IR LO HAPPENINGS OF G I B T WEEK SEA-W ALL SAVES GALVESTON Hurricane Hits Many Gulf Cities But Little Damage Done. pbesioent «rims sta te : n e w s FOB ALL MANIO i Dallas, Tex.—Driving furiously into the Texas coast, principally in the section southwest of Galveston, the tropical hurricane that has skirted the Brief Resume Most Important United States gulf coast for nearly a Firm Stand Is Explained Forci week, apparently has swept inland bly to Big Audience. Daily News Items. near the Mexican border. Wire communication was interrupt­ ed in most of the affected area and the extent of the storm’s damage could not be learned accurately Sunday, but there were no reports of fatalities. Brownsville and Corpus Christ! ap­ Events of Noted People, Governments parently felt the brunt of the storm Senate Contest Involves .Only Inter­ which weather bureau officials believe pretation, With Phraseology •nd Pacific Northwest, and Other has passed on into Mexico where it of Little Import. Things Worth Knowing. will be dissipated in the Mexican mountains. IN BRIEF. Salem.—R. B. Goodin, secretary of the state board of control, was in Port­ land recently obtaining prices on sup­ plies to be purchased by the state. LOWERING COST OF FEED IS IMPORTANT Buying In Car Lots Through Cooperation Lowers Cost Ma­ terially—Bids Should Be Obtained Says Specialist. Astoria.—With high prices prevail­ ing, a fair amount of fish known to ( P r e p a r e d b y O reg o n A g r ic u ltu ra l C o lleg e) erally proper to obtain bids from the be in the river, and every packing Lowering the cost of handling is the various dealers. In obtaining them it plant in operation, the fall fishing sea­ big problem in the cooperative pur­ is well to bear in mind th a t prices son, which opened at noon Wednesday, chase of feed, points out E. L. Potter, fluctuate from day to day and dealers promises to be one of the most suc­ professor of animal husbandry at the do not like to make a bid today which cessful in years. Oregon Agricultural college. would be subject to acceptance within “In th e cooperative purchase of feed a week or 10 days, because they have Salem.— Total losses from fires in Oregon, exclusive of Portland, for Au­ ju st as In the cooperative purchase of no idea w hat the m ark et conditions gust were $453,190, according to the o th er com modities the popular idea will be. It is proper In requesting a monthly report of S tate F ire M arshal am ong cooperators,” says Professor bid on any feed to specify the tim e a t P otter, “it th a t of saving th e profit which the bid is desired and the tim e Barber. which the d ealer might otherw ise at which it would be subject to accept­ Salem.—George E. Saunders, indict­ make. This is all very well b u t it ance. All bids, for example, th a t are Galveston, w here considerable anx­ Demobilization of the navy dem oral­ iety had been felt, apparently was Portland.—Sanely and directly, with ed in the Josephine county courts on alw ays m ust be rem em bered th a t if the requested by the feeds com m ittee of ized the A tlantic fleet so far as man struck by the edge of the storm area but infrequent recourse to eloquence, a charge of embezzlement of $2281 cooperative purchasers are to save the the agricultural college are asked to power is concerned, it was said S atur­ and again the city was saved from Woodrow W ilson, 28th president of from the Rogue riv er public service profit which the dealer m ight oth er­ be furnished by noon of a certain day day a t the navy departm ent. any considerable damage by the pow­ the United S tates, spoke to 7000 citi­ corporation, was acquitted a t G rants wise m ake they m ust also m eet the and subject to acceptance generally at erful sea wall, constructed after the zens of Oregon Monday night a t the Pass Saturday, according to word re­ expenses which the dealer would incur. 3 or 4 o’lock of th a t afternoon. Unless The steam er B arnstable, coal laden 1900 disaster. W ater was reported to uditorium , bringing im m ediately home ceived a t the offices of the sta te en­ T hese expenses are not necessarily some provision of th is sort is made from Savannah to a Cuban port, went a depth of six feet in sections of Cor­ to them his uncom prom ising advocacy gineer. lessened by handling the purchase co­ many dealers will not m ake bids at down o ff'S t. C atherines Friday night. Monmoutn. — The Oregon normai operatively. pus Christi and inform ation received of the league of nations and his plea all.” It is reported th at 14 of the crew are by the w eath er bureau from San An­ th a t they as A m ericans stand with school opened for the 1919-20 season “T he real advantage and practically The big advantage of obtaining bids, missing. tonio said w ater was th ree feet deep him for the redem ption of ideals root­ Monday m orning, September 15. The the only advantage of cooperative pur­ believes Professor P otter, lies in the The miners, by a vote of 5 to 1, de­ in the lobby of the Corpus Christi ho­ ed deep in the trad itio n s of America. attendance ’ is considerably increased chasing of feed are obtaining feed in fact th a t dealers vary in th eir position cided to end th e strike th a t has for tel. He spoke as one speaks to his over last year. T here will also be a carload lots. This cuts down th e ex­ to make good prices. The dealer, who several weeks halted production in the Early reports from Corpus Christi neighbors and friends, confident of num ber of boys am ong the incoming pense m aterially from buying the feed has a surplus of barley today will make Tonopah district, and an order was is told of considerable dam age done by th eir appraisal of the ju stice of his students, a co n trast to the w ar years in less than carload lots. W here the a reasonable price, while if he happens sued S aturday night to resum e work a 65 miles an hour gale which sw ept position and of th eir judgm ent of the when young men in the norm al were feed is purchased in less than carload to be short and would have to go out at once. away signs and aw nings and drove task th a t rem ains unfinished, ere peace decidedly lacking. lots the large dealers generally charge and buy in order to fill the order, his The application of George L. and J. at least $1 a ton more for the less than bid will be som ew hat higher. The Several villages in the province of residents of outlying d istricts to the may come in perm anency. He spoke Siena, Italy, were severely shaken Sun­ g reater security of brick and stone as one friend to another, of the tru st A. M cPherson for au th o rity to con­ carload lots. In addition there are feeds com m ittee of th e agricultural th a t troubled nations of the old world stru ct a logging spur railroad over and practically always some charges and college has bought feed from nearly day night by an earthquake. Houses buildings downtown. Isolation of Brownsville was com­ place in A m erica in th e d ark hour, across a county road in Columbia coun­ then comes the question of local all the leading dealers of P ortland and were badly damaged. One person is dead and several injured at Piancas plete Sunday night, so far as wire a tru st born of unselfish and valiant ty was granted in an order of the Ore­ freight which is much higher th an the has found th at no one of them can be com munication was concerned, the en try into the w ar for hum an liberty gon public service commission Issued carload rate. By the tim e th e feed depended upon to m ake the low est bid tagnajo. Ten were injured a t Celle. only inform ation coming from th a t —and one th a t is not fulfilled in en tire­ Saturday. Under the order the appli­ reaches the consum er it costs the con­ a t all tim es. Bids should usually be A dispatch received in P aris from city being contained in a brief w ire­ ty until a covenant of nations shall cants m ust bear the expense of the sum er anyw here from $5 to $10 a ton obtained not only from the Portland Sosnowice in the governm ent of Piotr- less dispatch from F o rt Brown to ren d er futile all future attem p ts to crossing, as well as install standard more than it would have cost had he dealers, but also from the local dealers kow, Poland, asserts th a t a German southern departm ent headquarters at m ar the happiness of the race. danger signs. purchased in carload lots. in the home town. These men are army, com prising a minimum of 200,- San Antonio reporting a 75-mile wind Should senatorial opposition m ar the “The big opportunity, therefore, in often in a position to m ake a b etter Eugene.—The m int growers of the 000 men, is concentrated on the fron­ at 4 P. M. m eaning of the covenant m aterially, W illam ette valley have pooled th eir front of all the farm ers in the way of price than the dealers a t a distance. then, w arned the president, the giant tie r of Silesia ready to be throw n cooperative purchasing is to so com­ “J’urchasers of feed who expect to task to which th e nations of the league m int oil for 30 days and are holding against Poland. addressed them selves in P aris m ust be out for $8 a pound. The W illam ette bine th eir orders th a t an entire carload make a big saving m erely on the net again attem p ted ; the dictated peace Valley Mint G row ers’ association held can be purchased. T here is, however, profit which the dealer m akes,” says The bureau of internal revenue a n ­ th a t G erm any w as forced to sign must a meeting here, 15 members, including little advantage in com bining -to pur­ P rofessor P otter, “will be doomed to nounces th a t virtually all federal taxes, be resubm itted for quibbling, and the chase more than one carload. disappointm ent, b ut * they can m ake even the 2 cents paid for the privilege turm oil th a t th e world has endured E. B. Wallace, president, of Albany, “A fter a com bination has been m ade substantial saving by so handling their of an ice cream soda, may be deducted being present. Two thousand pounds New York.—W ith more than 50 per­ m ust inevitably reaw aken. In his address, w ithout th e vestige of th is year’s output of oil was repre­ which will handle an entire carload feed as to put it in carlots and elim in­ from gross Income in com puting in­ sons injured and the dam age already the place w here purchased becomes of ate the expensive cost of handling the come taxes. Only income and excess done estim ated a t from $5,000,000 to of hesitancy. P resid en t W ilson charged sented at the meeting. th a t the inference of politics in his som ew hat less im portance. It is gen- small lot shipm ents.” profits taxes may not be deducted. $10,000,000 w eary firem en Sunday advocacy of the league, the h in t that Salem.—M arion county book dealers may be looking forw ard to 1920, is are refusing to handle textbooks the other hand, recognizes the g reat The railroad adm inistration will un night still w ere fighting a th re a t of he u tterly unw arranted and unw orthy. If reservedly accept th e proposal of the further explosions of oil tan k s at the ajjy in the audience, he declared, im through the state agency of J. K. Gill im portance of the A m erican farm er in United Brotherhood of M aintenance of fire which practically wiped out the puted such a motive, he desired to & Co. of P ortland u n til the m argin of the stability and developm ent of the profit is increased from 15 to 20 per Way Employes and Railway Shop La Stone & Flem ing Oil com pany’s plant sep arate him self from th a t man. country. And the presid en t m ade it clear, cent. H al D. Patton, Salem book deal­ borers for a new working schedule, ac­ in Long Island City Saturday. “The bank can help in establishing with em phasis, th a t the m ost sincere Five tan k s of crude oil w ere burn­ cording to a message read before a “A relation exists betw een the bank­ a g reater degree of credit,” says Mr. ill-wisher of the league is the German er, has suggested th a t th e sta te or closed session of the organization’s ing late Monday. Should th e re be a propagandist, w hose hope is th a t the county school au th o rities establish an e r and the farm er th a t isn ’t found be­ Gunn. “If the farm er obtains the con­ convention in D etroit Sunday morning. sudden shift of the wind from north United S tates may re je c t the covenant independent exchange and thereby pro­ fidence of the bank he can secure the to northeast, m any additional tanks and thus alien ate herself from the vide a considerable saving for school tw een the farm er and any other class wider known reputation of the bank of m en,” says F. V. Gunn, farm m an­ “ Radical ideas, bolshevism and I. W. in plants nearby would be threatened friendship of her form er allies and the pupils. to assist his lim ited reputation. The tru s t of sister n ations—w eakening the agem ent dem onstrator a t the college. W.isin are corrupting the universities as well as thousands of tons, of coal. farm er who cannot increase his profits stren g th of the alliance for lasting St. Helens.—The Milton Creek Log “The banker usually is a confidential of America,” declared Colonel David The 20 acres of fire-swept te rrito ry peace and leaving open th e path for by-investing more capital is the excep­ P. Barrows, form er dean of the Uni­ looked like a scene in w ar-devastated such a course as G ermany took when glng company resumed full operations advisor to the farm er and generally tion ra th e r than the rule. A banker F rid ay morning. Several weeks ago a has no hesitancy in revealing to thg versity of California, a t a banquet in Frunce or Belgium. T anks were crum ­ she sought to dom inate the world. “My contest w ith them is a contest num ber of the employes went out on a banker anything concerning his farm is in the business principally to loan Oakland, Cal., Sunday night, given in pled up; huge steel girders lay in a of in terp retatio n ,” declared P resident strike, b ut the company continued to business. The successful banker also money to the members of a community. honor of Lieutenant-Colonel Theodore tangled m ass, few walls w ere left Wilson, speaking of the opponents and Before m aking a loan he m ust be sure Roosevelt by American Legion posts standing, and burning oil continued to the opposition to the league covenant, ru n one side of the camp or about 50 has the confidence and respect of the the money will be returned. It is Nec­ per cent of its norm al capacity. Re­ farm er who thinks his advice is worth of Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley and flow along the surface of Newton assertin g th a t m ere phraseology is a essary th a t he take little or no risk cently many of the men who w ent out m a tte r of little moment, providing th a t hearing. Richmond. creek. if his business is to succeed.” the substance of th e docum ent rem ains on th e strik e have retu rn ed to work “The banker is very much interested A Dawson, Y. T. dispatch says sev­ unmeddled with. and asked to be reinstated and the in the farm er’s fin an cial welfare. As Plane Up 34,000 Feet. From first to la st the address was an eral thousand tons of silver ore will be Bulk Grain Handling Grows. Mineola, N. Y. — A new unofficial appeal for the sup p o rt of Am ericans company agreed to take on such men his whole financial success depends shipped “outside” next spring from Bulk handling of grains is holding world's altitude record, it was learned in retaining th e fru its of peace and as it could use. upon the farm er’s prosperity, he is in­ Yukon and Alaska, according to Vol- its dwn in most of the eastern Oregon was established here Saturday, when assuring “the safety and honor of Salem.—A representative of the state terested in aiding th e farm er. As a ney Richmond, superintendent of the fu tu re generations.” He dealt but Roland Rohlens, testing pilot for the slightly with critics of the covenant, highway commission went to Roseburg first aid he can assist th e farm er to districts and in some places is making N orthern Commercial company. Half a distinct growth, says Paul Mehl, fed­ Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor corpora­ though at one period he upbraided Friday to investigate the case brought install business m ethods.” of this am ount, he said, would come tion, climbed to a height of 34,000 feet them as men, in some instances, for against the commission, Governor 01- Farm record and account is a basis eral and college agent in marketing, from Nixon Fork, n ear Iditarod, and more than six miles—beating the whom he had no vestige of respect. cott and State Treasurer Hoff to en­ of a profitable and permanent agricul­ after completing a field survey of half from K antishna, near F airbanks. previous world's unofficial record of join the state from proceeding with ture, believes Mr. Gunn. The farmer grain handling in the eastern Oregon The S tew art river country is expected Adjutant Casale of the French army the construction of the so-called Can- is or at least should be a business man. wheat belts.. The increase is greatest to ship possibly 1000 or 2000 tons. in districts where threshermen charge COMPILED FOR FIGHT NOT PARTISAN YOU 50 HURT IN FIRE; LOSS IN MILLIONS FARM ER AND BANKER WORK HAND IN HAND By a vote of 244 to 7 the bill confer­ ring the rank of permanent admiral on Admiral Benson and Rear-Admiral Sims was passed Wednesday by the house. The measure now goes to the senate. The government has so much “coin of the realm" th a t it actually bulges out the walls of the vaults containing It. The treasury has asked congress to appropriate $1,600,000 to make the vaults secure and provide additional ones. The treasury's gold and sliver accumulated during the war. All members of the Wisconsin dele­ gation in the house introduced identi­ cal bills Wednesday proposing bonus­ es at the rate of $30 a month for each month's service of soldiers, sailors, marines and Red Cross nurses. It was estimated $1.400,000,000 would be required to make the payments. One hundred and twenty-one women teachers in the public schools in Yak­ ima, Wash., have so far been able, with the help of City Superintendent Davis, to find only 11 suitable rooms for rent. The situation Is causing the school authorities embarrassment, as the opening of school is only about a week distant. at Vallacoubley last June by 864 feet. Rohlens explained that he took the air intending only to make a test flight, but he found conditions so satis­ factory that he decided to keep climb­ ing until his air apparatus showed the new record a'titude. The machine Rohlens usod was the same Curtiss wasp, equipped with a 400-horsepower motor, in which last July he flew to a height of 30,700 feet. He said he found that he was comfort­ able in his warm garments at the 34,000-foot level, where the thermom­ eter registered 44 degrees below zero. Deaths Now Total 13. Kansas City, Mo.—With the death Monday of four more employes of the Murray grain elevator here, which was wrecked Saturday by a spontaneous combustion explosion and fire, the list of fatalities in connection with the accident reached 13. Four bodies were taken from the ruins Monday. Five persons were killed outright by the explosion or died early Monday. Officials of the company said the loss would be In the neighborhood of $3,500,000. They said there were ap­ proximately 1,000,000,000 bushels of grain In the elevator. Four hundred thousand German Japan Demands Shantung. workers have volunteered for the work New York.—Japan will refuse to rat­ of restoration In northern France, ac­ ify the peace treaty If the Shantung cording to Vorwaerts. Large scale re­ clause is excluded. In the opinion of construction operations are contem­ Baron Shimpei Goto, member of the plated. Japanese national commission for dis­ Peter Lynch, said to be an organiser cussion of foreign poljples and former for the I. W. W„ who was arrested foreign minister, who arrived here on Saturday and placed In the city Jail his way home after a three-months' at Calipatrta. Cal., was released from visit to England and France. Baron jail, escorted to the city limits by a Goto said he spoke as a private citizen •'citizens’ ” committee and ordered and was expressing only hla personal views. never to return. AUTO WRECK KILLS 2 OF WILSON PARTY yonville cut-off highway. In case the The work on the farm depends not road is built under present plans the only on scientific and practical knowl­ two cents less per bushel for thresh­ town of Riddle, about 30 miles south edge of the farm Itself, but upon the ing grain to be bulk handled, due to of Roseburg, will be eliminated from ability and willingness of the farmer paying the expense of jigger and sack- Portland.—Two men were killed and to make the best use of better business sewer. the main highway. three others were injured when a high- Elevator managers are urged to machinery. The use of a checking Salem.—Robert E. Downing and A. powered Packard touring car attached watch their terminal grades more system at the bank is a matter of to President Wilson’s automobile high­ I. Eoff, who own a 37-acre tract of hops importance and is to be encouraged, closely and when desirable file ap­ way party swerved into a ultcu and in the American bottom country, south not because the bank is a safe place peals, which often result in a raising overturned on the Powell Valley road, of Independence, has refused a cash to keep the money, but because the of the grade. Last year only one man­ a mile and a half west of Gresham, offer of 65 cents a pound for their checks themselves are an excellent re­ ager in the entire district filed an shortly before 12 o’clock, noon, Mon­ product or a 24-hour option at 70 cents cord and proof of any transaction. This appeal. day. a pound. The tract will produce about The two men killed were Ben F. 10,000 pounds of hops, it is estimated gives a detailed record of all farm ex­ Silage Trouble Due to Greenest Allen, aged 39, Washington correspond­ penses, and if the farmer, when de­ ent for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, by the owners. Mr. Downing said he positing his money, will fill out dupli­ Trouble with silage in some of the and a member of the newspaper party has great faith in the future of hops attached to the president's special and that he is in no hurry to dispose cate deposit slips and indicate what dairy districts of Oregon is due to each amount is for, a complete record immaturity of the silage crops and train. James R. Patterson, aged 66. a re­ of his crop. imperfect methods of ensiling, say of all farm receipts will thus be had. tired real estate dealer of 444 Carter Eugene.—A large number of sheep In this manner the banker is assist­ specialists in dairying and crops at Lane, Portland. have been brought into Lane county ing the farmer to keep his record. The the college. Most of the difficulties Mr. Patterson, owner and driver of the machine, lost control and went into this year and the number now In the object is not to get the banker to do reported are with oats and vetch, a small ditch when he was compelled county is climbing back to what it was the work for the farmer, but to make which should not be ensiled until they to swerve sharply to the right to avoid four or five years ago, according to he may have attained, as a good farm­ reach the hay stage. The hard seeds striking a machine driven by C. H. N. S. Robb, county agricultural agent. er. may be.lost by poor business man- of the vetch is modified in fermenta­ Barnett of Wasco. Or. The Barnett Wool prices look good for another year, the farmer realize that what success tion in change to silage. The crops machine had been parked by the road side until the presidential party had says the agent, and with the number agement, and that the remedy is busi­ should be cut rather fine and packed passed by on its way into the city. of sheep 25 per cent below normal ness methods. A half dozen years ago very tight in the silos. Thinking, he asserts, that the long in all of the large western sheep states a banking system was not thought line of automobiles had passed, Mr, Two hundred thousand pounds of Barnett started hts machine back into sheep raising looks as if It will remain necessary by many farmers. Today the road, but had stopped squarely in profitable for several years, Is the the successful farmer realizes that a gunpowder m anufactured In this coun­ the roadway when Mr. Patterson ap­ opinion of Mr. Robb. bank is as much an aid to financial try, sold to England, then to R ussia proached in his big car traveling about 40 miles an hour, according to wit­ Salem.—Acting on a letter sent out progress as a good farm and good and finally resold to the U nited S tates, nesses. by Fred O. Buchtel of the Oregon pub­ methods of farming. The bank, on turned out to be useless. lic service commission, J. P. O’Brien, Sugar Crop la Largest. Milk Testers’ Exams. Monthly. Appointment of J. W. Severy of St. federal manager of the United States Honolulu. T. H.—The sugar crop of railroad administration, has called a Louis, as instructor in botany is an­ Milk testers’ examination will be the territory of Hawaii this year will meeting in Portland for Monday, when nounced. Severy was recently dis­ held at the state agricultural college reach 605,000 tons. This is above any a committee similar to the national charged from a hospital unit in the at Corvallis the first Thursday in each previous estimate by several thousand board of defense will be organized to Vmerioan Expeditionary forces and month, and at Portland, 611 Worces­ tons and is based upon the latest cal­ deal with the threatened car shortage since then has served as a chemist in ter building, at such dates as may be culations on "cleanups" at several in Oregon. All railroad heads in the a commercial plant. He is a graduate announced by the state dairy and food plantations. The factories have ship­ northwest, together with yard masters of Oberlin college where he obtained commissioner. Applicants for the col­ ped 446.000 tons and 31,000 tons more and many other officials, have been final honors in botany and spent two lege examinations must notify the will be sent to San Francisco prior to urged to attend. The committee, when ' years as a graduate student and teach- dairy department in time to allow October 15. The total output from organlzed. will proceed along the lines | ing fellow students in the Shaw school preparations for all who may enter, original mills will be 585.000 tons of adopted by the railroads of the country of botany, Washington university, SL says P. M. Brandt, chief. All testers raw sugar and 20,000 tons of refined. during the war. Louis. must be licensed.