I'HE POLK COUNTY POST Published every Friday at Independence, Oregon. uier«d as aecoud class m allei March ¿6, 1918, at the poatotlice at Independence, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Editor and Publisher. CLYDE T. ECKEi Sub < ription Rates: T HREE MONTHS S IX MONTHS ONE Y E A R ^ O c. # 1.00 # 2.00 > 'll ess o th erw ise p rovid ed for. subscriptions w ill be stopped at expiration $ x & x & x x * : j w *• (;iark wa8 here froni | PorLand visiting his family last Golden K ru st B read *eek *r,d- (M A D E IN INDEPENDENCE) When you eat G O L D E N K K U iT you Select Your not only eat us good a bread as baked anywhere bui patronize Ghrislmas Greens a home industry. GET THE HABIT M A C H IN E A gigantic machine, with jaws which open to take in timber i r a » setnbled wood structures 30 feet in height and which can crush tln-m like egg shells when the jaws dose together again, has recently been erected at the forest products lab* oratory of the United Slates De­ partment o f Agriculture at Madi­ son, Wis. This machine is to be used for testing very large wooden columns. It is possible to exert a force of a million pounds with it, and it is built to crush a wooden ppst a foot square. Its great range o f testing speeds enables it to apply its tre­ mendous load with the fatign ,.g slowness o f a building settling on its foundation timbers or with the speed o f a train dashing onto a wooden trestle. Architects and en­ gineers have very little data of the kind which this machine will supply to the scientists at the lalioratory. NEW P E N O L O G IC A L Potted Plants S «UTH 5 SON, fro p s. NOW ........ — Restore the Usefulness Beautiful To w orn, injured and sick casln ,s and tubes Poinaettias Expert Tire Surgery Cyclomen Our “ cure” Is alw ays a perfect one. Appropriate for Gifts Also New Tires for Sale The officials of a penitentiary are trying a new experiment by re­ painting the four cell-blocks and al­ lowing each prisoner tp select the color he likes for his own cell, for the psychological effect it has upon the malefactor. The corridors of the cellhouses arc being painted a light brown. The cells are being painted in attractive tints o f yellow, blue, brown, buff, etc. None of the cells, the warden explained, is to have somber settings, but are all to be bright and cheerful. The penolo­ gist is always an optimist. Shop In building form erly occupied by W illiam s barber shep Cut 8everal Inches Off Pantaloons to Display Silk Hose, Like Ameri­ can Girl*. Also A Splendid Array of Î lolly Wreaths Eyes Tested to make a home cheerful Glasses Fitted. Lenses accurately duplicated Optical repairs carefully and promptly made Arthur Plant’s Floral Shoppe HARTMAN BROS. Dr. W . C. Gehman, Optometrist OREGON SALEM. SALEM . ORE, Mrs. F. E. Mull Han Francisco.— On.y a decade ago the most flirtatious Chinese maid whose smiles ever started a tong war would not think of letting Caucasian eyes rest upon her trim Oriental ankle, any more than would her suitor go a wooing without wearing a ipieue. The Chinese revolution cut off the queues. And now Dam e'Fashion has clipped a full eight inches off the pret­ ty pantaloons of the celestial maidens, revealing for the tlrst time on the streets of San Francisco’s Chinatown pretty ankles and a bit more, encased In as entrancing bits o f silk as any American girl can wear. •Sure, w e'lik e ’em, all same Am eri­ can girl,’’ was what Rose l/*e Ifad to say about her new silk stocking* and tiny pumps which showed beneath her lavender silk pantaloons, embroidered In white. See. they pretty,” she added, coyly, looking downward. WORMS RUIN COAST WHARVES Hemstitching Stamping, Braiding, Hand Embroidery, Buttons Room 10, over Miller’s Store Salem , Ore. Phone 117 W inter Hats W e wish the ladies who read this paper to come and look at our W in ter Hats the next time they are in Salem. quite sure that they with our display We are will be delighted which are in all the latest modes and fashions. Then we / are quite sure tnat the reasonable prices prevailing in this shop will be very at­ tractive also- Chemist* Seek W ays to End Wood Borers' Damage of Million* of Dollar*. Madison. Wls.— W harves In San Francisco harbor have been damaged to the extent of $15,000,000 In the laat two years by wood borers. The amount of loss from the cause n both Atlantic and Pacific coasts t* very large, and to check these depreda- ons the forest products laboratory ere bus started u survey this year. The log used for a pile Is strong and -omul when It Is first driven, and th* wood-borer Is very weak and quite In­ significant in appearance, but the lt/e \tid usefulness of the former Is short when the small enemy attacks it. The supposedly solid wooden piles upon which the wharf la built are bored out by the teredo, a worm with a hard shell auger for a head, and when the ship tugs at her hawsers the piles snap off like pipestems. Sunspots In 19.°0. The Inst maximum of sunspots was j m 1917. During 192 '* epottedness con- | tinned to decline the mean dally spot-area for the y x ir being about 700 millionths of the sun’s visible hemi­ sphere. or half of that of 1917. On a | few occasions, especially during Ait- I gust, the solnr disk was practically free from spots, while on some days in | January nnd March the total spotted urea was more than Millllojith* , — Scientific American. Queer Freak of Nature. Nenr Rakewell. Der' vsbire. Fagian i, a tre»- known a* thè "D uck" (ree, ha» been cut down. On holng etti Into ,board* |t was fottnd to bave thè nmrk- ! Ing of a duci*, thè boari, llver and other orgnns shnwlng a ranch darker shade. It ls snld that severa! yeur< ago n duck was -hot on thè wlng and | flint It foli Into thè troe and was never round. The bnnrds are on cxhlbltlon In thè locai musnuin. Nature Lavish to Him A Vermont youngster was born with six toe* on each foot, and whop hla teeth appeared he hnd tw# row* on his lower law, Mrs. L. (». Curtis 125 N. High St. Salem SW OPE & SWOPE Day S a le M F N ’S W O M ENS, CHILDRENS H IG H G R A D E FOOTWEAR S A C R IF IC E D ÇatlirrlâU j lc T arge S ize T o y Balloon, lc to the Kids. Sat- urday, Dec. 10, to first ---- 100 kiddies ac- # -- the ---- --------- eompamed by their parents will have the pri­ vilege o f buying- a lanre size gas baloon for the small sum o f lc. L im it 1 to the Kiddie. You Do N ot Need to Make a Purchase in Any Department OQIUIUuj J > 7 Special Opens Thursday Dec. 8 Opens Thureday Dec. 8 SALE W e Must Raise the Cash Entire stock especially priced w ith but one object in mind==-to Sell T H E BO O TER Y 167 N. Com m ercial St. SALEM Popular Music and Rag­ time Piano Playing Taught in 12 Lessons m GUARANTEED If you wish to play for your own amusement—or to entertaiR in your own home—or for people to sing—or for them to dance— then get your wish. Don’t put it off three months(12 lessons). If you wish to start now, you will be a good player by that time. » Practice an H ou r a D a y if you do not play the piano, you positively can learn your favorite melodies, popular music, ballads, etc , in 12 lessons, even if you do not know one note from another now. If you a1 ready play the piano, learn to convert any piece into Jazztirae: cultsvat.nga syncopated touch that will not harm Classical interpreta­ tion. Learn the style used by motion pictuie players, sheet music deinonstrat.drs, professional cabaret and vaudeville pianists. Learn to alter time, add notes, introduce c limes, runs, etc. Learn to trans­ pose, accompany, harmonize memorize and improv se. This couree answers all your proplems from a strictly academic standpoint. Is is logical, progressive, practical. This method was established in 1901. II is endorsed by well known per­ formers and the music trade—and is worthy of your sincere attention. This school now opening in Indepandence a branch of the well known Waterman Piano Schools in Portland, Salem, Eugene, Marshfield, Rose- burg, Grants Pass, Medford, Ashland and Kalamath Fails. A fifteen minute demonstration that will cost you nothing, will convince you that you can learn to play. Waterman Piano School F. B. C L A R K , M a n a g e r Temporary Headquarters— Talftnan Piano House, Salem, 121 So. Com’l St. LAW YERS Office over Craven A Welker’s ¿tore IndeDendeuce. 15 O ur Entire Stock of IDEA. CHINESE MAIDS SHOW ANKLES M .J . O’DONNELL Masonic Building COME to SALEH and INDEPENDENCE BAKERY • POW ERFUL Oregon Call or write for Free Demonstration