The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, October 10, 1919, Image 2

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Federal Department of Agriculture
Foreeasts Bumper Yield.
¡S T A T E N E W S
U. S. Sub Beats
Germ any’s Best
ing capabilities of the two vessels and
geueral handling there nre few differ­
ences nnd those few appear to fuvor
the S-3.
“In the reports of the outcome of
the comparative tests the bureau offi­
cers point out that there should be
no idea that ‘we have nothing to learn
from the Germans.’ There are a num­
ber of interesting details in design,
construction and in operation that are
well worth while studying. A few fea­
tures are worthy of adoption, for the
U -lll is the ‘mlttel U-bout,' which type
is considered by the Germans as by fur
their best submarine.”
Washington, D. C.—The country's
Eugene.—A. A. Briggs of the Briggs
enormous corn crop has "run unharm­ Lumber company at Walker, whose
ed the gauntlet of dangers that faced mill was burned a few weeks ago, has
American Boat Speedier, Has
Brief Resume Most Important! it during the doubtful days and nights announced that he would at once re­
New York Educator, 99,
Greater Radius and Is More
of September and lays into the lap of
rangements for machinery. Mr. Briggs
Saws Wood as Daily Task.
Daily News Items.
mellow October 43,000,^00 bushels says he has many contracts on hand.
I more of ripened ears than it could
New York.—Professor Ste­
Salem.—Five fatalities were report­
phen J. Sedgwick of Cnlumus
I promise at the beginning of that
ed to the state industrial accident
road, Elmhurst, L. I., celebruted
month,” the department of agricui-
his ninety-ninth birthday. For
commission during the week ending
I ture commented last week in issuing October 9.
more than half a century he has
the October crop report forecasting a
been a resident of the old town
Direct Comparison Is Made With Sub­
Halsey.—Clover seed is proving to
of Newtown. He attributes his
Event« of Noted People, Governments I >'leld of 2,290,511,000 bushels. Prac
marines of Latest German T y p e -
excellent health to a love of ath­
tically all of the crop has, or will be a profitable crop in this locality.
Good Accommodation for Offi­
and Pacific Northweat, and Other
letics in his youth.
mature without frost damage, assuring McCullough & Hadley have hulled and
cers and Crew.
Mr. Sedgwick was born in
high feeding value. Husking and crib­ sold 15 acres of alsike, which has
Things Worth Knowing,
Geneva, N. Y., August 30, 1820.
brought them the neat sum of $ 1200 .
Washington.—Elaborate tests car­
bing has begun.
When a young man he came to
Blight, scab and black rust, to- George Maxwell had 800 pounds from ried on by the navy department, the
New York City nnd engaged in
three acres which brought him $400. results of which were announced by
German newspapers have given pub-1gether with mlnor 11,8> brought the
teaching. Many years’ ago he
Clover pounds at 40 and 50 cents are Acting Secretary Franklin Roosevelt,
licity to a false story that American g° ° d ear'y Prospects for spring wheat
qualified as a land surveyor and
like gold nuggets.
accompanied the engineer corps
soldiers at Coblenz had mutinied on *“ the north central Produclng 8ectlon
submarine Is superior in nearly every
of the Union Pacific railroad
Salem.—The present high cost of respect to the German U-boat.
account of a reduction of pay.
when the rails of that road were
almost 5 , 000,000 bushels less than living is due largely to lack of produc­
The American boat is speedier, has
The transport Sherman arrived at forecaat a month ago, the total crop tion of the necessities of life since the n greater radius of action and is much
laid across the continent. At
present he is working on an elab­
San Francisco Saturday from Vladi- belng placed at 203,170,000 bushels,
signing of the armistice and to con­ more habitable than the German boats.
orate genealogy of the Sedgwick
vostok with 80 casuals and 18 dead
Bariey showed an increase of more siderable profiteering, according to Naval officers are of the opinion that
family nnd is illustrating a Bible.
of the American expeditionary force in than 3i000>000 bushels, white potatoes the findings of the U. S. Council of the American submarine is the more
One of his daily tasks Is sawing
an increase of 876,000 bushels, buck National Defense, received by Gov­ seaworthy. Of the characteristics of
wood, and this, together with
The United States has opened a I wheat, 802,000; apples, 3,479,000 bush ernor Olcott from G. B. Clarkson, di­
gardening work, fills up a large
says in an authorized statement:
credit of $15,000,000 to Ukraine, ac- els and beans 1,327,000 bushels,
rector of the council.
part of his time.
“New and interesting light is thrown
cording to the Ukrainian press bureau
Reduced forecasts were given for
Salem.—The plan of the state cham­ on the efficiency of the German subma­
in London. The funds will be used | oats with a yield lessened by 5,294,000
rines by recent tests conducted by of­
bushels; sweet potatoes with a de­ ber of commerce for the advertising ficers in the bureau of construction
for the purchase of American goods.
of Oregon’s resources with a fund ob­
to take down three installations
crease of 907,000 bushels and tobacco
and repair.
George Nicoll Barnes, minister With­
tained by the appropriation of $1000
with 950,000 pounds.
"An opportunity recently developed overhaul one.
out portfolio and the principal repre
“On the contrary, S-3 Is a habitable,
Crop production this year, based on by every county court of the state was In this country which permitted a di­
livable proposition ; comparatively
sentative of the British government to
October 1 indications, was announced
the labor conference at Washington,
Commercial club. The plan was out­ of German submarine and n late design ‘roomy,’ with reasonable accommoda­
by the department of agriculture as
is expected to leave London for the
lined at the meeting by F. S. Bram- of American submarine. While details tions for officers nnd crew. Her equip­
Sergt. Allan M. Nichols, Second
follows :
of the comparative tests cannot be giv­ ment is accessible and her general hab­ Durham light infantry, who lost both
United States in a few days.
well of Portland.
Spring wheat, 203,170,000; all wheat,
en, sufficient information is available itability is vastly superior to the U- eyes nnd hands nnd received other ter­
The greater portion of the German I 918,471,000; corn. 2,900,511,000; oats,
Salem.—Bank deposits of Oregon on to destroy the much-advertised superi­ 111 .
“Much has been written of the sea­ rible injuries when n defective bomb
troops under General Von der Goltz, 1,219,521,000; barley, 198,298,000; buck- September 12, 1919, showed an in­ ority of the German submarine.
of the German U-boat. An exploded September 4, 191G, has
whose recall from the Baltic provinces wheat, 17,990,000; white potatoes, 350,- crease of $52,186,616.26 since the call
Given Special Trials.
opportunity to compare the seagoing learned to use artificial hands and to
was demanded by the allies and or- 070,000; sweet potatoes, 99,413,000; of June 20, 1919, and of $91,514,505.83
“As is well known, five German sub­ capabilities of the two vessels oc­ typewrite on a specially constructed
dered by the German government,
jo ,652,000; rice, 44,261,000; to- since the report of August 31, 1918, marines of the latest design were
curred during these trials, and the machine at St. Dunstan’s hospital,
now are on their way back to Ger­ bacco, 1,278,062,000 pounds; peaches according to a statement issued by brought to the United States for use general consensus of opinion among London.
51,327,000; apples (total crop), 156,- Will H. Bennett, state superintendent In the Victory loan campaign. Four of the officers conducting the test is that
Solder is carried in wire or strip
Kalph Budd, executive vic^-ppesi- 721,000 bushels; apples (commercial), of banks. The total deposits are these boats came over under their own the S-3 is the more senworthy vessel.
dent of the Great Northern railroad, 23,177,000 barrels; sugar beets, 7,303,- $288,441,523.93. The increase is gen­ power, manned by officers and men of Her decks are drier, her bridge less form through n new soldering iron,
the United States navy. The propul­ subject to green sens and her general the point of which is heated by elec­
succeeded Louis W. Hill as president *100 tons; kafirs, 127,053,000 bushels, eral over the state.
sive machinery of the fifth was par­ behavior in a seaway superior.
tricity to melt just as much solder as
of the road Friday at the annual meet-1 beans, 12,690,000.
“Referring to the comparative llv- required at the point of its use.
Klamath Falls.—Organization of a tially destroyed or removed, so that it
ing of the board of directors. Mr. Hill
county farm bureau was effected Sat­ was necessary to tow the vessel across.
retains, temporarily, at least, the
“The best of these German boats
urday at a meeting here of farmers
was ‘tuned up’ for special trinls. When
chairmanship of the board.
from all sections of Klamath county. reported ready for these trinls a spe­
Extending its recent order forbid­
Fourteen districts were formed and cial board was designated to conduct
ding production of old films by mo­
a series of meetings arranged, which the trials, following the established
tion picture houses under new names.................
_ _ _
New Jersey Wealthy Bachelor Is the ciety, and Mr. Hess says he could not
.. , . , . .
, ,
Washington, D. C.—Concrete pro- will start at once and cover each dis­ practice In carrying out contract trinls
Victim of Queer Cir­
the federal trade commission has or -1
learn from either society to what In­
trict in turn. A rollcall showed ten for submarines of the United States
dered that where parts of old films Posals designed to bring about better districts represented at the organiza­ navy. The boats compared were ex-
stitution the child had been committed.
He finally located the child at Hope
were shown in new exhibitions, they relations between employers and the tion meeting. Delegates from four German submarine U -lll, built at the
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.—Wilfred Hess, farm and obtained an order from Jus­
must be so marked and advertised.
employed were laid before the nation remote districts were unable to be Germania yard, Kiel, Germany (com­
pleted in 1918), and S-3, a submarine a bachelor and a wealthy contractor tice Joseph Morschauser returning the
Heads were broken on Fifth avenue, al industrial conference Saturday by present.
designed by the navy department; S-3 of Perth Amboy, N. J., went to Hope child to his care.
New York, Friday when mounted pom em bers of the various groups.
Salem.—G. W. Allen of Portlandhas was built at the Portsmouth navy yard farm, near here, nnd obtnined posses­
sion of his four-year-old adopted BIGAMY PROBLEM IN ENGLAND
and was commissioned in 1918.
lice charged a mob of several thousand
The proposals included arbitration filed with the state engineer applica­
“These boats both belong to the ‘800- daughter Doris, having discovered her
radicals who attempted to parade up
tion covering the appropriation of 60,-
the avenue without a permit Ban­ of the nation-wide steel strike with 000 acre feet of the headwaters of the ton class,’ U -lll having a surfnee dis­ whereabouts after o search that extend­ Authorities Seek New Laws- -People
placement of 830 tons nnd S-3 a sur­ ed over a year.
Regard it as Venial
ners, which bore incendiary slogans
McKenzie river. This water is sought
Mr. Hess adopted the child when she
were confiscated by the police. A settlement; an industrial truce start for storage in Big lake reservoir for face displacement of 854 tons.
“In the trinls the maximum surfnee was two years old, but in 1918 he took
ing immediately and continuing three
number of arrests were made.
irrigation and power development. Mr. speed of the U -lll was 13.8 knots, while several war contracts and was com­
London.—Incrense In bigamous mar­
months; creation of an arbitration
the S-3 made 14.7 knots. The sub­ pelled to leave home. He turned the
There are ample supplies of the
board by the president and congress Allen also filed on 500 second feet of merged speed of the U -lll was 7.8 child over to the care of a friend while riages throughout the United King­
most essential food commodities to and including among its members all the waters of the north fork of the
dom, much more pronounced since the
feed the world until the next harvest, ex-presidents; and a comprehensive Santiam river for irrigation and power knots, while S-3 made 12.4—a remark­ he was away. This man's wife died, end of the war, is causing grave con­
able difference in favor of S-3. The and as Mr. Hess could not be found, cern, and there is a growing disposi­
but there must be an increase in city
plan for adjudication of industrial dis­
radius of action of the two boats is the widower was compelled to give the tion to treat bigamy ns n venial of­
productivity and a readjustment of putes through boards of arbitration in
also in favor of S-3, despite all the child to another family.
industrial relations generally if a ter­
Then the Staten Island Children’s
furor that was created by the advent
the various industries.
Sir Bernard Mallet, the registrar-
rible era of bloodshed is to be avoided,
The conference also took its first to be held in November by the set­ of the Oermnn U-bont on American society stepped In, took the child and general, is credited with the statement
Herbert C. Hoover told a gathering
coasts during the war.
turned It over to the New York so­ that English bigamy" laws afford less
concrete action in adopting a motion, tlers of the central Oregon irrigation
at the commercial club in San Fran
“U -lll can cruise 8,500 miles at 8 I
security against blgnmy than the laws
offered by Thomas L. Chadbourne, a district, when a $240,000 bond issue knots, while S-3 can cover 10,000 miles
cisco recently.
of almost any other civilized state. A
representative of the public, providing will be voted upon. If successful, the at 11 knots. The submerged cruising
new act of parliament is necessary,
East and west met in the air at I that a committee consisting of three funds so raised will be- used in pur­ radius shows an equal preponderance
Prize Pig De're'ed to
and Sir Bernard suggests as a prelim­
North Platee, Nob., Friday for the members from each of the groups of chasing from the central Oregon irri­ In favor of S-3. Both boats can carry
inary that some plan be outlined by
Rookie by Airplane.
first time when the leaders of the employers, labor and the public, be gation district under a contract al­ 12 torpedoes. U -lll mounts two 4-
which accurate information concern­
westbound and eastbound flyers in the appointed to Investigate the high cost ready entered into the company’s in­ inch guns, one forward nnd one aft.
ing the principals in a proposed mar­
Atlanta, Ga.—The cow that
transcontinental reliability race land of living.
terest in the project. The considera­ S-3 mounts one 4-Inch gun forward,
riage may be obtained by the compe­
this prnctice of one gun on a subma­
ed there. Lieutenant B. W. Maynard,
tion agreed upon is $ 200 , 000 .
tent authorities before the ceremony
the "flying parson,” was at Cheyenne,
can be performed.
Salem.—Northwest fruit shippers
■\Vyo„ hundreds of miles ahead of the
ants McMullen and Wolfe, fam­
American Boat More Habitable.
will be amply supplied with cars for
other westbound aviators and Captain
ous flyers, in an airplane from
“It is necessary to really live in these
shipment of orchard products, accord­
Lowell H. Smith, y ell in the lead of
Souther Field, Americus. The
ing to a telegram received from Repre­
the contingent from the west, was at
pig Is the scion of a distinguish­
Geyser Blackens Houses and Ruins
ference In their habitability, n vital
Omaha for the night.
| Washington, D. C.—With enough sentative W. C. Hawley by local fruit military characteristic, for a subma- ! ed porcine family on the farm of
Carpets and Furniture at Oil
men. Mr. Hawley says railroad ad­ rine is no better than its crews.
Arles Farris, near Americus, and
Hill, Kan.
The lava stream flowing from the provisions aboard to last two years and
wns awarded ns a prize to the
ministration officials have promised
volcano of Vfauna Loa, which has been | outfitted for a voyage of 6500 miles, to protect northwest fruit shippers.
Eldorado. Knn.—Dry clenners are
gree; she Is complicated in the ex- j lucky rookie who drew the right
in eruption for a week, became ob-
number after enlising during
the noted non magnetic ship Carnegie Robert C. l’aulus. president of the Sa­ treme by the installation of many
doing a land office business nnd house­
structed Sunday night and piled up
July. A part of the arrangement
wives at Oil Hill are working day and
lem Commercial club and sales man­ ‘cadgets’ some of which are of doubt­
was that the pig was to be de­
in a mass 60 feet high and 300 feet is ready to leave Washington on a
ful utility and more doubtful neces­
night ns the result of oily nnd muddy
task of tracing through the lone spaces
livered by airplane.
spray from a huge geyser when a full
erative association, said that he had sity. Accessibility to her equipment is
head of gas blew off recently.
Significance Is attached In Paris to] of the south Atlantic and Pacific received notice that the Pacific Fruit very difficult; frequently it is necessary
The eruption continued about 39
the arrival of former German crown oceans the devious curves which the express will be able to supply 50 cars
minutes. For n distance of nearly one-
prince at Amerongen, Holland, to visit magnetic pole lays out for the com dally for Oregon fruit.
half mile houses, lawns nnd trees were
his father, owing to the arrival at the pass needle to follow,
sprayed. The greasy, sticky liquid was
same time of two German officers.
This is the fifth and probably the
carried through open windows and
One of the officers is Colonel von Mir iast trip of the Carnegie on that er- ed by a company of Eugene men was
doors by the wind, and rugs, curtains,
furniture nnd clothing were smeared
bach, a member of the former general rand, which has already taken her brought home from Corvallis Friday
and in many Instances ruined.
staff and a close friend of General | through 200,000 miles of ocean during in a damaged condition as a result of
the last ten years and has resulted in an accident there Tuesday afternoon.
Enormous war expenditures have much information that is incorporated While landing with a passenger a sud­
forced the attention of congress to the in the magnetic charts which sailors den gust of wind caused Pilot Cecil
j Women Use Window
Wooley of Eugene temporarily to lose
question of adopting a budget, former use.
of Store for Mirror.
President Taft recently told the house
She was built by the Carnegie In- control of the plane, and it crashed
proposed stltute especially for this work and
Toledo, O.—A clerk In an au­
changes in governmental fiscal affairs, has neither steel nor iron in her hull tion field. One wheel was smashed
tomobile snles place sat nt the
Mr. Taft recommended that cabinet or fittings,
window all dny. He noticed ev­
officers be required to come before
Captain James P. Ault commands a The plane had to be hauled back to
ery woman who passed seemed
to stare at him. Flirting, thought
congress to justify estimates contained crew of 17 men who will sail her on
paired here.
he, as he patted his cowlick down
in a budget
the present voyage.
and stared back.
His wife
Pendleton.—Eleven parcels of land,
The report that the Italian steamer |
passed. She stared, too. Your
Flag Sale ia Protested.
the property of various members of
window makes n perfect looking
Eplro with 200 Italian troops and other
Tacoma. Wash.—K. Weinstone. a the Indian colony on the Umatilla res-
glass, she said when she entered
passengers aboard, was fired on by
the store.
° fferPd
Jngo-Slavs from Rondoni island, near junk dealer, is under arrest here for!erv#tlon near here‘ wm
sale to the highest bidder on Novem-
Cattaro. September 30, Is confirmed, attempting to sell old American flags b<>r
Three 40 acre tracts
one 66 -
officials at Bari, Italy, assert
| for wash rags. The flags were includ ! acre tract, one ot 76 acres, one of five
Sure, Fish Got Away,
A monument over the grave of Rob-1 ed in rags delivered to an automobile j acres, one of 160 acres and four of 80
Chester, Pn.— Joseph Rnndle. fishing
In Silver Inke, near this city, hooked a
ert Paul Prager, who was lynched at repair shop to clean the hands of me- acres are among the offerings. The
fish so big that he w as yanked over­
Collinsville, 111., in April, 1918, because chantcs. When Weinstone'a attention j 160-acre tract, which is one of the best
board, dropping head first into a bed
of alleged pro-German sympathies, was was called to the inclusion of the (lags farm pieces on the reservation, is ap-
’ ¥
- T i F " 1* •
of qnlcksand, where he stuck fast
unveiled in St. Louia Saturday by Odd-1 he Is alleged to have said:
praised at $26,000. One of the 80’s,
The U. S. S. AA-2. largest uud gr
L iu i** Sum's submarines, tak­
fellows, with whom Prager held mem­ "The American flag Is good enough that belonging to Athownin. is apprais­ ing the water at the yards of the Fore River Shipbuilding company at Quincy, Companions of Randle dived for him
and he was finally released and
e r anyone to wipe his bands on."
ed at $11,200. Sale is by sealed bids
brought to the surface.
Finds Child After a Year