Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, August 08, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. 1
NO. 2
Big Dairy Ranch South of
Town is Planned
D. VV. Stapleton Sees the
Hand Writing on the
Wall and Starts a
Monthly Income
D. -W. Stapleton was in Inde
pendence Tuesday after a load of
lumber. The editor of the Moni
tor interviewed him and found he
was building the largest barn in
this part of the country on his
fine 160 acre farm south of Inde
pendence. He is getting his
lumber from the Spaulding Logg
ing Company and is building 75x
100 feet, with 26 foot posts for
his mammoth dairy barn. When
it is completed there will be
room for 200 tons of loose hay '
and 100 tons of baled hay, and I
75 head of dairy cows. Mr. Str-t- j
pleton said "I am going to try i
iL. j : l ; 4 I
out me uairyuiK uusmess anu i
The claims department and part
kf the legal department of the
Southern Pacific have their head
quarters in the Fenton building,
As the business of the Harriman
lines continues to expand it is
probable that additional space will
be sought in neighboring build
If the Southern Pacific erects a
terminal depot on North Fourth
street, such as is proposed for
use of its electric cars, some of
the offices may be moved into
quarters created there.
The above announcement is on
ly additional evidence of the elec
trical system that will reach In
dependence as a center for
branch line feeders for east and
west points from this place, as
given out in the announcement
by the S. P. officials a few weeks
Bridge Will Soon be an Ab
solute Necessity
A ten-foot approach to the free
ferry was put in this week at th
foot of C street. There is an im
mense trarnc between roik and
Marion counties at this ferry and
!t the business keeps increasing
Southern Pacific Putting
Main Line Through
Link From Eugene to Mon
roe Will Place Indepen
dence on Main Line
Electric System
time. mere are otten more
teams ready to cross than the fer
ry can accommodate. A bridgp
across the Willamette here is
necessity and will be buiit in a
short course of time. The Hit
people building along the bottom
on the other side is also causing
more settlement and travel in
this section.
will increase my little herd 0f!a31tnas another terry may be a
c!v milt r.rwa tn n cmnH si7PbanH i necessity in a short course of
of graded milk cows and expect
to have 75 head as soon as I get
. every thing in shape for busi
ness." There is no reason why every
farm could not affoid to have a
good size herd of milk cows on
it. Nothing brings in more
ready cash and that every month
than this class of farming. The
man who depends on the annual
crop only gets his money returns
once a year, while the dairy man
gets his milk check every month
and b'1 tier is a good price with
bright prospects of its staying in
just the present condition.
There is a growing market in
the west that the farmer must
take care of and the Indepen
dence territory can just as well
be in the forefront as any sec
tion of the west.
Too much stress is laid on the
fact of a permanent pay roll in a
city. While the permanent pay
roll is a big thing and helps de
velop a community, the little
farm aud the prosperous dbersi
fied farmer does more real de-
Much Improvement to be Done
on Grounds Here
O. A. C. to Systematically
Lay Out This Fine School
Ground Permanently
Frof. F. G. Chute, in speaking
to the editor of the Monitor this
week, stated he was too busy
with other work to get the school
work in shape at the present
veloping than any single industry time but expected to start shar.
you can secure. Two things are
necessary for a live community.
One adequate transportation the
other is the things to transport.
If you raise the commodities and
have the methods to got them to
market your community's pros
peaity is assured.
Plans of Portland, Eugene and
Eastern Electric Lines
Lines Building Throug In
dependence Use Im
mence Office Force
The Oregonian speaking of the
Portland, Eugene and Eastern
After Auirust 1st every office
in the great 12-story Wells-Fargo in public and high school work
bu'lding will be occupied by the
ing up things in a very few days.
In speaking ot the school
grounds he stated he was plan
ning on having them scientific
ally laid off by the Agricultural
College field department in le
tail so that the ground worh
could be done according to sys
tem. Tracts will be laid out for
gardening, parking, driveway1',
trees, shrubs, athletii' fields, etc.
Of course the actual work on the
grout. ds will not. he done at once,
but a plan will be secured so
thai as i he senooj board secures
the rnnivy for improving the
j premises work can be pushed
along in a definite manner so as
j not to be a waste of money.
J There are eight acres of land
in tne tract ot which the high
school makes part, and it will
make a very desirable property
for the farm development and
outside extension work which the
public schools all over the United
States are commencing to devel
op and make a prominent feature
Saturday s uregonian has an
item of railroad news that is of
great commercial importance to
Independence. That part of the
report bearing directly upon the
west side situation and there
by materially affecting In
dependence, reads as follows:
"Eugene, Or., Aug. 3 The cli
max of the summer's railroad ac
tivity is promised for next week,
when the Oregon Electric track
laying crews are expected to
reach the city and the graders
for Flagg & Standifur beg-in ac
tive work on the construction of
25 miles of electric roadway for
the Portland, Eugene & Eastern,
extending from Eugene to a
point a little north of Monroe, in
Benton county, thereby connect
ing Eugene and Corvallis with a
direct electric line.
L. K. Flagg, of the contracting
firm of Flagg & Standifur, left
Eugene today by automobile to
follow the line of the survey from
Eugene to Monroe, and expects
to have grading under way not
later than Monday of next week.
His firm, which was the lowest
of 12 bidders for the work, was
the only one to agree to complete
the contract within 60 days the
church renovated and remodeled.
C. W. Purvine has the contract
for the work. The building has
been raised and new porches are
to be built to it, new windows
placed, the building shingied,
and floors taken up and rebuilt.
The property when completed
will be one of the most attractive
buildings in town. The porches
are to be seven feet wide and 20
feet long, one the full length on
the east and the other on the
west side of the building. When
completed the building will have
the appearance of a modern
Sam McKee, living a few miles
south of Independence, has his
fine new barn completed. The
barn is about 40 by 60 feet in di
mensions, and the painting of the
same was the finishing touch that
was put on this wek. The farm
mprovement is going on around
the city and every indication
looks toward better farms and
happier country people.
New Three Story Hotel
Sign of the Times
All flew Bulldinds Well
Built and Occupied. No
Calamity Howlers
In Evidence
M. J. R. Coffee sells better than
any other-Why? Ask Fluke
Several Hop Men Have Systems
Established In Yards
Carmichael's, Horst Bros.
and Others Have Fine
Systems Started
Harriman railroads.
But cne concern not connected
with the Harriman system re
mains in the building now. It
has orders to vacate at the end
of this month. Its present quar
ters will be taken by the Port
land, Eugene & Eastern, under
which name the Southern Pacif
ic's electric lines in Oregon will
be known and which now occu
pies almost the entire fourth floor
of the building.
Even after this change is made
the Wells-Fargo building will not
be large enough to coniain all
the Harriman offices. Some de
partments now find room in the!
Fenton building across the street. '
Eggs go as far as cash fur gro
eries at Fluke & Johnsons.
Peter fwn-e, the prohibition
candidate for county judge.came
into the office the other day
toting a big blackberry vine and
on it was a couple of bunches of
as delicious blackberries as we
ever saw. I did not get but one
of them as my wife is very fond !
of this kind of fruit and hid them
from me. The Bample I had was
the best we have tried this year.
They were the Lawton berry and
were extra large in size and rich
in flavor.
time limit demanded by Presi
The above announcement
means that the Portland, Eugene
& Eastern will route their fast
electric cars on tho west side
through Independence, and this
announcement as above given by
the railroad people is the carry
ing out of a part of the plans out
lined for the Southern Pacific sys
tems a few weeks ago in which
they stated they would electrify
the whole of their west side sys
tem from Corvallis to Portland,
erect and maintain an electric
system from Independence to Sa
lem, and connect across to Albany
above this place.
This means that ?11 farms along
the main line from Independence
to Corvallis, Independence to Sa-
om and Independence to Mc-
Minnville will be but a few min
utes ride from the metropolis of
this section and of easy access
for trading purposes. Land val-
les will of necessity increase and
arge tracts of land will find
ready sales as they are diversi
fied and made into small acreage
tor the enereot w (armor
While this improvement has
been to a certain extent forced
by the arrival of Hill, the great
railroad builder, into this section,
et you must not overlook the
fact that other hands have con
trol of the Southern Pacific sys
tem and every effort is being
made to push along the work so
as to hold the trade of this rich
This paper prophesies the asser
tion that ten years hence will see
this valley classed as the richest
section of the whole United
States, and there is no denying
the fact that Independence holds
a unique position as a center of
trade. She has the Willamette
river transportation, the Harri
man system, motor connections
with Salem, Hill electric connec
tions across the river by boat fer
ry, and the probabilities of two
lines of road direct to the coast
from this point. As a shipping
center for manufactures she
will soon be the peer of any val
ley town from Portland to San
Horst Bro3. and Carmichael
are both planning on irrigating
their yards. They have pumping
plants established and are get
ting busy with their irrigation
systems and will uw the irriga
tion method when the dry spells
seem to be extended so asto retard
the growth of the vines, Horst
Bros, tried the experiment out
last year and declared it to be
profitable, The Krebs yard, now
owned by Carmichael, has been
systematically surveyed and
placed in shape for irrigation.
Crews of surveyors have outlined
a grade and water will be
pumped through large mains, we
understand direct from the river,
to irrigate the hops.
This is a new departure in hop
growing out will undoubtedly
prove a money winner as the hop
growers can be assured ot an
abundance of moisture during
the dryest season by this method.
These two yards are the largest
in the world and hop men over
the whole of the country are
watching this experiment with
considerable interest.
uGrreSpOiiuciit S 5 il u S iiiieidSi-
ing News Notes
caught in the saw taking off the
thumb at the first joint. Dr.
Hewitt was called to dress the
wound and reported that he
thought no complications would
result and that there were prac
tically no scratches on the other
fingers of the hand.
Hauling Crushed Rock for
Bad Section of County
et Antioch
Eli T. Henkle is having hi? res
idence, opposite the Baptist
Charlie Osborne was a business
visitor in Monmouth Monday.
Pern Lewis and wife, of Lewis
ville, were seen in these parts
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clf-rke, of
Lewisviile, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Clarke's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. Jlinkle.
Ed Wunder and wife visited
the latter's uncle, Mr. Cockrell
and family, who live near Inde
pendence, Sunday.
John and Charles Holtnan pur
chased a threshing machine of
Mr. Mulkey and will do the
threshing in this valley.
Jim and Grover Hinkle and
Jim Goodman are hauling crushed
reck on the road here. This will
be a decided benefit for the farm
ers in this part of the country as
it was almost impossible to get
through in some places last winter.
While the residence section
that has seen the most develop
ment in the last few months has
been in the Hill additions south
and west of the main part of
town, the north part of Main
street has showed the most de
velopment in the business sec
tion. The first improvement made
was the building of the cement
block from the Hanna Brothers
store building north to the Hvery
stable, which takes the place of
the oldGarrigus hotel which was
an old landmark for almost for
ty years. Just opposite this sec
tion we find the new Lerona Ho
tel, a three story pressed brick
struct are in which are located
the Hotel Lerona, owned and op
erated by Moss Walker, the Far
mers State Hank, of which J. J.
Fenton is President and C. V.
Irvine, Cashier, the stockholders! and took
of which are ail local men, and
the Independence Bakery. The
Lerona Hotel is probably as up-
to-date a hostelry as there is in
the valley. A largo spacious
waiting room, a large dining
room, new sample rooms and a
grill room make up the lower
tory of the building, while some
S'xiy odd rooms are in the build-
rig. It ha3 hot and cold water,
patent toilets call bells and tide-!
phone connection for the benef it
of the traveling public. Th
editor of the Monitor spent sev
eral weeks at this hotel and
states from experience that the
accomodations are all that could
be desired in any town of twice
the size of this.
Mr. crown has built a new
brick building on C street where
he has opened up a general fur
niture and second hand store
and he is getting a good busi
ness under way.
Bice and Calbreanh have added
quite materially to their building
having put in a brick addition to
the rear, taking the building to
the alley and giving them more
display room for their furnitun
carpets, and other lines.
I he above buildings make up
the late improvements in the
business section which have been
built in the last lew years, exclu
sive of those structures now un
der construction, a mention of
which we made Inst week
To whom it may concern j My
relations with Kirkland's Phar
macy have been severed since
about Aug. 1st, 1912. All ac
counts owing to or owed by Kirk
land's Pharmacy up to that time
are payable and receivable by
me. All accounts payable and re
ceivable since then are the ac
counts of my successor Mr. Ver
non J. Brown, a competent Phar
macist and a trustworthy gentle
man for whom I bespeak your
generous patronage. 1 nan li
ng you for your liberal patro
nage, l am Ke'.poettully.
P. M. Kirkland.
Portland Man Sees and
Pleased With it All
Phil. Metschan.
Imperial Hotel,
Treasurer, was in
Friday. He was
propreitor the
and Ex-State
just returning
from a trip to Corvallis, where
he was looking over the hop
vardsin which he and J. S. Coop-
r ar lessees.
T 1 .1, . ft
lie caueu at tne monitor omee
along a copy of the pa
per. He stated that ibis town
was making a fine growth and
had the earmarks of prosperity
everywhere. He was surprised
to see the changes that had been
made here in the last few months.
State Authorities Decide
Referendum Matter
Present Cramped Quarters
to be Improved by the
Erection of a Fine
Modern Building
G. II. Grover has the contract
for the C. A. McLaughlin res
idence on I3th street, one; block
south oi tne ai. i... L,tiurcn. me
cement foundation is being
placed this week and makes a
full basement. Cement blocks
cap the foundation from the
ground level to above the yard
grade. The building when com
pleted will be the finest in Inde
pendence. It is a bungalow 32x
G4 over all, with a big brick fire
place and flue on the north side.
It will have all the modern con
veniences including a late style
hot water heating plant, hot and
cold water bath, toilets, etc.
There will be a large porch at
the front and another at the
back of the building. The build
ing complete will cost in the
neigh borhood of $3000. When
completed ar. McLaughlin will
have one of the most modern
residences in the valley.
Homer Mills, while employed
at the Spaulding Logging Com
pany planer mills on Main street.
cutting quasi chips for hop
Several Outfits Start to Work
This Week
Lew Stapleton a nd J. A. Ki
ser Have Fine New Out
fits for Threashing
J. A. Kiser started threshing
Monday with a fine new thresh
ing machine which he purchased
this year. He commenced work
on the George Keuf place and
the machine is running along
without a hitch at the last report
to the Monitor. Mr. Kiser has a
I. Case machine.
C. Lawrence commenced this
week to thresh in his territory
north of Monmouth and will have
a good run this year.
Lew Stapleton just received a
new machine this week through
Hanna l?rot,hrs, and it was put
up in running shape Wednesday
at their store and Lew started
, lL I.. I- .' . ... I -
Torn Hart was busy most of
last week gfttincr his outfit
straightened up and in shape to
start work and pulled away from
hi.s home on Fifth street with the
machine the first of this week.
The first of next week will s
I machines in operation and it
is (stated that a lew weeks will
ean up the grain.
The Oregon Milling and Ware
house Company have been busy
rjr several weeks getting their
warehouses and mill in shape to
take care of the grain this year.
I lug concern ux's an immense
business and is one of the most
successful industries of the county.
Word was received Saturday
afternoon by Thos. rennel that
lis father died Friday. Thos.
Fennel, who was the father of
our townsman, was vl years of
age, emigrated from Ireland to
Wadina, Iowa, where Tom was
born. There were eight children
in the family, five men and
three women, five were at home
at the time of the death. All of
the family were born on the old
home place near Wadina and
which w as the home of Mr. Fen-
A report reached the Monitor
office Tuesnay morning that the
$50,000 appropriated for the O.
N. S. at Monmouth would de
come immediately available.
Pres. Ackerman was in Salem
Tuesday in the interest of the
school and will probably begin
preperations to build the new
building at once.
The Normal was held up
through the Parkinson deal
which held up the University
but the case was not appealed
and the Normal money is availa
ble. This will mean much for
the Normal as it has been
cramped materially for room and
a dormitory is necessary.
The Salem Statesman com
menting on the matter said:
"Despite former assertions to
the contrary, the state depart
ment will net allow the referen
dum on the Monmouth Normal
appropriation to go on the No
vember ballot. This was decided
at a conference between Secre
tary of State Olcott and Assist
ant Attorney-General Van Wink
le. It means that the state will
begin honoring the claims
signed by Principal J. H. Acker
man and that the mandamus pro
ceedings threatened by the later
will not be instituted. It is said
that the Monmouth authorities
will immediately proceed with
the erection of tho $50,000 dor
mitory authorized by the last
As Secretary Olcott views the
case, the state never nad a
chance of winning, as in the for
mer university case it wa ac
knowledged that the Monmouth
petition did not contain the neces
sary oona ride names, and it
would merely have been necessa
ry to call to the witness stand
Secretary Olcott or others famil
iar with the circumstances. In
this action, the state officers feel
that they are enabled to combine
pleasure with duty, as Monmouth
is given badly needed teaching
facilities and at the same time
the state is saved what promised
to be an expensive legal controversy.
Six Machines do the Baling
About Independence
AH Hay Fine Quality and
Quantity Larger than
Few Years Back
spraying purposes, got his hand nel when he passed away.
Three balers were busy for a
f-;w weeks south of Independence
between the I). W. Stapleton
property and Iluena Vista. They
were the balers of Wrn. Cooper,
J. A. Kiser and Stapleton. It is
estimated that the three balers
put into bale about K0 tons of
hay in this section. I he hay was
reported to be good in quality
and fair in uuantity to the acre.
The baling season is over and
the hay balers have all been put
up for the season. Besides
these, three balers were at work
south of town and they also put
up quite a lot of hay, in fact it is
estimated they put up considera
ble more than those south of
town baled this year. w. r.
Campbell finished his season's
work several days ago, in fact
much sooner than he had ex
pected, as other baling outfits
encroached on terrritory he
thought he would handle this