c o r i c a soc . ^ 0rcK°n xudaol ’■ a THE POLK COUNTY POST ONE HUNDRED PERCENT INDEPENDENCE vouno INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, RECALL ELECTION TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 16 T he p etitio n w ith th e leg a l num ber of nam es th ereon h avin g been filed and Judge A. B. R obinson n ot having resigned w ithin five days th ereafter, C ounty Clerk M oore has called the recall elec tio n for F ebruary 16. N on-ln terested observers of condi­ tions in P olk cou n ty and th ose who have In vestigated the " d issa tisfa c­ tio n ” w ith Ju d ge R obinson over road w ork, can n ot b eliev e that the recall­ ers w ill be ab le to m u ster a m ajority at the sp ecial elec tio n and the many friends of th e ju d g e over the cou n ty are of th e sam e opin ion . B u t they do not propose to rem ain inactive. An a g g ressiv e cam paign w ill be w aged for th e ju d g e w .th the exp ec­ tation o f v in d ica tin g him by a tre­ m endous m ajority. The Civic Clob L ast W ed n esd ay afternoon th e O A. K ream er hom e form ed an oriental se ttin g for th e co n tin u ed stu d y of •iapan In w hich th e Civic club Is 1 een ly in terested . Japan is noted for Its flora and th e in terior .of the hom e w ith its b ea u tifu l h ou se plants, clu sters of pussy w illow , etc., made a scen e w orthy o f an a r tist’s brush A fter a brief b u sin ess session dur- i.tg w hich Mrs. J. S. R obbie was elected treasu rer to fill th e vacancy i lade by th e resig n a tio n o f Mrs. G. W. C onkey, the m eetin g w as given over to the program co m m ittee. R oll ill w as responded to w ith quota- t ons g lea n ed from an ex cellen t pa- 1 er given by Mrs. H. B. F letc h e r the 1 lev io u s m eetin g. Mrs. C lyde E cker ! resented an Illu strated paper on ' lap an ese A rt.” T hru th e kin d n ess i M iss C ornelia M arvin, Mrs. Ecker ( sp la y e d color p rints of H iroshige and H okuai w hich w ere from Miss .ta r v in ’s p rivate co llectio n secured \ hile in the o n e n t la st sum m er. The 1 idies found m uch p leasu re in d is­ crim in a tin g th e p rin ts of th e m aster artists. P ieces of ch o ice pottery w ere also show n. Miss M adeleine K ream er d elig h t­ ed th e in terested g a th er,n g w ith a p^per on “ Jap an ese M usic.” Miss K ream er has been a stu d en t at the O. A. C. sch ool of m usic and d eliv ­ ered h er paper in a moat com pre­ h en siv e sty le. T h o se to w hom Japa­ n ese m usic had been but a nam e con­ sidered th e ren d erin g of th e com po­ sitio n s a revelation . An in terestin g featu re was the co n tra stin g of the Japanese and A m erican sty le of m usic. E sp ecially w as th is true of the nation al an th em s. Miss Kream er w as assisted in ren d erin g the several selectio n s by Mrs. E. D avis on the v io l.n . She closed her paper w ith the b ea u tifu l story of "Madam B u t­ te r fly .” F o llo w in g the program Mrs. K ream er told a clev e r story about the Jap an ese “ tea c erem o n ia l” and w h ile in cen se burned from a Buddha holder, orien tal m aids served a cup of cha to th e fifty g u ests. T he a ft­ ernoon w as esp ecia lly p rofitab le and pleasant. T he stu d y of Japan w ill be con tin u ed by a paper on the "Japanese in A m erica” by Mrs. Brad- ner and th e "B oys of Ja p a n ” by Mrs. E id rid ge w hich w ill be given th e se c ­ ond m eetin g in February. N ew m em bers received w ere Mrs. A. B. R obinson, Mrs. T. A. F u rgeson , Mrs. R ose N eal, Mrs. H ugh H anna, Mrs. H a ttie W ood and Mrs. S. C. H al- laday. low in g le tte r to the P ortlan d T ele­ gram: T his is a partial a n sw er to G. A. S. in the issu e of January 6. A large num ber of m en w ith fa m ilie s w ould better their con d ition s if th ey were more w illin g to help th em selv es by helping th o se w ho need th eir service. The c itie s are overrun w ith people who have no m eans of support, other than w orking for oth ers, and as G. A. S. says, th ere are 100 m en for every job, esp ecia lly in tim es lik e the present. Jobs m u st be lim ited , as em p loyers cannot em ploy help at a loss. W hen work was p len tifu l and w ages good, the em p loye should have m ade it a rule to save som e of his m oney to tid e him th rou gh ju st such co n d itio n s as now exist. Too m any m en and w om en seem ed to think th at lo ts of work and h igh pay w ould a lw a y s exist. In a sen se they have look ed to the labor unions and a seven or eigh t-h ou r work day too stro n g ly and n ot en o u g h to th eir own w elfare and se lf d efen se. Many fam ­ ilies could, if th ey w ere w illin g to liv e as cou n try people have to, till th ey get en ou gh of th is w orld ’s sav­ ings to sta rt them in b u s.n ess of th eir ow n, secu re p osition s on farm s. R ight here is w here the sh oe pinches. Too m any c ity fa m ilies h a v en ’t the am bition to m ake a sta rt and let the farm ers know they w ant a position and w ill stick and m ake good. The farm er has been b it so ha was the gu est of Mrs. G aylord G od­ frey w h ile in the city. Mrs. M. C. W illiam s and U u g h te i, Miss Thelma, have return, . troia .. I v isit of several days u P ortland. We are now able to reduce the price on our Silver King Coffee and still give you the same value in this cojj'ee Our pile« now being 29c. per pound or four pounds $1.00 5 pounds Peanut Butter 40c. Special Blend on« Coffee in bulk LL\t 9 cans Tomatoes 23 bra good White* t Aft 51b. can Laundry Soap v 1 iUU Red Label Karo 9 cans Caroline Milk 48c $ 1.00 $ 1.00 4 Ac Albers Rolled 4 0. Oata with premium «01 9 cans Salmon 60c. fancy Jara Coffee 42c. 3 lbs $ 1.00 9 cans Sugar Peas 10 lbs Fancy Jap Rice We deliver now. $ 1.00 8 cans Sugar Corn Mrs. M cK inuey, who has been v is­ itin g her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Robbie. I has returned to her hom e in P o .t land. Mrs. J. S. Cooper .¡a hom e on- day last w eek. Mr. a:..I Mrs. Co e, are spending the w inter at tl,o La perial h otel in Portland. $ 1.00 C larence Irwin w ill open a m eat m arket in the F lu k e building ou U street th is w eek. Mr. Irw in is an old buteber and understands the bus­ iness. x on $ 1.00 Mrs. E. E. Jorgen.-on o f Perrna, M ontana, has been v isitin g her s ;s ter, Mrs. Frank Sm th. W ednesday Mrs. Sm ith accom panied her slide to Sherw ood w here they visited tneic m other. 79c Mrs. J. G. M cIntosh w ent to Cor- vullia last Sunday to v is.t her cou sin , Mrs. Jen n ie Ricluyd.s, who is 111 of pernicous anaem ia. Mrs. R ichards is a d au gh ter o f Mrs. Susan Jones and fo im erly lived here. We save you money. FA R M E R S CASH STO RE D. L. H edges was stricken w ith a strok e o f paralysis S aturday forenoon but at th e present tim e has n early reached that sta te o f recuperation where he can rejoice with his many friends over his remarkable recovery. C . B u r t o n D u rd a ll SALEM, SILVERTON, INDEPENDENCE ritzgerald-B&nsa A n nouncem ent of th e w ed d in g of Miss L eona H anna and Mr. Larry F itzgerald h as been received by In­ dependence friends. T he happy rhe fens and the hotter tno liinnunu not have been blind. ev en t w as celebrated in P ortlan d at tlon o f the object the better the re­ “Trachoma’s victim s (one of the the hom e of the bride a t high noon. most dreaded of contagious eye dis­ sult of the photographer’s effort. Just Saturday, Jan. 15, in th e presence of eases) have been discovered In sev­ so with the more perfect Instrument, on ly a few rela tiv es and clo se friends. R ev. San d ifu r read th e service am id eral states where It was not suspect­ the eye, and It behooves every one to a se ttin g of d ain ty sp rin g blossom s ed this scourge could be prevalent. see that his eyes are kept In good con­ and d elicate greenery. Not less thun nine states have during dition nnd free from eyestrain due to F ollow in g co n g ra tu la tio n s Mr. and this year Initiated or renewed their Improper lighting. As It takes a long Mrs. F itxgerald left for a b rief w ed ­ tight against the spread of trachoma. er tim e to take a good picture In poor ding trip to Seaside. Mrs. F itz g e r a ld ’s Wonderful Progress Made by the In Illinois, particularly, there has light than In good light, so It takes goin g aw ay su it w as a chic ta ileu r been a m arshaling of the forces for longer to obtain a good conception of National Committee in That o f blue trico tin e w ith b ecom in g ac­ system atic operation In the stamp­ what 1s before us with poor eyesight cessories. Direction. ing out of this disease. In all cases and In poor light. Employers are wise B oth Mr. and Mrs. F itzgerald are It has been the function of this com­ who provide against accidents from form er Independence people. Mrs. mittee to serve as a helpful agency In poor lighting.” F . is th e d au gh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H anna and is a grad u ate o f this work. Return Hero Medal. Independence H igh. Mr. F. is the Caused by Wood Alcohol. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. F itzg era ld Connellsvllle, Pa.—W hile a negro "Wood alcohol poisoning still causes j woman held up Mrs. Annabelle Gemas and has been connected w ith both th e Independence N ation al and Conservation of Vlaion Clasaet Grow­ nuch blindness through drinking this along the West Penn street car line, ing In Num bir a» Educators Dis­ F arm ers S ta te Bank of th is place. substance masquerading as a familiar near the Gemas home, two negroes B oth are popular am ong the y o u n g ­ cover It la Practicable to Open stim ulant. Tills condition was not a searched her, took her poeketbook, er set and have the b est w ish es of surprise to us, and we hnd Issued a containing about $30. but returning a Claeses In Small Cities. a h ost of friends. warning which w as used throughout gold service medal which the wont [r. Morrow Discus««* Labor Problem T hey w ill be at hom e in P ortlan d New Tork.— More than 4,000 sup­ the United States. Much activity re­ an’s husband, the Inte George Gemas w here Mr. F itzg era ld is connected porters of tile work of the National sulted because of the newspn|>er ac­ had been awarded for service In tin W . O. M orrow has w ritten th e fol- w ith the U. S. Bank. Committee for the Prevention of counts of the dreadful situation, and Spanlsh-Amerlcan war. The trio halt Blindness were reported at the sixth considerable work has been done by ed Mrs. Gemas with the request, annual m eeting In this city. This re- them toward elim inating this cause of “P lease give us your money, lady.” RimilNIN I>ort show s a remarkable Increase needless blindness.” H. F. J. Porter o f the Society for from the 0(5 charter members In 1915. Something Funny, All Right. The work for the last year showed Electrical Development delivered the TOtonvIlle, O.—There w as some annual address. The subject of Mr. much progress for the conservation thing funny ahout the chicken dlnne; of vision In the public schools and col­ Porter’s address w as “Through L ife’s served Mayor Charles Beswlck. He Windows.” He showed the great de­ w as guest of honor at a stag party leges. pendence of man on healthy and well- where the chicken was served In lib ­ The report continues: The country is returning to “Conservation of vision classes in cared for eyes, which he compared to eral portions On returning home the public schools are growing In a pair of motion picture cameras. “In­ Beswlek found Hint 15 of his choice normalcy and all signs indi­ number as educators have discovered, deed, the motion picture cninern Is pullets had disappeared. cate that the year 1921 will through the efforts of our committee, made In Imitation o f the eye,” he con­ be fruitful for all of us. that It Is practicable to open such tinued. “T he better the condition of C. B. D ? classes even In cities sm aller than the largest. The present census of such classes Is 62, of which 12 have been established within the last year. So far as known, the classes which £ _ a now support such classes include Illi­ nois, M assachusetts. Michigan, Minne­ Appreciating your past fav­ sota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and W ashington. There Is no more ors we will retail merchan­ hopeful part o f our work than this, dise at as low a price as and we are proud to have contributed can consistently be done. a considerable part to the establish­ ment o f these classes. Blindness In Children. “T he ch ief cause of blindness among children Is due to ophthalmia noeonatorum. The percentage this year Is 22.5 per cent as compared with 16.7 per cent for last year of I i those who have newly entered the It is our purpose to com­ residential schools. This disease la pete with similar stores in an Inflammation o f the eye usually contracted by newly born children. other towns and should our The percentage Is even higher in the patrons find any discrep­ r public classes. We have reason to re­ ancies in prices let us know. gret this unfortunate relapse. This is I W e keep every known preparation and m a n y the first year hut one that has not shown a considerable decrease, but w s j§ not so well known. are quite sure that our figures nre more accurste than In the yenrs gone by, and possibly some of this Increase Is due to the greeter accuracy of our reports. We must faithfully and [er- slstently pursue our fight against babies' sore eyes and continue fo re­ duce the number of children who need -II« FOR PREVENTION OF BLINDNESS W ORK IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS j Spring Ills are Easily j | Stopped I i I A t I I WILLARD E. CRAVEN ROW. I 4 2 . . i dose ” in time saves nine \ later on T he w ind Saturday afternoon did m uch dam age. P oles and w ires w ere blow n dow n, a num ber of w ind m ills put out o f com m ission und som e w in­ dow s broken. T hree hop houses on the McCarthy ranch w ere com pletely dem olished. T he C ity M arket w ill be moved soon and occupy the but! >v doors south of its p u s at ill , T he new "hom o” has be „ rote eled and w ill givt th C ’ all the conven ences that > class shop has. A m ong the road supervisors nar. by th e county cou rt last week > E. M. M itty, d istrict 5; P. 3 bank, d istrict 8; M. N. Pr her, trict 9; F. N. Stum p, distr W om er, d istrict 11; J. \V. W s *u d istrict 16; Tracy T urne . d, 19; C. P. B rooks, district The n ext Civic Club me > held at the home Smith on W ednesday, vt studv o f Japan v. ill In other in teresting festu r- i On account o f the ttlne H edges the pioneer rrce m o he'd on that date ha • ht ■ postponed. W. H u n tley h. a re t son, M arshall, w ho 1 I B enson P olytechido school la land, th ree steel to o ls made l> young man him self. Tie vn perfect and show s th > natural ab ility w hen properly r ed Is w onderful. It goes v.-i !u t Ing th at Mr. H untley ha- renso feel proud of his son. 0 Two Women Taken S h eriff Orr w ent to Cm last. F riday and bron -’it h i G ladys Lucas- and M Amv Lu slsters-ln -law . who wore tak- i ot’ Southern P acific L a in hy o ir r th ere at Orr’s n quest. The v. arrived in th is count y about t1, m onths ago from E ngland and An tra ils, resp ectively, and w, ¡it to th 1 hom e o f their fath er-in -law , J F Lucas, near B uena V ista, to aw ait the arrival of their husbands, w ho were expected to reach San F rancisco soon from a trip around th e world. Short ly after th eir arrival here Lucas' hom e burned and s nee then the w om en have been boarding at the hom e o f E. M. L lchty, a neighbor. T hursday th ey le ft for San Franc sco to m eet th eir husbands, lenving. It Is alleged by Llchty. an unpaid board bill of m ore than $200. Upon trial the tw o women were ac* quite d. » M rs. Park Entertains Mrs. W. H. P ark w as h ostess t® the W. C. T. U. T uesday afternoon. T he deVotlonal w as lei! by Mrs A lice K urre, reading the 13th chapter ot F irst C orinthians, follow ed bv sh o rt prayers by d ifferen t m em bers. A fter old and new b usiness w as disposed o f a short t me w as sp en t In d iscu ssin g th e cigarette and "booze” problem s D ainty refresh ­ m ents were served by the h ostess at th e close o f the session. I Williams’ Drug Co, ■ < i C. B. D.T