P U B L IC S A L E M OTOR N A SH I will hold a public sale, 5Va miles south of Inde­ pendence on Saturday, Sep­ tember 25 and will sell 6 head of horses, 2 cows, 18 head of hogs, farm machin ery, etc. '¿o F. A. TORGESON. TRUCKS Naah Tiucks are equipped with elec­ tric lights and starters. The electric lights enable them to perform satis­ factorily at night as well as by dav and the starter saves fuel because the driver can shut off bis power when the truck is left standing and start again with no effort on his pan. Morris & Company, The Standard Oil Company, The Palmolive Com­ pany a id The A m e r i c a n S t e e l Tonndries are among the nationally known firms using Nash Trucks FOB SALB Oqvdr reaper, cut 15 acres; Mc­ Cormick binder, cut 100 acres; S horses; bop baler, stove, pipe^ baskets and other supplies. Phone M-4312. 4 IS tl FOB SALE 1 new Ford Truck with cab and bed used about 3 months. 2 used Over lands. 2 used Maxwells. A ll the above cars are in good running order and guaranteed bjr us. AUTO U T ILIT IE S CO. Independence and Dallas. TAK EN OP Taken up by the undersigned at his place, seven miles south of In­ dependence, about June 1, black horse, weight about 1200, a g« about twelve years. Owner to pay lor advertising and keep. J. H. W A R D R. 2, Independence. 26 RICK W OOD FOR SA LB : Oak, Ash or F ir delivered in either town or country. C. J. Lehman, Suver. Phone Monmouth 1210. 25 Auto Utilities Go. INDEPENDIMOS ESTBAT FOR SALE: 26 T R U C K S Mrs. Jacob F etzer was an Independence visitor last Fridav and hereafter The Post w ill keep her posted nn the leading events o f south Polk countv. Mr. and Mrs. Fetzer are enioving life immeuselv on a farm near Suver. M avor W . H. W alker was called to Portland last week on account o f the illness of Mrs. W alker who is passing a few weeks in the Rose Citv. Mr. W alker has re­ turned and reports Mrs. W alk er’s condition v e r y much improved. Rye, cheat, vetch, V E R D H IL L . FOR SA LE : Princess dresser; good condition; reasonable. Phone M 7022. 20 COLLECTIONS Knight Adjustment Co., McM innville Ore. D O N ’T S T A R T Y O U R B O Y OR G IR L TO SCH O O L W IT H O U T P R O P E R E Q U IP M E N T W e have a complete line o f Pencils, Erasers, Pens, Book Straps, Fountain Pens, Pencil A s­ sortments, Composition Pads, Slates and Pen­ cils fo r L ittle Ones, Pencil Boxes, Sponges, j Composition Books, Note Books, Paints and ~ D raw ing Supplies, Dividers, Rulers, Lunch Baskets, Etc. Williams ? Drug Co. “ Home of the Gr&fonoU” P E R F E C T S E R V IC E PURE DRUGS im m «««i«iiH iH iin m iin i«iw n iia iiia iiB im iit Mrs. Alpha Bascue’s fall millinery opening last Satur­ day attracted a large crowd o f pleased patrons. A s is her custom Mrs. Bascue put forth an especial effort to make this a verv attractive showing. H er styles em­ brace everything new and smart for the coming sea­ son. The satisfactory fea­ ture is that the (prices on both dresses and hats are verv reasonable. One O. I. C. brood sow. Owner * may have same by paying damages and cost)». 20 H. D. IL IF F . s and rye grass seed. N A SH Mr. and Mrs. C vril Rich­ ardson and M arvin Richard­ son went! to Corvallis Mon­ day where the bovs began their second vear at the col­ lege. 'Mrs. Richardson also enrolled as a student. LOTTIE HEDGES McINTOSH T E A C H E R O F P IA N O A N D V O IC E (Affiliated with Northwestern Conservatory, Chicago.) Announces the re-opening o f her residence studio Oct. 1.----- A limited number o f pupils accepted.----- Phone now fo r class reservations----- H igh School credits given. Studio Monmouth and 7th. Sts. Phone 4821 J * b i A A i ä t i i A J A U ä A A A iA ä A A A >A.^MkAi4>.M lAL»à.A.kAiâà.AlAi».MiAL^MAAtÉ>.MAAiàÉJl, County Fair Oct. 7 th, 8th, Qth Methodist Services CITY A JID C O U N T R Y ler home. Mrs. Ground is _ ----- visiting in Monmouth now. . K eep The Post phones ------ ringing. Mrs. P. H. D rexler has re- ------ j turned from Portland where Miss K a tie Houx o f the she had been fo r several training school is nleasantlv | weeks. She is recuperating located at the home o f Mrs. at the home o f her daugh- Sarah Irvine. ter. Mrs. Percy Dickinson. I f vou wish to hear o f the work o f an Independence woman who has spent fiv e years in the missionary field o f Korea, come to the M. E. church Sundav evening at 7:30 and hear Miss Marie Church, who recently arriv­ ed in the U nited States. Miss Church is w ell known in Independence, having taught school here and at Buena Vista. She w ill tell something o f the experi­ ences o f Korean prisons as she was one o f the mission­ aries imprisoned during the Korean trouble recently. Good music. The pastor w ill preach in the morning. Sundav school at 10 a. m. C. T COOK, P a stor. Miss Elsie Lemmon o f Hom er W ood “ set u p” Portland has been visiting the ice cream to the pickers her aunt. Mrs. N ellie Bar­ Saturday afternoon when nett. thev finished his acreage of babv hops. N ext vear thev Mrs. A lbert Klaus (F ra n ­ w ill not be able to pick his ces Townsend) o f Portland vard so auicklv as thev did has been visiting her par­ this vear. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Townsend. Four generations sat side bv side at the Isis one night H ow cheaply can vou heat this week, and quite a num­ your home with Cole’s O rig­ ber spoke o f it. Those in inal W ood Heaters? B et­ line were Mrs. Sarah N el­ Baptist Church ter ask— it w ill surprise son. Mrs. O. D. Butler, Dr. M. J. B utler and M arlow vou. J. D. Hibbs & Co. (Contributed) Butler. Thev did not come Mrs. Lucv Ground arrived to the theater together and • The meetings advertised from Portland Sundav and the line partv was quite bv for last Sundav were adver­ tised as good ones and thev was a guest at the O. D.But- accident. sure were good ones. The singing was especially good and so was the preaching. Everyone was delighted as w ell as helped bv the inspir­ Don’t you remember the old ational singing and preachy ing. Large crowds packed primer which started in with the church fo r three meet­ “ Do you see the cat? I see ings. Though the famous singers are gone and with the cat, etc.” When you go the mtheir preacher evangel­ ist. thev did not take with to school now do you see the them the B ible and the Gos­ pel which is preached every well dressed boy? H e got Sundav from the pulpit of this church. The Sundav his clothes at K ream er’s. school meets at 10 a, m.: a class fo r all ages. I f vou do ■uætmuminnmiaii«i«iimi H e looks fine and dandy, all not go to anv church, come ' the time “ dressed up.” H e here. In the morning the Rev. H. JL. Proppe w ill w ill acquire his education a great deal easier than preach on the subject “ W h v I Am a Christian.” This is some youth, ragged and dirty, who spends some o f a sermon vou w ill want to hear. The Young Peoples’ his time enveying his more fortunate school mate. Society meets at 6:30 p. m. A n y parent can afford to keep his boy “ dressed up” H ere is the place where voung people build Christian for school. H e can also teach him how to care for his character. A t the hour of 7 :30 p. m.. Rev. Proppe w ill clothes. T ry it and see how it goes. B rin g the boy preach his last o f the series o f sermons on the subject of to K ream er’s tomorrow and fit him out. Then put Satan. H is subject w ill be “ The Doom o f Satan and him on his honor to care for his clot hep and he w ill Universal Peace.” Come make good. and hear this message; it w ill do vou good.' W e meet HHHIHBHi on Wednesday nights at 7:- 30 fo r our midweek good, t i m e praver m e e t i n g . “ Come thou w ith with us and we w ill do thee good.” See The Well Dressed School Bojf O. A. Kreamer Teli TIM Three Big D ays of Jollification Competition is keen for first place in Community Booths, Individual Displays and Stock Exhibits. Siletz Indians Will Be There Big Automobile Show Special Concessions The Olym pic tine