The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, April 16, 1920, Image 7

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#D O Y a
(Conducted by Nutional Council of the
Boy Scouts of America.)
The boy scouts are encouraged to
camp out in cold weather as much as
On these winter excursions the boys
ure instructed how to make their out­
ings a novelty In spite o f the adverse
conditions that prevail. The scouts
curry their own food and at night live
In tents.
It has been pointed out by. the de­
partment o f camping that the winter
camp offers many Interesting feature:
that cannot be enjoyed in any other
season o f the year for recreatiou and
education for the boys.
The necessity o f teaching the scouts
woodcraft in the winter is essential In
the studies o f scoutdom, and during
these excursions the scouts receive in­
struction in the art o f building camp­
fires, the preparing o f shelters and
comfortable bunks to house them in
bad weather, and other outdoor stud­
One o f the main features suggested
fo r the camp is the transplanting of
During the winter, which is
more favorable fo r transportation, this
craft can be carried out on a more ex­
tensive scale.
The tracking and trailing o f fur-
bearing animals in the snow, and all
kinds o f winter sports, such as Ice
skating, Ice boating nnd skiing can
usually be indulged in.
(C op yrigh t)
Rann-dom Reels
K. P. D U T Y
There is no situation in life so bad
that it cannot be retrieved.— Dickens.
By H O W A R D L. R AN N
S im p le G ood T h in g s .
H E trained nurse Is a ministering
angel who Is hired to let other
people sleep.
There are two people who have
proven that the world would be bet­
ter oft If sleep had never been invent­
ed. One o f them is Thomas A. Edison
and the other Is the bright-eyed train­
ed nurse who can sit up all night for
a week and look as fresh as a plate
o f home-grown lettuce. Mr. Edison
has not used any sleep to speak o f In
his business for years, and his close
friends and associates say that when
he feels any coming his way he holds
his head under the cold water faucet
until the attack passes.
When a nervous, high-strung busi­
ness man comes down with an ulcer­
ated tooth which hangs on like a one-
armed man at a club dance he refuses
to allow any sleep to enter the house,
thus making It necessary to engage a
trained nurse who Is accustomed to
sit bolt upright fo r weeks at a stretch
without uttering a blink o f any kind.
Th ere Is nothing more soothing than
the entrance o f a graduate nurse and
M M -M -O H -
Alti!" HAP A
WcNK O’ f (f if >
nish T s
T ha T s T ou S h -
A n YTI< in 6-
JteCM L You'D
L ike .7b ÉAT
ivCM AS n o »
“ A n e rv o u s, h lg h s t r u n g b u s in e s s m a n
w ith a n u lce rate d tooth w h ic h h a n g s
on lik e a on e-arm ed m a n a t a c lu b
d a n c e ."
her soft-roll shirt waist into a home
from which sleep has been banished by
an able-bodied husband who has the gal­
loping toothache and wants everybody
in the block to know it. This enables
a wearied w ife to drop at full length
into a leather chair and sleep until
she has a crick in the neck which
follows her around fo r several days.
The trained nurse Is obliged to
obey the doctor’s orders and feed the
patent medicine and run a spirit
thermometer down his throat at reg­
ular intervals. As the average pa­
tient, particularly o f the male sex,
soon develops a temper that would
raise blisters on a tin roof, she is
obliged to mix tact with the medicine
and sometimes a little brute force.
It must be admitted that the trained
nurse earns her money and gets it.
who * a lto -abou1
ItrooK ejm e
smile, for were
he mine ID
A simple dessert which is easy to
prepare and wholesome fo r the chil­
dren is:
R ic e W it h P r u n e s a n d B a n a n a s.
Take well-cooked rice, mold in small
cups or molds and around each place
alternate pieces o f cooked prunes and
sliced bananas. Sprinkle lightly with
sugar and cover with whipped cream.
The addition o f a bit o f lemon juice
with a bit o f the grated rind o f the
fru it itself is rather flavorless. Orange
juice with a bit o f the grated rind of
the fru it may be used also.
Rice is also very nice served with
fig sauce. Take one cupful o f figs,
stew in two cupfuls o f water and a
tablespoonful o f sugar until they are
very tender, add a teaspoonful o f
lemon juice and serve a tablespoonful
o f the sauce with each helping o f the
C a b b a g e S a la d D e L u x e .
Shred tender crisp cabbage very
fine; add shredded coconut and shred­
ded blanched almonds. Add a mayon­
naise to which has been added plenty
o f whipped cream. Garnish the salad
with slivers o f fresh green pepper.
Take the tender tops o f sprouted
turnips, dress with French dressing
and serve as a salad. This w ill be
something new and very good. One
may spread the turnips out near the
light, a bushel or so, and the tops
may be cut from time to time, keeping
a fresh green salad at hand. These
greens are also pretty used as a gar­
T h e re A re O t h e r Im p o r ta n t a n d N ec­
e ssary
D u t ie s
B e s id e s
N a tu re
Stu d y,
had no sense o f money value, and an
impending baby— bow It ate Into one's
Income! Arthur Brooks realized (hat
he had made a foolish mistake in mar­
rying so young. Naturally, however,
he did not tell this to Theodora. He
was not unkindly enough for that, and
besides, it was lie who had asked her
to tuurry him. She had not been over­
ly anxious at first.. Arthur, though
economical, was Just.
And then, as by a horrifying mir­
acle. the thing happened.
The little baby, for whose ward­
Arthur Brooks was an ambitious
young man. When lie married Theo­ robe Arthur’s precious dime and pen­
dora he took her to live In one of the ny banks hud been rilled, at Inst ar­
Jersey suburbs. The rent was low rived. It hovered for only one brief
and the neighborhood not too fastidi­ hour in this unlovely world, and then,
ous. For be it understood that Ar­ clasping Theodora's hand, wandered
thur's ambition ran not to luxuries, hack again Into the great uukuowu
from whence It came.
but to the accumulation of weulth.
They buried Theodora with her
He was the type o f matt— the
thrifty, saving type— who keeps a baby hugged to her bosom.
The lips that he had loved were
couple of dime banks in constant use,
one on his desk at the ottiee wherein curved In their wonted smile; her
he dropped the ten-cent pieces which hnlr, smooth and satiny like a bird's
rightfully belonged to the waiter ,who wing, wns brushed smoothly back,
served him at lunch, the other on his und the clear brow a eyes were closed
chiffonier at home. On the chiffonier forever.
It was Theodora's mother who gave
there was, too, a large papier mache
orange for the devouring of stray the money for a simple monument.
She wanted to do tliut much, she said,
Theodora, who was not “ allow­ for her daughter’s memory; hut she
anced” in the orthodox, theoretical did not tell Arthur that she took mon­
way, conceived the Idea that the dimes ey which should have gone Instend to
and pennies which were dropped into pay a long-standing grocer’s bill. It
the home banks rightfully belonged was ensy to sec where poor Theodora
to her. And having discovered that a got some of her shiftless habits.
And so it happened that Arthur
8lira-bladed penknife was u safe ally,
she filched from them sometimes so Brooks commenced life anew with
much as a whole dollar at once. Nat­ much wisdom and no Incumbrances.
It wns a snowy night, and there
urally enough the home snvlugs did
were gathered about the wide fire­
not accumulate very fast.
But they tiad been married a whole place in the library at the club several
year before Arthur Brooks detected men, rather good friends, nJI o f them.
his young w ife in her pllferings. The The club itself spoke eloquently of
lecture which he read her was mag­ the wealth which supported It. There
nificent o f Its kind. In a way, how­ were long mahogany reading tables
ever, the force o f It rolled off Theo­ lighted by red-shaded electroliers,
dora like water off a duck’s back. great leather ensy chairs, and thick
She was not thrifty by nature; she rugs which cost fabulous prices. Only
needed money, and helping herself to a rich mnn could afford to seek en­
It wns by far an easier and surer way trance here.
Yet, ns it often hnppens even
o f getting it than begging it of
nmong rich men, these friends, grown
“ And why,” he continued, ponder­ communicative under the gentle stim­
ously, “ should you need any extra ulus o f their after-dinner cigars, were
Aren't you fed?
Haven’t discussing the cost o f living nnd the
financial aspects o f married life. One,
you enough o f everything?”
“ Plenty,” said Theodora placidly, a robust, red-cheeked old fellow, ex­
panded genially for the benefit o f his
“ o f everything but money.”
“ But what did you need money for?” attentive audience.
“ I was poor ns Job’s turkey when
he persisted.
Theodora flushed. Then she threw I got married,” he asserted earnestly.
“ W e had up-hill work of It for twenty
back her head defiantly.
“ Since you must know,” she burst yenrs, my w ife nnd I. Just ns soon’s
forth Indignantly, “ I stole from you in we’d get a little something, there’d
be sickness or a new baby to swallow
order to buy baby clothes I”
In this manner was Arthur Brooks the savings.
“ I ’ve been in debt— many and
made cognizant o f his Impending
mnny’s the time— nnd my w ife Imd to
The revelation came to him in the work hard— harder than I wnnted to
nature o f a distinct shock. He had see her. But we’ve been happy. I
reckoned upon marriage, hud fully haven’t regretted a day o f It— no
counted the cost of taking n wife, but slrree, not on e! I ’d do the same thing
he had left baby clothes and all that over again. I ’d advise nny man to
pertains thereto out o f his calcula­ marry young, if he finds the one girl
he Can love. You see, It makes nil the
Indeed, It had been part o f his In­ difference In the world when you hnve
born thrlftlness which tempted him In each other— ”
A young mnn sitting near the fire
the first place to get married. He had
heard many times how a w ife helped Inughed suddenly. He rose, stretched
a fellow to “ get on.”
The wife, It himself lazily, and yawned)
“ I don’t believe it,” he interrupted.
seemed, always scrimped nnd saved,
baked, brewed, sewed, washed, and “ A man— especially If he’s poor— has
Ironed for her board and keep. Per­ no business to get married. Whnt Is
haps in the interim, even, she took It they sny? ‘He travels fnstest who
in a little dressmaking from the more travels alone.’ There’s sense for you.
“ W hat’s your opinion. Brooks? I ’m
extravagant o f her neighbors.
That was the w ife of Arthur Brooks’ right, am I not?”
He turned for confirmation to an­
bachelor dreams. Somehow the dream
was mixed up with a disconcerting other one o f the pnrty.
But the mnn whom he addressed did
reality. It was a case of not looking
before he leaped; of loving, perhaps not answer.
Arthur Brooks pillowed his hend In
not wisely, but too well.
Physically, Theodora wns lovely his anus on the polished mahogany
enough to tempt any mnn into mar­ table nnd uttered a stifled gronn.
riage. Possibly young Arthur lost his
head, nnd forgot to question her ante­ GRANTED BENEFIT OF ORDEAL
For Theodora's upbringing
had been quite different from his. In N a tiv e A fr ic a n A c c u se d of W it c h c ra f t
her father's household dime bnnks and
N o t C o n d e m n e d B e fo re G ive n So-
papier-mache oranges were things
C a lle d “T r ia l. "
unknown. So was a bank account.
H er family had lived luxuriously
A clenr distinction must be mnde be­
from hand to mouth, nnd there was tween fetish and witchcraft, says n
always n huge pile of bills waiting to writer In the Wide World Mngnzlne.
be paid. But this irritating fact in The form er Is regarded by the black
no wise lessened the number o f gowns mnn as perfectly legitimate; the lat­
that Theodora nnd her mother bought, ter he looks upon with hatred, and nil
nor forced the family to dine on corn­ over Africa summary methods are
ed beef In preference to chicken. used, as In olden duys In England, with
There were theater trips In Theodora’s witches.
One or other o f the law-god-cult so­
antenuptial days, cabs, restaurant din­
ners, and wildly extravagant times at cieties— those secret societies hearing
such names as Purr/;:, Oru, Egho, Uk-
Theodora's wedded life was quite uklwe, etc.— Intervenes, and a trial by
different. They lived well within her ordeal follows. In fact, anyone enn
husband's Income— unnecessarily so. claim that right. A says to B : “ You’re
“ I ’m n o t!” ejaculates B,
It sometimes seemed—and to her cred­ a witch.”
it be It said, that she did her best to who Immediately takes a calabar bean
lake kindly to the new regime. In­ and swallows It. B dies, or is very
deed, considering all that Imd gone sick ; therefore he Is the guilty per­
before, Theodora did remnrknbly well. son. and this long before the elaborate
She loved her thrifty husband And, in mechanism o f the law society has
heard o f the dispute.
a way. she was happy.
I f B wants to have a big palaver,
Arthur, too, v a s happy in a way.
He would have been happier, perhaps, nnd run himself and his accuser Into
if matrimony had been less expensive, n lot o f expense, he has a right to call
but saving was with him a constitu­ In the aid o f the society; but he
tional instinct, and his regrets did not needn't.
W itchcraft is a dangerous word to
reflect measurably npon Theodora.
There were times when his love for use In an African vlllnge. Miss Kings­
ley relates that you have only to shout
her swept him like a tempest.
Her clear brown eyes; her hnlr, “ Ifo t” at a man or woman In Calabar,
satiny and smooth like the brown wing or "Ndo tch!” In FJortlnnd, nnd the
of a b ird ; her slender figure, moving whole population, so good-tempered
so lithely to household tasks; her the moment before. Is turned blood­
But, mind you, the ordeal
pretty white hands, which no amount thirsty.
of toll seemed to harden, were all- must prove the guilt first, before the
powerful lodestones to draw him to wlteh Is literally tom to pieces.
I wish you could walk into the office
o f the Boy Scouts o f Am erica at 200
Fifth avenue, N ew York city, on a
busy day and see the machine in mo­
tion. I said office; there are many of­
fices and the plant covers a large pnrt
o f the eight floor o f the Fifth avenue
There is no sign over the door, but
(Copyright, 1920, Western Newspaper Union.) you see one just the same fo r honest
-------- O--------
citizenship, to muke boys into real
men. Look at the sign in these oflices
— clean-cut, strong physically, alert
mentuliy, effective, you breathe the
out o f doors as you enter the plant.
Scouting magazines and literature in
the vestibule and always a few boy
B y G e orge M a tt h e w A d a m s.
scouts In uniform ready to put you
in touch immediately with any officer
F YO U are a Merehnnt or Manufac­ you wish to see, from James E. West,
turer, the most valuable assets you the chief scout executive, to any of
have are the unrecorded ones in the his lieutenants.
form o f Satisfied Customers— the Men
Go and see it early In the new year.
and Women and Children that come Talk with these real men and In trie
into your store or other stores unan­ future you w ill always put your shoul­
nounced, and leave as unfussedly, to der to the great wheel which more
carry on and on the Message o f the than any other Is helping our boys
to grow into manhood.
value behind the Goods you sell.
It is the Unsalaried Drummer who
makes It possible fo r you to win in
Into every Town, City— Country, do
F ifty warm-hearted citizens o f To­
The Unsalaried Drummers go— every­ ledo under the leadership o f William
where your Goods go, they go. And M. Booker have made up a purse of
what your Merchandise is, they are— $15,000 to give to the boy scouts of
as Drummers. The people who read Toledo so that they may pay off all
your Books, ride in your Cars, the indebtedness on their scout reserva­
Stenographers who run your Typew rit­ tion.
ers, those who wear the Clothes you
This provides the Toledo scouts with
make and the Food you prepare— an outdoor paradise o f 76 acres and
each is an Unsalaried Drummer fo r | leaves a fund o f several thousand to
you. Ever thtnk o f it this way?
Improve It.
Each time you low er the hignest
As one o f the citizens says: " It adds
Standard o f what you make or sell, a new industry to Toledo in which real
you take away that much, maybe a boys are to be made real men.”
million times, from the efficiency o f
Judge Aaron B. Cohn is scout com­
your Unsalaried Drummers.
missioner there and Paul B. Samson Is
Every Man and Woman with suffi the scout executive.
d en t Brains to Think, Is a possible
Drummer fo r you to sell—and each
T H E B O Y S C O U T S ’ B U S Y L IF E .
Is your Drummer at NO COST to you.
Batesvllle, Ark., Troop 1 directed j
So that your greatest concern remains
not fo r those merely under the range delegates to the farming convention,
And yet It could not he denied,
o f your Eye, but those you never see
Theodora, with ail her physical at­
— The
Drummers— who
tractions. was a horrible expense.
daily, rain, hail or shine, distribute to soldiers with funds they had raised |
There were times when Arthur Brooks
the farthermost points o f the Earth, themselves.
With both legs nnd her right arm took to brooding over what might
and hourly work at your Success or
frozen, Mrs. J. M. Kimhnll, aged seven­ have been. If, for Instance, he hadn't
Failure— unannounced.
married, or had put off marrying until
Oh. Business M an ! In your mad ty-two, w ife o f an attorney o f Ogden, |
a more “ suitable” time. He figured
fret and srramble fo r the Dollar, do
up how cheaply he might have lived.
not forget the endless number o f Un­
I f he hndn’t married I Heavens I
It is believed she was unable
salaried Drummers that are able to river.
How he could have saved!
Make or Break yon.
Even a cheap flat, with a w ife who
The Unsalaried
A g e of W isd o m .
He— Old Grogshy told me today
that he sincerely regretted his mis­
spent youth.
She— I’m delighted to hear that he’»
repented at last.— Columbia (S. C.)
W a ll, T h e y H a d Finger».
As late as the revolution o f 1688 in
England few English noblemen owned
mote than a dozen forks.
E v e r y D a ir y m a n In C o m m u n it y M a y
H a v a U se of A n im a l* of H ig h
P ro d u c in g A n c e stry .
(Prepared by the United State« Depart­
ment of Agriculture.)
Bull associations are here to stay.
Figures furnished by the United States
department o f agriculture show that
there were 78 co-operative bull asso­
ciations In operation in this country on
July 1, 1010, which represents a gain of
34 associations over the previous year
when records showed that there were
44 associations active on July 1, 1018.
Bull associations have proved espe­
cially populur in sections where dairy­
ing is a comparatively uew Industry.
Many dairymen have been anxious to
increase the productivity o f their cows,
but due to the fact that their herds
were small nnd their resources limited.
It was often Impossible for them to
buy aud maintain sufficiently good
purebred bulls to accomplish this pur­
pose. It Is in cases o f this kind that
the bull association has proved most
valuable, says the department. By or­
ganizing the dairymen Into an as­
sociation and working co-operatively
T h e A v e ra g e D a ir y m a n C a n n o t O w n
T h ia K in d , B u t the C o m m u n it y o f
D a ir y m e n C an.
tlie purchase o f proved bulls o f high
producing ancestry Is made pos­
co-operatively a few good bulls can
take the place o f all the Inferior hulls
formerly found In the community.
An example of what the bull asso­
ciation can do In improving the type
of sires is found in the South Gibson
Bull association o f Susquehanna coun­
ty, I’a. This association has 20 mem­
bers who own a total o f 382 cows.
Before the bull association was formed
there were 13 bulls In the community
with a total valuation of $7,300. A fter
organizing, only four bulls were needed
and these were purchnsed nt a total
cost o f $4,800. The average invest­
ment In each o f the 13 bulls in use
before organizing was $501.54, hut
nfter the association wns formed the
average investment was $1,200 fo r each
o f the good bulls. In this way each
dairyman had the use o f bulls that
were twice ns valuable as the bulls
used formerly, and at the same time
his Investment wns $125 less.
The southern states have been found
especially well udapted to bull asso­
ciation work. Dairying In these states
is making rapid strides, nnd producers
have shown grent Interest In Improved
dairy cattle. Twenty o f the associa­
tions organized during the pnst yenr
nre credited to the South, six associa­
tions having been formed In Mississip­
pi, four In North Carolina, three In
South Carolina, two each In Alabama,
Georgia and Tennessee, and one in
C a r e f u l O b s e rv a tio n D e te cts A p p ro a c h ­
in g Illn e s s a n d STm ple R e m e d ie s
A v o id T ro u b le .
The caretaker of a dairy herd must
be nble to recognize nnd treat some o f
the common diseases nffectlng cattle,
since they nre likely to occur at any
time. In many cases It may be advisa­
ble to employ the services o f a trained
veterinarian, but often helpful home
treatment may be given. Careful ob­
servation at all times usually results
In detecting approaching Illness, and
frequently simple remedies may be ap­
plied In time to prevent further devel­
opment. Prevention Is far better than
cure nnd less expensive.
It Is well to keep on hand some o f
the simple and well-known drugs such
as Epsom salts, saltpeter, gum cam­
phor, ginger, tincture o f Iodine nnd
alum water, and such apparatus as a
milk-fever outfit, trocnr nnd canula,
fever thermometer, hose nnd funnel
and drenching bottle.
The bull should be well cared for.
* • •
It takes n mighty good cow to hold
her own with 25 average heus.
• • •
Milk production Is very Inrgely a
matter o f proper feed Induction.
• • •
Whitewash Is one o f the best and
cheapest barn Interior decorations.
• • •
It Is worth as much or a little more
to feed nnd care for a bull a year than
fo r a cow.
• • «
It Is Important that the cnlf pens
be so placed aa to avoid too great vari­
ations in temperature.
• • •
Milking Is a dirty Job these cold
mornings, hut don’t »light tbe precau­
tion- to keep tbejltrt^ont of the pall.