J.LBUSICK High Praise Is Given To Oak Point School & SONS Salem, Oregon Soap and Powder Crystal White Soap, bar 6 ic 10 bars Crystal White soap *. • SBC 100 bars Crystal Vhlte Soap . $5.25 Royal Whits Soap, bar 5c 10 ban Royal Vhlte Soap . 48C 100 bars Royal White Soap . 84.40 White Wonder Soap, bar . 5c 10 ban White Wonder Soap . . 48c lOO barn White Wonder Soap 84 .4 0 5c White Linen Soap, bar 10 bars Whits Llasn Soap 43c lOO ban White Linen Soap ' $4 .0 0 8JC Ivory Soap, bar . 80c IO bara Ivory Soap 10 bars Fals Naptha 80C 28C 6 bars Rapthsllae Floui and Cereals $ 2 .3 0 Vim Flour, sack Wa guarantee Vim to b<1 the beat on the market. Yon know what oar guar • sntaa mean's. 45c 10 lb. ah. Graham . 59c 10 lb. ah. Pancake Floor . . 58c 10 lb. Cream Rolled oata 5Jc Balk RoUed Oats, lb. $1.65 Valler Floor, ah $ 2 .3 0 Cberro Flour, ah Lara ana uompounas No. 5 Cascade Lord No. lO Cascade Lard No. 5 Compound No. 10 Compound 9 lb. Crlsco . . S lb. Crlaco . . 3 lb. Crlsco 8 lb Cott .line 4 lb. Cottollnc 8 lb. Snowdrift 4 lb. Snowdrift 75c $1.50 85c $1.15 1.65 - • 1.15 . . 60c $1.55 80C $1.55 SOc Syrups No. lO White Karo No. S White Karo No. 10 Amber Karo No. 5 Amber Karo 1 Oal. Staleys White Syrup 1 Gal. Goidea Marshmallow | Sal. Golden darahmallow Large Log Cabin Larga Uncle Jobn’a Medium Uncle John's - 89c 47C 83C • 43c «oc 8 1 .0 5 55C - 81.37 2.25 1.25 Bruakfast Foods lie lie 16c 18c 30c 35a 35c 30c Kallogg’a Corn Flakea Font Toasties Shredded Wheat Grape Nuts Large Olympic Paa Cake Flour Albert Flapjack Flour Quaker Oats Olympia Oata Coffee and Postum 1 lb. M. J. B. 3 n>. M. J. B„ lb 8 lb. M. J. B., lb 1 lb. Ooldeawest 3 lb. Ooldeawest, lb Oood bulk Coffee, 25e value. 5 lbs . . . Fancy Balk Coffee, 3 lbs A very good grade Bulk Coffee’ 1 lb Balk Cocon, 1 lb Poatum Cereal SOc Instant Poatum 30c Instent Poatum 43c 42c 40c 45c 43c 81.00 89c Peanut Batter, 1 lb 2 os Cinnamon . . 2 ox Matmetl All other flavors Large Package Cltras washing Powder Old Dutch Cleanser Light Moose Cleanser Saa Foam, pkg 17c 17c 23c 48c 27c 8c 10c IOC »1C SOc IOC 7*c JOe Fruit 8 cans Apricots 3 caaa Peaches 3 caaa Llbby'a Plaaeapple, Larga aire 95c 81 .0 0 ufe J. L. BUSIGK & SONS SALEM, OREGON like atmosphere, not only to the community room, but to the class-room into which it opens. Comfortable chairs, a small li­ brary and a library table con­ tribute to this home like atmos­ phere. In another pari of th» building is a kitchen where the children prepare their warm luncheons and where, I imagine, my potted chicken was put up. "Now, it is clear enough that a school might realize the aim of rural education without operat­ ing a poultry yard or a seed garden; it is equally true that it might possess these and other adjuncts and still fall short of being a good school. But a prime essential of effective rural education, 1 am sure, is that the rural school shall make an intel ligent use of the rich educative environment that surrounds it. In this particular school the poultry yard and the gurden were sources of educational mat­ erials and radiated studies in arithmetic, in geography, in ele­ mentary science and in langu­ age. In part, they were ends in themselves, but only in part; of far greater importance was their service to larger ends. They were a starting point from which the pupils were led out in­ to a wider world; their contacts were multiplied; their horizon was extended.” Ur. William G. Bag ley, of Teachers’ College, New York, has an interesting article in the May number of the "Progres­ sive Teacher.’ Dr. Bagley was here last fall and visited the rur­ al center at Oak Point. It is to this school he refers. -Editor. "A few days ago I received letters from two children who live in Oregon. They wrote as representatives of a rural school that 1 had the privilege of visit­ ing last tail. The letters told rne that I should shortly receive a package by parcel post, and that the package would contain a jar of potted chicken, which had been prepared by the child­ ren as one of the products of the poultry yard which the school operates. The package came in due course, and the potted chick­ en was made into the piece de resistance of a delectable din­ ner, serving also as the text of a little homily directed to the younger member of the family on the value of the poultry in­ dustry as a means of reducing the H. C. of L. In spite of this moralising, however, the chick­ u ______ en was enjoyed—in the well T here will be • b ask et social a t Huy known phrase, "a good time Ville School Ju n e 10, beginning sharply was had by all. a t 8:00 e'clock. Everyone come and "I do not refer to this personal bring a baaket and your purse. experience for the sake of sug­ Mias Callie Cole la borne visiting her gesting to this large and repre­ folks. She has bees atten d in g school sentative audience that similar a t Airiie. contributions to the family lard­ Will Powers and wife visited friends er will always be welcome, but in Jefferso n Sunday. rather to call your attention to a E v e re tt W ard, who baa been quite little school in the open country ill, ia reported as making no improve­ m ent in hie condition. that has gone a long ways to­ ward realizing what 1 consider T he pupils of the school are patient- to be the important aim of rural education. Marlnello Cosmetic Stop ‘ ‘This school, as I have said, M anicuring, Shampooing, Electro­ operates a poultry yard. Pure­ lysis. H air D ressing, P erm anent Wave, bred poultry is its specialty in S calp T reatm en t, W rinkle T reatm ent, M assage, Bleaching and the one case; pure-bred seed T Electoiytic inting. Special Acne T reatm ent, corn in the other. Its profits Marineilo P rep aratio n s and H airtkieds. come from the selling of settings HAIR GOODS SW ITCHES R ID E F H O i CIHM IH6S of eggs and from the selling of MRS. IRENE SCO IT corn for seed purposes. With Phone 1690 SALEM 126 N. High St. these profits the school plant is improved. Through added in­ SWOPE & SWOPE terest, a large community room LAWYERS has been added to the school building by the district. An at­ OfBoe ever Craven A Welker's Sfera Oregon tractive fireplace gives a home­ Independence, Hopvllle Notes The Independence National Bank ErtabliAhed .1889 AN ACCOUNT in a commercial bank is the most convenient aid to modern business. It systema­ tizes payments, is a check on all expenditures and shows you just where you stand each month. Open one with us today. It will pay you to do so. FARMS AND ACRRAOE W ANTS» ly awaiting the return of their teacher W. H. Walker and C. W Hen. kle, accompanied by their wives, Kelia W altennarger and wife were Sunday viaitors with frienda near T al­ visited with Philomath relatives bott. Sunday. Mr*. Dai C arter, of Salem, was a Miss Opal Hewitt and friend, week end viaitor with her borne folka. Mias Sirouu, O. A. C. atuderta. Ben Ennis and wife spent Sunday were here lor the Senior clast- w ith feiends in Salem. play Friday evening. L. W hite and family spent Sunday w ith friends in Lebanon. The Misses Irene and Margar­ et Eddy passed last week end Mr. Bevena and fam ily spent Sunday ! w ith friends a t Buena Vista. with Portland friends. For real service and results list your property with us. We have . six salesmen with machines. W# inspect and photograph your prop­ erty and advertise extensively, and have a demand for property at all times. Fred W. German Co., 732 ; Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Port­ land, Oregoti- Tall The Poet About Iti F rank T urner and family were re-1 cent viaitors in th is vicinity. LET ME CITY AND COUNTRY Ask Mr. Foster. Jesse Walker and wife moved to their ranch the early part of the week. Mrs. Joseph Rogers arid Mrs i E. M. Young spent Tuesday in Portland. Ooll up your old Automobile with new paiot; Decorate your residence walls; Paint new sips at your place of business. New Tires JuM Received a Shipment of Tires. A. W. Sperling Vulcanizing Neatly and Promptly Done at Very Reasonable Prices. Office at Schaffer Hotel Phone M 5721 M . J. O ’D O N N E L L Shop in building formerly occupied by Williams barber shop INDEPENDENCE, OREGON I B usiness is Good We have delivered six new motor cars already this week and taken orders for several more. Why not get yours now? So you can enjoy it during the vacation season and on those week-end trips to the mountains. Ford touring* with demountable rims - $675.67 Ford touring Without demountable rims - $64Q.58 % We also have some good used cars at attractive prices. Call and sae us today. Stewart Motor Co. FORDS------------- and------------- FORDSONS Independence, - - - Oregon Develop Your Home State Patronizing Your Railroads The development of Oregon and its Railru'-d T ransportation service .a a m a tte r of im portance to you. A v ital factor in th e developm ent of W eatern Oregon ia the Southern Pacific Company. Did You Know S outhern Pacific payrolls in Oregon for 1920 am ounted to Southern Pacific purchases in Oregon for 1920 am ounted to Southern Pacific tax es paid in Oregon for 1920 am ounted to • Southern Pacific total distribution in Oregon for 1920 am ounted to Officers and Directors H. Hirschberg, Pres. C. A. McLaughlin, V. P. Ira D. Mix, Cashier W. H. Walker D. W. Sears O. D. Butler $ 1 1 ,0 8 3 ,7 5 5 .9 3 4 ,5 1 9 ,8 8 8 .0 0 1 ,1 1 0 ,0 3 8 .8 6 $ 1 6 ,7 1 3 ,6 8 1 79 Southern Pacific ia the la rg e st payer of ta x e t in W estern and Southern Oregon. Southern Pacific tax es average 7 per cent of ail tax es paid in every county through which it operates. To continue these payrolls, purchases, taxes, and provide b e tte r facilities and convenient, safe, rapid and freq u en t service is the aim of th a t Company. Why not trav el on Southern Pacific trains and do your p a rt to enable th a t Company to keep pace w ith the fu rth e r developm ent o f Oregon. Reduced Fare Tickets for A Piano Bargain Awaits You You can have a piano installed in your home tor a cash payment ot $10. Sub­ sequent payments just as reasonable. This is a bargain you canuot afford to miss. For full particulars Address AV 367, Polk County Post, Independence, Oregon S um m e r Vacationists and Tourists Woak-end and Season Summer Vacation Tickets Back East , Summer Tourist Tickets to to Eastern Cities Seashore and Mountain Resorts will be on gale will be on sale June 1 sr to A iirus I 15 h through Mu' 28th to September 30lh CALIFORNIA Week-end tick ets are lim ited to Monday fol­ lowing sale date. Season tick ets perm it stop-overs and retu rn lim its vary with clos­ ing date of reaorta. in one direction Final lim it three months from snle date, not to exceed O ctober 31st. Liberal stop-overs and your choice of routes. “ OKEGON OUTDOORS’ A new illustrated booklet graphically describing the different reaorta, and including hotel and camp inform ation. Copy FR E E on request. S For particulars aa to passenger fares, routes, train schedules e r sleeping c . r accommodations inquire of any T icket A gent of Southern Pacific Lines JO H N M. SCOTT General Passenger A gent