FOSTERED CZECH ‘SPIRIT OF 7 6 ’ Sokol Societies Kept Alive Pa* triotism in Czecho-Slovakia. IS SLAVIC IN CONCEPTION Instituted Under a Hostile Govern, ment to Foster Physical and Moral Forces Which Make for Manliness, Simultaneously It Forged the Na­ tional Forces Which Make fer Free- done—Now Works to Strengthen Bonds Which Unite New Czech State. The recent visit o f « delegation of Sokol Gymnastic societies from i'zecho-Slovaklu to the United States had a deeper Interest than that at­ taching to an International athletic event. Europe’s new-born republic sent to the far older republic o f the new world a representation from an organization which had much to do with keeping alive a national spirit ugalnst the day* when she seized her opportunity for Independence, says a bulletin of the National Geographic society explaining the historical sig­ nificance of the Sokol societies. The delegation of Sokols from Czecho-Slovakia were repaying the vlalt made by many American Sokols who went to Prague last year, each o f them bearing food drafts so that their presence In Prague would not be more o f an embarrassment than a help, A group of American Sokols met at the castle-crowned hill where the March and the Danube unite and there draped Old Glory over a millen­ nial monument, which was erected by the Magyars to commemorate the es­ tablishment of the Hungarian state by Stephen the First In 097. Reveille to National Spirit. » The founding of the Sokol organi­ zation In Bohemia was the sounding of the reveille to a slumbering nation. Czech nationality In 1802 was somno­ lent. Even friends of the Hussite peo­ ple despaired of Its regaining Its sense o f freedom. Tlie enemies of the race which produced Comenlus openly sneered at the low estate to which the once proud nation had fallen. Then came Miroslav Tyrs and Jln- drlch Fugner, who conceived as a means o f awakening their race the es­ tablishment of an organization which would escape the antagonism of the Hapsburg oppressors while cementing the people Into a unit by training j then In discipline and orguulzation. The Sokols, or falcons, derive their name from a Slav legend In which that bird typifies a spirited and courageous youth. The organization Is Slavic In conception and It has so far aided In energizing successive Slavic groups. It was the Czech Sokol spirit which united the thousands of Boheml^p war prisoners in Russia and, when the permission from Kerensky came, forged them Into the army which formed the spearpolnt o f the “ Keren­ sky offensive” In the summer of 1917 It was the Sokol spirit which actuated thousands of men In western Russia, who could almost see their native hills, to set out on the most marvel ous anabasis that World war has known, an adventure which culmi­ nated In the capture o f huge tracts of Siberia, and the return o f the vet­ erans in American transports from Vladivostok to Trieste. The Sokolovna, or Sokol hall, Is not only the gymnasium for the men and women of Czeoho-SJovakla. but Is also the social and cultural center of the city or village. It has been through more than half a century of awaken lug nationalism the hearthstone t< which the Czech lares and penate> have been gathered. Becomes National Festival. Last year the seventh Sokol fes tlval was held In Prague. Coming at a tliue when the new nations of Eu rope were still dazed with selfgovern ment. It did more than any other thing to unite the people o f one country HUd to reveal to them the spectacle o f a nation’s people co-operating In a tribute to the very nationality which their co-operation was strengthening Sokols were brought from most re mote districts. Children who had long heard of their capital but who had never seen Golden Prague spent a week In visiting the places rich In historical and national Interest. Tht > railways were given such a test a? war Itself would not Impose upon them. Hundreds o f thousands of new ly enfranchised citizens had the privi­ lege of paying personal tribute to their newly elected chief, President Masa ryk. The organization which was Insti­ tuted under a hostile government to foster the physical and spiritual forces that make for manliness, simultaneous ly forged the national forces which make for freedom. Freedom having been secured, the same organization operates in strengthening the bonds j thst unite the new Czech state. BUKHA VISTA PRESIDENT’S STOGIES TRYING TO SENATORS Italians Us* Gold Dollar as Standard The ministry of commerce of Rome Italy, has announced that hereafter the gold dollar will replace the pound sterling as the standard upon which U»* Italien lira Is based MUCH EXPECTED OF NEW AIRSHIP tone will be made up of crew, ballast, fuel und other useful load, which con Id Quy Prather expects (o go to P o rt­ Include 100 passengers, It has six land this week. He will take music 12-cyllnder, 40Í) horse power Ansaldo at the Ellison-W hite conservatory engines, placed in paira at the twe this winter. ends and the center of the ship. Hard to Keep Them Alight, but M. L. Prather, w ife and brother. The Roma la of a radically different Harding and Mellon Seem design from the wrecked Rrlttsh-bullt Merlin, o f Drain, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Built in Italy for U. S. Army ZR-2. English aeronautical designers to Enjoy Them. patterned their ships to a great ex­ V. Prather. Nearly Rivals ZR-2. tent after the German Zeppelins, President Hunting Is facing a real Frank Chown and w ife o f Inde­ which have rigid frames that do not revolt In the senate, more serious than pendence were Sunday guests o f Mr. allow the gas bag to debate even when peace with Oerutauy or joining the and Mrs. E. M. Llchty. empty. The Roma was built by Signor League of Nations. The row Is brew­ Mrs. L illy Mall and son, Raymond, Celestino Usuetlln, a wealthy Italian ing over the brand of White House’ were shopping In Independence Sat­ cigars. business man, In collaboration with WOMAN GETS PEARL urday, accompanied by Mrs. Llchty. la 290 Feet Shorter Than ZR-2, but the engineer, Prassone, Colonel Croc- Senators who have gone to the G. E. Harmon sold the Nebergall White House to transact business or About the Same in Girth— Will Carry co and others, who believe that the Finds It When She Was Digging Shall semi-rigid construction, In which Packing Co. sixteen hogs last week. swap Information In the tobacco 100 Passengers and Is Capable of in White River. fratne-work is only needed along the Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Llchty and smoke of the President’s office have Speed of 80 Milea an Hour— Gives Mrs. Jim Shelley of Cotter. Ark. keel of the g*s bag. has all the ad­ Jack Broderson were Salem callers been seen coming out with a stogie Good. Account of Itself In Tests in mother o f five children, digs from 1,- vantages of the rigid ship while re­ stuck between their Ups, putting dili­ Friday. | Italy— Knocked Down and Shipped 500 to 2,000 pounds of shells from ducing the expense of construction gently. N. C. Anderson and G. E. Harmon as Freight. and considerably speeding up this Senator Howard Sutherland of West , White river every day. The other day she picked from a finished fillin g their silos Thursday. Virginia went to the executive offices work. in spite of the recent disaster of Mrs. R. E. Prather is su fferin g the other day to discuss the mine situ­ nlgger-head shell a perfect bHil pearl, Aeronautical experts of this coun­ weighing 50 grains, for which she re­ the ZR-2, the world’s largest airship, ! try and other parts of rhe world had with a very sore throat. ation. He emerged with a crooked ceived $400. This Is the largest pearl America has a large lighter-than-alr been looking forward to the per­ C leve Prather and fam ily returned stogie and no slgii of smoke.* Stand­ yet to be found on the upper White cruft that will be able to cross the formances of the Roma and the ZR 2 from their outing last Friday. They ing on the steps, he wasted a box of rhN season and by far the most beauti­ coutineut or the Atlantic ecean. matches, but the weed burned like a aa the first real eoropariaon between visited his cousins at Dorena and her ful. It Is perfect In color and lustre. This Is the semi-rigid ship, the large ships o f the two different types, rope. sister, Mrs. Kurre, at Cottage Grove, It was purchased by Joe Lane of Roma, which U now being assembled * “ T don’t seem to be able to light | and news o f the loss of the British and also at Newport. They got a this cigar the President gave me,” he Calico Rock. Mrs. Shelley's husband ubd erected at tin Langley held, near ship caused regret on that score aa also engages in pearl Ashing, and be­ erty and hoped that the Infraction would se­ cure* hls reincarceration. He was | hilled before Myron » ’lurk. captalA h f Craft the prison guaril, and begged to he taken back. Clark Instead, brought hliu to San Rafael and asked the co-operation of local authorities In finding bint a Job. ■ —. - 114 North Liberty Street F o r C h ild r e n Just a^few days more and the youngsters will be starting hack to school. Their moat essentia' asset is health. T o insure health they must have comfort­ able footwear that will keep their feet dry. Billiken Shoes (Stitchdowns) for small hoya and girls and misses, the wonder shoe for growing feet, in selectcalfjand kid stock,¿made on perfected lasts. $2.40 to $5.95. P la - M a te Shoes (Genuine Goodyear laata) — mad? just like mother’s) tha finest of calf stock in black and brown, persected lasts, the result of years of experience in construction of children’« shoes. $6.26. Better bring them where experts will fit them with sh:>es that will protect and support as well as wear VALITON’S Salem, Oregon