The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, April 23, 1920, Image 2

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Two New Issues to Bear 5 and 5j Per
Cent New Record Set.
M 4
W k A A A A A A A
i r o S ♦
IN BrcET'., |
The Hidden Treasure
W ashington, D. C.—A high record
Klam ath Falls.—The executive com­
for in te rest rates on w ar or post-war
By PKYLL1S M A B B O T T (Age Fifteen Y ean)
m ittee of the county farm bureau has
indorsed the higher educational tax
governm ent securities was disclosed
Brief Resume Most Importan Monday night by S ecretary H ouston All But Few Points Report
whlch win be on the ballot May
Once upon n time, many, umny years ago, there lived in flic palace of
in announcing two new Issues of treas
Ju p ite r a beautiful goddess whose name w as Mercl. Every evening us the
Daily News Items.
CreW S 3 t Work.
Baker.—T he 11th annual Round-up sun w ent down, Mercl would go to the wulls of the sky city to look down to
ury certificates of indebtedness, m a tu r
at Pendleton is se t for T hursday, F ri­ th e world below. She loved the earth peop’le and watched over them.
ing in three and six m onths and bear­
One day, as Mercl w atched over th e wall, she saw great excitement in
day and Saturday, Septem ber 23, 24
ing In terest at 5 per cent and 5V4 per
and 25, 1920, according to an author­ one c ity ; men were polishing long bright pieces of m etal th a t shone In the
cent respectively.
sun. In a neighboring city men were m arching out of the gates w ith a great
itative rep o rt received in Baker.
T he new rates exceed the in te rest
b anner a t th eir head. Mercl was puzzled. She hud never seen anything like
paid on the last Issue of certificates
Marshfield.—The trial of Harold th is before, and because she w as im m ortal and knew nothing of the pas­
by one-fourth and one-half per cent
sions of men, she did not understand. Intently she watched us on the plain
Events o f Noted People. Governments respectively, and th e treasu ry officials Grievances o f R etu rn in g 'E m p lo y es in Howell, th e 15-year-old Bandon boy below two great bodies of men came together w ith a clash and sm ote each
who Is charged with the m urder of o th er with those shining things they carried. Above, .M ercl watched in
declared they w ere the highest paid
and'JPacifie N orthw est, and O ther
Many Cases Will Be S ubm it­
Lillian Leuthold last July, will be held am azem ent and sorrow. O h ! she m ust help those men who w ere suffering so.
on governm ent obligations since the
in the circuit court a t Coqullle early
Things W orth Knowing.
days of the civil war. W hile the $200,
ted to Labor Board.
in May.
000,000 bond issue to finance the
SpanUh-American w ar bore th e cir­
Klam ath Falls.—One box factory
W alter T. Varney, aviator, flew 21 culation privilege and therefore theo­
The nation-wide railroad strik e ap ­ shut down F riday on account of car
800 feet above San Francisco S atur retically paid a higher rate, the actu al
shortage resulting from th e freight
parently collapsed.
day. He established w hat is claim ed in te rest to be paid out by the treasu ry
embargo consequent to the strike, and
Except in a few isolated sections others reported they m ust close down
on those two issues ^ e ts a m ark which
to be a Pacific coast altitude record
probably will stand for several de­ railroad officials reported Monday within two or three days unless the
Chicago police are searching for the
cades, it w as said.
night the bulk of the men who followed embargo is lifted.
“ m eanest thieves" who stole 123,000
Mr. H ouston laid the high rates
the leadership of Jo h n G runau of
Bibles, valued a t $37,500, from the
Salem.—T he Union Oil com pany of
on “recent changes in the situation
Chicago, had returned to work. Nor­ California paid to th e secretary of state
P rison Bible society. T he Bibles were
which have for som e tim e caused
mal passenger service had been v ir­ $3941.65, covering its sales o f gaso­
carried aw ay in a moving van.
treasu ry officials to consider change^
T he N ational Guard during March in th e ir financial program m e. N ecessi­ tually restored, they said, while sub­ line and d istillate in Oregon during
stan tial progress had been m ade in the m onth of March. A separate re ­
m ade a n et gain of 3279 in enlistm ent ties of the governm ent were laid be
moving the v ast am ount of freight m ittance covering sales of the Klam ­
it was officially announced Monday. fore the governors of th e federal re ­
The guard num bers 42,600, o r about 24 serve bank who conferred all last th at has been accum ulating throughout ath Falls substation totaled $224.02.
the country, especially in the east,
p er cent of the maximum of 179,000.
week and on the inform ation given
Albany.—A 27-acre Linn county farm
during th e past th ree weeks.
sold for $11,000 last week. It Is situ at­
B. F. Ram sey is dead and W. T
Many of the strik e rs w ent out w ith­
Cook, a civilian pilot, is in a hospital raise the rates on governm ent short out presenting any grievances and ed two and a half m iles southeast of
Lebanon and consists of good Sanitiam
in a serious condition. T heir plane
la ter announced th a t failure to re ­
Both of the new issues of certifi­
river bottom land suitable for intensive
fell into a tail spin and crashed to
ceive increases in w ages granted to
ea rth w est of Sioux Falls, S. D., Mon cates will be dated April 15. T he other railroad men prom pted th eir ac­ agriculture. E. W. Sm ith, who came
combined am ount will be for $250,000,-
to Oregon recently, was th e purchaser.
000 or more, and the federal reserve
Pendleton.—Colonel H orace Greeley
The strikers, who acted in defiance
An order in council requesting King banks are authorized to m^ke allot­
George to ratify the peace trea ty with m ents "in full” on all subscriptions. of th eir railroad brotherhood chiefs, Newport, v eteran railroad builder, con­
B ulgaria on behalf of Canada has been The certificates do not b ear circula have generally retu rn ed w ithout any tracto r and irrtgatlonist, fath er of the
town of H erm iston, was found dead
passed as a resu lt of th e adoption by tion privileges and wiil n o t be ac­ definite prom ises of m ore pay.
in his bed April 13. He was a victim,
the senate and house of commons, it cepted In paym ent of taxes.
beqn assured th eir dem ands will be apparently, of an attac k of aeute indi­
is announced.
presented to P resid en t W ilson’s labor gestion. Colonel N ew port was nearly
Mr. and Mrs. George H. S earle are GUATEMALA REVOLTS
board which is em powered under the 70 years old.
acquitted of charges of killing Mrs.
AGAINST PRESIDENT federal tran sp o rtatio n a c t to se ttle dis­ Albany.—Linn county Is preparing to
H ilda Neamy, whose body was found
putes betw een the railro ad s and th eir sell a second $100,000 installm ent of
in the furnace of h e r home in Lead,
men. The board is now sittin g in Us $600,000 bond Issue voted la st June,
S. D„ laBt January. Mrs. Neamy was
W ashington.
for road im provem ent. The date of
Mrs. S oarles’ m other.
In Chicago, th e original strik e cen­ the sale will be May 8. The first
City, which has been under shell fire
A shipm ent of approxim ately 1800, of the forces of P resid en t C abrera ter, railroad officials reported the $100,000 installm ent of th ese bonds
strike had lost its effectiveness.
000 in gold arrived in New York on since T hursday night.
was sold la st fall and brought a price
the steam ship Royal George Saturday,
In New York it w as ap p aren t th a t well above par.
The city Is undefended except by
Vivian A. Brown, Age Five Years.
m aking the total gold consignm ents volunteers arm ed with rifles. On one m ost of the strik e rs, whose num bers
Dallas.—The citizens of this district W hat could she do? W hat was It they needed? She m ust find It! So sho
from G reat B ritain since the first of day the bom bardm ent was kept up were variously estim ated from 4000
voted Monday to allow the school w ent to Ju p iter and told him w hat was happening to th e earth people, and
the year about $78,800,000.
from 10 A. M. until 8 P. M. Shells to 20,000, had returned.
board to increase the tax levy beyond asked him w here she could find the thing th a t would help them. Wise old
Ju p ite r only shook his head sagely and rep lied :
A g reat explosion occurred Sunday
per cent and also for the adoption
causualties are believed to % have been
"Mercl, I cannot tell you w here the treasu re is .th a t will help your earth
a t an arm y supply factory north of
of the budget as prepared by the children. Only you can find it.”
heavy. C abrera is strongly entrenched
llotensteln, near Koenlgsberg, E ast
board and a d v e rtise d . in the local
Then Merci w andered about the sky palace, asking everyone she met if
in La Palm a, outside th e city.
Prussia, and it was feared there was
T he affirm ative vote was they knew w here the treasu re was, but no one knew. She senrelied the treas­
heavy loss of life am ong the 200 cm
about three to one.
ure houses in vain, but the wise men could not tell h er w here it could be
W ashington, D. C.—T he long th re a t­
ployes, says a Berlin dispatch.
ened revolution in G uatem ala against
W ashington, D. C.—It cost $5,028,
Eugene.—W illiam H. TafF will ad­
A t la st she w ent back to the w alls of th e city, and as she stood looking
Joseph N ichthauser, 42 years old, ’resident E stra d a C abrera finally has 176,000 to run the governm ent for the dress an audience in this city May 28,
down on her suffering earth people she exclaim ed:
one of the best known, haberdashers broken out. R eports T uesday to the
it was announced a t the U niversity
“Oh! where is th e hidden treasu re? W hat can I do fo r the earth people?”
in Brooklyn, sen t a bullet through his state departm ent said the opponents
Suddenly, forgetting her helplessness, forgetting the treasu re she sought,
of Oregon la st week. Mr. T aft will
brain Sunday m orning in his home of the p resid en t had gained control of and taking this as an average, treasury discuss eith er of two subjects, one of forgetting herself, she flew down into th e planet below. She gave the dying
and died alm ost Instantly, while Guatem ala City a fte r some stree t officials said Monday th a t total govern which is “P re sen t A spects of the w ater and bound up the wounds of the injured, giving help and bringing back
brooding over his a rre st on a charge fighting. A m arine guard from the m ent expenditures for the 12-month League of N ations” and th e o th er is happiness to the h ea rts of the men she loved. Then, ju s t a t the end of the
of profiteering.
cruiser Tacom a and subm arine tender period ending Ju n e 30, next, would “Bolshevism and the Soviet Govern day, as the men w atched her standing on the blood-red battlefield, she van­
reach approxim ately $6,750,000,000 or
ished and among th e glorious colors of the sunset a tiny scarlet cross
m ent.”
C ontracts w ere signed a t the ship N iagara has been landed to protect nearly $18,000,000 a day.
ap p eared ; Merci had found the hidden treasu re in her own heart. And all
ping board late Monday w hereby the
who w ear th a t scarlet cross and carry it In their h ea rts have found a
F u rth e r appropriations by congress
Aurora.—The high school bond elec­
N orthw est S teel com pany of Portland
and the soldier bonus, which is esti tion here carried by a vote of 62 to precious treasure, the Spirit of Mercy.
will build seven large steel tankers in BOYCOTT ON “ SPUDS”
m ated will cost the governm ent $1,000,- 54. T he bonds will be issued in the
lieu of th ree steel cargo ships for
000,000, are n ot included. L ast Decem­ sum of $23,500, and it is probable th at
Magazine W riter’s Close-Up
which contracts w ere canceled after
ber Secretary Glass figured th a t run they will be sold as soon as all legal
of Our General Pershing, as
the arm istice was signed.
Tacoma, W ash.—A boycott on the ning expenses would am ount to $6,- form alities have been complied with,
a Man and American Soldier.
V assar college will not graduate a use of potatoes Is under way here. 097,237,000, b ut he did not’ take into as the school board w ishes to have the
"school raarm " this year, according They are selling for $165 a ton, and account the loss in governm ent oper­ building ready for use this fall if pos­
Wlint of General Pershing, who mny
to results of a survey o f the senior dealers w ere ■ predicting th a t next ation of railroads. -
one day have as g reat an arm y us any?
By the U . S . Department of
The principal item s which go to
class, made public in New York. Low week they will touch the $200 mark.
Thu question is asked as often In Eu­
Salem.—Bonds in the sum of $300,-
salaries, it w as said, had caused stu ­
rope as in America. It is not, I think,
Local resta u ran ts are displaying make up the nine m onths’ expenses
known in America how deep a first im­
dents to tu rn to business, social serv­ Buch signs as “potatoes are outrag­ are : W ar departm ent $1,31)1,605,000; 000 issued by the W arm Springs irri­
gation d istric t were certified by the
ice and other professions.
Housewives and members of can­ pression his ch aracter as m an and sol­
eously high.
E at beans, rice and railroad adm inistration, $776,590,000;
sta te irrigation securities commission ning clubs are urged to study tlielr dier have made on the B ritish and, in­
Ten Irish pickets arrested last week m acaroni.”
here. In all. $1,550,000 in bonds have m arket nt th e beginning of the season deed, the French, w rites W. Beach
a t the B ritish em bassy in W ashington
"Boycott potatoes for 20 days and ping board, $433,100,000, and interest
Thomas in H arp er’s Magazine.
on the public debt, $664,923,000. Con­ been certified for this d istric t by the and pnek according to the local de­
w ere held for a federal grand jury
atch the p rice drop.”
When he landed in England In June,
Monday by United S tates Commission­
1916, one of the B ritish new spapers^
Produce d ealers said th a t house­ gress has spent for its owri main­
je ct em braces approxim ately 30,000
whose correspondent had been for a
e r Richardson on charges of violating wives are refusing In m any cases tenance $15,309,000, and the executive
acres and is located in M alheur coun of the departm ent to secure orders for long while in his presence, com pared
r, federal sta tu te malting it a felony to to buy potatoes, but th a t they are offices cost $6,177,000.
canned goods before putting them up.
him w ith Moltke, who w as “silent in
“assau lt” a diplom atic representative soiling all they can obtain.
Small lots of nonstandardized prod­ seventeen languages.” W hat General
Blizzard Paralyzes Traffic.
of a foreign governm ent.
Pendleton.—A represen tativ e m eet­
Pershing, th e m a ster’of several Philip­
Denver, Colo.—W yoming, Colorado, ing of large east Oregon wool growers local buyers and are not purchased’hy pine dialects, said w as little and good.
Seattle, W ash.—P otatoes will be
A bill to re-enact the law imposing
the arm y, navy, commercial dealers
a tax of 80 per cent on excess w ar quoted a t $200 a ton h ere Monday, a w estern N ebraska and K ansas were held here last week w ent on record or any departm ent of the government. When G eneral Jolfre shook his hand in
P aris a few weeks la ter—a scene wor­
profits was introduced Monday by
in years. T rain service was annulled P ortland this spring and sum m er. A Many appeals to the departm ent of thy of a great historical memorial—he
R epresentative Johnson, republican,
ag riculture to find a m arket fo r home-
W alla W alla, W ash.—P otatoes went or alm ost paralyzed and wire com­ com m ittee of prom inent wool men will canned goods have been made during said to one of his staff, “General P er­
South Dakota, as a m eans of raising
shing will think first and act afte r­
revenue for a soldier bonus. There to $8.50 a hundred h ere S aturday with m unication was cu t off from a great go to Portland to lo o k jn to the feasibil­ the p ast y ear and often the canners w ards.” At all jun ctu res the general
ity of hapdling such sales. Such a believed th a t th e government was in has been cool and prom pt and deter­
also would be a levy on the privilege
in. Eggs jum ped from 35 to 45
In Denver all outgoing train s were step would m ean the abandonm ent of the m nrket for such goods. Subject
of issuing stock dividends.
mined. H is colonel In Cuba w rote o f
cents a dozen. Many resta u ran ts here cancelled and one train on the Col­ co untry sales and g rea ter em phasis to w hatever regulations mny be made him, “H e is the bravest and coolest
Six hundred million dollars will be
have quit serving potatoes except as orado & Southern railroad was stalled on consignm ent and auctions a t P o rt­ by the federal governm ent th e m ar­ man under fire I ever saw- in my life.”
needed by the railroads th is year to
keting of food products will proceed His own recorded maxims are few ; but
near Arvada w ith 45 passengers.
finance the purchase of new equip­
In the usual m anner and the bureau of at the most w orrying crisis in France—
Interurban and local stre e t car serv­
ment, the Association of Railway Ex­
Salem.—T otal fees received by the m arkets points out th a t proper grad­ when news of the arrival of American
ice was suspended and thousands of
Ballot Transfer Begins.
ecutives announced Saturday. P resi­
secretary of sta te from m otor vehicle ing. standardizing and careful prepa­ troops was published while some of
W ashington, D. C.—David S. Barry, persons w ere forced to w alk home
dents of 65 railroads m et in Chicago
istratio n s and kindred licenses from ration for m nrket are especially nec­ those troops were still in the danger
from work through a blizzard backed
essary In handling canned goods, jam s. zone a t sea—he said, “I do not worry,
to discuss division of the $300,000,000 sergeant-at-arm s of th e senate, is In
u ary 1 to March 31 w ere $1,648,852, Jellies and preserves.
by a 40 mile gale. Interference with
nnd when the day’s work is over I go
loan provided by the transportation Michigan to direct th e tra n sfe r to
according to a report prepared by Sam
Home-canned p m d u rts enn be kept to sleep.”
W ashington of ballots c a st In the electric pow er caused suspension of
over from one season to the next and
Newberry-Ford election. Delay was electric light service for street lamps.
Eagles have been attacking lambs
A fter deducting adm inistration ex­ those who have not sold th eir goods
necessary, It was said, owing to fail­
recently n ear P eterson's butte, about
penses 25 per cen t of the fees was have reserves to draw from fo r their
French Land in Turkey.
ure of atto rn ey s rep resen tin g both
ten miles southeast of Albany, Or.,
apportioned am ong the several coun­ home table. It Is good policy, say the I
Notes of Interest.
co n testan ts to have modified the fed­
C onstantinople.—A F rench cruiser
which is a rare occurrence in this
ties based on the reg istratio n s of each, specialists, for the housewife to pro­ I
eral court orders for preserving these landed th ree battalions of Infantry,
In the schools of the Philip­ I
section of th e state. An eagle was
while 75 p er cen t of the fees were vide a reasonable surplus beyond the
hallots. T he ballots will be recounted some b atteries and cavalry a t Mesina,
probable home consumption for the
Islands th ere are 11.000
killed la st week a t Rock hill, ju st
turned over to the sta te highw ay fund. next crop year.
under the direction of th e sen ate elec­ Asia Minor, on April 14, according to
native teachers nnd 500 Ameri­ I
east of P eterson’s butte, and this bird
W hile the bureau of m arkets Is giv­
tions subcom m ittee.
an official com m unication issued by
can Instructors.
A storia.—C itizens of Clatsop county
and another one are reported to have
W ithin the foreign conces­
M ustapha Kemal Pasha, leader of the will not vote at the coming prim ary ing aid to producers on m arketing
been Invading the sheep pastures.
sions of Hankow there are 2,-
Liner's Release Sought.
nationalist governm ent.
Armenian election, May 21, on the question of problems It says th a t It Is difficult to
place producers of atuuli q uantities of
357 licensed Jln ritsh as, 67 pub­
The Chicago Express, easlbound, one
Berlin.—T he Brem en correspondent volunteers covered th e landing but, authorizing the county to purchase the
different kinds of products In touch
lic carriages, and 83 private mo­
of the faste st trains on the E rie rail­ of th e V osslsche Zeitung has rep o rt­ says the com m unication, w ere wiped site for th e proposed naval base and w ith buyers nnd urges home and club
road, was abandoned by Its crew early ed th at the N orth German Lloyd steam ont, and the F rench w ere unable to p resen t It to the governm ent. The canners to learn the m arketing end of
The reason why opals are of­
Munday night a t P ort Jarvis, New ship com pany following the example advance fu rth er than the protection of m a tte r will, however, be subm itted to 'V lr business Just th e same ns pro-
ten lost from th eir settings Is
York. T here w ere 250 passengers, of the llam burg-A m erlcan company, th e ir naval guns.
a vote of the people at the November j ' b u r r s In other lines of industry,
th at they expand with heat
m ilk and mail aboard. T he train was is negotiating w ith th e U nited S tates
more than any other precious
election. This was determ ined upn
More than 190 canal boats are reg-
run on a siding and left there. The shipping board with a view to resum ­
stones, and consequently force
Central la. — Because of ca r short­ receipt of an opinion from attorneys
open the gold which holds them
crew w alked to the town hall, where ing Its services. T he com pany afms age, the Bunker Mill com pany has been th a t the calling of a special election ilnrly navigating the creeks and tribu­
In place, with th e result thnt
a railroad w orkers’ m eeting was in to have Ita form er steam ers released forced to suspend operations a t tta for May 21 to vote on this question taries of the Thames. Among them 56
carry fam ilies which aggregate 256
they ultim ately fall ont.
and sail under the A m erican flag. mill w est of Adna.
would be illegal.
hi Idren.
$18,000,000 SPENT
Find Markets for
Canned G oods