/ h£4< •U- SHORT S M S OF TORI MD COUNTRY B. R. Wolfe is attending the Bankers’ Convention this week. Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Patterson were here from Corvallis this week visiting the J. G. Mein- It pleases us to please you. toshes. Independence Realty Co. J. E. Hubbard made a business trip to Portland Thursday. A large number of Independ­ ence people attended the con­ cert given by the Valem band at Monmou th Wedne day evening. Mesdames George Girard and Sherman Hays have returned from a visit to Seattle, Tacoma, Camp Lewis and Portlana. Mrs. R. J. White was a gra­ Di*. H. C. Dunsmore arrived Wednesday from B e l k n a p Springs where he passed a two weeks' vacation. cious hostess to the Ladies Aid B aptist C h arsh t HAS GOOD SPORT WITH BASS ______ In spite of the hot weather last Sunday, there waa an 80 per cent attendance at our Sunday school. Sunday school meets at 10 a. m., Mr. Justin, superin­ tendent. At 11 a. m. Rev. Proppe preaches on "The Great Separation” . Our Young Peo­ ple's Society meets at 7 p. m. Come and meet with a fine bunch o f young people- At 8 p. m. Rev. Proppe preaches on “ After Death, What?*’ This is a message of vital interest to a 1 “ Come, thou, with us and we will do thee good. ’ 1 OOAT A TE HER “ U N D IE S .’ Dr. and Mrs. 0. D. Butler C. E. Clifford, city chemist of day afternoon. have returned from a fishing Oklahoma City, has decided he trip on the McKeniie. They re­ doesn't care about pushing hi* cam­ paign for “ a goat for every family,” port a splendid outing. The John Trents of Riekreall o f the Christian church yester­ visited their daughter, Mrs. Fred Wells, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiltibrand are enjoying a visit from their daughter, Mrs, Parker and their newly acquired grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kurre left this morning for Neskowin to spend their vacation. Mrs. Wright Smith of Walla Walla, Wash , was here this week. Mrs. Smith formerly lived in Independence. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Chown ac eompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ge >. Grover attended the home coming of the 1.0 .0 . F. Lodge in McMinnville on S turday night. NOT Miss Alice Botteger of Sum­ mit, Oregon, has been the guest o f Miss Winona Wood this week. Mra. W . H. Harris is sojourn­ ing at Newport. Good dry ash, maple and fir wood for sale. short notice. Mrs. on Homer Hill. 9-2 E. daughter, Delivered E. Paddock and Miss Dorothy, are visiting Mrs. Paddock’ s sister. Mrs. C. 0 . Lee at Sherwood. Mr. and F. Mrs. L. Chown visited their son, Ernest, at the Capital City Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Bohannon and Mrs. Horn and children of Mewberg will go to Cascadia to­ morrow for a fortnight’ s outing. The M. C. Williams and C. W . Hankies are expected home this evening from a motor trip thru Canada. he said recently as he repeated a telephone conversation he asserted took place a few minutes before with a woman who had purchased a goat upon his advice. “ All my silk underthings which T left hanging on the line are gone,” the woman said, according to Clif­ ford, “ and that goat ate them. I thought you said it would live off tin . cans. You're responsible for that.” “ I’m not putting out any infor­ mation now as to advisibility of purchasiug gsats,” Clifford said. “ Too much grief.” — Tulsa World. C O P P E R IN T H E A IR . It is reported that Professor Hartley of Dublin has photo­ graphed, in ordinary air, spectro­ scopic lines due, among other things, to copper and calcium. It is believed that they arise from fine dust consisting of these substances, projected into the atmosphere by road vehicles, and by smoke and the sparks of trolley wires. It is from the latter that the copper is supposed to ooine. The quantity of copper thus found is exceedingly slight. Indeed it is only the delicacy of th* tests that renders it appreci­ able. Lines due to lead, carbon, iron, manganese, nickel and magne­ sium have also been detected, but tbs quantity of these substances is even Jess than that of the calcium and copper, the lines of which are always prominent in the spectra.— Christian Science Monitor. C E N S O R IN G . “ The public should censor the motion pictures,” said the film pro­ ducer. , “ Why ?” inquired the foto fan. “ I ’ ve gone as far as I care to when I have’ paid my money and sat through the show, without volun­ teering advice that may assist some­ body I don’t know in conducting his business.” Denlinger arrived Sunday from Camp Lewis where he has been in the officers’ training division. Eola district visited bis sister, Mrs. Fred Wells, on Sunday. Walter Anderson, who has been visiting his grandmother, Mra. F. bis A. home Spurr, in returned to San Thursday evening. Francisco E N Q L IS M A R T IB T . Four pictures shown at the re­ cent exhibition at the Itbyal aca­ demy, Idkndon, were from the brush of an artist who is past 90 years of age. He is B. W. Ijeeder, who is famed for his studies of calm eve­ ning landscapes. He is already at work on s painting for next year’s exhibition. James was having his first ex­ perience with hammer and nails, and had the usual'luck. He came in crying lustily and saving between sob*: “ I dest wish I was a man.” His mother said: “ And why do you wish you were a man? So you rould handle the hamn\er better?” “ No,” he said, “ but ’cause if I was a man, nen I could swear.” Notice of Motor Leaves Independence Daily 10:60 a. m. , Motor Leave* Independence Daily Except Sunday 4:10 p. m. i Motor Arrives Independence, Daily •:60 a. m. , Motor Arrivaa Independence, Daily | Except Sunday 3:60 p. m. Freight aervice deify except Sunday, Leave Independence 7'30 a. m. L. B. WATSON. Dissolution of Notice ia hereby riven that th# partnership between B. P. Saylea and W . B. Huggins doing business under the firm name o f Sayles Motor Car Co. is hereby dissolved. W. B. Hug­ gins has purchased the entire interest o f B. P. Sayles and will conduct the business in the future. All accoanta due the firm o f Saylea Motor Car Co. are payable to W. B. Huggins and all ndettedness againat the firm o f Sayles Motor Car Co. will be paid by W. B. Huggins. B. P. SAYLES. W. B. HUGGINS. OA C Oregon's Higher lasiituiioa ol TECHNOLOGY Light Schools; Seventy Deptrlmeats FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 1«, 1021 For infurraaiioa write to (he RegiMrar Oregon Agricultural College C O K V A L L IS “Try It Out Yourself’* says the G ood Judge A n d you will find how much more satisfaction s little of this Real T obacco gives you than you ever got from a big chew o f the ordinary kind. T he good, rich, real to­ bacco taste lasts so long you don’ t need a fresh chew nearly as often. So it costs you less. A n y man who uses the Real T o b a cco C hew will tell you that. Feat of Skill and Industry. An utiusiml horlng Inis lieen per­ formed by a watchmaker at Cam­ bridge, Maw. He bored a bole through a pin lengthwise, and now has the pin with a wire running through the hole, as a proof of his skill. He claims to have worked on the principle of the telephone about the same time as Alex­ ander (I. Bell. Hat Has Claim to Distinction. One of the oddest straw hats In the world Is that possessed by a Marien­ bild (Australia) cafe keeper. Every straw In It has been touched by the lips *f royalty, for tie: hat Is woven from the straws put In the drinks of the crowned heads of Europe who have frequented his cate. TIME CARD V alley & Siletz R ailroad Put up in two stylo* W -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco R I G H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco /. ! ' 0 7 B'Od'.î /vl»y Y r. r k C«t > The Savles Motor Car Co. rlas added The Lexington Minute-Man Six A wooden bridge of the single leaf bascule type, recently built across tha Jahn Day river, In Oregon, la Inter­ esting for Its application of a new lift­ ing and counterbalancing system, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. The bridge la raised by hand, through a capstan bar In the center ef the road beneath tha tower, and as It rises, the fal^ng counterweights come to rest, one by one, on s support at the bot- gradually diminishing the load Tom Trent and family of the M ATURITY. Announcing The very latest and classiest in light six cylinder cars General Repairing Deserved Ite Name. Wendell Fishing for black bass with a •tie-turn reel is one of the most fascinating sports there is, thinks Harold MacOrath, the novelist, and every summer he takes rods and lines to Cape Vincent, N. Y., the greatest base fighting ground in the world. “ Lordy, how they scrap,” he says. “ I have to play them. Under­ stand? You can’t keel-haul a bass with a one-turn reel. You’ve just gotta play ’em. “ I have a little trick of making a bass break after the initial leap. Nine times out of ten I can ‘lift’ them. That’s the whole story with m e; to make the bass break three or four times. Then, of I lose him, I don’t care a hang. I ’ ve had some sport. “ Bass are moody. Today they 1 are here, tomorrow they are ten miles away. If you make a catch j on such and such a bar today, it is almost folly to return there on the morrow. And many a school I’ ve stepped over— and lost. 1 lose the first bass. The moment he is free, he starts for Buffalo, HOO miles away. Anyhow, off the free bass shoots. What happens is that the school thinks he has spotted some bait, and lickity-cut thev, pile after him. I have seen this often in the clear water.” OF fêm Improved Typ e of Baecule Bride«. The “Meh Train " which runs dally from New South Wales te the Rlue mountains, Australia, la a passenger express and never carried any Hah freight. This name was given the express because at one time the en­ gineer was named Salmon, the fire­ man Herring and the conductor Mul- left, three well-known fish. N«v*ll*t, on * H r» 8ummer Vacation, Finds R«er«atlen in Sacking t* L u is ths Scrappy Flab. “ P R IV ILE G E " > And all Motor Car Needs Will be Looked After Promptly and Efficiently. All Work Guaranteed. S a y le s M o to r C a r Co. W. B. HUGGINS, Prop. INDEPENDENCE, ORE. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THIS PAPER for big announcement from Consumers Trading House S A L E M Bid THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN. KEEP YOURSELF READY FOR THEM.