■Am A s Khaki W ear for I THE CENTENARY OF A GREAT AMERICAN WOMAN, MARY BAKER EDDY YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL RANK Misses»Women T h e W orld’s Greatest Playground and Museum Com plete liae of Misses' and Magnificent hotels and commodious camps; USD miles o f improved highway»; all in the midst o f matchless scenery. It* hotels are marvelous establishments Its camps are pretty little tent vil­ lages. models o f cleanliness, sanitation, order, cocafortfand simple, informal living. A n ideal place for vacation pleasures. Bend fo r our beautifully illustrated booklet telling all about its w ood en in word and picture. W om en's Khaki Outing and W o rk garments, i n c l u d i n g Coats, Coveralls, Skirts, Dresses, Middies, Trousers, Lcggins and H ats all at M oderate Piices. Salvin'» G im UA Womefl's Apparel Store T H R O U G H SLEEPING C A R Birthplace and child- heed boma of Mary Bakar Eddy, Saw, naar Csacard, Naw H amp «h tra, Ooerat°d DAIL Y during th « season between Portland and Went Yellowstone by the PordandCloak&SuitC® (Old White Come.) Salem, O regoa Wi UVU1 •»I» JU ;' • i: drt-ris of thousands of earnest Chris­ tian people will turu In loving mem­ ory toward the little towu of Bow. New Hampshire, where one hundred The Word Butlers made a trip : years ago was born the child who la­ ter became known to the world as to Portland in their newly ac- i Mury Baker Eddy, the founder and discoverer of the most remarkable qui red Ford Sedan last week end. j of all modern spiritual movements. A few years ago a writer In a great Mrs. Ray Clark of Caldwell i l.ondon magazine, when commenting • I on Mrs. Eddy’s "strength of character Idaho, is the gu est of her mingled with extraordinary tender­ The W. J. Clarks and J. mother. Mrs. Stilwell, and s is -! ness for humanity,’’ said her "one par­ amount Impulsion has ever been the Eakins have returned from a ters, Mrs. Frank Dickson and good of uinnkind.” trip to Seattle. While only the sober estimate of Miss Bessie Stilwell, at the posterity can rightly estimate the Dickson home. Mrs. Clark was work o f the human figures that pass to Portland by across the world stage, the world is Mrs. Nellie Barnett and son, accompanied now inclined to accept the view of Lemuel, who are spending the friends and motored here for a •onfe o f Its more thoughtful leaders [bat among the great and good women month with Salem relatives, visit with relatives. af history, none will have a more en­ during place than Mary Baker Eddy. were home for last week end. The Independence Post Am eri­ Born e f sturdy Scotch-Engllsh an can Legion held a most e n jo y .-entry, her forbears were among those who carved the mighty American na­ Lieutenant and Mrs. C. J. able session Thursday evening tion oul o f the wilderness. Appar­ ently of that high type o f character Hanson of Vallejo, Cal., were last week. Harry Ord, who w blch with deliberation chooses the here Friday last visiting Mrs. A . represented the post at the con- I spiritual things o f life, Mrs. Eddy L. Spurr. The Hun ¿one were vention in Eugene, gave a mostj Mazed a pathway o f Light along which have traveled with joy and gratitude returning from a motor trip to interesting leporc of the pro­ u III Ions of human beings. At an age « hen the average person counts his Vancouver, B. C. ceedings. Dean Baughman told •est work finished, Mrs. Eddy began of his experiences in the World jer greatest effort, and unlike other spiritual leaders o f history, she lived Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Locke W ar. A t each meeting of the o see her teachings established as a recognized Influence for good in the and Mrs. Hallie Pareish Hinges post a member will relate his world. Mrs. Eddy's ancestry includes gome of Salem were guests of the L. experiences in the late war. >f the most distinguished families of Mayor R. M. W alker will speak j Damons last Sunday. £nglund and Scotland. A direct an­ at the next meeting. A real cestor wag a daughter o f a king of Scotland, and so her line Is connected feaat closed the session. with the present royal house o f Oreat t Hrltuln, and thus according to some Jack Tate, formerly with the luthorlties, straight back to David, Large 7-horse Twin Indian Stewart Motor Co. here, but two-speed motorcycle and Bide ting o f Israel. later at Daliaa, has returned to It was on February 4. 1806, at car in first claas running order; Swdinpscott, near Lynn, Mass., that Independence. Mr. Tate’s looks like new; will sell at a bar­ Mrs. Eddy experienced a remarkable friends are pleased to find him gain; terms given. Call at Mrs. spiritual healing from the effects o f a again connected with the Stew­ Shaffer’s hotel, opposite S. P. 'all which had been pronounced fatal. This experience, with further Hcrlp- depot. art Motor Co. as salesman. uriil study, led to her discovery that til causation I* mind und all effects nental phenomena, and that there Is i definite spiritual law which, under­ lined. governs all human affairs. She »pent the next nine years in working ,»ut, proving, and teaching the truth •f her discovery, and then published ter book, “ Science and Health,” in 1975. In June of the same year she »pened regular services at her home The Sunday dinner ia the big weal o f the weak. n Lynn, Hnd gave to the little group Choice cut« o f pork or hoof, cut in varioua sixes to fit who there worshipped with her, the any fam ily roaster, aan be found her* at all hours tame “ Christian Scientists.” These Saturday. diidents commenced at one* to prac­ tice Christian Science healing, and Yom that day to this the healing of :he sick and the regenerating of the dnful have constituted the practical jilnistry o f Christian Science. In June. 1878, Mrs. Eddy began her ?brl*»tlan Science work in Boston, and GUS MILLER Main Street Phone f l j l )n Patriots' day, April 19. 1879. she formully organized the first Christian Science church which she declared was "designed to commemorate the wot'il und works o f our Master, which thould i»-instate primitive Christianity ind Its lost element o f healing.” There followed the establishment of l college for the teaching sf the new Sclent e. und In 1888 the publication IS M >4 the fii>. of the Influential period- Leal* which have helped so tremen­ A N A C C O U N T in a commercial bank ia the most dously '<• spread the teachings of Christian Science. Ten years after convenient aid to modern business. I t systema­ founding her church In Boston, Mrs. tizes payments, ia a check on all expenditures and Eddy i.o nu.,-d to her native state of •hows you just where you stand each month. New H:i nip-hire and established her borne at I'nm <>rd. almost within sight Open one with us today. It will pay you to do so. af her childhood home at Bow. Thee followed a period of almost twenty years of retirement at her beautiful estate, “ Pleasant View.” There her rime and thought were giv­ en to furiher spiritual research and plans for the further extension e f the great religious Movement she bad es­ H . H ir s c h b e r g , Pres. C. A. McLaughlin, V. P. tablished and In which she held the D. H i * , Cashier honored title of Pastor Ktnerltus. Perhaps her most Important accom D. W . Sears O. D. Butler W . H. W alker pllshment during this period was the It ef a coda at raise se sumí S M S or ion ud cram Tin Big Mnl of Hie Week City Meat Market The Independence National Bank of Natural W onders UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Granito Pyramid Ma- marial marking birtb- laca a l Mary Babas- at Baer. govern tne members of her enuren and to provide for Its orderly and con­ tinuous extension. These rules or “ by-laws," together with certain other important matter, are contained in the church “ Manual." The provisions o f this “ Muuual" are Jealously guard­ ed by Christian Scientists because they consider that It embodies the es- seutlal requirements for guiding them Individually and collectively and In- surlng the ultimate understanding and acceptance of Christian Science by the world at large. In fact, some Christian Scientists believe that this manual Is designed to Identify and protect the progressive minority lu each successive stage o f the develop­ ment o f the church body and to stim­ ulate the more rapid unfoldment of each advancing fooiatep In the line of spiritual evolution. Some also be­ lieve that a system that will Insure the auccessful accomplishment of these results when honestly and intel­ ligently applied to a collective body or community, means fa r more than at flrst appears on the surface; In fact, that Mrs. Eddy baa evolved a scientific system which will ultimately affect all human government and or­ ganization and Insure the world's progress on a definite and practical basis by Impelling the more rapid dawn of each succeeding stage o f pro­ gressive unfoldment and the elimina­ tion of the long and bitter struggles which have always obstructed human­ ity's advancing footsteps. in the 42 years since her first church was organized, Mrs. Eddy's touching* have spread throughout the world, through approximately two thousand distinct organizations, and have be­ come a powerful Influence In the lives of millions o f people. The Christian Science publications. Including the Christian Science Monitor, a dally newspaper o f universally recognized excellence, carry their messages throughout the world. The earthly pilgrimage o f flie ven­ erable Founder o f this great religious movement came to a close on Decem­ ber 3, 1910, and on that occasion ap­ peared In the press of the world a re­ markable tribute to the work o f this great religious figure. Agreement or disagreement with her teachings had nothing to do apparently with the sin­ cere appreciation expressed on every hand that this gentle American wom­ an had lifted up a staudard o f couduct and character that bad worked vastly In the Improvement of the moral stan­ dards o f the world. As an Indication of the estimate In which she was held by those who knew her best, the city counstl of her home city, Concord, N. H., on this occasion passed a formal resolution declaring “ that by the death o f the Kev. Mary Baker Eddy the world has suffered an Irreparable loss and the citizens o f Concord the loss of an honored and a devoted friend sf our city whose motto was t o Injure no man, but to bless all mankind.’ ” That the citizenship of Mary Baker Eddy was o f a high order may per­ haps be gleaned from a sentence pub­ lished In a Boston paper rnauy years ago when Mrs. Eddy was asked for her political beliefs: ” 1 have none In reality, other than to help support a righteous government, to love (Jod su­ premely. and my neighbor as myself.* When one has climbed the green- clad hills of Bow rising from the beau­ tiful waters o f the Merrimack, be retches the rolling uplands where stood the Baker homestead. Marking the birthplace today, like t allent. Im­ movable sentinel, stands a great gran­ ite pyramid memorial bewD from the largest block o f granite ever quarried In New Hampshire. It seems to ap­ propriately symbolize ths life work of Mary Raker Eddy which Christian Sclenttsta believe to have been the dis­ covery that principle Is Ood and that Christianity and Science art in reality Identical. On one o f the bronze tab- leta on this memorial appaar these words, quoted from M r» Eddy's twit- tngs: “This truth Is the rock which the builders rejected, but th e eame Is be­ come the head o f the corner.’ This la the chief corner stone, the basis and support of creation, ths lntarpre ter o f one Ood. the Infinity and unity L K A V IM G P O R T L A N D 5 P.M L et oer repreeestativee explain the various tours which enable visitors to too the Y el­ lowstone so com fortably and at minimum coat; also quota fares, prepare year Itinerary and make your reservations. | i ' ] I j ] I J. H. O’ N E IL L , Travelin g Passenger Agaiit, with headquarters at 701 W ells Fargo Build­ ing, Portland, will be glad to call personally on anyone wishing to visit Yellowstone, ami arrange all details. D ior him a aard or address Wts. M c M u r r a t , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon j Michelin \ , ; R in g Shaped Tubes W ill aot pinch like other tabes that are straight. Come In and see the difference. Let os go over your motor car before jo n make that trip this summer and you will not have to worry about your car w hile yon are on your outing. EXPERT M ACH INE W O R K AN D M OTOR CAR« TRUCK A N D TRACTOR O V E R H A U L » « Sunoco Motor Oil— the Oil that ia different. T o w i n g —D a y o r INIght t Yours for Service H alladay & Justin Automotive Muchlnlata OKBOOB Food for Thought Take a Thousand Men « 18 par cant are dead. it the tge ef 45 66 par cant are aalf-aupparting I I par cant are dependent on relmtivea and charity. 4 par cant have accun-ulatad w» - t and kapt it. 96 par cent are dependent an relative« it the age ef M and charity. 97 par cant are dependent o it the age ef 15 • par cast are self-supporting. A Rf*te ■. ■ *t ivaa sad charity. man's success asantal and depends physisal an 1 « e U c ie s ... whieb in tura are tar -sly depanda.t on gaod eyesigh t have d efective 78 par seat e f aa vleien sad daa’t Don’ t (« s e e any longer -kaaw It. kaawl fie* an optiaal specialist. Morris Optical Co. Kynight Specialists 204-211 Salem Bank of Commerce Building SALEM . OKEGON O regon'! Largest, Moat Modern, Beat Equipped Exclusive Optical Establishment