- -/***■ SHORT STORIES OF W. R .‘ Maiiie expects to open a barber shop in the Roll Walker establishment. With three ton- sorial shops its up to Independ­ ence men to keep well “ shaven and shorn.” î Mrs Roy K u h laid er was host* ess to the Christian Ladies church Aid o f the at her home Thursday afternoon. Sewing and light refreshments provideu a pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Hugh Hanna ertertained Ike Needlecrafters at her beau­ tiful suburban home Thursday afternoon. Handwork and dain ty refreshments occupied the koura. A iarge number o f en­ thusiastic workers were present. Mrs. F. 0. Parker is just in re­ ceipt o f a dainty box o f Princess Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bohannon, and Brussels lace handkerchiefs and collars from her son, Hugh Mrs. Horn and children, Billie and Betty Lou, visited Mrs. Miller, wtio is in Belgium. Bertha K ing in Portland the Mrs. George Parker arrived in lirst o f the week. New Orleans from the Canal Zone last Tuesday. She will Mr. and Mrs. Marsh and two Mrs. J. E. Hubbard returned rea:h Por tland Saturday to visit daughters o f Salem were guests her father, J. S. Cooper, who is Wednesday from Portland where at the S. Taylor Jones home lust ill at the Imperial Hotel. she went to visit lier brother, Sunday. C. S. Statts, who was stricken Mrs. Arch Sloper who has with paralysis. Mr. Statts’ con­ Ford and Ford son N u ffS ed « ' ; Stewart Motor Co Tho old as the hills “ East been at the Rest Sanatorium in dition is much improved. Lynne” never dies and it will be Portland for the past five weeks a great pleasure to see it in rnov- J spent last week with her family Mrs. E. E. Tripp expects to go ing pictures. It will be shown here. Tho Mrs. Sloper is much to Portland tomorrow to spend a at the Oregon in Salem three days improved she returned to Port­ few weeks with her mo her and next week start ng Sunday land last Monday for treatment other relatives.. with specialists. matinee. Miss Hazel Colins is the house Messages young ladies graduated together as nurses from a Seattle hospital. 0. A. Kreamer offers boys suits sound in fabric and work-| Vlrs. Win. McKinney visited mat,ship. Wouldn’ t you like to see your­ friends in Corvallis Wednesday. self in one o f those stunning Bascue dresses? She’ li sell them Chas. Miller is with A. L. to you at a sacrifice. Kuhlai d er’s jew elry establish­ See what on a dollar will buy Written on Correct Stationery Carry Deeper Meaning See our Symphony Charme, Cas~ade, Riviera, Lord Baltimore and Gentlemen's Club Linens. Handsome Boxes Correct Tints ment. W illiam s' Drug C o. Winsor and daughter, Leonard works for men only. W. P. Setak, who recently’ dis the Stewart Motor Co. is do­ posed o f his farm south o f here, ing a rushing business with has purchased the block at Fords and Fcrdsons. T w elfth and Mill streets, Salem, Max Goldman is still buying the price being $8,000. He an ­ and selling. nounces that he will build a Gus Miller ciossed the “ burn- hotel on the premises. Mr. Se­ inK sands” but he is still selling tak sold his farm to H. M. M y­ choice meats. ers for $17, (XX). Williams Drug Co. tells you how to send messages correctly. Dr. Reid, the ‘ ‘Irish Evagel- S a le m Willard Craven has discovered a substitute for go lf try it. It ’ s church Sunday. Dr. Reid has not A ft ¡can golf. been holding evangelistic meet­ The Electric Shoe Shop saves ings in nearly all the large cities soles for both men and women. and Independence people w illen_ The C Street Meat Market joy the meetings he will hold says “ once try a lw a y s buy.” here. The dates o f the meetings ist,” Saturday of This Week I3 ebe D a n ie ls IN “DUCKS AND DRAKES” will be at 17th “ EAST ALSO LYNNE” , A SPLENDID COMEDY “T Q R C H Y MIXES REGULAR IN” PRICES Proppe will continue to conduct evairgelisiic services arrival o f Dr. Reid. ■ until the TIME CARD Valley & Siletz Railroad Motor Leaves Independence Daily 10:60 a. ni. Motor Leaves Independence Daily Boin to Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Except Sunday 4:10 p. m. Proppe today at 12:05 p. m. an Motor Arrives Independence, Daily 8 pound boy. Tne youngster 9:50 a. ni. has been named 11. L , Jr. Motor Arrives Independence, Daily Except Sunday 3:50 p. rn. Freight service daily except Sunday, Leave Independence 7-30 a. m. - W ANTED L. E. WATSON, Supt. MORE HOUSES TO RENT Going at a Sacrifice We are having rails every dny for houses. Can’t supply the demand. If you have a house to rent, come in, or call us up. Independence Really Go, BEAVER HOTEL I on C Street Where our repairing changes old ones to new. “ A stitch in time saves nine” the . Baptist are from April 17 to May 1. Rev. APRIL lie Halladay & Justin offer to tire you with. Sound Tires Sound ing at the home o f T. R. Heffley. all around. OREGON T H E A T R E SUNDAY, Bring your Shoçs to Mildred, o f Oklahoma are visit­ “Home of the GrafonoLa” PURE DRUGS PERFECT SERVICE COMING LISTEN Men and Women at McIntosh’s grocery. Five cans o f good goods. Yum, yum! Mrs. / Friday and Reminders guest o f Miss Edith Dawes. The PHONE M AIN 1811 SWOPE & SWOPE LAWYERS Ottica over Craven A Independence, ]i£Ht*i THE WOM * N W HO TELLS US she wants another roast * just lil< - the last one” is not a rarity het. In f: ct she’s quite numenus. The tea a reason. We i: ver take advantage of a young woman’s lack of ex- peric i e to palm r.ff inferior meat i'ii her. Hence she tru.- ts our,judge out and pood faith. Besides we haven’t any poor meat .to paint off if we wanted to. We don't hat die H im *- kind at u I. Meat Market GUS MILLER Get Righi with God Walker’s Store ♦ Oregon My Ready Made Dresses w ill be sold at a sac r i ’ice. The stock iucludes garments of Taffetta, Georgette, Tricotine, French Serge and Jersey. C Street Meat Market % Straight line, Surplice and Novelty Cuts. tr mm d with braids, buttons, etc. Some Also some Best Meats; first-class Service with pretty embroidered designs and headings All go at a Sacrifice Price. F o n will be pleased with m y showing o f Spring lints. Alpha Bascue’s Millinery Store G ive us a trial anti you will be a steady customer. Full Line of Fresh and Cured Phone M 1311 baptist Church n< \ginning = - SUNDAY EVENING, APRIL 10 and Every Right at 7:15 o'clock except Saturday until M ay l D r . S . J. R e id , “T h e Ir is h E v a n g e lis t ” BEGINS SUNDAY, APRIL 17th— COME1