
been visiting with Airs. Ale
Devitt at Corvallis, visited in
Independence with Air. and
Airs. Con key before return
ing to Dallas.
H. E Edwards returned
from a trip to Eastern Ore
gon Aronday and brought
with him a five passenger
ChalmersrDayton car which
he secured in the sage brush
Mrs. Wayroan . Hembree
was in Independence Wednes
day visiting Aliss Ella Rob
inson. Mrs. Hembree has
heen visiting in Monmouth
and was on her way home to
Airs. J. E. Caldwell arrived
in this city from Salem Mon-
day and will remain here sev
eral weeks. Air. Caldwell is
assisting in building the bun
galow for the principal of
the schools here.
C. E. Frick and family
lave returned to this citv
rom California ar.d other
soutnern points. iney in
tend to build a home in the
near future on their lots on
th and 1) street..
In mentioning the im
provements being made on
the Geo.W. Ilenkle property,
we stated the property was
owned by their daughter Ma
bel; the property is owned
by Air. Geo. Henkle snd wife , 5foecSfcc:'
Real Estate Buys
If you have land for sale list it with
- - R. J. TAYLOR - -
and will be occupied by 1 A
them. They Itft for New
oort Tuesday to spend afew.-M
weeks rusticating.
James M. Jones secured
the contract for wiring the
new Asa Taylor cement
building on C street this
week and starts work at once
He has iust opened up his
new supply house this week
Sepulveda, the race horse
owned by R. Dickinson was
shipped to Vancover, B. C,
Alonday where will be putin
the race meet there. We
expect to hear of him do
ing good work in B C
Go to the People's Variety
Stote for bargains in notions,
See the Pennent Post
Cards at the Peoples Variety
Exclusive Agency for thk
Drifted Snow flour at Fluke
& Johnson's.
For Sale: Cheat Seed For
particulars call or phone
Homer Hill, Independence,
Wanted: Furnished room
with a private family. Phone
Monitor office or write P. 0.
Box 364.
Wanted: Aloney to Loan.
I have inquiries for from
$500 to $1000 on good secur
ity. R. J. Taylor, Indepen-
cence, Oregon.
For Sale: One Alare six
years old $100; double har
ness $25; wagon $50 buggy
5. For particulars see R. J.
Tayler, the real estate man.
Wanted; At this office a
good, reliable hoy, who has
had some high school educa
tion, and who wishes to
learn the printing business.
Permanent position
earning the work.
147 acres, 3 miles from Monmouth, fenced, well
watered with springs, lots of oak timber, at $30.00
per acre. '
98 acres of land near Lewlsvllle, good house,
barn, etc., school near, $50 per acre.
96 acres about 2 miles from Monmouth, good
house barn, large prune orchard, wells, etc. Price
2 acres of good land, house, well, all In cultlva
tlyn $1000.
100 acres of good land about 5 miles south of
Independence. A good farm weU located.
10 acres near town $2500, all In cultivation.
20 acres of good land for sale at $ 100 per acre,
about 5 miles from town. '
One acre, house, barn, chicken house, orchard and
other Improvement $1300, located In Independence.
Good buy.
For More Information See
For Sale: One three year
old horse. Weight 1000 lbs.
Halter broke and gentle.
Phone 4820 or write Box321
Independence, Oregon.
For Sale: 20 head Berk
shire and Poland China hogs.
b'or particulars inquire
Phone 4820 or write Box 321
Indeppndence, Oregon.
For Sale: This office has
two five column quorto cha
ses, tour eight column lolio
chases, a small paper cutter
and a Washington hand
press, for sale. These would
be valuable to any one wish
ing to open a small office and
can be gotten reasonable.
L. Rice Buys Home
We are informed that L. Rice
has purchased a very desirable
residence property in Indepen
dence this week. The property
purchased was the Eichenberg
property, formerly owned by W.
G. Sharman, which is situated
just west of the Christian church.
The deal was made through
Mcintosh & Wiltse.
New Fixtures for Saloon
Mr. Weiderkehr sold his five-
acre tract of land joining the Bo-
hannon hop ranch across the riv
er from Independence this week
to Mr. Hanly, who has been
working on the Hanna Brothers
farm. The place is now in alfal
fa and potatoes and is a choice
piece of bottom land. The sale
after I was made through Mcintosh &
Electric Supplies
I am prepared to wire your . building
for electric lights, furnish all materials
and prepare you to connect with the
Electric Light Company. Write me or
phone 4021 and I will call on you.
East Side of
Main Strut
A car of fixtures was received
by J. R. Cooper Satudray for his
saloon on C street. The new bar
and back bar will run practically
the full lengt h of his room and
reacli almost to the ceiling. The
fixtures are of solid oak, with
refrigerator connections in both
the bar and back bar. The
back bar is fitted with a plate
glass mirror which extends the
length of the bar.
The carpenters started Mon
day to place the bar in place
and will nr obably have it com
pletely installed by the last of
this week. Mr. Cooper also rec
eived a fine cash register at the
same time.
This Woman Can't Shoe a
Horse on a Bet but
He knows how and is too busy to write
an ad even ami we rustled Uiis one for
him. Read what he aava next wwk
The Busy Shop
Independence, Oregon
60 acre farm
21-2 miles
from town
20 hogs, one cow, one yearling: colt, five ton
of hay, 100 bushels oats, some poultry.
Buildings, place fenced, price $2600, $1100
cash, balance 3 years.
One New four room House and two
Lots, 60 x 112, barn 16 x 20, city
water. $100 cash, $50 in five
payments, $500 on or before 5
A five room house to rent one block from
main street at $7 per month.