The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, April 29, 1921, Image 1

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    T he P olk
Its Contrary Effect
P ost
APRIL 29, 1921
I Had
Its Good Points
Valley Lodge and Rebekahs
Enjoy 102nd Anniversary
Death Angel Summoned Mis. Farmers Cash Store Attached
By Creditors
W. 6. Grant last Week
^dependence Post American
Legion Aid Decoration Fund
Wallace Huntley, Enthu­
siastic Lodgeman, Is
Given Jewel.
Fitting «Tribute Paid to Independence Store iVlay
Memory of a Loving
Be Re-Opened It Is
Wife and Mother
Ten Dozen Red Silk Poppies
To Be Sold to Help
Decoration Fund
“ It is funny what the philosopher*
insist about poverty.”
“Whatsis that?”
“They say it gives one’s character
such rich opportunities.”
The Methodist church was
filled to overflow with sorrow­
ing friends at the funeral of
Mrs. W. G. Grant last Sunday
afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev.
Wall of Salem was assisted by
Reverends Ciemo and C. P.
Mrs. E. F. Black and Mrs. P. Wells in conducting the service.
L. Chown entertained the mem­ A double quartettt sweetly ren­
bers of the Buena Vista Rural dered a program of music which
Club as the home of Mrs. Black included: “ Shall We Gather at
on Third street yesterday after­ the River,” “ Sometime We’ll
Understand,” “ It Is Well With
Mrs. J. A. Reynolds presided My Soul.”
Interment was made at the I.
over the business meeting. Mrs.
Chown read a splendid paper on , 0. O. F. cemetery.
Mrs. Grant passed at her im­
“ The Blights of Idleness.’’ The
home here Thursday
Buena Vista ladies are thorough­
ly inteiested in club work and night, following a lingering ill
accomplish much good in their ness most of which was spent in
The a Salem hospital. A son passed
Wallace Huntley, one af Val­ wide-awake community.
only a few weeks ago, and a few
ley lodge’s most enthusiastic hostesses assisted by Mrs. Fish­
days before the death of the
members, was presented with a er served dainty refreshments at
the Grant home was destroy­
the close of the meeting.
veteran’s jewel.
ed by fire. Mrs. Grant is sur­
The big laugh of the evening
vived by her husband, a son and
w&s a farce concernii g the Doo­
M itM is ts Community Dinner daughter who have the sym­
little family. Mrs. Irvin Baun
And Gel-Together Meeting pathy of the community in their
was Mrs. Doolittle, Mrs. Bob
double portion of sorrow.
White was Josephus Hirsch-
Wednesday night the Meth­
berg Doolittle, Mrs. J. N. Jones' odist church members enjoyed a
Warren Harding -Doo­ community dinner and get-to­
little, Mrs. J. S. Robbie was gether meeting. Rev. E. E. Gil­
Agnetta Doolittle, Mrs. Ander­ bert, presiding elder, was pres­
son was Henrietta Katrina Doo­ ent and spoke on the centenary
little and Mrs. Sarah Young was movement; other speakers also
The Civic Club members were
Aunt Peggy.
enlarged upon the subject. The entertained at the home of Mrs.
The usual banquet was spread dinner served by the Methodist Oliver Smith Wednesday after­
and the chefs maintained their ladies was ‘ up to standard’’ noon. In the absence of the
reputation for serving well and which is always at the high president, Mrs. Clyde Ecker,
water mark.
lots of it.
Mrs. K. C. Eldridge presided
The 102nd anniversary of the
founding of the great order of
Odd Fellowship was elaborately
celebrated by Valley lodge and
the Rebekah sisters Tuesday
night. Like all Odd Fellowship
events it was an evening in
which fraternalism was truly
To B. F. Swope was given the
honor of delivering the principal
address of the e'.ening and he
covered his subject in a very in­
teresting manner. John Mills
also spoke and as added attrac­
tion contributed a vocal solo.
Mrs. C. W. Irvine and Anna
Johnson pleased all with solos as
did Elinor Calbreath with a
Buena Vista Rural
Club Entertained
Mrs. Oliver Smith
Entertains Civic Glub
Why Does a Black Cow
Eat Green Grass
and Give White Milk?
That’s the cow’s business.
If the cow had to have glasses to help her
to perform this wonderful feat, we would be
there with the glasses. This not being necessary
we give dll our attention to caring for men’s ;
women’s and children’s eyes.
The Ultox, Kryptok and Utility bifocal
lenses are recommended. Let us explain them
to you whon in need of glasses of this kind.
Tours truly,
O. A. Kreamer
over the business session. Roll
call was answtied with original
maxims The cleverness of the
aphorisms cr. ated much interest.
The study -1 Japan was continu­
ed with a very interesting pa
per on “ The Temples” presented
by Mrs. D. P. McCarthy.
At the next meeting Mrs. Rose
has been- invit. d to give a de­
scription of her recent trip to
A musical program
will also be provided.
The Farmers Cash Store, C.
Burton Durdall, proprietor, at
Salem with branches at Inde­
pendence and Silverton has been
closed at the request of credit­
ors. A'l three places were lock­
ed up by officers Monday and
will remain closed until the finan­
cial difficulties can be adjusted.
Three attachments were filed
to approximately
The Post is informed that the
stores at Independence and Sil­
verton paid but the one at Salem
has been operated at a loss for
several months. It is also said
that after Mr. Durdall has made
satisfactory arrangements with
the creditors that the stores at
Independence and Silverton will
be re-opened. However, at this
writing Mr.’ Durdall'has made no
announcements concerning his
future intentions.
Mrs. Persephone Pickett
Marries Athena Man
Bncou— 1 understand yon have a
piano ?
Egbert— Yea; can ypji hear it up
in your apartment?
“ No, we cannot- I suppose there
are other good points about it, too?”
Mrs. Gayiord Godfrey Offers
Blood to Save Child's Ufa
Mrs. Gaylord Godfrey was
called to Portlani Wednesday
and will give her life’s blood to
save the seven year old child of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gilson of
Albany. The Gilsons are very
close friends of the Godfreys
and specialists who are attend­
ing the child say that transfu­
sion of blood is the only means
of saving his life. Other friends
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
have also expressed their willing­ reaching services at 11 a.
and at 7:30 D. m. All in­
ness to extend the same aid.
Do You Eat?
If you do, come to this store for gro­
ceries. They are all first class, guaranteed
so to be, and are sold at very reasonable
p.ices. Almost every day we offer a bargain
in some standard article.
Friends of Mrs. Persephone
Butlor Pickett formerly of this
city will be interested in the fol­
lowing from the Dallas Observer:
” As the culmination of a college
romance started 25 years ago
when the two were schoolmates
at Monmouth, Homer B. Watts
of Athena, Oregon, and Mrs.
Persephone B. Pickett of Port­
i n h » in
land were married in Pendleton
Following their
graduation from college fate
seperated the two and each mar­
ried another. Later the husband
ahd wife of the first unions died
and the old friendship was re­
newed. Mr. Watts is a promin­
ent lawyer and has been four
times mayor of Athena.
bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. N. L. Butler of Dallas.”
Local Pythian Sisters Extend World Champion Cow Dies
Fraternal »and to Dallas
on Polk County Farm
The local Pythian Sisters ex­
tended the fraternal hand to Salem — Popney's Dorothea,
their Dallas Sisters last, evening world’s champion 3-year old Jer­
A large number from the Dallas sey dairy cow, died Sunday
lodge responded to the cordial night at the farm of Frank
Several candidates Lynn, her owner, near Perry-
were initiated into the order dale, Polk county. Dorothea had
and an elaborate banquet fol­ a record of 994 pounds of butter-
lowed the work. An enjoyable fae and 17,800 pounds of milk in
program was arranged for the a year’s time. She leaves
pleasure of the visitors.
numbers consisted of delightful brother, from which Lynn be­
solos by Mrs. Claire Irvine and lieves he can develpp a row that
Mrs. M. J. Butler and a clever will surpass the noted cham­
number by M. H. Pengra.
pion’s record.
Independence Post American
Legion has contributed $5.00 to
the fund to decorate the graves
of the American boys who sleep
in France. The post has also
ordered ten Cozen red silk pop­
pies which will be-sold before
decoration day in memory of
Flanders for—
“ In Flanders Field the poppies
Between the crosses row on
J. G. McIntosh Grocery
iiiin n w iin iii
i ii n n i
iir w i'n iin iin iiM iin iin iin iiw im i/
j “ Bill, Get Out Your Pole,
Í Fishin’ Time is Here”
The wise fisherman always
comes to this store and gets his
paraphernalia, from a bamboo
rod to a minnow hook. It’s a
kind of a guarantee th at thus
properly equipped, when he goes
out after ’em, he will get ’em.