i j iààAAlÉiAllALiÜàALiAitAliAiilAâàAAlàAAl lA U i.ia A iti.l. U.I THESE VOTES ARE FREE. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM FORD TH E UNIVERSAL CAR ANNOUNCEMENT In order that we can better serve Ford owners those whose interests ours are one, our shop hereafter will be operated as an E X C LU SIV E FORD AND FORDSON R E P A IR SHOP. FORD OW N ERS:— FORDSON OW NERS: It is to our interest— that your every Ford and Fordson be 100 per cent efficient. NOTE: Only One Nomination Coupon Accepted for Each Candidate Nominated. IT IS TO THIS END W E DEDICATE OUR SHOP. NOT AT A LL A BAD GUESS Baptist Ship Is on Christianity Cruise London “ Bobby" at Least Was Partly Right in Hia Desire to Give Information. > } iff Wi È Ê Ê m . K *■ • • • .•* '' î » >' . 1 'I ■ '« . f ■ 4 -r % P , A w ^ ' V :V — <* . , j « " • :- '#>.. -* ■ K y"( i L¿ • f§f v< 1& - • ♦ - P' ~ t ■ - •• -T -.J • ^ i':$*iÉíí£5P f-W H m fi '"'""P W. B. Trites, the Philadelphia novelist, was praising the London bobby or policeman. “ The bobby is always tall and strong and straight,” he said, “ with a pink and white complexion and the politest, gentlest manner in the world. “ What is the difference if the bobby’s ideas as to history and geog­ raphy and current events are often a little confused? That only makes him the more attractive. “ I was in London during the fat young shah of Persia’s visit to King George. One afternoon in Picca­ dilly I heard a roll of drums and a fanfare of trumpets, and a splendid troop of household cavalry dashed into view. They escorted several state coaches. “ I turned to a gigantic young bobby and asked: “ ‘ Officer, who are they making all this to-do for?’ The bobby touched his hat and an­ swered politely: “ ‘For the king o f Shah, I believe, sir.' ” 8TA M P 3 O F Y O U N G EU R O P E. jii6aSáí¿.¿ In and out among the hundreds o f small Islands in the Sea of Jnpan a lit­ tle white ship threads Its way on a nev­ er ending cruise of Christianity. It is the Church of the Fukuln Mam, and It carries the gospel message to thou­ sands who could not be reached In any other way. The ship, like the Itinerant preacher and the circuit rider of the old days, makes port in lonely out of the way places. It dispenses a hospitality that might well he envied by American churches with better advantages. Na­ tives flock to hear the messages deliv­ ered on its deck. The Fukuln Maru Is the only floating Baptist church In the world, and It Is regarded by members o f that denomi­ nation as one o f the most unique ef­ forts of the Christian missionary move­ ment. For years it was commanded by Captain Luke Bickel, who recently died, and now the Northern Baptists are endeavoring to And a captain- preacher who will take his place. There are 33 churches o f the Baptist faith in Japan, with a total member­ ship o f 3,651. Plans have already been outlined, however, for the building o f 15 new churches Immediately and later to erect a church In every center of Baptist work. “The people o f Japan are ready to listen to the gospel,” a recent report of the field survey committee of the Northern Baptist Convention says. “ Their faith In the old religions Is broken. But the gospel must be pre­ sented to them by men o f their owu race who are competent to present It In a strong, Intelligent way. We must have thoroughly trained Japanese lead­ ers and pastors who can command at­ tention.” Careful consideration is being given the housing o f the Christian church In Japan so as to win the respect o f the people. “ A rented store In a side street does not command the respect o f the Japanese any more than It does o f the Italians In New York,” the report states. “ Our fine Institutional church building, the Tabernacle In Tokyo, ought to be duplicated at every impor­ tant cetter, and attractive, dignified houses of worship should be erected at every other point.” The Baptists are endeavoring so far as possible to develop complete Inde­ pendence o f the Japanese churches, un­ der their own leaden. HALLADAY S JUSTIN’S MACHINE AND REPAIR SHOP Now Ready for Business. A ll Automobile and Repair W ork Done Promptly and in a First Class Shape by Experienced Mechanics. W e are prepared to re-bore cylinders and fit over­ sized pistons in Ford Cars. Agents for T H E R M O ID T IR E S and Brake Lining Phone 5421 Some extraordinary stamps are being issued by the newly born states of Europe. Most o f the designs sym­ bolize their recently found freedom. The stamps of Czecho-Slovakia bear the picture o f a lion tearing off the fetters of slavery, while those of Jugo-Slavia have that of a man ■mashing the chains that bind him. In the background dawn is breaking. Lettonia, to celebrate its libera­ tion from the bolsheviki, has issued ■ miniature masterpiece of special design. In the center two female figures are seen embracing, while in the foreground a skull and with­ ered bush lie rotting. The walls of Riga loom up in the distance and the whole scene is illuminated by the aurora borealis.— London Chron­ icle. AN E X T R E M IS T . "O f course we should get rid of the bolsheviki.” “ I should say s o !” “ But Dibbs goes too far.” “ How’s that?” “ H e says everybody ought to be deported who has an unpronounce­ able name.” — Birmingham Age- Herald. Iilu6ß snosnee vulcanizing onop VS N O W OPEN Repairing of Tires and Tubes and Adona Tread W ork Our Specialty. A ll work Guaranteed. M . J [. O ’ D O N N E L L , P r o p . 1 Our rates are based on the moderate Ford schedule with a set labor charge for every operation. The shop and service floor will he under the supervision o f Mr. Grover Johnson, a thoroughly Ford trained mechanic. 4 With our interests mutual, with nothing spared in tools and equipment, with mechanics second to none we deserve your Ford work and seriously solicit it. ACE G A RA G E fr a n k C. McLean. AT THi; ISIS NEXT WEEK. play. Photography, especially of the exterior shots, is excellent. The On Sunday afternoon and even­ play is developed with many highly ing John Barrymore in “ Baffles” dramatic situations, which hold in­ will prove of great interest to all tense interest to the end. To quoio a recently published edi­ movie fans. The picture is torial, “What would you give to be taken from the story and shows in absolutely certain today of what detail the life and exploits of the would happen tomorrow,” there is celebrated amateur cracksman. probably no person, man, woman This picture will not be repeated on or child, in the world who would not risk possibly their lives for one Monday night. On Monday night the annual min­ little peep into (he future. In Clara Kimball Young’s great picture, strel of the Independence Civic “ Eyes of Youth,” the exciting events Club will be given. Mention is of the story are based upon the op­ made elsewhere of the minstrel. portunity given the heroine to read Preceding the rise of the curtain at her own future thru ttie assistance 8:30, the International News and of a Yogi, who teaches her the mys- j teries of crystal gazing, and in this a comic picture will be shown. “Nine-Tenths of ttie Law” Tues­ | way she is able to avoid the mis­ day and Wednesday nights presents takes that would have been hqr lot one of the most human and alto­ hud she followed one of the many gether touching stories that have opportunifies offered her. “ Eyes of come out of that paradise of story Youth” is one of the most gripping teller—the North Woods. It is so productions in years, because, in big and simple in its conception addition to being one of the most ajid so direct in its development famous plays of the year, as well that it will have almost universal ns one of the best and most elabo­ appeal. Child interest, intense rate productions of Miss Young’s mother love and stirring personal entire screen career, the develop­ encounters between rugged men of ment of tlie story will show in a the woods are features of the tale, new and startling way the possibil­ which is pictured in a wild region ities of reading the future thru the in perfect keeping with the story. process of crystad gazing. "Eyes of It includes many exquisite exteri­ Youth” is here on Thursday and ors and quuint cabin interiors ttiat Friduy nights. fairly breathe the atmosphere of the ; The big Saturday night show con­ sists of Bessie Love in “Carolyn of the Corners,” Ford Weekly and Herold Lloyd comedy. TEN MILLION SEE FORD PICTURES W EEKLY The “Ford Educational Weekly”, a film put out by the Ford Motor Company has earned for that com­ pany the largest circulation of mo­ tion pictures In the world. Ford films are run in 5,238 theatres in the' United States each week. They are also distributed throughout Cana­ da, Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Australia and many other islnnds. The Lord pictures are viewed by more than ten millions of people in motion picture theatres each week. But they are also in de­ mand outside \ of the theatre. Churches, colleges, the Y. M. C. A., public and private schools and ev­ en many of the country’s largest penal institutions find Ford films particularly valuable because of their high moral and educational value. Many reels of Ford films showing how certain special war materials were manufactured have been se­ cured by government officials to serve as a part of the national rec­ ords in Washington. Complete Line H I D O E S N 'T K N O W I T E IT H E R . Which leaves nothing to be desired. “ She doesn’t know the value of a dollar.” “ Well, I wouldn’t crticize her for I’ m not sure myself whether • dollar is worth 30 or 40 cents nowadays.” C that A Maxwell R S and T R U C K S A P R IV A T E STO C K. “ All the toasts at our coming ban­ quet will be made in aqua pura.” “ But what will you do if any of the government sleuths get on to I f , E X T R E M E CASE. 1 M #1 A Every effort will be made by us to give you the high type of service which is characteristic o f the Ford motor company and its products. “ This prohibition enforcement is going to be very drastic, they say.” “ They will stop at nothing. I make a detour now around my neigh­ bor’s front when his dog is lying on the steps, for fear I will he arrested for passing the growler.” CASE TRACTORS TH REHERS, AND FA R M M A CH IN ER Y Good Used Cars W e have one NEW FORD SEDAN Tires, Tubes and Accessories at very reasonable prices. SERVICE and Q U A L IT Y Q U IT E SO. “Hen comes s humorist who fits the times.” “ How eo T “Hp i# full of dry wit.” , T h e DALLAS, OREGON A u t o U tilitie s C o . INDEPENDENCE, Ol