The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, March 05, 1920, Image 2

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World’s Supply Is Seven Times
What It Was in
1914 .
Statistics G ive an Idea o f Inflation of
W o rld ’s C u rre n c y — C en tra l P ow ers
W o rst O ff— Increase M ostly in
B eligerent Countries.
The government, In aid o f the farmers who suffer greatly from Hit* depredations o f wild unlinuhi that destroy
(crops and live stock, now employs between 400 and 500 professional hunters und trappers. One o f them is her«
shown with his month's catch in Idaho.
f " .................................. ................ ..
Clever Tricks
of Bootleggers
Maine Variety Have Many
Dodges to Fool the Federal
"W a lk in g Speakeasies” A re the H a r d ­
est to Catch— L iq u o r Is Cached
in O dd Places by Itin era n t
Buffalo, N. Y.— John M. Evans, who
says he has had years o f experience
In enforcing the prohibitory laws in
the state o f Maine, stopped off in
Buffalo, says the Courier of that
city, for a few hours and related some
Interesting methods of conducting the
liquor business under strict enforce­
Mr. Evans told o f many ways of
handling “ wet” goods used by “ boot­
leggers,” hut not one of the hundreds
with whom lie lias come In contact
ever used n bootleg ns n depository
fo r his stock in trade.
"W h ile the name still sticks to In­
dividuals who defy the liquor law out­
side o f regular saloons and kitchen
barrooms, the bootleg full o f booze
censed to be when the high boots with
¡loose tops went out of style.
W as Ea sy to Get Booze.
"Up to the time o f the passage of
the Webb law by tile federal govern­
ment a few years ngo,” Mr. Evans
sakl, “ providing for the labelling of
all ‘wet’ goods handled by express
companies and other common carriers,
it Was a comparatively easy matter
to gel a plentiful supply o f liquor from
Boston wholesalers, and even after
that most of tlie bootleggers mnnnged
Ito smuggle in by water or nutomoblle,
(and ttiere were some who concocted
a mixture out o f alcohol, water, burnt
|sugur and a dasli of tabasco, which
it hey passed off on many an unsuspect­
in g victim.
"T lie hardest bird we ever had to
iconteml with was putting out booze
for years. W e knew he was doing !t,
■but we could not get the goods on him,
land It was a long time before we got
¡him, even after we were wise to his
¡system. Tills was his system :
i “ At night lie would load his over­
coat up with pints, half-pints and oc­
casionally n quart. These he would
plant, one in a pile of clapboards In a
lumber yard, another In n junk pile
and still another under n doorstep or
In a rubbish barrel in an nlley. The
next day his customers would come
to him, pay him for their purchase,
and he would direct them to the near­
est plant.
“ We began to be suspicious o f him
(after a woman reported seeing a man
(remove a bottle from the muzzle of
¡one o f the two historic cannon thnt
(guard the Soldiers' monument. Final-
fly we trailed him at night, watched
¡ldin sow his crop, hnrvested It and
Then placed him under nrrest.
Strangers “ N ot W an ted.”
"W e were unable to get a conviction
against him, although the fellow was
¡not working and hail no visible means
¡of support. It was not until we caught
him napping with a couple o f stool ;
pigeons that we dually convicted him.
In order for the system to work out
well the bootlegger must be well ae- j
Berlin. — Herman
hereafter will lie minus the for-
merly Inevitable pictures o f the
kaiser and his predecessors on
the Prussian throne, as a result
o f an order by the minister of
education, who also rules out all
anecdotes of the Hohensollerns
“ which might serve only to glorl-
fy the dynssty and foster the
inonarchistlc Idea In the minds
o f the pupils."
♦ • * • * * .................................
This religious fanatic o f India has
J an Idea that by making himself uncom­
• fortable in this world he w ill have
l things soft In the next. Ills sent Is a
* I bonrd dotted with spikes upon which
! he has sentenced himself to stay
* awhile, partly as a penance, purity to
, ! convince the l>elievers thnt a holy man
J Is Insensible to the things that are
< extremely painful to the average per­
J son. lie must have convinced himself
# ns well, for even a stoic would balk
J at smiling In such an U 'intertable
0 place.
quainted with his customers and have
their conddence in n large degree.
“ Another popular method o f dis­
pensing the hard stuff was through a
couple o f fountain syringes, suspend­
ed from the shoulders one In front and
one on the back. They would dll a
flask or serve by the drink as desired.
“ When things begin to get too hot
for the pocket peddlers,” Mr. Evans
continued, “ they solicit business and j
dll each order one at a time by taking
the customers’ money, going to the
hide and returning with the goods. I
doubt If there Is sufficient trust In
one’s fellow man for this system to
work out successfully in a city the
size o f Buffalo.
"W e have picked up men with a
considerable stock o f booze on their
persons while to nil appearances It
did not seem possible thnt the indi­
vidual could have more than a dusk
or so.
“ In the days before the form-dttlng
clothes, when long coats and peg-top
trousers were In style, many a suit
was tailored with huge pockets In the
trousers, and sometimes Inside the
coat under the arms.
“ The blind tiger, so popular In the
South, was never used much in Mnlne.
Its only recommendation is thnt It o f­
fers more or less safety In selling to
through n small opening In a wall and
out through the opening comes a
Beer W as T o o B u lk y.
"The methods used by saloon keep­
ers to keep out o f the clutches o f the
law were almost os numerous ns those
o f bootlegging. The drst step o f the
saloon keeper when the lid was
clamped down was to eliminate beer
and ale all together, as it was too
bulky to handle In the event o f a raid.
In those days near-beer was a much
despised and little known article In
But when the district at­
torney haled all snloon keepers who
possessed a United Stntes license be­
fore the grand Jury and fnttened the
county’s treasury by about $500 a
head, they began to take more kindly
to near-beer, as it proved an alibi for
the federal tax.
“ In dry spells some saloons would
sell only by the bottle to those they
knew very well, while others would
\ German Textbooks Bar
Kaiser’s Whole Family ;
---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
j Engineer Refused
to Spoil This ‘‘Lie” \
Pinehurst, N. C.— The defer-
ence paid to golf here is itnpres-
sive. Miss M etcalf Keating o f
the Agawam Hunt club, hooked
her drive to the railroad tracks
near the club house just as a
trnln was coming along.
The engineer, leaning out o f
the cab window, saw the ball
come to rest between the rails,
saw it perch itself upon an ideal
but precarious tee in the form
o f a tiny pile o f cinders, grasped
the situation and the airbrake
control at the same time and
brought the train to a sudden
The passengers may have been
slightly shaken up in the proc-
ess, but Miss K eating’s lie was
not disturbed. The train waited
until a good recovery shot had
been played and then resumed
its Journey northward to less
considerate climes.
New Y'ork.— The world’s paper mon­
ey Is now seven times the amount It
was in 1914, while the gold supply,
back o f the paper, has increased less
Ilian one-half In the five years since
the war started.
This comparison
conveys a faint idea o f the inflation
of the world’s currency, which econo­
mists reckon as one o f the chief caus­
es of skyrocketing prices and high
cost o f living.
The 700 per cent Jump In pnper
money, too, Is exclusive o f the issues
of currency by the bolshevlst govern­
ment o f Russia, which has kept the
printing presses turning out shlnplas-
ters by the bale. The situation Is
brought right down to date by the sta­
tistical department of the National
City bank o f New York, which has
just issued world figures to the be­
ginning o f 1920. The tables are Il­
When the war started In 1914, thir­
ty principal countries o f the world
had. In round numbers, about $7,000,-
000,000 o f paper currency.
At the
armistice It had Jumped to about $40,-
000,000,000, or more than five times as
high. Since the armistice It has gone
up to about $51,000,000,000. This is
outside the $34,000,000,000 which. It Is
estimated, the bolshevlst government
has Industriously turned out.
$2,000,000,000 More Gold Reserve.
Meanwhile what was happening to
the gold reserves back o f the notes In
the thirty countries?
In 1914 they
amounted, roughly, to $5,000,000,000.
They are now about $7,000,000,000.
Notes have thus increased more than
700 per cent and gold less than 50 per
Back In 1914 the ratio o f gold re­
serves to outstanding notes In the thir­
ty countries were 70 per cent. By the
time o f the armistice It had fallen to
18.4 per cent, while last Christmas
time It had dropped still lower to 13.7
per cent.
The allies, so the tables o f the Na­
tional City bank show, taken as a
group at the sfart o f the war, had
$3,763,000,000 o f gold and $4,900,000,-
000 o f paper. At Its finish they had
$5,217,000,000 of gold and $25,000,000,-
000 o f paper, and now they have of
gold $5,071,000,000 and of paper $29,-
Newlyweds Lo t in
Dense a aine Woods
Lenox, Mass, a story o f how
Mr. and Mrs. Ailelbert I. Newton
were lost in tlie northern waste
o f the Maine uoods and wander­
ed about for lour days without
shelter or fo o d was revealed In
a letter received here from Mr.
The Newtons were married In
Exeter, N. H. Both loving the
wilds, they went Into the Maine
woods for their honeymoon.
From a camp they started for
a walk and lost their way. They
were without a compass and fo l­
lowed n moose trail which led
them away from all human habi­
Unable to locate their camp or
a cabin they passed three nights
out of doors, subsisting on dried
berries. Finally they came out on
a stream and followed It to a
hunting lodge.
ment was the other way, their gold In­
creasing faster than their currency.
The ratio rose from 44.3 per cent In
191 1 to 59.9 per cent last December.
From 1914 to last December the ra­
tio o f gold reserve to currency notes,
the tables show, fe ll in France from
62 per cent to 9.6; in Great Britain
from 134 to 22.9 per cent; in Italy
from 70 per cent to 7.5; In the United
States from 99.6 per cent to 52.3.
W hile world paper currency was In­
creasing seven-fold national debts,
represented by bonds and other prom­
ises to pay, rose from $40,000,000,000
to $260,000,000,000 ; hank deposits and
the use of checks and other circulat­
ing media made a corresponding ad­
vance, while meantime gold produc­
tion fell off from $460,000,000 a year in
1914 to $350,000.000 in 1919.
The statisticians say that the most
Baroness Ronmno Avezzano, the
w ife o f the new Italian ambassador
who recently arrived In this country,
was form erly Miss Marie Jaequelln
Taylor, daughter of the late Mortimer
Taylor o f St. Louis, and Mrs. Fred­
erick Clark o f Staten Island.
astonishing, not to say incomprehen­
sible, feature In the world's finances
has been the inflation occurring In the
year follow ing the armistice.
U n d e r Same Nam e 1,000 Ye a rs.
London.— In preparing the papers
for n transfer o f the license o f the
“ King and Tinker" at Enfield, search
of the records showed that the place
had been run under the same name
as a public house fo r more than
1,000 years, making it perhaps the old­
est Inn in England.
sell only by the drink, going on the
basis that liquor In a man’s system
could not be produced as evidence.
In the latter places the saloon keeper
usually kept a pitcher full of booze
talner, sign o f gas, or any evidence
under the bar handy to the sink. Sev­
o f decomposition whatever, should be
eral convictions were obtained In
such cases, however. The combina­
T ra c e Poisonous Food.
tion o f finding a whisky glass, the
The department o f agriculture has
odor o f liquor and the presence o f a
used every possible effort nnd gone to
drunk or two In the bar room being
the limit o f Its legal authority to re­
sufficient to convince the Judge.
move all dangerous foods from the
“ The wiser ones would have two
market by seizure under the food nnd
pitchers, one on each side o f the sink,
drugs act, sny the officials. Each time
one full o f ammonia and one full of
000 , 000 , 000 .
B otulin us Poison R esponsible fo r F a ­ when botulinus poisoning has occurred
whisky. One sweep o f the arm would
The central powers— Germany, Aus­
talities— N o Method of P reservin g
food inspectors have traee<f through
dump them both Into the sink. The
tria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey—
the channels of commerce the batch
Food Found T h a t E lim in ates
odor o f the ammonia would prevent
went into the war with $600,000,000 o f
from which the poisonous food came
Occasional Spoiled Package.
the odor o f whisky to be noticeable
gold and $1,200,000,000 o f paper. At
nnd have used all measures under
and the contents o f the sink could be
the armistice they had $686,000,000 o f
Washington.— Botulinus poisoning, the law to remove It from the market.
analyzed only as spirits o f ammonia.
gold and $12,305,0000.000 o f paper, which recently killed six In one fam ­ Samples from all other brands put
“ A ll the sqloons In the state were
while now their paper has gone up to ily in New York, Is caused by eat­ out by the packer have been examined.
tilled with ingenious ’hides,’ most of
ing spoiled food Infected with the ba­ Since the law authorizes seizure in
which defied detection. When a ‘hide’
T o reduce It to percentages, the ra­ cillus botulinus, say the officials of such cases only when the foods are
was discovered It was generally the
tio o f gold to paper at the stnrt o f the the bureau o f chemistry, United States actually found to be decomposed or
result o f some disgruntled employee
war w as: Allies, 76.6 per cent; cen­ department o f agriculture, who have to contain poisonous Ingredients, since
giving the thing away. They range
tral powers, 49.7 per cent. At the ar­ Investigated this nnd other poisoning only an occasional package In millions
in cnpnclty from ’hides’ large enough
mistice the ratio w as:
Allies, 20.9 cases In connection with the enforce­ is Infected with bacillus botulinus,
to hold a half-pint close to the bar
per cen t; central powers, 3.5 per cent. ment of the food and drugs act. In nnd since It Is physically possible to
Itself to false cellar walls behind
At the outset o f 1920 the ratio stood: the New York case death was caused open and examine but a comparatively
which ten barrels might be concealed.
Allies, 17.1 per ct n t; central powers, by botulinus poison in ripe olives. few o f the millions o f cans entering
Most o f the saloons had large and
1.7 per cent.
The olives remaining In the bottle In Interstate commerce. It Is beyond the
small ’hides,’ the smaller ones being
Increase in B elligerent C ountries.
this case had an offensive odor. The power o f the authorities to protect
filled up dally from the big one by
For this rea­
Naturally most o f this Increase oc­ same condition was found In the food the public completely.
the boss himself.
“ Some o f the ‘hides' consist of tanks curred In tlie belligerent countries. in other cases investigated by the de­ son they emphasize the necessity for
All spoiled food does not scrupulous care on the part of per­
set Inside o f hewed-out girders In the The ratio between gold and notes In partment.
poison, but any spoiled sons opening nnd serving foods to dis­
floor above.
These were connected
card anything which Is spoiled.
with a small pipe which generally onies which participated in the war food, even though the spoilage be
products not obviously spoiled. If there
ended In a little ‘office’ right off the fe ll from 71.3 per cent In July, 1914, slight, may contain It, nnd for this
I bar. You would order a pint, the bar­ to 15.8 per cent In November, 1918, reason, sny the officials, all food show­ Is doubt In the recognition o f the odor,
proper to the product, thorough cook­
tender would return to the ‘office,’ and to 11.2 last December. Among ing even the slightest unnatural odor,
ing will remove the possibility o f dan­
close a door, remove a calendar from the eight principal neutrals the move- unnatural color, swelling o f the con-
ger from botulism. I f spoilage Is ap­
the wall, behlud which was a little
parent, destruction is recommended by
disguised gnscock, from this he would
the specialists.
remove a cap and draw off the re­
M yste ry A b o u t It.
quired amount. Other stores o f booze
Nobody knows just how the bacil­
were kept In the tanks o f flush closets,
lus botulinus gets into any particu­
which could be flushed from behind
lar food. It has been found In arti­
the bar in case the searchers got too
cles put up In the home by the care­
close and the evidence would go down
ful housewife and In goods packed In
the sewer.
commercial establishments.
It may
"Some had their main ’hides,’ on
be present In a few packages only o f
adjoining property that would not be
any lot. There Is no method, the offi­
covered by the search w arrant to
cials say, by which the packers or
which access was had by means of
home canners can assure themselves
secret doors and subterranean pas­
by casual examination before canning
that the product does not contain the
Beer Sold O penly.
bacillus botulinus.
“ What about 2.75 per cent beer?”
I f the food was In all cases proper­
was nsked.
ly sterilized and perfectly sealed, the
“ Ever since 2.75 per cent beer was
development o f the poison would be
brewed." he replied, “ It has been on
Impossible, but no method o f preserv­
sale openly In Maine.
Fruit stores
ing food has yet been found, the
and small stands o f all kinds paid $25
specialists say, that eliminates the oc­
ter a federal license and put in a
casional spoiled package.
Failure to
stock o f bottled beer, while the sa­
sterilize may not become apparent for
loons sold the bottled and draught!
weeks, or even months after the can-
goods both. I f the saloons have a 1
| nlng of the article. I f signs o f spoil­
right to sell It because it Is non-in­
age have appeared when the can Is
toxicating and If It Is non-intoxicat­
' opened. It is clear warning that the
ing I can't see the necessity o f carry­
product is no longer edible. There Is
ing aa excessive tax.
1 can't see
I no greater probability o f botulinus
1 what Is there to prevent soda
poisoning In olives than In many other
1 tains or anyone selling 2.75 beer nf-1
food products, either commercial or
! ter paying the federal tax o f $25.
j domestic. Until this year It has been
“ Prohibition In Maine for many j
I more commonly found In string beans,
years was a joke except ter occasional
asparagus, and the like. It was orlglnnl-
spasms o f enforcement Just before an
! ly found In sausage. It has been found
election when the party In power
j in cheese; it Is present sometimes
figured thnt they needed votes or the
j In stock food, such as moldy hay and
county treasury needed money. It is
Col. Thomas Tompllns recently acted as godfather at the christening of other kinds o f spoiled forage, bnt It
an Interesting game to chase the
evaders and I anticipate It will he seven children o f officers of the Seventh cavalry (Custer’s regiment) at Fort has never been found in the depart-
even more so In the event o f nation-! Bliss, Texas. The bnhles were all named for Colonel Tompllns, who la here | ment Investigations In any kind o f
1 food that was not spoiled.
seen with a few o f them.
wide prohibition.”
Federal Food Officials Warn Con­
sumers to Watch for Signs
of Spoilage.