IN FORM ATIO N DEPARTMENT E A L J îr * 1 NJ E i à S Pia D I R E C T O R Y i M— ti— T U * Papar Wb— i I f you Must sell vour L IB E R T Y or V IC T O R Y bonds—sell to us. I f you can buy more L IB E R T Y or V IC T O R Y bonds buy from us. W e buy and sell at the N ew York market G O V E R N M E N T A N D M U N IC IP A L B O N D S BONDS Write (or descriptive circular« and booklets. M O R R I S B R O T H E R S , Inc., Morris Building. 309-11 Slsrir Street PORTLAND. OREGON At Heilig Theater, Portland, Oregon Three Night»: Sun. Mon. Tues. Four Mstinees: Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. M A T IN E E S -1 Sc to 75c. N IC H T S -1 Sc to «1.25 FRED DUNDEE CYLINDER GRINDING Motor Car Repairing & Machine Works Portland, Oregon. DO YOU KNOW THAT Tift ALDER HOTEL 285 Alder Street. Portland. Oregron. Will rent you a room for $1.00 per day, or a room with bath for $1.50 to $2.00 per day? Ship Your Cream to MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. PORTLAND Correct Weights Accurate Tests Highest Prices HERRIN & RHODES. Inc. LIBERTY BONDS and UNLISTED STOCKS ON A N Y MARKET T "^ ^ ^tailwa^JLxchnn£e^Builnin£^ Write us for prices and market conditions on r a g e o O n Veal, Hogs, Pouby, Frails, Potatoes, Onions, etc P o rtla n d , O re g o n _____________ Forty Years in the Same Location. SUNSET CREAMERY CO Cream shipped D IR E C T to us gets H IG H E S T P O S S IB L E price— B u t If sold to s C R E A M S T A T IO N , s p art o f y o u r1 p ro fit goes tow ard p ayin g station expense. T . S. TOW NSEND, Pré«. A M«r. 281-83 Fir*« Street. BAB’S RESTAURANT HIDES BISSINGER & CO., A good place to Eat and Live Well. Remarkable 50c luncheon at noon. Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m.. 326 Stark St. Wool Pullers Wool, Pelts, Tallow. Largest dealers on the Coast. 148-154 North 13th St., P. O. box 4378 Portland, Ore.; Wool Pullery Sellwood Sta., Portland. Ship us your goods; highest prices paid at all times. Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Made Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. All Reputable Furniture Dealers Sell V E N U S Hand-Made Shades Carried in twenty-four beautiful colors. Mounted on HARTSH O RN Rollers only. Ask your dealer. SHADES' COLUM BIA A W N IN G & SHADE CO., MFGS. PORTLAND, OREGON. P I n U / P I ? ^ TON SETH FLORAL CO. r L / i y ¥V LLfJYïD The H o «« of Flower* FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phones Main 5102 287 Washington St., Portland, Oregon Com m ercial Inform ation furnished free o f charge. Catalogues supplied and com m erclal inquiries cheerfu lly answered. W rite any firm below ! Do It n ow ! A R T L E A T H E R GOODS L e a th e r L e n in a , T ra v e lin g Bags, Trunks, C a rtrid ge Belts. Portlan d L e a th e r Co., 226 W ashington._________________________ A R T IF IC I A L T E E T H S P E C IA L IS T D r. BL C. Bneam siy 1S7 Journa l Bldg. A U T O M A T IC S E A L IN G V A U L T — Llnnton, Or. F u rth er In form ation address C. W. Goodsman. __ B O IL E R W O R K S — N ew — Repairin, E ast tilde B oiler W ks, E ast w a t e r A M ain B R A Z IN G , W E L D IN G a C U T T IN G N orth w est W eld in g & Supply Co., 38 1st St B U TTE R F a T H O U G W T Fern wood D airy pays cash fo r b u tterfa t CREAMERY W illa m e tte D airy, B u yers o f 1611k, Cream and Eggs. W e pay cash. «81 Union A v .N Oregon Cream ery fo r E ggs, Cream 130 2ml C U T F L O W E R S A F L O R A L D E SIG N S Clark s Bros., F lo ris t«, 1ST M orrison BL D E N T IS T , L A T E U. S. N A V Y Dr, P. O. Brown, 80> Stevens BL P ortlan d D E N T IS T B. E. W righ t, 808 R aleigh Bldg., 6 A W n D A N C IN G E V E R Y NOON A E V E N IN G Oriental Cafe. Chinese-Am erican K itchen Corner B roadw ay and Wash. P O R T L A N D E N G R A V E D W E D D IN G IN V IT A T IO N S Irw in-H odaon, Stationers, Portland, Ore. FARM LOANS 1 levereaux M ortgage Co., 87 6th St. F L O W E R S FO R A N Y O C C A S IO N Geo. B ets & Son, 687 W illiam s ATS. _____ F O U N D R Y A N D M A C H IN E W O R K S C om m ercial Iron W o rk », 7th A Madison. F U R N A C E S , C O R N IC E A R O O F IN G Grand Sheet M etal W orks, E. Sd A D avis GARAGES AND AUTO REPAIRING w ir, “Where PAINT S IL O BOAT Preservative Guaranteed PAINTS 16 Color«, gallon - PORTLAND. ORB. The pleasure of your trip to P ort­ land will depend upon the hotel you select. Cozy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find in your own home town, aw ait you at the Multnomah. Alder at West Park R ag Ruga, all sizes. Mall orders prompt. Rugs and carpets steam and dry cleaned. Phone or write for price list. Save solic­ itor’s commission. Northwest Rug Co. Portland, P rin tin g — E n g ra v in g F«U It Up Take Willi Via; Typewrit« Anywhere E. W . PEASE CO., 110 Sixth, Portland B o o k b in d in g We^can seJTyou i5omrsT^Vin3owsrTtooiP Ing, Paint, Glass and Builders' Hardware, direct at wholesale prices. W rite for prices before buying, lleacock Sash & Door Co., 212 Fiist tft., Portland. ___ ~ See ~ W e can supply you with any kind" of plumbing supplies at wholesale prices. We will gladly estimate cost of any Job. W rite for prices. S T A K K -D A V IS CO.. 188-190 4th St., Portland_________ pA IN T s AND W A L L PAPE R W r it e u s fo r prices. Pioneer Paint Co., 186 First St., Portland. Oregon Sixth and H o y t S tre e t* Portland, Oregon C onvenient to Both D epot* A b solu tely F irep ro of Room s *1.00 and up w ith ou t Bath. Room s $2.00 and up w ith Bath. EGBERT S. ROBE, Mgr. ASPIRIN Name “Bayer” on Genuine PERSO NAL ''M A H ÌtrTFH C 5N Ì£ÌTYrT^7ésù fi«r't>T me; best and most successful "HOM E M A K E R ” ; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; description free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box 666, Oakland, California. ___ _________ “ Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” is genu­ ine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over twen­ ty years. Accept only an unbroken "Bayer package” which contains proper directions to relieve Headache, Tooth­ ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggtota also sell larger "Bayer packages." As­ S u c c e s s f u lly s e rv in g a s a n u n d e r­ pirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture s tu d y to M a r y P ic k fo rd , L o u is e D u Pre Monoacetlcacldc8ter o f Sallcylicacld.— h a s entered sta rd o m In the "m o v ie ” Adv. w orld . M i s s D u P ro is a little So u th e rn g ir l fro m A tla n ta , Ga. H e r real nam e is L o ttie L o u E a d y , and on he r m oth­ e r 's side sh e is a d e sce n d a n t fro m the D u P r e fa m ily , p io n e e rs of th a t state. S h e Is re cognized a s the first u n d e r­ s tu d y to a screen s t a r in the h is t o ry of m otio n p ictures. --------- O --------- r Beauty Chats By ED NA KENT FORBES I#############»#»######»########## M EAL BATHS i f t l f r IL L you kindly print dlrec- V Y tions for bran or oatmeal baths, or other baths for Improving the texture o f the skin?" w rite« a cor­ respondent. In the same mall ciune a request for baths to help a rheumatic old lady. So, since our space is brief, I think I will make a list of the various beauty and medicinal baths, wUh short directions for taking each kind. There is, first, the oatmeal bath— essentially a bath for beauty. It whitens the skin, makes it wonder­ fully soft, and acts as a mild bleach. Take about four cupfuls of uncooked oatmeal, put in a muslin hag, and put the bag iu the both water, If possible letting the water from the faucets run over the bag. Squeeze It before get­ ting Into the hath, so the water be­ comes milky looking. One bagful rati be used four or live times. Bran baths arc taken the same way, except that bran Is used in place of flip oatmeal. Many women use smaller P IL E S And other rectal conditions permanently cured without operation or detention from business. Call or write DR. D E AN Second. *nd Morrison_____Portland, Ore. P L A T IN G N IC K E L A N D S IL V E R . City CbfttfortffcrYou! ¿ f . UNIVERSAL plants PAUL AUTOMATICS^ ere the towe.Pf .liCJN TICKETS Europe and Money Orders LIDLLL & CLARKt 105 Third SL, PORTLAND, ORE ^ c t o iiwj i t UfTM • OAK STREETS PORTLAND OREOOS DR. E. H. E A S T ^ T l ' e a ^ T s FimDÌTid, » X ì ^ i a i r . 'X p i t lights $1.60 each. Parts nickeled. Hard­ ware refinished. C aliforn ia P la tin g Wka., Cor. 2nd and Salmon Sts. Highest marker price. Payment on de­ livery. W rite for schedule of prices on pitch and equipment. Northwestern T u r­ pentine Co., 368 East Ninth St., Portland, Oregon. B R A Z IN G J efféreon T 5 «ÍK K 'W éÍd ín g'^ ^ Ing of Boilers and Farm ing Implements D9 Columbia St., Phone Marshall 3944. S A N IT A R Y B E A U T Y P A R L O R W e help the appearance of women. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma­ tion, value *7.00, price *2.45. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. a Sawm ill Equipments Ladies’ Friend Electric Iron* . . . $5.50 each Federal civil prisons are located at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Atlanta, Ga„ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. G R AND ELECTRIC CO.. Portland, Ore and M cN eil Island, Wash. ST. PAUL HOTEL C a s u s B e lli. Fourth and Alder. CLEAN, Buy Your Adding Machine —where you will—but see us first— save money. New and Second-hand Adding machines. P . R . M a h o n e y , Factory Expert. MODERN, $1.00 Up. RESPECTABLE Private Bath *2.00. Established 20 Years in Portland, Or. ] C. GEE WO S | K k r All kinds o f machines. Overhauling and all kinds of general repairs a specialty. 384 Stark street. PORTLAND. ORE. ROOT AND 14th and W ash in gton Portland. Oregon In the h eart o f the (h o p p in g and th eatrical d is tric t R a te * *1 to *t. Geo. R. T rem blay, Mgr. REMEDIES N E W PALACE HOTEL L. W. HIMES. Give Wonderful Results. 162H First Street H OTEL R A M A P O HERB C hinese M edicine Co. SOY GEE, Prop. Root and Herb Remedies. 133H F ir s t S tre e t. S u n l i g h t f o r M a la ria . M a r b le C h e a p e r T h a n Pin e . Dr. G. Viale reports to Policinico (R om e) that cases of long rebellious malaria Improve rapidly when the nude trunk Is exposed to the sunlight for several hours after each dose of quinine. The United States commercial at­ tache In Rome reports that imported pitch pine now costa more than native Italian walnut, and that builders save money by making stairways of mar­ ble instead o f yellow pine. $1 and Up wfÄÜTSEU* Portland. Oregon. Portland. Ore.  QUEEN CITY G re c ia n G irl P r o v id e s the In an Irish case o f a domestic riot involving much injury to person and property, a witness in the course of a vivid narrative swore as follow s: ‘‘He says to me, ‘Is that your father?’ And I says to him, ’It Is me father.’ And he says, ‘It is well you told me, for I thought he was an ould gorlliy,’ and then the figh t began, me lord.” — From the Argonaut. B a c k to It s R o o s t N ig h t ly . W e make your worn ga rm e n t« look like new. E m ploy experienced help and gel. beet reeult* W e pay poet- a g e one way. 288 Grand A v e ., Portland. Soak a sponge in sweetened water, wring and place where the ants have easy access to it. They w ill swarm over it and through it. Drop the sponge in boiling water and repeat the operation until the colony becomes alarmed at the loss of its workers and abandons the premises. H o te l K it c h e n O c c u p ie s A cre . The kitchen of one o f the big ho­ tels in New York is an acre in extent. C u t ic u r a C o m f o rt s B a b y ’s S k in When red, rough and Itching with hot baths o f Cuticura Soap and touches o f Cuticura Ointment. Also make use now und then o f that exquisitely scent­ ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, one o f the indispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio.— Adv. P r o p o s in g In S ia m . F e d e r a l P ric o n s . Boilers and Engines, T o D e s t r o y R e d A n ts. "P a p e ’ » D tapepeln" 1» the quickest, surest re lief fo r Indigestion, Oases, F la tu ­ lence, H eartburn, Bournes«, Ferm entation or titomnch Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets g iv e alm ost Im m ediate stomach re lief ond shortly the stomach la corrected so you can eat fa v o rite foods without fear. I^irge case costs only 60 cents at drug store. A b solu tely harm less and pleaaunt. M illions helped annually. B est stomach corrective known.— Adv. In New Guinea each tribe has Its own particular system o f tattooing the body, and should a member o f any other tribe Imitate the pattern, it is L A N D R U G C O . regarded as quite a sufficient reason Manufacturers af for a declaration- of war between the RAG RUGS Specialty two tribes. and H i s R e a so n . Speaking o f politics and elections, we knew a man once who announced that he would1 vote for a certain can­ didate for office. When asked for his reason, he replied that the candidate was his friend. And when they asked him if he had no other reasons he said no; he said he didn't need any other reason. W e have liked this man ever since. “Pape's Diapepsin" for Indigestion. In f r in g e m e n t R e ce nted . P H Y S IC IA N A N D S U R G E O N Specialties: G oitres, Diseases o f W om en FLU FF and M a tern ity I C A R P E T C L E A N IN G , L A T IN O A S IZ IN G O ffic e M organ Bu ilding Portland, Ore. 601 Gerlinger Bldg.. Phone Main 8201 Portland. Or 1672-1674 East 17th Street G. & R. MACHINERY CO. The height of mountains is ascer­ tained by barometric observation, showing the pressure o f atmosphere at the low er and higher levels. An instrument called the mountain barom­ eter is graded especially for this pur­ pose. It can also be done with a lev­ eling instrument and theodolite, but either way requires technical knowl­ edge. P e r il in Io d in e F u m e s. W A N T E D — F IR P IT C H W E L D IN G 4 D e t e rm in in g H e ig h t of M o u n t a in s . Fumes o f iodine have recently been urged 88 a method of administering that drug preferable to the usual tinc­ ture. It has been shown by experi­ ments that fumes are absorbed through the skin nnd when Inhaled are absorbed by the lungs, but it is shown also that inhalation is very dangerous even in small quantities, especially when there is any disease o f the res­ piratory passages. E ast Morrison St., a t E ast Sixth, the P rtn c l- '* East —— Side ----- ---- * - “ 6 minutes from Principal Hotel. Shopp ..ring District. F o u r blocks from 8. P. E ast Side 8tatlon. P O R T Clear Baby’s Skin . W ith Cuticura Soap and Talcum Seep 25c, Oiat n a t 2S «ad SOc, Talm a 2Sc. H O T E L C L IF F O R D ' W rite for Folder “ G” W IN D O W S Send us your inquiries for anything in Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill, Contractors’ Equipment, Loco­ motives, Hollers, Engines, Crushers, Rail, Cable, Helling, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 52S Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. “ A M oderate P riced Hotel o f M erit" [O ffice F u m i - 4 . ture. DOORS A N D P L U M B IN G A P U J M B IN G ^ S U P P L IE S N orthwest A uto C o .,- i * C oro NA The P erson al W ritin g Machine. W e ig h t 6 lbs. P ric e *60 00 case Included AH kinds diamonds and jewelry bought; name your price. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co., 85 N. Sixth. M A C H IN E R Y - Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main TO Postoffice. E V E R Y T H IN G F O R T H E O F FIC E ” For reliable Cleaning satîT S y«ing~'«erv- Ice send parcels to us. W e pay return postage. Information and prices given upon request. E N K E S C IT Y D Y E W O R K S E s ta blished 1890 Portland L A R G E S T H O M E S E L L E R ON P A C IF IC HOTEL HOYT 128 N. 6th St., Portland, Ore East 8580 188 E. Eighth SL Machine Works, 3rd and Glisan. C L E A N IN G A N D D Y E I N G _____________ H ID E S , W O O LS 4 C A S C A R A B A R K The Beebe Company RAINIER HOTEL Medium Priced—Among the Best B R A Z IN G A W E L D IN G W O R K S e sell you a welding outfit and teac the business. Portland B rasin g & you Accordlan and Box Pleating. 'Button and I deating Shop, 609 Royal Bldg. Send fo r color card. Order by mail. Mail orders filled same day as received. Garage in Connection. We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets ________ Over 900 Portland Homes for Sale. Frank L. McGuire, Abington Bldg. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Woodlark Building P L E A T IN G "’..“ r-. $3.40 Satisfaction or Money Back. Sendjfor Book and Measure Blank Today. Portland. A C C O R D )A N K nife and box pleating, hemstitching, 10c yd. Buttons covered. Eastern N ovelty M fg . Co. 85ty Fifth street, Portland. W e pay highest prices— W rite us for quotation. Kahn Bros., 195 Front St. Fitters and Makers for Fifty-five Years Comforts Abound” W IN D O W S H A D E S Peake, The Shade Man, 428 A ld er St. CTtNCER T R E A T E D L o w e ll M. Jones, M. D., 312 M organ B ldg H E M S T IT C H IN G A N D P L E A T IN G ~ tfQ C C 'P J .O J Louise Du Pre S H E E T ME1AI. a KKTINMM. WORKS Union Avenue Metal Work«. 411 Union Ave. Dec! m l Floor PAINTS A re painful and often dangerous. Our Hand-woven-to-fit Elastic Stockings, Belts and Bandages always give relief. H o o k Portland, Oregon E n ter now. Poaltlon when competent. Catalogu e free. M A N F . OF A G A T E J E W E L R Y J. A. L akln, wholesale,retail. 102 Grand A v M O N U M E N T S — E. 3d and Pine S t* U tto Schumann G ranite 4k M arble W ork* N U R S E R IE S - _____________ Russellville Nursery, R." F. D. 1. Benedict Nursery Co., 186 E 87th N. N U R S E R Y STO C K V illa Nurseries. R. No. 1, P ortland.__ O R E G O N F L U F F RUG CO. J. H . Lehmann, Prop. 1884 E ast Btark O IL S H A M P O O IN G « M A N IC U R IN G M y rtle Clarke. 733 M organ B ldg, l*ortland P L A S T E R D O LLS A N D N O V E L T IE S R ose City Novelty W ks, IQS U rand A v e. PRODUCE BOUGHT Peerless Produce Co., 175 Fron t St. 8hlp us >uur Hogs, Veal. P ou ltry, Eggs, Hides. R -K P rod uce C o , 209 W a jh t it . P Y O R R H E A D E N T IS T S Sm ith Lon g Service, 310 Bush & Lan e B1 R EALTO RS In tersta te Land Co., 248 Stark S L R E A L E STA TE A N D LO AN S M. V. Harrison, 512 Gerlinger Bldg; _____ S A F E S — F IR E A N D B U R G L A R N o rrla Safe A Lock Co.. Ie5 2nd St. M & F Garage, and W ash ington Sts M ultnom ah H o tel Garage, 2d and A n k en y Com m ercial Garage, E. 11th and Burnside. H A R D W OOD F L O O R IN G E U m an H ard wood F lo o r Co. S89 E W ash. A R T IF IC I A L L IM B S E ast Side Hardw ood F loor Co., Inc.,— fo r Catalog. 201 2nd tit., Pur timid. 410 E. Burnside. B E N T IS T R Y — P A J N L E S8 ' ' H A V E Y O U R E Y E S E X A M IN E D IChsoi uteYy Performed byjlerve-M ocCing A. EL H urwits, O ptom etrist, 225 F ir s t S t method without after effect*. L e t us H em stitching, Buttons Covered, P la itin g prove It to you. W e make X -r a y exam - B. P. Sanborn, 242 A ld e r S t nations and specialise in first-class d en t­ is try at reasonable fees. Dr. A. W . Keene, Dr. E. W. Prehn, Majestic T h e a tre Bldg., HOUSE S5U|_ Washington St., Portland, Oregon. D IA M O N D S 4 J E W E L R Y B O U G H T BARN Cor. l«t. and Wash. Su. SWOLLEN (Varicose) VEINS H olmes business college Although sometimes seen 400 leagues from land, the frigate bird is said to return every night to it* sol­ itary roost.— Brooklyn Eagle. H om e . 8 y n c h r o n e lt y . O a tm e a l B a th s A re G ood fo r the S k in ; T h e y M a k e It So ft and W h ite . hags o f oatmeal or bron, In place of the wash cloth, rubbing the meal hag over the skin. The best hath for rheumatism is an Epsom salt bath. T ill» requires about half a pound of the sails dissolved in the bathtub; the patient lies tint in the tub, with Just enough water to cover the body, and sonks there till the heat has left the water. Sulphur baths are beneficial to the health also, and are heauflBers ns well. Many a sanitarium has made Its reputation upon them— snd they may be taken at home, If one has the time and patience. In the simplest form, they consist of dissolving flowers o f sulphur In the hot hath water, and adding some bicarbonate of soda, such as you use In making up sour milk bis­ cuit«. Sanitariums usually add a few more such ingredients and mix with mud, applying this medicated mud to the skin. In Slam a declaration of marriage is very simple. It Is considered a pro­ posal merely to offer a lady a flower, or to take a light from a cigaret If she is holding It in her mouth, so that even the most timid o f youths need not fear the ordeal. V e lo c it y of W in d . When wind travels at a speed of ninety miles an hour It becomes a hur­ ricane, but It la on record that in trop­ ical countries storms have been known during which the wind reached a veloc­ ity estimated at more than 600 mile* an hour. F le x ib le L a n g u a g e . Oura la a flexible language. For in­ stance, according to a headline writer, "Grain Elevators Come Under Fire at Probe.” — Toronto Mall and Empire. H e a d G ro w » T i ll M a n la 40. In some parts o f Greece no girl can Speaking generally, a man’s head, Married life w ill never be a com­ ever hope to find a husband until she particularly if he la a thinking man, plete success until the baby and its (Copyright.) has a home of her own. Hence, pro­ continues to increase in size until he -------- O------- - . parents get sleepy at the same time. viding his daughters with houses Is an is forty or fifty years o f age. L ig h t Stuff. — Boston T ran script onerous duty which falls to the lot of “ Did that ‘quake’ we had thin morn­ every father. An m J Mania I ■EHNKE-W n.w Y ,wm BU R N «** C o S S c i ing do any damage?” asked the movie Keep tout Eyed '•