V T H E PO LK C O U N TY POST Watch this Low Prices Reign Supreme P aper for FRIDAY and SATURDAY Big N e w s Next Week ConsumersT rading House Published every Friday at Independence, Oregon. a la n d aa aacond claaa matter March 26, 1918, at the poatolhce at laJapandanca, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Editor and Publisher. CLYDE T. ECKER Subscription Rates: THREE MONTHS S IX MONTHS ONE YEAR 50c. $1.00 $2.00 —A T— ‘ lie s * otherwise provided for, subscriptions w ill be stopped at expiration SHORT STORIES Of TOWN AND COUNTRY Mrs. O liver Smith went BELIEFS ABOUT PLANTS A rutting of a stolen pinot will sure­ ly grow. Ureek» helleve that have Immortal »oui». to Seattle W ednesday to visit w ith m en us. made a A chllfilesx woman 1» , believed by the IriHli to have the strongest power over herb», especially those used for maladies of children. busi­ ness trip to Portland the middle o f the week. Buren and Joe Smiley, K elly, Earl and left on W ednesday In Mexico there is an herb that Is popularly called Uie ‘‘r a t t l e w e e d I f horses eat of It, It 1» believed that they will go mad. Gerald Leslie Clemo m orning It Is believed In ('00 pounds. have it understood,” re- marked the boas, “that my will i* *T11 law.” getting on difficult “You re ground,1 ’ rejoined Senator Sor- ghum. “Whenever a man says that he may as well expert considerable trouble with the enforcement fa- cilitioa.’ MICKIE SAYS uma.««aci“> o\o \ue«xa o««\ Alderson, superintendent T w o K in d s o f W o m e n The ox has the same number of the Dressier oi O regon A gricu l­ college; $2.48 A pound o f the finest spider web would reach around the world. presidency o l the normal are E. tural 11c Arab superstition provides the slork with a human heart. w ill meet daily to discharge tne A u gu st Regular $ 5 .5 0 to go at Kilo, from the Greek khlllot, slgul- fles 1.000 It w as said that this committee duties to go at Mias teeth ns In the moulhs of humans, Jessica Todd, the latter dean ol women, have 25c v ilue Kilometer, properly defined, means 1,000 meters. shoes all reduced. of 7 R e g u la r Men’s Leather Work Shoes TERSELY TOLD organ- 1 Adorable Coats, suits, skirts, plant» I f the dirt front your plants fa ll» lo the floor, you will aoou see a new- ly made grave. . W . B. H u ggin s some _ We are still on the job with low prices. Every article ii0 the s t o r e has been reduced - to sell at a gait. Compare our p r i ces w i t h others and be con- vinced Men’s Good Cotton Sox of schools tor Multnomah county. — I another hunting and h u n-t-i-n-g. When a she gets home she is j z y and j-a d-e d. She feels z all mussed up mentally and physically W e know another who has learned the art of read­ ing the advertisements before she starts. She finds out what she wants and where to get it. Then goes straight down town and right to the store that has IT. In this way she saves time money and effor and come? home fresh as a daisy and ready to get friend husband a good dinner instead of taking him to the cafeteria. Salem ¿talesm an. M FUNNY AMBITIONS Tli* qnestloo: “ What would you Bk* to b«T” has brought out many rtavwr and amusing answers. Here are a few of them : The sun, bees use It Is alwuy» sure o f a rise. tevovAW ivi M at . o i l « The letter “ f,” for 1 should always be In the mhlst of comfort. OMCf A »h