% \ T he P olk C ounty P ost — INDEPENDENCE, OREuON, APRIL 8, 1921 VOLUME m . : n FIRE DESTROYS El CLIFFORD HOME Sunday Noon Blaze Totally Destroys Residence-Con­ tents Saved, TWO FINGERS OST IN ACCIDENT TUESDAY Mr. Clifford Sustains Two Severed Fingers While Matting Butter. Misfortune seems to be cling­ ing closely to Tom Clifiord and he is beginning to think he was born under an unlucky star. Sunday noon the residence he and his family were occupying was entirely destroyed by fire. The following Tuesday while en­ gaged in his regular occupation at the Independence Creamery he had the second and third fing ers severed from his left hand by the machinery. The fire Sunday originated in a defective flue bu wis discov­ ered in time for the neighbors to form a rescuing party and all the household goods were removed from the house. The greatest damage was the breakage on a quantity of Haviland. The resi­ dence was located between 5th aad 6th on E street and was pur­ chased by Wm. McKinney about a month ago. HEADS COMPANY K At a meeting of Company K. Oregon National Guard, held at the Armory last Tuesday even ing, Emerson Groves was elected captain to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of L. W. Seg gel. Mr. Groves is an Independ­ ence boy and is well liked by ev­ eryone. The choice is considered a wise one and it is believed tha he will add strength to the or ganization. Captain Groves is a man of military experience and was among the first of Polk county boys o answer the call to the colors. He was in the serv­ ice about two years, one year of which was spent overseas. Hi went over with the 20th Engin eers Corps but was luter trans­ ferred to the Motor Transport Corps where he .declares he re ceived “ bumps enough for a life­ time.” K boys regret losing Mr. Seg- gel who resigned to take up his duties with the Union Savings and Loan Association of Port land, being assigned to the As­ toria district. Baby Homo Tag Day a Success The Tag Day conducted by tht High School girls last Saturday for the Albertina Kerr Baby Home in Portland netted $47 for the institution. With the $35 cleared by the Civic Club at the silver tea given for the Home this makes a splendid showing for Independence. At the Creamery Tuesday, Mr. Clifford was making butter when the accident occurred. Fortanately he had a wrench in his hand which is thought to have prevented the entire hand from being severed. same place, who *as giving first aid grew weak at the continuous flow of blood, fainted and fell against a can sustaining an ugly gash in his forehead. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford are tem­ porarily located with Mrs. M. E. This was not the exte it of the Stansberry while Mr. C takes a list of accidents for Wm. De vaertion wearing his left arm in Seim, another employee at the a sling. Better Clothes for Less Money Economy is the watchword of the day. We save you money on clothes. We buy direct from the maker and give you the benefit. Prices range from $25.00 to $75.00 and your m oney’s worth with each suit, both boys’ and m en’s. YOURS TR U LY, O. A. Kreamer I Dokkies Tomorrow Monster Gala Night Will Be Aug­ mented by Dokkies from Every City in the Stale. From six to twelve p. rn. Saturday will be Dokkie night in independence and every sign in­ dicates that it will be some night. .Our streets will be a solid mass of the elect who will come from every city and village of consequence in the state and finding "welcome” on Independence’s doormat, there’s no telling what it will amount to While primarily the visit is for the purpose of pushing fifty or more innocents over the hill into the D. O. K. K. there w 11 be plenty of time to put on numerous side degrees on the street be­ fore the big show opens and do not be surprised if there are parades, street dances, minstrels, clowns, ’n everything. Be around early and get a place on the side­ walk as the “standing room only1’ sign - will be i hung out any time after six o’clock. • ---------- — T T T * NUMBER 4 5 A. E. KUHLANDER IN NEW Q U A « A. L. Kuhlander moved hib jewelry store from the 0. A. Kreamer establishment to the Max Goldman building Wednes­ day. The building has been repair­ ed and a partition built which makes roomy quarters for both stocks. New fixtures have been installed on the jewelry side. Roomy cases for displays and art panels around the work bench all lend attractiveness to the general appearance. The changes_aiso makes cozy quar­ ters for Mr. Goldman’s stork. 0. A. Kreamer now has his entire building for his large stock of clothing and optical supplies. Plenty of show win dow room and display cases also add to Mr. Kreamer’s conveni­ ence. DIAMOND IS NOW IN SHAPE Manager Williams Says Tliat Iryouts WiM Soon 8e h àrder. TENNIS COURTS ARE BEING SHAPED “I.ove All” and “ Love 1” Will Soon Be Heard on Courts. Baseball tans have not only been ‘making hay while the sun shone” but they have been do­ ing some valuable work getting the diamond at the Hi School ready for the approaching sea­ son. Tuesday each busi­ ness house provided a man to assist the Hi School fans in mak­ ing the grounds ready for 'he games that are to be matched. Manager A. G. " llliapis says The P.-T. association held a that he cannot, tell just very profitable meeting at the when the season will open but Training School last Tur day. the diamond will be A No. 1. Miss Brenton of the Normal was The first, tryout for places on the the principal speaker, her sub­ team is scheduled for next Sun­ ject being Art. day afternoon. * * Lovers of the racquet are also taking advantage of the fuvor- i able weather; Tennis courts are t being turfed and soen “ Love all” will be heard from some of the courts while from others the B. R. Wolfe has purchased the players will not display such Dave Duvall property on 7th generosity and the score of street. Mr. Wolfe is having the “ Love 1, etc , ” may be a more familiar sound. residence modernized in every way and when changes are com­ John Dee Stevens, who with plete will have an attractive his brother has operated a second home. hand store in Independence for the past three years, died in Mrs. F. A. Spurr, who has Portland at the age of 67. The Odd Fellows awning is to Mr. Stevens was taken to a beer, spending the winter in be torn away and a new one Portland hospital for treatment California, is expected home erected the full length of the about three weeks ago and after with’n a few days. building on C street. a diagnosis no hope was held for his recovery. Before coming fo Independ­ ence, Mr. Stevens lived-in Mon­ mouth for many years and was well known to nearly everyone in Polk county. He is survived by five sons. l«’oy K. and John D. Jr., of In- depend* nee. Robert N. of the U. S. Marines, Lee of Bend and My beady Made Dresses will be sold at a sac Louis of Vancouver, Wash. P.-T. Association Meeting Tuesday MRS. BUTLER J. D. STEVENS 8. R, Wolfe Purchases PASSES ON ANSWERS CALL Dave Duvall Residence Mrs. Elizabeth Butler Died In independence Merchant Dies Portland April 5. In Portland Hospital. The funeral services of Mrs. Elizabeth Butler who passed at Sellwood hospital in Portland April 5th. were held at the Bap­ tist church Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Adah Chapter O. E. S, had c1 large of the services, Rev. H. L. Proppe reading the funeral rites. This makes the third funeral Rev. Proppe has conducted for the Butler family i within one year. I Mrs. Butler was formerly Eliz­ abeth Pettit and grew to worn anhood near Monmouth where she has a wide circle of friends She is survived by her husband and three children. Odd Fellows to Put Up New Awning « Closing Out Press Sale City Council Names Chatman Marshal Mrs, Holllngshead Dead 'at LaPine At a regular meeting of the city council last Wednesday ev­ ening Mr. Chatman was appoint­ ed city marshal to succeed J. H. Morgan. Chatman was former­ ly watchman at the S. P. ware­ house and is familiar with such duties. An ordinance which provides for bonding the city for $4000 for fire equipment passed to the second reauing. Relatives here received a tele­ gram Tinsday rig h t conveying the news of the death of Mrs. Hollingshead of LaPine, eastern Oregon, who formerly lived here. She is a sister of the late Mrs. M. A. Robinson. The funeral services were held at the home at 2 o’clock Thursday a fternoon. Independence Chautauqua May Word Butler ma le a business, 26-30. Forty g iaran tors. Forty trip to Newport this week. bo outers. ri'Ice. The stock iucludes garments of Taffetta, Georgette, Tricotine, French Serge and Jersey. Straight line, Surplice and Novelty Cuts. Some tr mm.’d with braids, buttons, etc. At™ some with pretty embroidered designs and headings All go at a Sacrifice Price. You will he pleased with my slam ing o f Spring lints . Alpha Bascue’s Millinery Store I \