Or,, Ko,, 'Ih a,°t1i 4. ■'•ir. etti ■V/i *» e ty T he P olk county P ost L A R G E S T C IR C U LA TIO N VOLUME DL IN S O U T H INDEPENDENCE, OREUON, MOTHER’S DAY FITTINGLY OBSFRVED SYSTEM TOR POLK Flowers Make the garden glow with blossoms. We have a splendid assortment of flower seeds here. You can find just the thing for your U beauty spots”. Vegetables COUNTY MAY 13, 1921 NUMBER 5 0 Oak Point Wo man s Club Enthusiastic Over Community Service Work Mother’s Day services were celebrated in all the churches with pretty tributes and appro­ priate musical numbers Red and white flowers were in evi denee, worn in remembrance of mothers who are living and those who have passed on. Many aged and shut-in mothers were fhe opportunity to attend services on the day devoted tc them and every son and every daughter was reminded that: “ A mother is a mother still; the j holiest thing alive.” The county library system will be in operation in Polk county June 1. W. S Muir, president of the Dallas Library board, was in town Saturday consulting with members of the local board about the matter. Mr. Muir is enthusiastic about the plans; however, some members of hi« board were reluctant to enter in­ to the contract as Dallas levied a city tax of 1A mills and already had about 3000 volume:, on their shelves But ev­ eryone is satisfied and believes Adolph Hirschberg Dead Adolph Hirschberg of Salem, the system will mean much to our people, as the county sys' brother of H. Hirschberg, died terns wherever tried have been j in a Capital City hospital Thurs- pronounced a success. Miss day morning after a brief illness. Frank Hout, a graduate from Mr. Hirschberg operated a cigar the Los Angeles Library Train­ store in Independence several ing School, has been employed years ago. The funeral will be as librarian. Miss Hout has al­ held in Albany at 2 o'clock this so had three year’s work under afternoon. Dr. Dunsmore will Miss Marvin at the State Li­ have charge of thè service. In­ brary. . Independence, as will terment will follow at the Jewish also other places, retain a cus­ cemetery. todian and library board as be­ fore, and Miss Hout’s time will Foster JoinsBuiletin Service be divided between the several O. L. Foster, manager of the places. All communities com­ Independence Realty Co., is now plying with the state library a member of the Pacific Agency laws will receive a share of at­ Bulletin Service. The service is tention. Among the places al- accumulative and when you list ready entering into the plans property with him you are list- are Buena Vista, West Salem. ¡ng with over one hundred Perrydale. Monmouth, Falls agents. Mr. Foster is very en- City, Parker, McCoy and others, thusiastic over this new service. PO LK We are all proud of the work of purpose, great and broad and of Oak Point community, proud strong whose aim is in the of the accomplishments of the clouds, who ever long to make Oak Point Woman’s Club Just the patient, listening world re at the time community spirit and sound with sweeter music, f r e e r community service were at their ones, a place where kindly lift­ peak, Osk Point was alert to the ing words are said and kindlier conditions and built a commu­ deeds are done. Where hand nity house. The Woman’s Club clasps hand and wealth of brain took up the good work, furnished for poverty atones.” The Oak the house and also added a Point club has about thirty-five kitchenette The officers of this energetic members and has re- progressive club are; president, j cer.tly joined the Federated Mrs. E. M. Young; vice presi- Clubs of the State. The Post re­ dent, Mrs. Chas. Fitehard; sec | grets that it has not a complete retary, Mrs. John Wood; trea- list of the members so they might surer, Miss Foster. Mrs. Young be published but whether officers with her official family has the or members they lend to the club “ pep” tq accomplish any under­ the same enthusiasm and the taking no matter how far reach­ same clear understanding of its ing it may be. This corps of ideals. Individually they believe officers and thirty-five enthusi­ with Mrs. Wiggs, "Good things astic members have the commu- nity’s interests equally at heart. really do not belong to me un­ They realize that “ a woman’s til I have passed them on to my club is a meeting place of those friends.” Prune Crop Sutteis Engagement ot Orln From Weather Conditions Oadman Announced According to the Observer, The engagement of Orin Dad late developements prove that man and Miss Dorothy Morrill of the Polk county prune crop has Var couver, B. C., has been an­ been greatly damaged by the re­ nounced. The young people are cent rains and cold weather. both former students of 0. A. C. Opinions differ as to the per cent of damage, but few experts LOCAL BRIEFS put it below 33 per cent and some as high as 75 per cent. A s. _ _ _ , , the same weather conditions I ° ' ^ / ^ t e r made a business I have prevailed thruout the prune tr,p to Dallas Wednesday, section of Oregon and California | Mrs. Lucy Smith is visiting it is thought that when investi-1 relatives in Portland, gation is made it will be found The ferry was out of commis that the damage in all prune sion a few hoars Monday. Dur­ growing sections has been larger. ing that time I. Baun took O. E. passengers to Salem. Ross Nelson has returned BRIEF STORIES from Rosebarg. Miss Cacilia Birkholz was here Phone the news to 7022. from Portland Sunday. The Civic Club is arranging for The trial of C. Burton Dur- a silver tea at the home of Mrs. dall which was to have been C. 0. Sloper Wednesday, May held Saturday morning has been 18. All members and friends of postponed. the Club are invited. There will be an interesting program dur- Mrs. C. W. Henkle entertain­ ing the afternoon. ed the Tatting Club and a few ARNOLD GRANT HILL LAID TO REST The funeral of Arnold Grant Hill, oldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Homer Hill, was held in th* While reminiscing and search­ Presbyterian church Sunday af­ ing through many keepsakes laat ternoon at 2 o'clock in the pres­ Saturday, Mrs. I. Claggett dis­ ence ol many sorrowing relatives covered a $10 bill which she had and friends. Dr. H. C. Duns­ entirely lost sight of. The bill more spoke a few brief words of or bank note was issued by the tribute to the young life and Grand River Bank of Grand endeavored to appease the grief Rapids, Mich., Nov. 15, 1137. of the bereaved. Mrs. Claire Mrs. Claggett brought the money Irvine sang in appealing voice, across the plains to Oregon in "Some Day It Will All Be Over” 1853 and it has been among her and "Abide With Me.” The prized possessions these many body was laid to rest in a jyearB. The bill is yellow with dower-covered grave in the age aad Mrs. Claggett ex­ Pioneer cemetery at Rickreall. pects to exhibit it at the World’s Arnold Grant Hill was born in Fair in Portland in 1925. Independence Nov. 16, 1906, and died May 6th, 1921. He had been ill about two months, six weeks of the time being spent in the hospital. All that m^^ical skill and tender care could do to restore him to health was done The Independence base ball two-fold, but without avail. At team will cross bats with Perry­ the last specialists were sum­ dale Sunday. Manager Williams moned from Portland but they says Independence has a good were powerless to even retard line-up. It has been suggested the summons from "Him who the following will make a good doeth all things well.” Arnold yell for the home team — was of the same lineage as Gen­ Cut his throat, eral Grant. His name appears Cut his jaw. in the Grant family tree about Leave his face the eighth generation. He was Raw! Raw! Raw! in the 8th grade in school and during his illness was ambitious to get baek to school and his school-mates among whom he was a great favorite. Besides parents ke is survived by one brother. Orville, and two sisters, Get out your rabbit’s foot- Be Martha and Elinor. Their sor­ sure and see that it’s a left hind row is intense, but with the foot. Make certain the rabbit thought of the rest in the world was ¿aught ir^tfie dark of the beyond, they remember with moon—just where no “ nigger” Bryant that— child would ever go. Wear said "He guides and near him they rabbit’s foot around your neck Follow delighted, for he makes and Mr. Hoodoo Man won’t them go come near you even if it is Fri­ Where dwells eternal May day, the 13th. And Heavenly roses blow, Deathless, and gathered but again to grow.” # Independence Plans Perrydale Sunday Gat Your ¡¡audit's Foot— Friday, the Thlrteeoth • We also have choice seed potatoes, onions, corn ’n everything to plant a garden. J. G. McIntosh Grocery HOME OF GOOD GROCERIES MRS. 1 CLAGGETT FINDS OLD BILL Will Tour California Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hubbard are contemplating a trip through California and into Mexico. They expect to leave about May 28, and will be accomoanied by their Miss Winnogene Peterson took a(JditionaI *uest8 Monday aftei’ son, Claude Hubbard, and fami­ ly of Portland. The trip will be her Sunday school class at Air- noon- lie for a hike last Saturday which Mrs. O’Donnell entertained the made in a Cadilac touring car. included a picnic dinner in th e 1 Altar Society last Thursday af- woods. ternoon. Try an an in The Post. Mrs. Fitehard Guest at University ot Oregon Mrs. Chas. Fitehard returned Wednesday from Eugene where she had been to visit her daugh­ ter, Miss Dorothy, who is a stu­ dent at U. of 0.; also to attend the exercises arranged for the mothers of the students. Mrs. Fitehard reports a delightful visit. lltlB ll:B im iM B IIH IIIH Ifia i;iia ilfm w i|IB !IIB 1 llH im i|lB i|iH i|iB i|lB i| ! B i| iS ,lim iB llia „ ,an i« IV I Best Values _______________ » From K. K. K. g g Good Cooks I i I I prefer our A c A Present For The Sweet Girl Graduate We have made arrangements with the K K. K. people to make suits to m easure for us. I f you have any cloth bring it in and we will make it up for you at the following prices— d] Of course you want