WORLD HAPPENINGS P OF CURRENT WEEK l 3000 KILLED IN Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. Ebert Troops Kill 2000 Trapped in Volkshaqs. STATE N E W S IN BRIEF. REPORT BIG APPROPRIATIONS SCHOOL Submarine Base at Astoria Approved DAYS —Other Ports Fare Well. W ashington, D. C.—The house naval Vit« Com« on com m ittee Monday reported favorably the following item s of the naval ap­ 0 "V«r- J -R ¿ ì v r n ' via t h e w hooÿit»’ propriation bill; O c o u ffv S o » w ont An appropriation of $250,000 for be­ Salem. — Considerable scabies has Ixave -¿o "éo stíiool J ginning developm ent of a subm arine made its appearance among th e flocks and destroyer base at the m outh of in p arts of Benton, Linn and Marion the Columbia riv er on 115 acres of counties and a general dipping of all sheep affected will be undertaken early land given by A storia, Or., was ap­ in th e spring, according to an an ­ proved. nouncement made here by Dr. W. H. O ther Pacific appropriations were Events of Noted People, Governments Lytle, state veterinarian. Germany Told that U. S. Will Not approved as follows: end Pacific Northwest, end Other Permit Food to Enter Where Portland.—The m ohair m ark et has For im provem ents a t P earl harbor, opened at 40 cents. Most of th e large Things Worth Knowing. Trouble Prevails. Hawaii, $890,000; a t Mare Island, Cal., buyers have sent th is price out to th eir $175,000; a t Puget sound, W ash., $320,- country agents. A num ber of small 000; am m unition depot. P earl harbor, The executive com m ittee of the lots have been purchased, but none of Coblenz.—T hree thousand persons $80,000; T. N. T. m agazine a t Puget the new clip has yet reached Portland. American Legion has put up to con­ were killed in the fighting a t Leipsic sound yard, $25,000; and fuel-oil sta ­ gress the proposal to pay adjusted Many of the large flocks in w estern before the governm ent troops captured tion, Cavite, Philippines, $25,000. Oregon have been sheared. com pensation to form er service men The house refused to Increase the the town on la st Friday, according to and women a t $1.50 for every day in Portland.—Business and industrial statem en ts m ade by th ree A m erican appropriation for aviation from $15 service. in terests of Portland, as well as all business men who arrived here from 000,000 to $25,000,000. W ithout discussion, appropriations Major R. W. Schroeder of Dayton, civic organizations will be requested Leipsic, which place they left on S at­ aggregating $4,000,000 for the develop­ Ohio, holder of the world’s record for to study the practicability of in au g u r­ urday night. airplane altitude, plans a 10-hour flight atin g a daylight saving plan in P o rt­ Up to W ednesday th e re was strik e ment of Pacific coast shore facilities from San Francisco to New York late land, and send to the city council a r ­ agitation in Leipsic ag ain st the Kapp were approved. Most of the money this summ er, flying a t a height of gum ents of support or opposition. regime, then anarchy and soviet con­ was for use a t San Diego, Cal., the Mayor Baker will introduce a resolu­ tro l until th e governm ent troops bill providing th a t th e governm ent ac 30,000 feet. tion in th e council to th is effect next shelled the V olkshaus and labor head­ cept from the city two plots of ground The application of the D uchess of Wednesday. Am erica’s navy will about equal th a t q u arters F riday afternoon, th e A m eri­ Marlborough, form erly Consuelo Van­ of G reat B ritain in fighting pow er by cans say. Salem.—Members of th e Jefferson derbilt, for a decree for restitu tio n of T here were 2000 persons in the 1924, Chairm an B utler of the com m it­ grange, in resolutions adopted recently, conjugal rights, was granted by a Lon building who were sh o t down as they tee told the house in defending the w ent on record as opposed to affilia­ don court Monday. The petition is provision in the naval appropriation tion w ith the newly organized land and made th e ir exit. T he shells finally th e usual prelim inary to divorce. bill for continuing work on the 18 set fire to th e building, killing hun­ labor party, or any oth er political or­ capital ships now under construction ( C o p y r ig h t.) T he treaty of V ersailles failed of ganization. It had been rum ored th a t dreds of o th er persons. “In th e next four years,” said Mr. T here w as a dem onstration on ratification for the fourth tim e Friday the grange favored the new land and night, and then the sen ate voted to labor party, and it was to correct the March 14 in w hich 36 persons were Butler, “the United S tates will p ut out send it back to P resident W ilson with false impression th a t the resolutions killed. T hen th e w orkm en obtained the m ost form idable arm ada the world arm s and stre e t fighting was heavy has ever seen produced in a sim ilar a notification th a t it had finally "re­ were adopted. until an arm istice was arran g ed on period.” fused to advise and consent to its N orth Bend.—Coos county will have W ednesday (M arch 17) a t noon. In 1924, he said. G reat B ritain will ratification.” By HOWARD L. RANN available from th e county m arket road By EDGAR A. GUEST T he arm istice ran until noon on have 60 battleships, the United S tates Two gangs of “gun m en” clash tax a sum slightly in excess of $23,000. Thursday. A Saxon av iato r flying over 47, F rance 26, Jap an 15 and Italy 13 ed in a re sta u ra n t in Newark, T his will be duplicated by the state, T H E O LD W OO DEN TUB. the city on T hursday was shot down While England will have m ore ships, THE ArE N. J., Sunday. W hen the smoke m aking a total of about $47,000 for by rifle fire. he added, those of the United S tates I like to get to thinking of the old cleared away the leader of each fac­ m ark et road construction th is year. days th a t are gone, The fighting continued from T h u rs­ will be about equal in power. HE ape Is a vest-poeket edition tion was found dead and another man, The money will be apportioned among R epresentative Mondell, the repub­ When there were Joys th a t never day betw een the w orkers, using rifles of man which is brought to this said to have been a participant, was th ree m arket road projects, M yrtle more the world will look upon, and grenades, and th e reichsw ehr and lican leader, said th a t considering for­ country and exhibited in a cage for The days before Inventors smoothed taken to a hospital in a serious con­ P oint to Gravelford, Norway to Lee loyal volunteers until the Volkshaus eign exchange values, the $425,000,000 the purposes of comparison with the the little cares away dition. and from Glasgow to H auser. affair F riday afternoon. T hen the total of the proposed A m erican naval And m ade w hat seemed but luxu­ real article. A fter a full-bearded man appropriation exceeded the B ritish es­ W om en voted Saturday a t the demo­ trouble gradually quieted down. ries then, the joys of every d a y ; with a face which is a cross between Eugene.—This week is livestock cratic prim aries in the Philippine is­ T he A m ericans who brought the de­ tim ate for the year by $100,000,000. When bathroom s were exceptions, a spitz dog and a chrysanthem um has “For the first tim e in many years,” lands to elect delegates to the te rri­ booster week in Lane county. Meet tails of the fighting in L eipsic are and we got our weekly scrub leaned over the railing nt the zoo for ings in various p a rts of the county By standing in the middle of a lit­ a little while and studied the counte­ he said, “th e only naval establishm ent torial convention in April, w hen six David S. Block of W ashington; Irv­ nance of the naturalized ape, he will tle wooden tub. delegates to th e national convention have been arranged by th e booster ing G ilter and Sam uel T. B arron of and program m e in the world a t all break for the nearest barber shop on com m ittee of th e Lane County P u re­ com parative with ours is th a t of Eng Wa had no rapid heaters, and no the dead run. New York. will be chosen. It was the first tim e land. No oth er navy or naval pro­ blazing gas to burn, women had participated in a prim ary bred Livestock association. It is expect­ The ape has long, eager toes and ed O. M. Plum m er, m anager of the here. London.—A dispatch to the Daily gram m e is of a size and stren g th even We boiled the w ater on the stove, a prehensile tail, with which he is Pacific Livestock association, and W. Mail from Berlin says th e U nited rem otely approaching ours. In fact, and each one took Ills turn. able to swing pro and con with a pre­ T he constant pacing of the sentinel M. Ladd of Portland, a pioneer in the since the practical wiping out of the Sometimes to save expenses we occupied look. He also 1ms a coarse S tates diplom atic rep resen tativ e has behind ex-Emperor William when he raising of pure-bred stock, will ad ­ would use one tub for two. informed the G erm an governm ent th a t G erman navy, all the rem aining navies The w ater brother Billy used, for me speaking voice, with which he argues w alks in the Bentinck castle garden dress the various gatherings. violently with anybody who tries to it will be im possible for the United and naval program m es of the world would also do, has greatly annoyed the one-time Ger- pass him a sour peanut. The commer­ Salem.—The K ingm an colony d ra in ­ S tates to allow food supplies from exclusive of England, do n ot equal Although an extra kettle I was grant­ mun ruler. On several occasions the cial ape is the kind which earns a liv­ ours.” abroad to en ter any p a rt of G ermany ed, I admit, ex-kaiser has told the guard not to age d istric t w ith headquarters in Weis- ing for some exhausted Italian who On w inter nights to "freshen and to follow him so closely but to stay out er, Idaho, has filed application with w here trouble prevails. em its hymn tunes from a hand organ. warm it up a bit. Europe's Outlook Dark. The sam e correspondent says the of sight. There Is also the cultivated trick ape, the sta te irrig atio n securities com mis­ com m unists boast th a t a bolshevik Rome.—P rem ier N itti, outlining to We carried w ater up the stairs in which smokes a cigarette with much R ear Admiral Sims told the senate sion for the certification of bonds in uprising is im m inent. One adds th a t the cham ber of deputies Monday the buckets and In pails. the same facial expression as his the sum of $50,000. The project is lo­ investigating com m ittee Monday th a t General von Seecht tak es a serious policy of the new cabinet, declared all And sometimes splashed it on our brethren in pants. cated in M alheur county and contains R ear Admiral Benson, chief of naval legs and rent the air with view o'f the situation and trenches are E uropean countries were facing a dif­ The mandrill Is an ornam ental form walls, operations during the w ar and now 3000 acres. C ertification of the bonds being dug in the stre e ts of each city ficult situation and w ere threatened of ape which is as highly colored as is sought In order th a t actual construc­ But If the nights were very cold, by chairm an of the shipping board, was a Fourth of July poster. When the district. w ith fam ine unless peace should quick closing every door the officer who told him “not to let tion of the d rainage system may com­ A mob of workm en S aturday night ly be re-established. T he prem ier said We were allowed to take our bath the British pull the wool over your mence w ithout m aterial delay. attacked an isolated post of govern­ th a t more than 300,000,000 w orkers do Quita. L o o k in g - upon the kitchen floor. A in T tw y eyes; we would as soon fight them as Hood River.—Unsold apple stocks m ent troops in th e industrial district not produce the necessaries of life. Beside the cheery stov? we stood the Germans." yep . PofiTwetf and killed officers and men w ith the and gave ourselves a rub R ussia and Germany w ere producing here now will not exceed 25 carloads. little. Europe, he said, could recover In com fort most luxurious in th at The first w alkout in w hat may be a These, all Newtowns, in excellent con­ g rea test cruelty, the dispatch adds. old wooden tub. R einforcem ents w ere sent and they only by recognizing R ussia and Ger­ general strike of Chicago city em ­ dition, are held by the Apple Growers' • killed 20 workm en and captured 25 But modern homes no more go many. The political and economic dis­ ployes occurred Monday w hen 500 association. As the dem and for high- through th a t joyous weekly fun, team stors and chauffeurs quit work, cluss fru it of the long-keeping variety others, who w ere im m ediately stood order would disappear only when E u­ rope had become imbued w ith peace, And through the sitting rooms at tying up collection of garbage and in­ Is good, no effo rt is being made to up ag ain st a wall and shot. night no half-dried children run ; he continued, and Italy would work to terfering with stre e t cleaning. The place it on th e m arket too early. About No little flying forms go past, too th is end, feeling th a t th e in te rests of strik e rs demanded an increase of $2 150 carloads of apples, already bought sw ift to see their charm s Europe should be put above h atred s With sh irts and a day. The chauffeurs receive $6 and by dealers, are held in storage, sellers underw ear and and divisions. the team sters $9. aw aiting shipping Instructions. things tucked underneath th eir arm s; Five German surrendered w arships Albany.—Grace Lochner, 14 years Senate Confirms Colby. The home’s so full of luxury now. allocated to th e United S tates under old, was in stan tly killed Wednesday C hristiana, Norway. — American It’s alm ost like a club W ashington, D. C.—The nom ination the arm istlco term s, a battleship, a a t the M cFarland schoolhouse on the representatives are trying to repur­ of Bainbridge Colby as secretary of I sometimes wish we could go back cruiser and three destroyers, will be to th a t old wooden tub. Pacific highw ay four m iles south of chase drygoods and w earing apparel stato was confirm ed late Monday by A Vest-Pocket Edition of Man Ex­ brought to this country next month, Albany. In ru n n in g about th e school ( C o p y r ig h t b y E d g a r A. Q u e s t.) bought from the U nited S tates from the senate. The first business to re ­ hibited In a Cage for the Purposes ---------O-------- it was announced by the navy depart­ yard she fell ag ain st a guy w ire an ­ 1918 to 1920 for re-export to the United ceive his atten tio n will be the issuance of Comparison With the m ent. U nder the suprem e council chored a t the corner of the grounds S tates, as the price of these commodi­ of about 4000 passports th a t have ac­ Real Article. agreem ent, the ships m ust be destroy­ and in some m anner th is sw ung ties are 50 p er cen t lower than those cum ulated since U n d e rse c re ta ry of ed w ithin a year afte r arrival here. mandrill opens his mouth to say some­ ngainst the high tension power line now prevailing in the American S tate Polk ceased to act as secretary. thing he Is half undressed. The gorilla Brigadier General W. W. H arts, for­ carry in g electricity from Springfield to m arkets. By George Matthew Adams. R eorganization of th e d ep artm en t will R o^A B L * the g reatest Law of Is the nearest approach to the male m er com m ander of the Paris district Albany, and th e girl was electrocuted. Im m ediately after the w ar Norway be an o th er task. T here a re many va­ Success is Organization. Nothing sex which science has yet dug out of the American expeditionary forces, was flooded with A merican drygoods cancies to be filled and th e office of In Africa. He walks on two feet with Albany.—P lans for a county teach­ sailed from Antwerp Saturday for the and w earing apparel, and Norwegian a ssista n t secretary has been vacant so marvelously em phasizes the Infinite the dignified a ir of a blase floor walk­ Mind of the C reator of this World, as ers’ In stitu te to be held In th is city United States, having been ordered firm s placed large orders in America since W illiam Philips was appointed H is wondrous Solar System. Its Or­ er. The late Mr. Darwin discovered home by S ecretary Baker to testify on April 24 are being completed by for future delivery. m in ister to Holland. U n d e rse c re ta ry ganization Is perfect. • O rganization the ancestors of some of his wife’s rel­ before congressional com m ittees in­ Mrs. Id a M. Cummings, county school The N orwegian em bargo now in Polk will resign as soon as possible. means Results—real Triumphs. Before atives, It Is said, by studying the goril­ vestigating charges of cruelty a t pris­ superintendent. T he com ing in stitu te force prohibits such export as de­ any Man o r Business Is able to get la at close range. on farm s over which he had command. will be held In the Albany high school. manded by th e A m erican rep resen ta­ Results, there m ust be Organization. The chimpanzee Is a blood relative Grain Standard Scored. E ith e r J. A. Churchill, sta te su p erin ­ tives. The g reater your Organization Is, of the ape. but comes In a larger pack­ P rices of standard shoes will be re ­ W ashington, D. C.—F ederal grain tendent of public Instruction, o r E. F. the g reater will your Success be. age. The chimpanzee Is a haughty and duced during the spring and summ er. stan d ard s in effect in the th ree years Carleton, assistan t superintendent, will Every healthy human being Is fitted reserved animal, and has very little Thousand Sheep Drown. John J. Slatter, president of the Retail in which they have been in force “have out In the first plnce with every Factor afTectlon for anything except his Shoe Dealers' association, announced be present, and professors from the Billings, Mont.—Damages estim ated cost the spring w heat grow ers $60,- and Fficulty for a powerful Organiza­ U niversity of Oregon and Oregon Agri­ meals. It is not safe to toy with a Monday in a com m unication to A rthur at about $25,000 a re believed to have 000,000,” according to H. N. Owen of tion. T here Is your Brain with scores chimpanzee unless the toyee is look­ W illiams, federal food adm inistrator. cultu ral college will participate. resulted from a flood which swept Minneapolis, who is here w ith a dele­ of Elements ready to act In the Or­ ing for a pleasing form of suicide. R etailers a t a recent m eeting decided K lam ath Falls.—T h irty head of cat­ down Canyon creek, seven miles w est gation from th e n o rth w est to urge ganization. T here Is every member (C o p y rig h t.) to be content w ith a sm aller m argin tle brought an average of $440 a t the of Billings, a t an early hour Monday m odification of the rules. and organ of your Body ready—W ait­ of profit, Mr. S latter said. Reductions, morning. It Is reported that approx­ Mr. Owen said th a t “if the recom­ ing and Willing. To Win—get all these however, will not apply to "all kinds annual S horthorn breeders’ sale S at­ im ately 1000 head of sheep were things Into a sound, w orkable Organi­ m endations are granted they will be of fancy and ultra-fashionable foot­ urday. T he sale proceeds totaled $13,- drowned. T he Snyder Sheep company satisfacto ry to the spring w heat grow­ zation. F or— The g reater your O rganization la, w ear.” 495. T he top price for cows was was the heaviest loser. The flood ers.” the g reater will yonr Success be. S enator Frelinghuysen, republican. brought by "Luceal,” bred by W. W. was caused by th e breaking of an ir­ If you feel yourself In the position New Jersey, has Introduced a bill au­ Green of Union county, purchased by rigation dam. 15 m iles from its outlet Home-made whisky, believed to have of many it F ailure—take H eart. Or­ thorising the secretary of the treasury W. F. H ill of M errill. Or., for $775. into the Yellowstone river. been of the m oonshine variety, caused ganize yourself 1 W rite down upon a to issue not to exceed $30,000,000,000 The best price for a bull was $700, the d eath at Reno, Nev., of Charles piece of paper every useful Quality of bonds to be exchanged for liberty patd by Silas Obenchaln of K lam ath Bolshsvikl T ake 31,000. McAndrews of Medford, Or. T he liquor ou believe yourself gifted with. Flan bonds of the first, second, third and F alls for “Lord S u ltan ,” 16 m onths London.—A bolshevik com munica­ was consum ed from a near beer bottle out bow your different Abilities may fo u rth issues, a t the option of the old, from th e herd of C. O. G arrett of tion received here Monday says. “In and McAndrews soon became ill and h e lp inch otheb. Then w rite down the holders of th e liberty bonds. The Glendale, Or. Eighteen b u ilt brought the direction of Novorossisk we have w as tak en to the county hospital, name« of every possible avenue of Endeavor where your Abilities seem proposed issue would bear Interest at an average of $368 and 13 cows an av­ reached the River K uban and captured w here he succumbed. m o s t adapted Give every one of them P«r cent, would be payable in 50 erage of $ 573 . Eighteen S horthorn 16.000 prisoners and 20 guns. In the S o m e th in g to l>o. Set them to Work. years, and would be exem pt from all calves were distributed am ong mem­ region of R keterinodar we have taken Radium valued at $10,000 was stolen Realize n h at O rganization can do. national, sta te and local taxes except bers of the county boys' and g irls' ag­ 15.000 prisoners and a large num ber of from the bureau of stan d ard s in W ash­ Realize th a t— sta te and inheritance taxes. ricu ltu ral club. guns and much booty.” | The greater TOUR O rganization la, ington W ednesday night. the greater will YOUR Success be. COMPILED FOR YOU Eugene.—The second tria l of M artin A. Clark, charged w ith th e m urder of C harles L. Taylor near McKenzie bridge last July, will be held early in April. BUILDING SET AFIRE Tf>e é>00^ SúT^ * * ^ a't J u á t F o lk s Rann-dom Reels T U.S. CLOTHING PRICE CUT HALF IN NORWAY ORGANIZATION P - MILITANTMARY~ Pol believein M w jk’Y g ! fîlocK- Mogie, too Why-SAY— !• only'have’To breoK-a'iivie, AN0-G05H ! r r ria T s AWAY !!!