The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, September 03, 1920, Image 5

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    Says Anthrax
Is Not Fatal
Importance of Early Treatment
Is Emphasized by New
York Specialist.
Inspection of Hides and Furs Under
Government Regulation Is Urged
by Doctor— Cure Takes
About Ten Days.
Santa Catalina Island, together with
a prehistoric toothbrush. Is evidence
o f the early-day activity o f women,
according to* Ralph Gtldden, who made
the discoveries while searching In­
dian graves on the Island for the Hayo
The bristles o f the toothbrush were
gill fibers from the jawbone o f the
stingarec and the “ puff” probably
would seem heavy today, for although
It looks like the modern bit o f down.
It feels like a lump o f lead. It was
used. It Is said, to crush the ochre
with which the Indians beautified
anthrax should be a matter o f gov­
ernment regulation,” said Dr. Charles
Norris, chief medical examiner, who'
had listened to the discussion. “ It Is
very nearly Impossible to disinfect
without destroying the object disin­
fected. I know of only one process
ami It is a long one. About the only
thing I can see for any one to do at
the present time is to take a chance—
and If he contracts anthrax get proper
treatment with the serum Immediately.
It Is easy to cure It If It Is diagnosed
In time.”
“ There aren't enough cases to alarm
nny one,” Doctor Symmers said. “ But
it crops up here and there all over
the country, and the newspapers call
It ‘deadly’ and every one gets wor­
ried. Mr. Post came to the hospital
on the fourth day of the disease, and
he was In time. The earlier the bet­
ter, however. Where It gets danger­
ous is when the infection gets Into the
The cure takes about ten
Doctor Symmers said that the an­
thrax bacillus first was discovered In
It really Is cultivated In a
laboratory, he added.
Now York.— Dr. Dougins Symmers,
director o f the pathological labora­
tories o f Bellevue and allied hospitals,
said that the case o f Frederick H.
Tost, poio player, who was discharged
ns cured o f anthrax from Bellevue,
was most Important In that It may em­
phasize that anthrax Is not a “ fatal”
“ Mr. Post’s cose was diagnosed In
time,” Doctor Symraers said. “ That
is the most Important thing. Get an
anthrax cose early enough and a cure
is practically certain. This Is the fifth
case to be cured In Bellevue with the
serum prepared by the United States
. department o f animal Industry.
“ I would like to make It as emphat­
ic os possible In this connection that Recent Find Shows Girls of Prehis­
use in newspapers o f the phrnse ‘dead­
toric Age Beautified Themselves
ly anthrax’ has a bnd effect not only
With Ochre.
on the public generally but on nny pa­
tient thut may be under treatment.
Los Angeles, Cal. — Present-day
You see n sufferer from nnthrax Is girls, with their cosmetics, orange
fully conscious throughout the disease. sticks and nail powders, may be
He Is Just ns clear mentally ns any one chngrined to learn that their aborigi­
up to perhaps the last hour, If It nal sisters, who disported themselves
chances to be a case that was not beside the Pacific generations ago,
tnken In time and cannot be cured. knew something about personal adorn­
That Is a peculiarity o f anthrax.
Bad for Morale.
A stone “ powder puff” found on
“ Now, In Mr. Post’s case, he was
feeling In excellent spirits, and he
wanted the newspapers. There was
no reasonable excuse ?or not giving
Qook on Lost Boat Picked
them to him. When he got them he
Up in the Open Sea
read about 'deadly nnthrax’ and that It
wouldn’t be known for ten days wheth­
Jacksonville, Fla.— A Greek
er he would live or not, and It wasn’t
cook, member of the crew of the
particularly good medicine for his
tug Wlnthrop, which went down
morale. Mr. Post, It happened, was a
man o f fine courage, high Intelligence
off Cape Henry July 15, was
and rare gameness. He was a splen­
brought here by the steamer
did patient, so reading about the
Kokomo. The Greek was picked
mythical deadllness o f nnthrax In the
up In the open sea shortly after
newspaper accounts didn’t have as bad
the Wlnthrop foundered. Other
an effect on him as It might.
members o f the crew who were
“ But there are Other patients suf­
picked up by n steamer and
fering from anthrax here and there
landed at Norfolk had reported
about the country, and the chances
the cook and a mess boy as
are there will be more In Bellevue.
Th e public should be educated as to
what the disease really is.
“ Anthrax, at the outset, Is mani­
fested by a characteristic lesion at the
point o f Inoculation. This usually Is
on the face, ns In Mr. Post's case. It
looks like an ordinary pimple, red and
Itching. Within a day or so the pim­
ple breaks down Into a large, blackish
ulcer surrounded by nn enormous but
painless swelling.
“That one pimple and swelling Is
all the visible sign there may be of
the disease. But, If the swelling Is on No Flaw Shows in Operation of
the cheek, as In Mr. Post’s case, It
Boston Dealer in Interna­
may he enormous, closing the eye.
“ Now, If the disease Is taken right
tional Coupons.
there, a cure Is practically certain.
No one with nny such symptoms
should wait an Instant. Any one who
has seen the characteristic lesion of
anthrax could not fall to Identify It In­
stantly across a room.
Converts American Cash Into Foreign
Serum It Effective.
“ At Bellevue the percentage o f cures
Money and Buys International Re­
with the government serum Is 100 per
ply Coupons Redeemable at
cent. O f the 20 cases treated In the
Normal Exchange Rate.
Inst three years seven hnve died. But
the last five, which are the only ones
Boston.— A ban has been placed on
In which the serum has been used,
the rush of people to give their money
hnve been cured.
“ The disease Is caused by a large, to Charles Ponzl, head o f the Securi­
spore-bearing bacillus, very resistant ties Exchange company, on his prom­
to ail forms o f disinfection. It yields ise to repay their Investment with 50
most readily to steam under pressure. per cent profit In 45 days.
A fter a conference with District A t­
The probability Is that Mr. Post was
Infected by a shaving brush. Proper torney Pelletier, Ponzl, whose business
disinfection o f the brush would have Is described as the exchanging o f In­
ternational reply coupons from one
ruined It.”
"Disinfection o f hides and furs for j country to another, agreed to accept
Representatives of the United States government paid tribute to the French
the trl-color over the White House and decorating grnves of the French dead at
graph shows Secretary of W ar Newton D. Baker placing flowers on the grave of
headstone, a little to the right of it, Is the dead soldier's widow. Near the center
March, U. S. A., chief o f staff.
N av y to Stage
M aneuvers
Atlantic and Pacific Fleets to Be
Combined in Great Sea
Not Intended to Concentrate All of
Nation’s W ar Strength and Only
Vessels Regularly in Commission
W ill Participate.
Mrs. Alfred O. Corbin of Ocamoik,
Va., Is a real helpmeet for her hus­
band. She has Just returned to New
York on the S. S. Mauretania after a
business tour In Holland for her hus­
band, a member o f the W all street
firm of Leach & Co. When they were
married, each liked Mrs. Corbin’s old
Virginia name so well that they de­
cided to assume that. Instead o f the
husband's name.
She carries two
dolls which she brought from Holland
for her daughter, aged nineteen. Their
names are “ Lelda and “ Airy.”
Alarm bells can now be rung by
wireless at a distance o f 100 miles.
Can’t Prosecute
“Get Rich” King
Japanese Sailors See N ew York
Pay Tribute to French on Bastile Day
no further deposits until an auditor
selected by the district attorney has
examined his accounts, which are said
to run Into millions.
District Attorney Pelletier said tl i
action taken was “ In no sense a final
closing down o f the justness.”
For several weeks past crowds of
persons have flocked to Ponzl’s offices
and given In their savings In exchange
fo r notes o f the Securities Exchange
company for the principal plus 50 per
cent, payable In 90 days. Invariably
Ponzl Is said to have paid off the notes
In 45 days and there has been no com­
plaint that any person has failed to re­
ceive money when due.
Takes Advantage of Exchange Rate.
Ponzl describes his exchange system
In a general way as being based on
the use o f international reply cou­
pons authorized under the Internation­
al postal agreement as the medium for
taking advantage o f the differences In
rates of exchange.
W ith deposits received from custom­
ers, Ponzl explained, he converts
American dollars into Italian lire, or
other foreign money. Then, through
agents located In several countries
abroad. International reply coupons
are purchased, redeemable at the nor­
mal and not the prevailing rate o f ex­
change. The coupons are then trans­
mitted by the agents from one Euro­
pean country to another, gathering
profits through succeeding differences
In rates of exchange, with assured nor­
mal payment for redemption, until the
transaction Is completed and the pro­
ceeds reconverted Into American dol­
lars. This usually takes 45 days, ac­
cording to Ponzl, who says his profits
have reached 400 per cent In some
U. S. Agents Can’t Find Flaws.
Ponzf's operations have been under
investigation by federal, state and
county officials for some time without
nny violation o f law.
United States Attorney Gallagher said
he was not certain yet whether the
matter was one with which the federal
authorities should concern themselves.
The United States attorney said he
was “ Informed by the postal authori­
ties that the United States govern­
ment Is the largest user o f Internation­
al reply coupons In the world.” “ The
entire Issue o f the past 12 months by
I the government, however, is only a
j small fraction o f the entire number
which must have been handled by
Sailors o f the Japanese battleship Rasuga, In New York harbor, en routs Ponzl to account for the tremendous
from Maine to Japan, got “ liberty" and Immediately set out to see New York Income which he claims to have mads
vis observation cars.
L since December last.”
ou Bast He day, July 14, by flying
Arlington cemetery. This photo­
Henri Coquelet. Just beyond the
of the group Is Gen. Peyton G.
Pearl Instead of a
Boil on Man’s Neck
Twenty years ago, James Lon­
don o f Clifton Heights, Pa., ate
some oysters. One o f the bi­
valves had a pearl which Longen
He never gave the
Incident a thought until a few
days ngo when he had severe
pains In a small lump In his
neck. Longen thought the lump
n boll, so he squeezed It, and the
pearl broke through the skin,
ending Longen's pains.
placement. 17,700 tons; speed, 18
knots; main battery, four 12-Inch guns
and eight 8-lnch; second buttery, 12
3-Inch, four submerged torpedo tube»,
9-Inch armor. Propelled by triple ex­
pansion steum engines, developing 18,-1
000 horsepower; crew, 1,250, Including
Tennessee— Nlnteen hundred nnd 4 * * « * # « # * » * w * * * * * * w * * * w * w 4 l
twenty. Length, 000 fee t; breadth, 97
fe e t ; draft, 31 fe e t ; displacement, 82,-
300 tons; speed (contract), 21 knots; 200 vessels, with over 100 more In re­
main battery, twelve 14-Inch guns; two serve or under construction. In 1910
submerged torpedo tubes; propelled 10 submarines were carried on the ac­
by electric turbines, developing 28,000 tive list of the navy. This yeftr hearty
horsepower; crew, 1,000 men, Including lOd of tne submerslbles are attached
to the two fleets, with about 75 more
under construction.
Eighteen Dreadnaughta Available.
Little Change In Cruller Strength.
Eighteen single caliber gun ships
The cruiser strength of the navy has
classed ns drendnnughts will be avail­
able for the January maneuvers that shown little chnnge in the last ten
were not completed in 1910. They yenrs. In 1910 the backbone of the
hnve n combined displacement of 445,- cruiser force was the “ big eight” ar­
000 tons nnd a combined gun power of mored cruisers, now reduced to six by
112 14-Inch guns, eighty twelves, 220 the loss of the San Diego and the Mem­
phis. No light cruisers of Importance
5-lnch and twenty-eight 8-Inch.
A comparison of totnl battleship have been launched In the last decade.
One of the most striking Increases
forces available In 1920 with 1910
shows that this yenr there are 18 In Amerlcnn naval strength In the last
drendnnughts and 19 predreadnaughts, teu years has been In auxiliary vessels.
excluding the Oregon class, against 23 Both the Atlantic and Pacific fleets
predreadnaughts In 1910, Including the now hnve well-organized and complete
Oregon class. Most o f the bnttlesblps “ trains” o f hospital ships, s pply
listed as nvnllnhle In 1910 are now con­ bonts, repair vessels, refrigerating
ships, ammunition nnd fuel ships, In
sidered obsolete.
Ten yenrs ago the nnvy destroyer addition to motor patrol vessels, sub­
force consisted of about 38 vessels, marine chasers, mine sweepers and
Including 17 torpedo bonts, even then mine layers, converted yachts, sub­
prnctlenlly obsolete. This yenr Admir­ marine nnd destroyer tenders and
als Wilson nnd Rodman command de­ troop
stroyer forces aggregating more thnn dreamed of a decade ago.
Washington.— The greatest concen­
tration o f sea power In the history
o f the American navy will result from
the Junction o f the reorganized Atlan­
tic and Pacific fleets off the Pacific
coast next January under plans now
being prepared by naval officers.
The great naval spectacle probably
will be staged In the vicinity of the
Gulf of Panama.
Officials o f the navy department say
the proposed mobilization will In no
sense result In "grand" maneuvers. No
effort will be made to concentrate all
o f the nation’s naval strength and only
ships regularly In commission with
trained crews will participate. The
exercises and drills will be simple nnd
mainly o f a competitive nature, Includ­
ing unofficial athletic competitions be­
tween representatives of the two fleets
and o f Individual ships.
Admiral Wilson Senior Officer.
Admiral Henry B. Wilson, cotnmnnd-
er-ln-chlef o f the Atlantic fleet, will
be senior officer o f the combined force,
with Admiral Hugh Rodman, chief of
the Pacific fleet, second In command.
The maneuvers .w ill be unique In
ninny respects, chiefly In that they will
afford the first actual moblllzntlon of
tile bulk of the new American navy. Junior Red Cross School Chlldrsn In
Before the war the forces were always
Italy Make Colsnders and
more or less scattered and a shortage
of several types of vessels, particularly
of destroyers, submarines, light cruis­
Collestrada, Italy.— The Junior Beil
ers, aerial forces and fleet auxiliaries,
Cross school at Collestrada, Italy, Is
made It Impossible to concentrate a mnklng kitchen utensils from osiers
well rounded out fleet, although the
and withes to supply the countryside
major portion o f the battleship force
with the hardware thnt It Is Impos­
met each winter at Guantanamo, Cuba,
sible to buy from stamping mills In
for target practice nnd drills.
Italy since the wur. Collestrada Is In
During the war the shortage In most
the heart o f Uinbrla, where straw
types o f small vessels, notably destroy­
platting and osier weaving are two of
ers and submarines, was overcome, but the principal Industries. The orphans
the entire fleet was never mobilized,
r.t the Collestrada school make colan­
due to the use o f practically all light
ders nnd sieves and market baskets In
craft In the wnr zone, the detail of
sufficient quantities to furnish the
cruisers to escort duty nnd the fact
neighboring villages.
that a considerable portion o f the bat­
The reed receptacles are woven very
tleship force was on duty abroad much
tight and serve for flour sifting. This
of the time.
Is an Important utensil In a part of
W ill 8et New Mark.
Italy where the flour Is ground on
The Jannunry maneuvers will set a hand grist mills and contains many
new mark In American naval progress. coarse particles. Another method of
For the first time In the history of the mnklng these sifters Is to weave three
new navy the battleship fleet will be thicknesses o f horsehair ncross a
supported by a reasonably adequate wooden hoop, which sifts as fine as the
number o f destroyers and other light best articles manufactured with steel
Submarines will be available j wire.
In abundance, together with sufficient j
The woven receptacles o f Umbria
nnvnl aircraft for all tactical purposes j are not exported from Italy this year
and a fully rounded out fleet o f aux­ because the country can use the en­
iliary vessels. The total number of I tire output to replace those formerly
vessels to participate will depend on made o f metal by Italian stamp mills.
the progress o f recruiting, ns many 1 Even the large output of the Junior
ships are In reserve now for lark of Red Cross colony nt Collestrnda,
crews, but It Is probable that Admiral which approximates a hit ltd red pnnlers
Wilson will comtnaud at least 300 ves­
sels o f all types.
The most modern o f drendnnughts
to participate In the maneuvers will
First Man-Eating Shark of
be the great Tennessee. The lawt word
Year Caught in Potomac
In naval construction, this great float­
ing fortress displaces 32,t)00 tons, car­
Washington.— It remained for
ries 12 14-Inch guns and Is propelled
the poor old Potomac river to
by electric turbines. The Tennessee j
furnish the first “ man-eating
Is attached to the Atlantic fleet. A
.»hark” of the 1920 season. A
sister ship, the California, probably
local newspaper published a first
will not be completed In time to Join \
page story o f sn eight and a
Admiral Rodman's forces before the |
half-foot wolf o f the sea, caught
at Plney Point, Md., which Is
A comparison o f the ships nvallnble !
distance up the Po­
for next winter’s maneuvers with the
tomac, hut where the water still
naval strength available for a similar
la salt.
concentration ten years ago affords
A doctor In the Ashing party,
some striking contrasts. January 1.
according to the account, re­
1910, the latest battleship In the navy
moved the shark's teeth and pre­
was the New Hampshire, authorized by
sented them as souvenir» to the
congress In 1904, and completed In
other mernbera o f the party.
1908. A comparison o f the New Hamp­
Plney Point la not a summer re­
shire nnd the Tennessee follow s:
New Hampshire— Length, 450 fe e t ;
breadth, 70 fe e t ; draft, 27 fe e t : dis­
Straw Kitchen Utensils
and colanders each week, la entirely
absorbed by the needs of the nearest
vlllnges. The children learn to do tho
work In a short time, for the only ex­
ceptional skill required Is In choosing
the material carefully and soaking tho
splints and withes correctly.
Abe Mitchell, one ot me moat fa ­
mous o f English golfers and holder of
the world's ehamplouship for many