end thereof and did look very grave i:Bll!BllB!rBlrB!IlB!!iBJ!BHiBlllB!l!BlllB!l'BHMI!BilB!l’B!bBilWbBlllBiliBI':BtbBlbBlliBlli‘iiai...iA.i M.I.B , B uS B i ■ I B i ■ IS 'lB N B b and calf-like; and the amoke o f their I torm ent aacended up like a fo g and to Published every Friday at Independence, Oregon. rnuah ao, that they could not see afar off but, only themselvea. And heboid M arch 26, 1018, at the posioüice at in the course o f time the devotees o f i Indepandeoca, Oregon, under the A ct o f March 3, 1870. the weed lost the natural affection for 9 home and leved ones end did poison the air o f their homes with noxioua fume* C L Y D E T. E C K E R Editor and Publisher. § o f pipes, cigars, and even ‘.he cheap OPENING OF cigarette and the lungs became affect­ è ed until they had a distressingly back­ ■ Subscription Bates: ing, hallow cough. This poison did so i TH REE M ONTHS 50e. affect the user that physicians said S IX M O N TH S $1.00 whan called in cases o f pneumonia, I ONE YEAR $2.00 typhoid levers and such like troubles, 1 “ one chance in ten whatsoever.'* But u oth erw ise p rovid ed for, su bscription » w ill be »topped at expiration ■ the cultivation e f this poisonous weed became a great and mighty business in i For the past four years I have been conducting the optical department of Hartman the earth; and merchants waxed rich Bros. Co. In this short time my practice has become so great that 1 have at times found the same way They are so nungry by the commerce thereof. And it it difficult to properly take care of everyone. For this reason 1 have been forced to move and cold they are desperate. Person­ came to pass that even the professed I ally I have gone without $3 worth of into larger quarters. saints o f the Moat High defiled them­ milk a month that I used to uee, do Here in my new location you will find one of Ihe finest optical establishments in the selves therewith; even the poor who I not sat butter at all and have only H eould riot buy shoes, nor bread, nor city with adequate facilities to serve everyone. I have installed all of the newest and best eaten bread once a day for the laat types of testing appliances that I might continue to serve the many friends which I have Oregon Nurse Writes That three monthe, In order to give to the book* for their little ones spent their ■ i famine poor. Through this personal money fo r it. And Satan was much 1 made, with a still greater degree of promptness and efficiency. ■ Misery Stalks Through sacrifice I have the Joy of knowing that pleased therewith and said: “ Truly I I opened my new office on April 4th, and I will be pleased to wait on all who require three girls who might have been sold more man reject Christ’s salvation be­ North China. have been saved from a life Of shame cause o f tobacco than for any other i an examination. ■ and misery and that one man will be thing, not even booze has served me so i Remember the new locution That a steady diet of ground up corn kept alive for five months. w ell.” But the Lord was greatly dis­ " A friend sent me a check the other oebs and sweet potato vines is not pleased and said: “ Be ye clean that day and 1 was able to save a girl from eonducive to an ldeul physical condi­ bear the vessel o f the Lord. Let us tion is attested by Miss Marie Kustin, being sold and she will be put in cleanse ourselves from all filthiness o f graduate nurse, well kuowu in Oregon, school. Things are being started to Opposite Lucia & Hush Bank li25 State Street, Salem who is now in charge of the Taylor help these pour souls, but there Is a the flesh; W herefore come out from Memorial hospital, under the manage long, hard pull until the harvest time. among them and be ye separate saith i ment of the American Presbyterian You can all help by giving to the tha Lord, and touch not the unclean China famine fund and share In the thing and I will receive you.’* But i mission at Paotlngfu, China. In a letter written by Misa Rustin great opportunities of suving life and with one accord they exclaimed: “ Why i LENSKS G R O U N D | less than eight weeks ago to the mem opening the way for Christianity, for we cannot cease from this chewing, i bsre of the Saugrael Christian En­ the Chinese people will surely be In snuffing, spitting and puffing, we are deavor society of the First Presbyter­ terested lu what we havb to tell them slaves to Prince Nicotine, while we are il IBI I IBI I IBI I IBI I IBI I iBI I IBI I IBI I IBI I IBI I IBI I IBI I IBI L IIMlbBil a.lB ll,C 'liB ¡;a :i:B ll:áil|,BillB:l MlbBüiBHiBil.L.i^lbUi' BlliBClIBlliBII JKIlBlllBillBill ian church in Portland, Miss Rustin of the gospel If we are good to them his subjects, we cannot give thought now in their great troublo.” tails of the appalling conditions State Manager J. J. Handsaker, In to any other.” throughout North China, where 46.- Oh ye professed followers o f the 000,000 man, women and children are charge of the executive work for Ore­ confronted with starvation and where gon for the combined China-Near Lord Jesus will you be slaves to a TO R E A L I Z E T H E W ill you set at 16,000 era dying dally. Miss Rustin East campaign, 606 Stock Exchauge poisonous W EED? has been at Paotlngfu for about three building, Portland, says the situation variacne the teaching o f the best M OST M O N E Y y e a n and for many mouths past, like is no less serious In the near east than scientists, and the word o f God? in a commercial all other mission attaches and relief in China, and liberal funds must be What ia your answer? Having died convenient aid to modern business. It systema­ workers in Chins, has been concentrat­ raised for both causes If wholesale and been buried, and if you could .re­ ing all efforts on the task of lessening death by starvation is to he prevented, tizes payments, is a check on ail turn fifty years after to look upon the or even lessened. the suffering of the ramine victims. earth and view tha produats o f your shows you just where you stand each W hile Paotlngfu is on the outskirts your intluenca, what would you an­ s ;pen one with us today. It will pay you o f the great drouth-rulnad famine dis­ A Wholesale Order. swer? -A d vertisem en t. trict, )uat south o f Pekin, Miss Rustin Paris, Ky.— " I want to get some 11 writes that even there all the missions censes," a young man said to Pear.v j *a4 relief stations are literally swamp­ Patón, clerk of the Bourbon county ed with the supplications of many Statement o f ownership, manage- j court thousand man. women and children “ What klndT" asked Patón, “ mar­ merit, etc., required by the A et o f who are half-clad in thin ruga, weak riage, dog or autoT*’ • Congress o f August 24, 1912, o f the from undernourishment and struggling and “ All o f them,” said the visitor. “ I ’/n Polk County Post, published weekly at dasperatsly to keep alive on roots, going to be married tonight, have pur­ Independence, Oregon, for April 1, H. Hirschberg, Pres. V. bark or anything that offers susten­ chased a new car and a friend gave 1921. State o f Oregon, county o f Polk, ance. The altuation In the heart of ms a poodle for a wedding present." the famine section, she says, is simply as. Before ine, a Notary public in and W. Walker Sears beyond the imagination. fo r the state and county aforesaid, "W e are doing all we can," writes personally appeared Clyde T . Feker, i Miss Hustlu, “ here In our hospital try- Try advertising it in The Post. for South Polk time. who having been duly aworn according ANTI-NARCOTIC thg to build up the weakened bodies Pnrnblo o f the Tobacco Seed. to law, depoaei and says that he is the at famine sufferers who come to us Then shell the kingnom o f Satan be publisher o f the Polk County Post and ta frightful condition. We are getting likened to a grain o f tobacco seed, that the following is, to the best o f patients who -have been trying to live ea ground-up corn cobs and sweet po­ which though exceedingly small, be­ hit knowledge and belief, a true state­ tato vines. W e have all been asked ing cost into the ground, grew and be­ ment o f the ownership, management, to give until it hurts, and now that it came a great plant, and spread its ete., o f the aforesaid putlication for haa grown so cold we do not dare to leaves, rank and broad, ao that huge the date shown in the above caption thlhk o f treating, starving thousands and vile worms formed a habitation That the name and address o f tha pub­ right at onr door. In going to a soup thereon. And it came to pass, in the lisher, editor, maaaging editor and kitchen where we feed 670 people course o f time, that the sons o f man business manager ia Clyde T. Etker, twice a day, I was surrounded so by looked npon it and thought it beautiful Indepeadence, Oregon. That the own­ tka poor creatures that I thought they would erush the life out of me before to look upon and much to he desired er ia Clyde T. Eeker, Independence, I could get In and coming out It was to make lads look big and manly. So Oregon. That the known bond hold­ they put forth their hands and did ers, mortgagees and other seaarity rhew thereof, and sums it made sick holders are Vard Hill, Indepehdense, and othera to vomit most filthily. And Oregon, Mrs. L. Baldwin, Independ­ (Signed) Clyda T. it also came to pass that these who ence, Oregon. chewed it became weak and unmanly Eckar, publisher. Swora to aad sub- i and said, “ W e are enslaved and can scribed before me this 10th day o f j B. F. Swope, n o t a r y ! not caaae from chewing it .’ ’ And the April, 1921. mouths o f all that were enslaved be­ public. THE POLK COUNTY POST I i i I D r. WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE . § I Î I SALEM’S MOST MODERN OPTICAL PARLOR i i 1 CORN GOBS ARE DIET OF HUNGRY CHINESE § i i i i I THE BOW OPTICAL CO. Dr. Burdette, Optometrist EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED i ? The Independence National Bank We buy everything you want to sell and sell everything you want to buy. Cash or trade. Bring in everything you want to sell and I will sell it for you on a commission. MAX GOLDMAN 186,000 Miles Per Second —Could you catch a baseball trav- eliag at 116,000 m il«« per second? — You wouldn’t even try. — Y a t your bast friends, your EYES, through tha Optic nerve during all your waking hours, are eaeaelesaly bombarded by Light Kays traveling at that high speed. — When you loek at something a mile away it take# ao appreciable time fa r yeu to see it. In fact yea see it instantly because e f this high veloeity o f light. To hear a sound from the same distaece would taka a measurable apaee o f time. Sound travela much slower tha a light. — Considering the marvelous func­ tion that ia performed by your Byee, ia it net reasonable that yeu should appreciate them enough to take the proper eare o f them? - E y e examination surance. is Vision In­ MORRIS Optical Co. Moot Modern, Inclusive Optical Kctablishmrnt 1 0 4 to 211 Bank of Commerce Bldg. S A L I M , Established . 1889 AN ACCOUNT bank is the most expenditures and month, to do so. Officers Directors C. A. McLaughlin, P. Ira D. Mix, Cashier H. D. W. O. D. Butler The Post stands County all the Music in the Home m O l l t O I came foul; and they were seised with a violent spitting, and they did spit, even in the ladies’ parlors and in the house o f the Lord. And the saints o f the Most High were greatly plagued thereby. And in the course o f time it aaiue to peas that othera snuffed it, aud they were taken suddenly with fits and they did sneeze with e great and mighty sneese, insomuch that their eyes were filled with tears and they did look exceedingly silly. And others eunningiy set fire to one end thereof j and did suck vehemently at the other F. W. Leonard Boat and Shoe Maker Nothing completes a home more than a Hand Sewed Work Men a Work Only Flrat door lo a th Indcpondeacs National Bank Mr. Barnes, U . S. W heat Director Says: “ EAT MORE BREAD And reduce the high cost of living. ” H0LSUM BREAD IS T H E C H E A P E S T A S W E L L A 8 T H E M O S T W H O L E S O M E ON TH E M AR K ET TODAY. BUY THATf EXTRA LOAF ‘ Y ou r Grocer Has I t Cherry City Baking Co I Good Piano Will sell an instrument just from the factory, perfect in cabinet and tone on Easy Terms Can be seen and tested by writing 367’X Care Polk County Post, Independence