Marinello Cosmetic Shop M anicuring, S ham pooing, Electro* yaia, H air D ressin g , P e rm a n e n t W ave, S calp T re a tm e n t, W rinkle T re a tm e n t, E le c to ly tic M assage, B leaching and T in tin g . S p ecial A cne T re a tm e n t, M arinello P re p a ra tio n s an d H a ir Goods. HAIR GOODS SWI'CHES MADE FROM COMBINGS MRS. IRENE SCOTT P hone 1690 SA LEM 125 N. H igh S t TIME CARD Valley & Siletz Railroad M otor L eav es Independence Daily 10:50 a. m . . M otor Leave« In d ependence Daily E x c e p t S u n d ay 4:10 p. m. M otor A rriv e s In d ep en d en ce, Dally 9:50 a. m. M otor A rriv e s In d ependence, Daily E x c e p t Sunday 3:50 p. m. F re ig h t serv ie e daily e x c e p t Sunday, L eav e Indep en d en ce 7'30 a. m. L. E. WATSON, Supt. TO REALIZE THE MOST MONET W e buy everything you want to sell and sell everything you want to buy. Cash or trade. Bring in everything you want to sell and I will sell it for you on a commission. MAX GOLDMAN m EYES and EFFICIENCY The success o f a bu sin ess man usually d ep en d s on th e m ain ten an ce o f his h e a lth —so n ecessary in th a t e sse n tia l, c le a r-c u t m a n n e r o f th in k ­ ing and deciding im p o rta n t issues. W ith o u t p ro p e r e y e sig h t no man can be him self. No m an can think w hen th a t sick en in g h ead ach e c a u s­ ed fro m o v erw o rk ed ey e s p e rsists in sap p in g his v ita lity . So a f t t r all i t 's th e ey es th a t co u n t fo r efficiency. MORRIS Optical Co. 2 0 4 -2 1 1 Salem B an k o f C om m erce Bldg. Oregon's Largest Optical Institution S A L IM , OREGON Phone 239 fo r a p p o in tm e n t vsh fron\ aaeL Or. Oinsmore Having Enjoyable Time On Trip ap p ears, have been in pa.-f responsible for th e delay in ailjuktlng the 50,000 claim s for lost and dam aged paveéis. B ut m ore th an th a t, they eontluuall) act as If they d id n 't care a rap w h eth ­ e r they held th e ir Jobs or not. C ars L ittle A bout Jobs. T h e tro u b le Is th a t they really do J. G. M cIntosh and wife pass­ not, G lover Intim ated, and they often ed Sunday with Eugene friends. tell th e d ep artm en t officials as much In Ju st about th a t m any w ords. They a re u n d er civil service, and often they Mr. and Mrs. J. McCloud and a re th e only men In th e ir tow na who Mrs. McKinney accom panied th e! wl11 a n <> l * n “ • postm aster«. Moot t o D n k u .i, r __ • • i i o ! often they run sm all stores, and If J. S. R bbie S to Lewisville Sun- j the d e p artm en t In W ashington gets day. “all het up" over th e ir fa ilu re to a n ­ sw er correspondence, th e p o stm asters th re a te n to give up th e post office Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carbray work. will entertain the Kill K are Club T h a t th re a t usually “w orks,” fo r It this evening. Mrs. J. S. Robbie is b e tte r to have som e sort of post of­ fice than none a t all. har been elected president of the “ W hy, gome of them pay no a tte n ­ club for this year. tion to us a t all,” said Glover, w ith a sm ile of despair. “One of {hem re­ cently w as asked to fill out a q uestion­ The Oregon T heatre bill for n aire show ing reason« as to th is and th • coming week includes the th a t In connection w ith a lost parcel. “ ‘H ell, n o ; hell, y e s; hell, n o ; hell, beautiful story “ Lavender and yes,’ w as th e w ay he sent th e ques­ Old L ace,” Friday and Saturday, tio n n a ire hack to us," continued Glo­ October 28 and 29, also Wm. S. ver, w ith som e feeling. “T hen, he H art and Ja n e Novak in “ Three continued, ‘If you don’t like It, tak e your --------- poet office out o f my Word B rand.” sto re.’ “T h is Is a sam ple of the th in g we have to p ut up w ith ,” continued the FARM CHIMNEYS NEED STUDY third a ss ista n t p o stm aster general. "O ne p o stm aster actu a lly te re out T hey Should S ta r t From Ground and the p a rtitio n s used to m ark off the post office from the reet of his store Not Be Placed on B rack ets— and th rew them out Into th e street, Make Foundation Solid. to g eth er w tth sll th e postal a p p a ­ ratu s. All chim neys for fnrm building- “W hen the m alls a rriv ed th e men should s ta rt from th e ground. Those placed on b ra c k e ts a re u n safe am ' on th e tra in saw th a t they could net dcUver the le tte rs and o th er m a tte r often Increase th e ra te of Insurance In a properly designed house o f mod to an office out In th e street, so r e ­ fused to let th e mall off. W ord w as e ra te alxe, one o r a t m ost tw o chlm neys, each containing several Hues, sen t to h e a d q u a rte rs and Inepectors sen t down a t once. will serv e every purpose. If poaslh|e. “Do you have to put up w ith th a t a flue should be provided fo r each so rt o f th ing?" G lover w as asked. stove, as much b e tte r d ra fts a re th ere hy obtained, say sp ecialists of the Many R equests U nansw ered. U nited S ta te s D ep artm en t of A gri­ “T h e re Is not much else we can do. cu ltu re. som etim es," he said. "O ften It be­ T he chim ney should have a solid comes a case o f h aving a p o stm aster fo u n d atio n o f brick or atone, and If like th a t or none a t all. O ften they o f brick, of course, an e x tra footing pay no a tten tio n w h atev er to le tte rs should be laid. T he e x te rio r walls ask in g for Inform ation, and some of should he tw o b rick s thick and the them even refuse to send back to m er­ division w alls one brick thick. In can tile houses packages refused *hy case th e chim ney Is lined w ith one custom ers In th e ir villages. of th e p a te n t fire-clay linings now on "F o r Instance, a man ask s fo r sam ­ th e m a rk e t one brick will prove of ples o f su itings from some big m er­ sufficient th ick n ess fo r th e ex terio r can tile house, th a t Is, perhaps, not ns walls. stric t In It* business ethic« as som e of In case It Is n ecessary to carry a th e houses. stovepipe any considerable distance “ A sam ple of a blue etoth. and a Inside a p artitio n to reach the chlm sam ple of a brow n cloth a re sent him. ney, a te rra co tta thim ble should he from which he select* the blue, and used, and w here a pipe p arses com ­ o rd ers a su it of th a t color. B ut th e p letely through a p a rtitio n It should clothing house sends him su its m ade he p ro tected w ith a v en tilated thlm from both colored cloths. Me. “T h e custom er accepts the bine su it h u t refu ses the brow n one And PLAN TO WEAN CALVES EARLY th e p o stm a ste r does not tak e the tro u h le e ith e r to notify the m ercan­ Much Tim e and Annoyance Savsd If tile house o r send the suit hack. Then when th e house kicks, and begins to Y oungater It T aken Away W hen flood th e t-iitt.»liter w ith le tte rs asking Quite Young. fo r a rem ittan ce fo r th e brow n stilt, j T he cow ow ner who neglects to loo, th e custom er te n rs up th e le tte rs | w ean his c a lf because It Is too much and th e p o stm aster pays no a tten tio n ! to le tte rs to him .” tro u b le Is m aking ten tim es th e trou G lover said th a t th e dep artm en t hie for him self hy lettin g It n u rse Its m other. It Is su rp risin g how soon a had been able to c le a r up the 50.000 •itIf can he tau g h t to drink from a delayed cases p artly because It had bucket. If one Is d eterm in ed enough. waived the old rules requiring m any affidavits as to the cost o f articles al­ And th e freedom from both erin g with leged to he lost. a hungry young hull a few w eeks Inter ch arg in g down, tram p lin g one’s feet $490 P urse In Coal Wagon. and In sistin g upon h a tin g t ! s way. 1« O reenshnrg. P a.— F o r fo u r days a w orth a lot. pockethook containing $490 w as c ar­ ried around th e country attach ed to ANXIOUS TO PLEA SE. th e run n in g gear of a coal wagon be- S T o properly shoe th e ' children, take them to the Buster Brown Shoe Store in Salem. Mail o rle rs carefully filled. l t ’s lik e th is, Miz/.ua O g g y ," n - - WE PAY PARCEL POST JA P A N 'S H O U SINQ S H O R TA G E . 1J lbs................... 5 1 .2 5 T H E A C E 127 North High OREGON SALEM Pipeless Furnace is guaranteed to heat your home. Why put in a pipe furnace when others »re tearing them out? We have used pipe furnaces in good order from $25 up. The Western Pipeless Furnace takes large sticks of wood, delivers the heat where you want it and saves one-third the fuel which a pipe furnace requires" Call and let us demonstrate. DON’T TAKE JOB SERIOUSLY Send for a Box GI............................ 3 5 c » 14 o*........................... 6 5 c 7 The WESTERN Dr. H. C. Dinsmore’s many Minor Post Offices Cause Trouble friends will be interested in the for Department by Slack­ following communication. ness of Methods. M ontgomery, Ala , Oct. 12, 1921 Dear Friends: Am on my way. L eft Nev. O r­ leans this A. M. and have stopp- _ . , _ , , . , P o stm a sters R efuse to A nsw er De­ ed off here for a rest tonight. p a rtm e n t C orrespondence and Am going on tom orrow P. M. T h reaten to Q uit W hen Called to T aek by Officials. Met some S hriners here and they took me up to th eir cluo. W ashington.— Som e of th e trial* e f Had fine time. Expect to get the Post Office d e p a rtm e n t w ith m any thru by Sat. Hope everything is of th e fo u rth cla.i» p o stm asters of the all rig h t and all well. My per- ! country> wbo refu se to a n sw er official m a n e n t address w ill b e M a n i la correspondence, an d who o therw ise m a n e n i auaress w in De M anaa- ( conduct them selves m a p erh ap s too min, O nt., Can. high handed fashion, a re revealed by R egards to all. ' v - ,rvlnK g lover, th ird a ss ista n t post ‘ f f m a ste r general. H. C. D. W T hose fo u rth class p o stm asters, It plained th * proprietor of th e Tote Fair »tore at Tumlinville, Ark ‘Ttaie rur ouaeed drummar has jusi called me a liar Would you d rut her I'd wait on you now and mebby give him a chance to apologize and back out, or would _vou prefer to aee th e fight flrat and trust to luek that I’ll be able to wait on you afterward F’ City Star. S A N F R A N C IS C O ADD TO WOES OF POSTAL CHIEFS The housing shortage in Japan is iHust rated by the fart that no lea* than two thousand families have ap- 1 plied for the 190 house« which the Tokyo municipality is now con- | »tructing -The living Aga !‘’n* ,n s *° * r n n k S hlr,“y o t I 'l*on"*r T h e pockethook w as the p roperty of John G u n ter of th a t pisce, who laid If on th e wagon while paying Shirey fo r a lond of rn*l. F o u r days a fte r •he tran sactio n Shirey discovered th e purse w hile hitching up his team , and re tu rn ed It to th e ow ner G u n te r hnd m issed the money, h at could not rem em ber w here he had laid It. C. S. HAMILTON 3 4 0 COUNT STREET GO IN COMFORT Go at yonr pleasure-go where you choose and when you choose, with your family or your friends. Enjoy the boundless beauties of nature, the pure air, a lunch in a shady wood, a fishing excursion, a rest by a cool lake or stream. You can in a Ford. Millions have learn­ ed by experience that to own and operate a Ford is not an extravagance; they have learnded that the many pleasures derived from a Ford takes the place of other pleasures, and the saving thus made oft­ en pays for the car and its maintenance. Lets talk this matter over. Get the facts and figures. STEWART MOTOR CO. don't like to wear my good coat or suit out in the rain, but whal will I wear." “/ TWEED-O-WOOL is unlike any other fabric —it is damp-proof—it does not sag: or wrinkle. No matter how wet the w eath­ er, you can be sure your Tweed-O-Wool suit or coat will retain its neat appear­ ance and keeps you dry and warm as well. Inexpensive too. Ladies Suits of Tweed-O-Wool—sizes 16 to 46 Pi ices: $25.00, $32.50, $35.00 Ladies Goats of Tweod-0-Wool—sizes 16 to 46 Prices: $35.00, $45.00, $50.00 Strange Beset D e tro it M ic h — A little anim al, at first th o u g h t to he the "m lealng link," w as cap tu red recently In the wooded portion of B erkeley. Cal It had a face like a man. a fall like th a t e f a •q n lrrel h ands reecm hllng those of a hnm an being sn d Jabbered a dlsflne- flve lingo If Is ahont a foot tall and dark hm w n U niversity of C alifornia edenM sta will he asked to define Ite I V A L I T O N ’S 415 State Street SALEM 114 N. Liberty St.