KIEV EVACUATED WHILE BURNING Americans With Polish Army Tell Thrilling Story of Flight From Bolsheviki. MANY ATROCITIES BY REOS Evacuation Is Weird and Picturesque Happening— Hacked and Mutilated Bodies of Polish Soldiers At­ test Cruelty of Reds. Washington.— A vivid description of the evucuation of Kiev by the Polish army wus received in Washington, in the shape o f mall dispatches from Warsaw, the Polish capital. Colonel Gasklll, formerly of the American army, but now o f the rolish railway mission, and Jay P. Moffat, secretary of the American Legation at Warsaw, furnished two o f the clearest stories o f the actual abandonment of the Ukrainian city. The account, which, nlthough not official, Is regarded as reliable Infor­ mation, fo llo w s: Picturesque and Thrilling Event “ The evacuation o f K iev by the Pol­ ish nrray was n picturesque as well as a thrilling event. Credit for sav­ ing not only his men but also for the rescue o f the immense swarm o f ref­ ugees which accompanied the nrmy must be given to General Rydz Smlg- ley, the Polish commander of the Kiev occupation. Since the evacuation these refugees have been making their way Into Warsaw clad In anything remotely resembling clothes nnd have been giving truthful but none the less extraordinary accounts of the experi­ ences which they have undergone. “ Colonel Gasklll, who came out of K iev with the Polish troops, was with the Polish staff there throughout the entire experience nnd witnessed the planning as well as the execution of the evacuation movement. Mr. Moffat took part in the evacuation of Jlto- mierrz and experienced, after the Budenny red cavalry raid, a thrilling night ride through the forests o f Ko­ vel, while the peasants along the wny were apparently taking pot shots at any soldiers they saw, with little re­ gard to the color o f their uniforms. "The stories told hy both Colonel Gasklll nnd Mr. Moffat confirm what has so often been said o f the cruelties o f the red troops. Colonel Gasklll told with considerable vividness of the descent of the reds upon the city even before the troops and refugees had gotten away, and o f a night spent amid turbulence and constant Indis­ criminate firing by the reds on refu­ gees and troop trains. Fortunately their aim fo r the most part was poor. Mr. Moffat In his region saw the hack­ ed and mutilated bodies o f Polish sol­ diers along the roadway at Jltomlercz, nnd the bodies o f four mutilated sol­ diers hanging in a freight car, their wounds attesting that their deaths had been made as horrible ns humanly 1 cssible. "Th e condition of the refugees was described by both men ns pathetic, men, women nnd babies being huddled Into box cars, nnd nil arrayed In most extraordinary makeshift clothing. They had been summoned to flee the city with hardly more than an hour o f warning nnd all had fled almost as they stood. They had abandoned the