* rHE POLK COUNTY POST cufity. and you may have i t You will get the mark back when you re­ P u b l i s h e d e v e r y Friday a t I n d e p e n d e n c e , O r e g o n . turn the pen to the window.” The transaction m accomplished; d u s mallei March 2ft, 1918, at the postofflce at when the unsuspecting borrower re­ Independence, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. turns the pen to the official it is looked on coldly and declined: “ No Editor and Publisher. CLYDE T. EOKEK such pen was taken from this win­ dow It doesn’t belong lie re.” And Subscription Bates: The enterprising trickster has de­ TH R E E MONTHS 50s. parted to duplicate the trick in An­ SIX MONTHS $1.00 other post office branch, it’ s a small way to make money, but he makes ONE Y E A B . $2.00 100 per cent on his investment L ileee otherwise provided for, «uhecriptlone will he «lopped at expiration Growing Boys and Girls « The unconscious grace 6f child­ hood depends upon normal, healthful activities— requiring THE REAL ONE MAY BAR FOREIGN CLOTHES TMHdati Assembly Considering Strenu- eua Measures for Encouragement of Home Factories. A bill compelling members of parliament, civil servants, ti“a'-here and town councillors to wear only clothing manufactured in Turkey is being hotly debated bv the Turk- iah national aaaemtdy at Angora, ac­ cording to the Ixmdon Mail’s Con­ stantinople correspondent. One provision is that every per­ son now possessing & shirt, necktie or any other articles of clothing manufactured abroad shall register each article, in which case he will Le allowed to wear it out. During the debate one deputy, who urged that the bill should be­ come law, so as to gbt rid of fash­ ion's tyranny, was heckled with the question, "Why wear ties?” Immediately he took off and tore up hi» tie, whereupon the assembly cheered him and cried, “ l» n g live native manufacturers!” Despite Turkey’s quite rudiinen taiy factories, parliament is tending to pass the bill. ing the customs, languages and characteristics Of the Eskimo race. They were found in the region north of the Mackenzie river. Doc­ tor CamerOn estimates that upward of three years will be required to complete the study of the skeleton« and make the thousands of meas­ urements necessary. G rz sound, healthy feet. The condi­ tion of the feet depends upon the merits of the shoes worn. NLW WAY OF MAKING MONEY Inventive Berlin Trickster Makes Big Profits In Dealing« W ith “ Post Office Pen».’’ One wav of making money: Pen­ holders Hre no longer to be found on post office tables in Berlin, but may be obtained from a window­ framed official, on the deposit of * mark. One cnterpriaiag German buys himself a number of penhold­ ers at 50 pfennig apiece and sets to work writing at the desk of some busy branch post office, the Kansas City Times states. When he shows symptoms of being through with his pen some eager person is sure to ask him whether he will pass it on. “ Yes,” is the answer, “ just give me the mark which i laid out for ie- Buster Brown Shoes She— So you saw Scrawler’s new play Iasi night? Who was the hero? He— I was. I sat through the whole thing. give the correct shape to growing feet to keep them sound, healthy, shapely, grapeful—because they are made upon the Buster Brown Shaping La ts, which faithfully follow the natural lines ot the perfect foot. Miner Qot $600 for Month'« Work. Miners In the I.ogan County (\V Va.) coal field say that Joseph Sitrance. working eight hours a day. loaded '¿'18 mine cars during 14 working days In June, reeelvlng $267.06 for his labor. His total for the month was over $600, Wise Parents Refuse to Accept Substitutes U. 8. Get« $157,000,000 for W a r Goods Surplus army materials which cost $468,140,432, were sold for $157,186,. 291 during the fiscal year ended June 30, according to an announcement of the War department. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE 'l■ ll■ IIM ■ l■ l■ l■ l■ ll■ ll■ ll■ lll■ lll■ lll■ !IH II■ lll■ lll■ lll■ lll■ IM Il■ lll■ lll■ llm S T U D Y IN G E S K IM O RACE. a fclHim skeletons to the number of 90 have arrived in Halifax from the Far North for examination and- measurement on behalf of the C a ­ nadian government by Dr. John Cameron, professor of anatomy at Dalhouse university. The skeletons have been brought from the land of snows by the Canadian arctic ex­ ploration party which has spent fve m year* in Canada’s frigid zone study­ ■ ♦ t r-m. Don’t Forget Us | We won’t forget you with good j j * groceries at fair prices. § 125 Commercial Street, Salem, Ore. i P. R. Alexander, Grocer | W orth Main Street, Independence, Oregon & G ray, S a lem ’s new d e­ you m on ey ,” is o ffe rin g attractive dresses. Head their ad in 1 partm ent store, “ the store that saves prices on yard goods, suits, coats aud paper. WiniitoiiaiimiMiimitoiiaiii«iiMiMiiwiitoiintttoiMiimitotiMii«iiiaiiiaiita!ii«itaiiiai _ r ■ w ifw it i- M ir - m - r - - ’rx' u rsai Tiiiwii'iii rTi-M iTirnran m b The Store That Saves You Money Fair W eek Mail Us Your Orders At Salem’s Greatest W omen’s Apparel Store • If you can’t come in person to do your shopping, mail us your order. Our mail order department Is epuipped to take care of your order the same day as received. All orders guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. Samples sent on request. All orders must be ac­ companied by check, postoflice money order or Wells Fargo money or­ der. Otherwise we will send goods C. O. D. all charges by parcels post. Itis easy for you to shop by msil as our mail order department gives you ' order most careful attention. Welcome Visitors to Oregon State Fair B«gi lining Monday, September 26, and continuing for one week, Salem will be orowded with throngs of visitors, who will come here from the state of Oregon, Washington and adjoining territory to attend this great Oregonian an­ nual event, the Portland Cloak and Suit C6. take this op­ portunity of extending an iuvitation to all to visit Salem’s greatest women's apparel store, where they will find hun­ dred« of new model«, including every worthy design in young Ladies’ and Women’s Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirt«, Waists, Sweaters, Millinery and Furs direot from the fore most ooat and suit makers and mil in fry artists. By com ­ ing to this store for your Fall and Winter Suit, Ooat, Waist, Dress or Hat, you have the advantage of choosing fro i the largest and moat exclusive stock in Salem. Moreover, a comparison of garments and prioee will con­ vince you that ours is invariably correct. You’ ll find here in our Urge and carefully selected stock, styles for all fig­ ures, including little women and those who wear the larger sizes, including Stout Figures. Dress Goods G o o d q u a lit y w o o l p la id s , 42 in c h e s yard Outing Flannel m ix e d s c h o o l w id e ¿a t p e r W o m e n 's fin e G o o d s t r o n g p e r c a le s in f a n c y a n d p la in s t r i p e s ; a ls o p la id a a n d p r e t t y flo r a l d e s ig n s , 36 in c h e s w id e ; p r ic e p e r y a r d Salem’« Greatest Women's Apparel Store The Old White Corner Salem« Oregon h os« Children’s Hose w ith s iz e s ; a ll s iz e s ; Ginghams Women’s Hose Women’s Union Suits B u r s o n fu ll f a s h io n e d h o se , g a r ­ t e r to p , o u t s iz e , in w h ite , c o r d o ­ v a n a n d b la c k ; a ll s iz e s ; a t p e r p a ir W o m e n ’ s m e d iu m w e ig h t u n io n s u it s , in d u tc h n e c k , s h o r t s le e v e s a n d a n k le le n g t h ; a ls o lo w n e c k , s le e v e le s s a n d a n k le le n g th . 50c 95c m e d iu m and Ready-to-Wear N ew o n ly ; 19c Furniture c I C h ild r e n 's h ig h g r a d e fin e r ib b e d h o se , in b la c k p r ic e p e r p a ir a t p e r p a ir 15c goods D resses, a r r iv i n g S k ir t s , G lo v e s , a n d d a ily . S u it s , P e t t ic o a t s , C orseta. h en you C o a ts S w e a te rs, buy h er« y o u c a n t e e l s u r e th a t w h a t y o u b u y Is a b s o - - lu t e ly n ew « t y lo . O ur goods r e a ll n ew a n d R e m e m b e r , w e h a v e a la r g o s t o c k o f tu re. n ish A ll g o e a a t your hom e e lu tin g now at oat p r ic e s . lit t le co st. F u r n i­ F u r­ Our p r ic e s a r e r .g h t . fre s h . (M a in F lo o r ) L_ cotton h e m t o p , in b la c k o n l y ; a ll 12ic Begi ming Saturday, October 1, this store will opeu at 9 a. m. and close at 6, p. m. including Saturday. 08c I5c A p r o n g in g h a m s in Special Announcement B row n h e a th e r w o o l m ix e d h ose, o f s u p e r io r q u a lit y , in a ll s iz e s ; a t p e r p a ir Women's Hose • > d a rk c h e c k s , a t p e r ya rd Portland Cloak and Suit Co. \2\c $1.25 Percales Women's Hose A d a n d y q u a lity o f O u t in g F la n ­ n e l, 27 in :h e a w id e , a t p e r y a r d (S e c o n d F lo o r ) WORTH & GRAY DEPT. STORE 177 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon this