AIRIJ1 Mr. and Mrs. Conn and Miss M iu Dorothy Gross w m taken , . Winnogene Peterson shopped in to tha hospital Monday. She ex- Albany Monday. peels to undergo an operation. Mr. Hugh Williams has been B. S. Hastings and family vis' ited with relatives in Albany ! visiting his son Raymond at , Carlton. last Saturday. Mrs. Lorene Cooper was at ( Mr. and Mrs. Rusael Ostrander tending to business in Dallas are planning to return their last Thursday home mt Br-merton Tuesday. Several from here attended They are going to make the trip ___________________ _____________ m their Ford which they pur­ chased since they have been visiting here. Mirloallo Cosmetic Slop ° ' d ¡T « * ' * h,e*r " iU* Hletory la Uaad In a Recent Film Production** A water wheel, undoubtedly the largest of its kind ever built, it ns said, which provided corn dour for the hardy pioneers' who went from V irginia into Kentucky with Daniel Boone, la seen in a new film pro­ duction. The story calls for an old- time m ill, and it was decided that only in the V irginia mountains could this relic o f bygone days be found. This wheel is said to be 52 Mr. »nd Mrs. Frank B,erely h„ „ th„ e„ ly ¡„ th. are packing their things. They Nineteenth edntury, in order to fur­ are planning to move to DallaB nish food for the soldiers who were the last of the week. watching over the Indians, the state Mr. and Mrs. Lorene Cooper o f Virginia caused the wheel to be erected. Th e state also adopted this HAIR ROMS SWITCHES IA0E FROM C0MIII6S were visiting at the home of the latter’s parents in Buena Vista. | means of getting the Indians to till MRS. IRENE SCOTT S A LE M 126 N. High St. m E yesight Controla Your Happineaa What a small thing, yat what a lot of worry and trouble we-'k and de fective eyoa often cauae! So email a thing ia 't that often you lay the blame for your ill feel­ ing to eomething else. And then you apend money uaeleaaly trying to discever the oauae of the trouble. We would advise rpendiag a few moments ef your time in our office. It won’t take ua long to discover the treable, and think of tha relief of really K N O W IN G W H Y ! MORRIS Optical Company 204-211 Salem Beak of Commerce Bldg. Oregon*i Largest • Optical Institution SALIM, OBEGOB LAW YERS Office ovar Cravan a W a it e 's M anicuring, Shampooing, Electro- yaia. Hair Dreaaing, Permanent Wave, Scalp Treatment, Wrinkle Treatment, Electolytic Masaaga, Bleaching and Tinting. Special Acne Treatment, Marinelle Preparation# and Hair Goods. Phone 1690 SW OPE Si SW O PE the fair last week. The High GR0UND FLOUR FOR PIONEERS School hired a truck to go down. ---------- Independence, Is better than guessing. Restore the Usefulness Expert Tire Surgery Our “ cure” Is always a perfect one. Also New Tires for Sale M.J. O’D O N N E LL Shop In building formerly occupied by Williams barber shop City M e a t M arket GUS MILLER Phone 611 GO IN C O M FO R T Go at yonr pleasure-go where you choose and when vou choose, with your family or your friends. Enjoy the boundless beauties of nature, the pure air, a lunch in a shady wood, a fishing excursion, a rest by a cool lake or stream. You can in a Ford. Millions have learn­ ed by experience that to own and operate a Ford is not an exiravagance; they have learnded that the many pleasures derived from a Ford takes the place of other pleasures, and the saving thus made oft­ en pays for the car and its maintenance. Lets talk this matter over. Get the facts and figures. Science has been coming to the E. E. Tripp made a business aid o f the housekeeper during the trip to Portland this week. last half a century. Inventors have ' been keeping awake nights figuring i j ! j j a matter o f turhing on the electric Carl Henderson is back at switch. But it is a mere man who has de­ work again after an absence of veloped the latest wrinkle in house­ several days from the J. G. Me hold furnishings by providing arti­ Intosh grocery. We are glad to report that Mrs. Nora MattiBon who has been quite ill is in a satisfactory condition and it is hoped she will soon be entirely well again. If you want meat that will make a meal you'll know is just right, go to the To worn, Injured and sick casings and tubes laY “ lde thelr Airlie won first prize at the the ,8?il ftnd 1 warlike proclivities. Th e state fair this year. They had two ground the corn the Indians raised days tima to prepare the booth and also paid them a bounty on but it couldn’ t be beat when it each bushel they brought to the mill comes to show. to be ground into flour. The m ill was last used in fur- Otto Bose the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bose died at the I nishing flour fo r the Confederate hospital Sunday evening of Curv­ | army operating in western Virginia. While the m ill itself is crumbling, ature o f the Spine. I the wheel is still in good condition. Mr. Julius Wienert was in Salem Monday on business. LA U G H S A T L A U N D R Y B I L L S The high School have another Up-to-Date Brooklyn Buoineoo Man new pupil, Ivan Embree. It is Haa Attractiva Curtain» Painted his Frejhmsn. on Hlo Window*. Complete your smart fall cos­ out how they could lessen work for tume with a pair of smart boots the woman in the home. They have or oxfords purchased at Valiton’ s 1 -eaeherl a stage where cooking, sweeping and scrubbing are largely in Salem. Oregon KNOW ING STEWART MOTOR CO. ficial curtains. These new style window hangings are on a spick- and-span lunch wagon near the Long Island station in Brooklyn. The curtains are painted on the windows. The brush-wielder has produced all the effects o f the FARMING The Biggest Business in the United States Every Farmer is entitled to three conditions in his business— COST OF PRODUCTION, if he produces economically STABILITY OF M ARKETS over which he has no control A REASO NABLE M ARGIN OF PROFIT which all other business expects and gets • These things cannot be secured by each farmer acting Individually. TH E FARM • They must be obtained through a well financed organization. BUREAU is a three-fold organization to bring these conditions about. THE COUNTY FARM BUREAU helps to solve all local problems of production, home condi­ tions and better farm life generally. THE STATE FARM BUREAU is the state-wide voice of the farmer in legislation, economics, marketing, Industrial and allied interests. THE AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION is the masterful organization which repre­ sents you. Mr. Farmer, at the seats of the mighty in Washington, in all state capitals and wherever regulatory and administrative bodies are sitting. Membership in the Polk County Farm Bureau entitles you to all the benefits of the three links of the perfected chain. PUBLIC MEETINGS NEXT WEEK IN EVERY COMMUNITY TO DISCUSS IN DETAIL THIS GREAT FARM ORGANIZATION — LET’S GO! •• Campaign under the direction of The Polk County Farm Bureau and Tha Oregon Farm Bureau Federation Main Street