The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, July 22, 1921, Image 8

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Our Polk County Friends Will Do Well to Take Advantage of
Ina lire at this
Piano for pale,
It pleases us to please you.
Independence Realty Co.
■ ■
The W. H. Cravens and Mrs.
Robertson are at Rock a way.
Mias Ulla Dickinson is recov­
ering from a recent illness.
Men’s Dress Shirts
M en’s $1.50 a n d $2 00 Drees
S h irts,
h is t
Percute and
M adras, soft cuff, perfect fit,
all sizes
Melvin Ray returned Wednes­
day from a trip to Alaska where
he has been with the naval re­
Men’s Fancy Shirts
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Walker will
leave Sunday for Spokane to vis­
it the W. M. Huffs.
M en’s $3 50 and $1.00 S tu rts,
of R eps, R ussian C ords, P e r­
cales and
S a tin
S trip e s,
F rench Cuffs. All sizes, big
a s s o r tm e n t
C. P. Bishop of the Salem
Woolen Mills is announcing a
sale of high grade clothing for
men, young men and boys at 20
to 33i per cent discount.
their ad on page 8.
Mrs. George Parker and Mrs.
Clarence Ireland visited an uncle
in McCoy this week.
Mrs. B. A. Hodge and daugh­
ter, Miss Frances Hodge, and
Miss Nell Hallenbeck of Salem
were guests at the O. A. K ream­
er home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Watkins,
who formerly lived here, have
returned from Aberdeen, Wash.,
and will reside here permanent­
ly. Mr. Watkins has purchased
an interest in the Maillie barber
shop. The Watkins are located
at 457 Albert street
Mrs. Alice Skinner is visiting
on the Luckiamute. During her
absence Mrs. F. A. .Spur*' is in
charge of the Library.
$ 1.15
$ 2.65
Men’s Dress Shoes
80 pair* Di'es* S h o es— pro­
m iscuous lot th a t sold at
$12 to $18, special
$ 7.75
Of High Grade Clothing for Men and Young Men Mallory and Stetson Hats
Made by the Foremost makers of America, such as Hart Schaff-
ner & Marx Michael Stern, David Adler and others. Our entire
line of Clothing, Staple and Young Men’s Models
At 20 to 331s * Discount for 10 Days
W ednesday, July
If You have been waiting for lower prices on Men’s Suits
100 Men’s Suits from our regular stock, broken lines, all
sizes in the lot. Sold regular at $ 3 0 0 0 to $ 5 5 .0 0 . On sale for
All other Men’s Suits in s ock, including Cassimeres, Worsteds
and Blue Serges, priced special for lO days at the following-
35 pairs M en ’s Dress Shoes
in one lot. F o rm e rly priced
at $8.50 to $12 00. Special
$ 5.00
R e g u la r $45.00 S u its are
Youths' and Boys’ Shoes
O n e lo t 50
pair,-. B oys’,
Y o u th s ’ an d L ittle C e n t s ’
Shoes, sizes 0 to 13^ an d I to
5, fo rm e rly told .t $5, $G a n d
$6.50. Special w hile they last
_____ $ 2.85
E n t ir e line of Boys’ K n ic k e r
S u its , all styles and m a t e ­
rials, ages from 7 to 18 years.
P riced r e g u la r a t $12 50 an d
less 20 per cent
Boy’s Clothing
$ 2 7 .9 5
~less 20 per cent
Men’s Union Suits
E n t ^ i e lin e of H A T C H one
b u tto n u n io n s u its L ig h t and
m e d iu m w eights.
R g u la r
$ 2 .5 0 an d $3.00.
Khaki Pants
25 dozen M en ’s h eavy K h a k i
P a n ts .
(Jut r e g u la r $4 00
values to close .
Work Shirts
M en’s
Blue S ignal
C h a m b t a v W ork S h irts. A ll
r e g u la r sizes
75c each
now................. ........... $31.95
R e g u la r $ 5 0 .0 0 S u its are
n o w . ........... .....................
R e g u la r $56.00 S u its are
n o w . __.... .......... ..
R e g u la r $60.00 S uits are
R e g u la r $65 0
$ 3 9 .9 5
$ 4 3 .9 5
O n e lot of B o y s’ K n ic k e r S u its ,
ages 9 to 16 years.
M ade of
g e n u in e O regon C a s s im e re s a n d
fo rm e rly
sold at $10, $12.50 u p
$4 7 95
B is h o p ’s S pecial.
B lu e B ib O veralls.
th e y last
H eavy
W hile
$1.00 pair
Night Gowns
R e g u la r $70.00 S u its a-e
n o w _____________ ____
R e g u la r $ 7 6 .0 0 S u its ar.
now .......... .............. ...
to $16
S u its are
Boys’ Clothing
Rtìguhir $30.00 S uits a m
n o w ........... ................
R e g u la r $36.00 S u n s a:e
now ________
R e g u la r $40 00 -Suits are
Men’s Dress Shoes
R e g u l a r $5.00, $ 6.00. $6.50,
j>7 50 a n d $9 00 H a ts , E n t i r e
SiocL, Black an C olors.
go on Sale at
$ 5 5 .9 5
$ 5 9.95
Salem Woolen Mills Sfore
In th is sale is m c lu ied a h o u t
th irty
M e n ’s t n d
B o y s ’ N ig h tg o w n s.
M en’s Sizes—
B oys’
H to 16 y e a r* —
$ 1.00
T*W¥l',W?,rTrfH ifT wfTTTfi'ITV* TTFTIVn W V *11 W 1
W. H. Walker was down town
Mrs. Geerge Parker, (Dorothy
this week for the first time in
several weeks. Mrs. Walker has Cooper) who has been at the
Cooper home since April will
also been indisposed.
sail July 26 for her home in the
canal zone.
Mrs. Parker has
Mrs. R. E. Williams, who has
reservations on a steamer which
been the guest of her niece, Mrs.
will make its initial trip at this
Perl Hedges, haB gone to Port­
time. She will be out seventeen !
land to visit, before returning to days.
her home in San Francisco.
T h e re ure som e sorrow s w hich, be­
cause they u re lingering guests, I will
e n te rta in but m oderately, know ing
th a t the m ore they a re m ade of the
longer they will stay .— B ishop Hall.
T he ch ief secret of com fort lies in
not suffering trifles to vex one. and in
i p ru d en tly
c u ltiv atin g
u n d er­
grow th of sm all p leasures, since very
few g re a t ones a re let on long leases.
B lue Is one color you eau uot only
R em inders
Willard Craven and Perl
Hedges will go to Cascadia the
The “ Harvest” season is just i
first of next week to enjoy fish­
around the corner. Let Willard
ing sports.
Hop Pickers Wanted. W ould like to
E. Craven help you calculate
h e a r from th o se who sta y e d th ro u g h
your needs.
la s t y e a r, and o th e rs. J . R. C ooper
Mrs. C. H. Robertson, Miss
Get a Michelin tube from Hal- E s ta te .
Mabel Robertson of Salem and laday & Justin. “ There’s a rea­
L o st. ‘’onklin fou n tain pen. lad ies'
Guy Robertson of Tulsa, Ok la., son.”
sise. F in d e r re tu rn to office o f T he i
were guests of Miss Eva Robert­
Renting is one thing. The Polk C ounty P ost and receive rew ard .
son this week.
satisfaction of living in your F o u nd: W rist w atch. O w ner may
own home is another. Ask Fos- obtain
1? dem wHtch snd
p aying fo r th is ad. Mrs. W . I.
j rison, phone F arm 2213.
Cows for S ale. Two milk cows, both
com ing fresh so rn ; good m ilkers. J .
R B urns, south end o f 7th s tre e t.
In d ep endence.
I _ *
U u
J m
Thu Suez canal has resulted in an
unexpected increase in the potential
wealth «of ftalv and France. It was
discovered last month that the
Mediterranean waters are filled with
pearls of the highest quality, some
of extraordinary size, as a result of
a strange oyster malady which is be­
ing carried westward by the Suez
The colors of the pearls range
from azure to pink, but according to
first specimens they are more valu­
able than the average pearls found
in Indian waters.
Bring in Your wounded tires
and let me prescribe for them.
Sh >p in building formerly occupied
by Williams barber shop
20 Per Cent Reduction
In Labor Charges
On all Ford Schedule Operations and Repairs
Putting’ Our Shop on a Pre-W ar Basis
This has been made possible by the installation of the most
modern «labor saving machinery, especially designed for Ford and
Fordson repair.
All work ill be guaranteed.
You can’t afford to go else­
where. Drive in for consultation. We will diagnose the trouble
free of charge.
Yours tor Service.
Stewart Motor Co.
O regon