DO YO U R CH RISTM AS B U Y IN G IN IN D E PE N D E N CE A N D K E E P TH E M O N E Y A T HOME i n a n i a tn a ii n i i u B i i H i i H ii n i ii i M i ia i i m i m i ia i i ia i i m ii a i ii m i ia i m ii i w i i m im i a i ii a i m ^ C IT Y A N D C O U N TR Y Portland Telegram: Sbaler Eld- ridge was the guest of lies Sandifur, son of the Hev. F. N. Sundifur, on Leavett street, Sunday. Eldridge is the son of K. C. Eldridge of Inde­ pendence Or. uar t i er ] 5-10-15c Store I Mrs. J. B. V. Butler returned from Portland where she went to visit her sister, Mrs. Hattie Henkle, who is quite ill. She reports Mrs. Hen- kle’s condition but very little im­ ■ proved. 12 Days to Christmas ¡ Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper were most delightful hosts to the Owls last Monday evening. The guests indulged enthusiastically in whist until a late hour. The evening's pleasures were Concluded with an enjoyable luncheon. u SEE OUR GLASS W A R E IM PO R TE D H A N D P A IN T E D C H IN A W ARE . Miss Florence Burton left last f ' Monday for Toronto and other points | in Canada. She will visit an aged r maternal grandmother and other relatives. Miss Burton expects to visit many pluces of interest in the East before returning home. A “boys’ choir" is to be organized by Mr. Underhill, with Mrs. J. G. Mc­ Intosh as accompanist. Mr. Under­ hill is a capable leader and at} a boy sang in the Episcopal or “ Moth er Church” of England. It will be fine training for the boys and their ‘‘coming out” will be looked for­ ward to with eagerness A L U M IN U M W A R E H AND ERC H IEFS, 5 to 15c. DOLLS, 5c to $3.50. BOOKS, 5 to 15c. A Happy Christmas Sensible and practical gifts are the most pleasing and that’s what you’ll find in this store. This is the place to buy something for a man—he will like what we have here. F A N C Y S TA TIO N E R Y , 15 to 35c. Friends here have received word thut Mrs. A. L. (Marie) Spratley wus married Nov. 5 to Mr. Y. VV. Reynolds of St. Joseph, Mo. The mar- riage was solemnized at the home of the bride's relatives in Santa Ana, Cal., and was the culmination of only a short romance. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds will make their home in Los Angeles. CANDIES, 40-50 60c a pound. N O V E L T Y J E W E LR Y . H O S IE R Y FOR TH E W H O LE F A M IL Y . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smiley and Mrs. Leonta Small visited the L. L. Hewitts in Portland last week. The Hewitts had taken their guests out for the evening and when the party returned home they discovered the house had been burglarized. Ev- trythiug had been turned topsy- turvey, but only about a dollar in money had been taken. This is the second burglary the Hewitts have experienced during their residence in Portland. uartier 5-10-15c Store OPERA HOUSE BUILDING Independence, Ore. I UMBMMiHni«iiwiwiiwiniiiMiiMii«miii^iiMiii«iiniiMimiM(iiwiiMiiMiimmiimm|_ [ fo r h o l id a y ! SHOPPERS j I I F YOU W A N T TO R E A L IZ E M O N E Y— W E | § B U Y E V E R Y T H IN G YO U W A N T TO S E L L A N D i | W E S E LL E V E R Y T H IN G YO U W A N T TO B U Y jj b M E N ’S A N D L A D IE S ’ F U R N IS H IN G GOODS GROCERIES C A N D Y C IG ARS SHOES AN D NO TIO NS I Do your Christmas Buying in Independence I ■ i I I Max Qoldman iiWKiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiüiiiiiaibi i 1 Established .1880 A N ACCOUNT in a commercial bank is the most convenient aid to modern business. It systema­ tizes payments, is a check on all expenditures and shows you just where you stand each month. Open one with us today, lit will pay you to do so. Member Federal Reserve System Offlesrs sad Directors R Hbsshberg, Pres. D. W. Sean, V. P. Ira D. Mix, Cashier W. H. Walker L A. Allen O. D. Butler H U N k County Port was enter •d as asesad class matter March tt, IM A » the peetoffics at Independ- Oragoa. under the Act of A I*?® Christinas recess will begin at noon, Friday, December 19 and classes will be resumed, Monday, Electric Toasters Razors Alarm Clocks Flash Lights Roller Skates Carving Sets Gasoline Lamps Safety Razors Cut Glass Guns Sewing Sets Coaster Wagons Knives Silver Forks Coffee Urns Manicure Sets Silver Knives Casseroles Nut Sets Silver Spoons Electric Irons Paring Knives Tea Urns Electric W affle Irons Pyrex Tricycles & Cockle DO Y O U R C H R ISTM A S T R A D IN G IN IN D E PE N D E N C E B U E N A V IS T A N. C. Anderson lost a valuable cow Saturday with milk fever. • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Addison were Portland visitors last week. George and Perry Wells took two loads of hogs to Independence Tues­ day. Dr. Butler of Independence was called to see Mrs. Margaret McClain Friday night as she is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Lichty have arrived in the East and say that they are having some snow and real winter weather, but enjoying it fine. iR iiiiiiiniiaiiiaiiH .iiBiiRiiaiiiBiniiaiiiBiia The Independence National Bank January 5, 1980. ’ Friends of S. Taylor Jones, who submitted to a major operation at the Good Samaritan Hospital a few weeks ago, will be happy to know that his recovery is most satisfac­ tory. He is able to be up a portion of the time and enjoy the company of his friends. Mrs. Jones, who is always on the alert to scatter cheer, surprised her husband with a most delightful dinner party last Sunday. The guests were old friends of the Jones and included Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hay ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Black and son of Dallas. Aluminum Ware There was a good roads meeting held at the Odd Fellows' Hall Fri­ day evening to discuss means to better our roads. A committee was appointed to go to Dallas to see the Court J. B. Loy, G. A. Wells and M. N. Prather were appointed. Those that were shopping in Al­ bany were Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hnr man, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Prather, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Prather, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. N. C. Anderson, Mrs. Tann, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Prather and children, Wayne and Thelma Moe. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Grounds re­ ceived word this week that their son, Ray, who is attending the Stnnford university in California, has been elected as a delegate from that in­ stitution to attend the convention of all the universities of the United States at DeMoUies, Iowa Mrs. M. V. Prather gave a birth day dinner Sunday in honor of her SW OPE A SWOPE daughter, Pearles 19th birthday Those that were present were: G. LAWYERS E. Humian and wife and daughter. Blanche; F.d Prather, wife and I. O. O. F. Building daughter, Ruth; Mrs. E. J. Ander Independence, Oregon son. Tessa and Bill McCann, Mrs. N. C. Anderson and Mart Prather and wife. The day was spent in The dollar kept at home is the social conversation. In the even ing. the guests departed wishing most valnahle dollar of all. It buys Pearley many happy returns of the something for everybody. day. Special ON SALE BEGINNING DECEMBER 20 1 can Asparagus 1 bottle Olives ) 1 can Salad Oil all for 1 can ripe Olives To every purchaser of the above-named Dollar Special we will give a can of corn free. This is the store to purchase your Christmas delicacies and candies. We are well stocked and well equipped to weli satisfy your holiday wants. The C Street Grocer J. G. McIntosh Do Your Christmas Buying in Independence