The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, August 19, 1921, Image 6

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    i «
rf^ & o r& Y & a r * oc;V:
Salem’s Finest
Ready-to-wear Shop
now showing
You will be delighted with this store—its HIGH-CLASS
SERVICE and HIGH STANDARD of merchandise. Every de­
tail tending to make your shopping a pleasure has been carefully
taken care of.
The New Fall Styles will appeal to you. Our garments have
that INDIVIDUALITY about them that is pleasing to the most
discriminating shopper.
New Fall Dresses
In Poiret Twill, Tricotine, Serge, Canton Crepe, Satin and
many other striking combinations.
Prices ranging from $25.01} to $ 6 5 .0 0 .
N ew Tweed-O -W ool Suits
Every woman knows what a Tweed-O-Wool suit is.
neat, serviceable suits that are just the thing for street wear.
this fall are very reasodable. $28.50 to $36.50.
Receiving New Goods Every Day
Every day we are receiving new Waists, Skirts, Silk and
Muslin Underwear, Silk Hose, Neckwear and many other New
Lines that will tend to make this “your store.”
A “La Camille” Corset will make your new fall suit or dress
showr up to its best advantage.
The Independence Realty Co
is "up and doing.” Realizing
that procrastination is not only
the thief of time but also the
destroyer o prosperity, these
realtors are evincing the real
booster spirit by sending a repre­
sentative East who will dis­
tribute literature and talk the
wonders of our beloved Oregon
to the less fortunate. The spirit
of the 1925 Exposition will soon
become a contagion and the In­
dependence Realty Co. is begin­
ning in time.
Tuesday afternoon a man who had
‘4 ?. purchased A car in Salem the day be-
♦ fore sta rte d into the Independence
G arage and found th a t th e small door
a t the en tran ce was t y far too small.
The door is only 20 fe e t.
He m issed
$ the doo and ran through the glass a t
’ the side of the g arage. The re a r wheel
A 1 strik in g th e lgh curb and killing the
,♦ engine was all th a t saved the en tire
* stru c tu re from annihilation. Of course
♦j. th ere should be a law passed to make
4. it a crim e (?) for g ara g es to have as
sm all an en trance as 20 fe e t. The ac-
$ cident, while com ical as it was, m ight
A have been serious. However, it may
*> be a good lesson to the ow ner and save
a more serious accident in the future.
B. F. Mills and his autom obile were
tak en by Sheriff O rr yesterday morn­
The car contained 20 gallons of
In Ju stice C ourt here
Mills pleaded g u ilty to having the
yf jeexj*
F.D. Barrows was in Portland
this week.
Mrs. Bicknell of Portland has
been visiting Mrs. Homer Hill.
Way Down East—Last per­
formance at the Grand in Salem
Saturday evening.
Mrs Helen Kirkland is here
G. W. Thori gton has just ar­
visiting friends and relatives.
rived from Newburg and is lo­
cated at 188 C street. Mr. Thor­
Paul Hall, from Illinois, who ington is an expert in furniture j
has been a house guest at the
u pholstering and repairing. He |
W. H. Craven home, has gone to
California to further tour the carries samples for new cov jr- !
ings. He also re-plates silver-1
the West.
ware ~hich will look sp well!
you’ll think yoyr chest is full of 1
Q. G. Reeves has returned to
new silver.
Portland after a visit with his
parents. He was accompanied
by Willard Reeves ana Evelyn A Dallas band, advertising the carni-
and Hulda lvurre who will visit va there, played on th e stre e ts here
Wednesday night and put a little
their aunt, Mrs. G. Newton.
‘•jazz” into the listeners.
J. B. Ewing returned yesterday
from a several days’ visit spent Pearl Alexander, formerly of
I this place expects to operate a
in California.
grocery store in the Heaver
block on Main street.
Printing done as printing
—The Post.
should be done.
for several years but is happy to
be in Oregon again.
Wanted — ¡Solicitor for silver
plating. Call on G. W. Thoring­
ton, 188 C street.
Little Zane Becker celeorated
his first natal day last Monday.
■'Auntie Mel” , granu-dau and a
Mr. Deeth of Portland was a
number of others contributed
w e e k end guest a t the G eorge
pleasing gifts to the happy
Girard home.
youngter, who at Uie time mam-
tested the same spirit of intel­
lectual expression his nj
Mrs. O. L. Foster, who left
might imply.
Portland Monday for an extend-1
ed .visit with relatives in the
East, arrived in Color do Springs J q P|(]Q0 SlUflS Qf]
Wednesday and by wire repo u s
- o --
a delightful trip.
George Girard has
had the misfortune to lose the
diamond from her ring. She has
abandoned the hope of finding
the loose stone.
Mitch Butler was here from
Portland Wednesday. Mr. But-
ter connected with the Oregon
Casualty and Surety Co. and
w aa returning from a vacation
At Newport.
Look your best in an Interna­
tional tailored suit. See O. A.
Kreamer about it today.
Why not* see the beauties of
Oregon- in a Lexington or a
Dodge? For sale at Sayles Motor
Car Co.
Dear friend wife is hoping
.ubby will get a deer with the
equipment purchased from Wil­
lard E. Craven Hardware.
The C Street Meat Market an­
nounces service and satisfaction.
See Thorington on C street.
He’ll help to beautify your home
by upholstering your old furni­
ture and also re-plating your
Tractor bargains — Stewart
Ford and Fordson Dealers
Motor Co.
Tires-Sick one minute, well
the next. O’Donnell for a Ur.
Stewart Motor Co.
J. G. McIntosh is "playing
square” with you by giving you
“ F L Y I N G S IC K N E S S . "
good groceries at the right price.
City Meat Market can satisfy
Two theories are cited in the
Scientific American to account for the most discriminating culinary-
Hying sickness. The French school, artist with meats for all meals.
headed by Professors Bert and Reg-
nard, holds that it is caused by
shortage of oxygen, while the Ital­
ian school, led by Professor Mosso,
maintains that shortage of oxygen
does not of itself account for the
sickness, hut that collapse is due to
lack of carbonic acid in the blood at
high altitudes. Up to 9,000 meters,
application of oxygen will overcome
the sickness, but above that height
a mixture containing carbon dioxide
and oxygen is necessary.
If you need towing day or
night, Hallaaay & Justin can
give you prompt and efficient
You can’t beat this. The In­
dependence Realty Co. has a
; representative in the East.
Tall Ths P om About It!
mini iiiniiniiniiaiiiniiniiniiniiniittiiniM iiiB.
Have Your Eyes Exam i ned
By Experts
325 State Street, Salem
Dr. Burdette
IV ! r. .
Opposite Ladd 6c Bush Bank
Dr. Wonner
iimimimimimtmimimimiiiv vmiuMiMiwmimu mini i vi i vi mi i.v IV11 w mi i «in« i vu vír
I 1
[Tie Sayles Motor Car Co. Has added
We devote our entire time to the fitting of glasses to the eyes and the
grinding and making of lenses. We do not sell any merchandise; but
specialize in eye glhss work entirely. This is your assurance of getting
properly fitted when you have your eyes examined here.
T h e Lexin gton M in u te-M an Six
The very latest and classiest
in light six cylinder cars
General Repairing
Independence Roads
Herbert Nunn, state highway
engineer, has ordered the resi-
dent engineer of stale highways
Indepe idence to place signs
ell points where they are
needed.along the lndependence-
Albany and lndependence-Cor-
vallis road, according to inform-
*G°n received today by Sydney
& Vincent, manager of the Ure­
J u r is t and Information bu-
reau- lb e signs will remedy a
condition, that has caused many
complaints from tourists.
new Sam pson
B ran d
Plowed <\nly
T racto r.
30 acres, Will '-ell at a
sacrifice. For term s and
p a rtic u la rs see
* ■ "« « ¡i« i aivmimimimimimimimimiiiHiinmimimimiimiii
N. Liberty St.
Style Shop
| liquor in his Dossession but said he was
rarryin;» it for other p arties Sheriff
j O rr is holding the automobile and
moonshine and will tu rn them over to
the ied eral authorities
J/alit o n s
Stat« Street
Local Realtors Send
Representative East
And all Motor Car Needs Will be Looked After
Promptly and Efficiently. All Work Guaranteed.
Sayles Motor Car Co.
W. B. HUGGINS, Prop.