■ ill M iaiiiaiau a.jbiiaiiM iaiiiaim iaiaiiiaiiiw iaiiw iJiaiB ii ! A. No. 1 milk cows for aale. PURE DRUGS i PRICES D OW N TO W H E R E TH EY BELONG We are not substitutors. You can get exactly what you ask for at this store. 1. M. Simpson will hold a public sale on Sept. 20 at which time he will sell ten head of horses, 123 registered Lincoln sheep, 100 goats, diary fixtures, machinery, household i « goods, etc. i VV. li. Maillie arrived fr o * Missoula, Montana, this i week and will work in W illiams’ Windmill Shop. His 9 wife will arrive in a few days. He takes the place of Har­ li I ry Miller who goes to enter a dental college soon. The Qrinnell i I Laundry Queen 1 Dress Guard Solid Wood Dolly New Belt Tightener Easily Raised Cover Special Rubber Rolls Only Two Sets of Gears Dolly Swing to Any Tub Reversible Water Board Heavy Angle Iron Bench Specially Designed Motor Safety Device on Wringer Attach to Any Light Socket Wringer Swings to Any Tub No Part of Machinery Attached to Tub Í j Williams’ Drug Co, “ Home of the Grafonola’’ PE R FE C T SERVICE x JuRE DRUGS biiaoJKiiaiiMiiauiaiiBinaiiianiBiiiiaiiiBnii C l 1 X ÜJM1I C U U x I l x w l Tripp writes hre insurance. Independence senuois open Sept. 22. Gaylord Godue.) visited Corvallis last week. The recent rams did considerable damage to prunes. TO R S A LE — Rye and cheat seed, iloiner i Don’t wait to select your winter hat. Mrs. Bascue’s I styles are the most attractive you can imagine. The 9 i prices, too, will be an agreeable surprise. f 8 i Our entire time is occu­ pied in establishing a rep­ utation for furnishing everything that is best in Drugs and Toilet Articles, at the same time keeping I Homer llill. H ill. 2Iti. Miss Boughy will occupy tue Dickson residence on Tilth street. A number Dorn here will go to Portland Monday to see President Wilson. Mis. Claude Hubbard oi Portland spent last week at the J. E. Hubbard home. The Fred Siegel Stock Co., a road show of merit and ability that has played in many coast cities, will be at the Isis in Independence for one night, Tuesday, Sept. 23 and will present the famous George M. Cohan comedy, “ It Pays To Advertise.” This will be the first company to appear in Independence for nearly two years and un­ doubtedly will draw a full house. There will be a reserv­ ed seat sale. B U E N A V ISTA Sam Irvine finished picking hops Saturday. ilia Strawn of Toledo is visitng friends here this week. Cara Adams and sister of Corval­ lis are visiting Mrs. A. J. Hall. The farmers have commenced their fall plowing since the rain. J. A. Reynolds and family spent Sunday at the Edgar Lichty home. G. E. Harman, wife and daughter were shopping in Salem Saturday. N. C. Anderson and G. E. Harman are erecting a silo on their farms south of town. D. C. Sullivan and wife of Port­ land spent a few days at Ed Lichty's home last week. Mrs. Ed Prather and daughter, Huth, are camped at the Pankella yard picking hops. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Chown of In­ dependence spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lichty. Mr. Pincus is moving his pickers from his hop yard south of here to the one north of Buena Vista. Mr. and Mrs. E. B Gobat and daughter of Suver spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Harman. Misses Plant and Rose lost their store at the Wigrich hop yard by fire There wes only a small insur­ ance Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall of Wood- burn spent Saturday and Sunday with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hall. John Tyler and family from East ern Oregon and Mrs. Ed Tyler from Woodburn are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tyler. 9 Ï i a 9 PI n n § ■ i THE MODERN ELECTRIC M AC H IN E TH AT W ASH ES CLOTHES SW EET A N D C LEAN W IT H O U T W E A R OR TEAR. LOOK IT OVER. CRAVEN & HUFF HOW. CO. 'MHipiiaiiimiBiniiiBiiiaiiiBiiiaiiininiitniiBiiniinii:niiBimiigiiiniiniiniiBii'a iiIBr she held a very responsible position at. Corvallis. She is possessed of a most gracious manner, always radi- ating happiness and sunshine, win­ ning the admiration of all who know her. Prof, and Mrs. Kelley will be at home in Corvallis about Sept. 22. BROKEN? Don’t be handicapped by a broke.n lens. Send me the pieces and I will duplicate your lens N E X T W E E K AT THE ISIS iiibihbiiii liilBiliHiliBiliHiiiBilil 9 § i and return to you in a few hours. She was a girl of the tenements. Fox special and a Sunshine comedy. ¡■j Perfect Pictures A strong and original story of the He was a man of the world. She Please DOCTOR West has been provided by Thomas dreamed of love and a home and R Ü II. Ince for Charlie Ray in “The ■ Particular children, lie dreumed of power and i Miss Mary Williams returned V\ ednesday from a visit the governor's toga. He kissed her. Sheriff’s Son,” the Friday night bill. i People i The story has color, dramatic power g with friends in VV aslnngton. p To him it was merely the yielding and splendid handling in direction, i to an impulse. To her it signified a while it gives Ray one of the best i 0PT0METERIST-9PTICIAN Miss Laura Baker has enrolled as a student at the Ben­ solemn pledge of marriage. Then roles of his screen career. As Royal 1 1 i his political career was threatened Beaudry, a boy of the West, who in­ We make the pictures son Polytechnic m Portland. li and she found out that he was herits pre-natal fear from his mother ■ that please the people i married to a socially ambitious and who struggles valiantly to down i Mrs. Hattie Henkle goes to Portland Monday, H er atl- wife. To cover up possible scandal it, he gives a dramatic portrait that ■ tl dress will be lib Last 32nd St. the wife took the girl into her home, is thoroly human. He fights down ■ Specialist in the modern scien­ i! and then complications started that his fear, and enters the country in­ ■ tific application of glasses for a Mr. ami Mia. K. C. Eidridge Jr. and iv. C. 111. returned bring about a terrific climax in habited by the Rutherford gang, the INDEPENDENCE the aid of vision and the relief ■ 1 a “ Vanity Pool,” Mary MacLaren’s enemies of his father. He also meets to Portland iaat ¡Sunday evening. ■ of eyestrain and headache. STUDIO latest which comes on Monday night. Beulah Rutherford, the niece of the ■ i It is packed with big situations and man who heads the gang, and res­ a HUH.. Misa Velma W liiteaker waa bere from Portland tiña the heart throbs are there. cues her when she becomes lost. As week visiting Hienda and reiativea. Grace Cunard, known thruout the the forces of law and order close in world as “The Serial Queen,” ap­ on the Rutherford gang Royal brings a reconciliation between the Twelve lneinbera of Co. iv. will be detailed for duty at pears Tuesday night in “After the about PORTLAND War.,, It is un appealing romance two, and he realizes he has fallen tbe state fair, receiving ijsi a day and expenses. of the world war without horrifying in love with Beulah, the niece of his Suite 414-415 Failing Bldg. scenes of carnage. It is a depiction father's old enemy. The theme is A new member waa added to tbe pobce force yesterday. of a story of unusual merit, and highly dramatic.» Its development, S. E. Cor. Third and Washington. BIDES points to one solution of one of the showing the growth of character.on A son was born to Cbief and Mrs. A. D. Eelilber. PELTS Phone M. 3630 greatest problems growing out of the part of Royal and the passing WOOL the war. What is to be done for the of the barbarous element from the Mary F. Irvine, pianist teacber, begins ber classes in hundreds of children in Belgium old West, is shown with discrimina­ runs rhythm, ear-training and composition on October 1. and France today who were born tion and a consistent building of MOHAIR during the war of Belgian or French situations. The whole story unfolds CASCARA BARE Abe Becker, Jr., is behind tbe counter at Williams drug mother^, and German fathers. In smoothly in vigorous screen narra­ VEAL VALLEY & SILETZ those countries today it is not un­ tive. On the same evening, Fatty store. He lias received bis discharge from tbe navy. PORK * TIME TABLE common to find mothers who almost Arbuckle makes his tri-monthly ap­ BEEF pearance in “ Good Night, Nurse.” detest their own children—children Effective April 1, trains will Marvin Richardson is in town this week. We under­ born in sacrifice—children who ever Arbuckle plays the part of a patient POULTRY run ns follows: sent to a sanitarium to get the alco­ stand he will attend tbe Normal this fall and winter. will remind their mothers of the BUTTER No. 2 arrives from Hoskins horrors of invasion. There are fath­ hol out of his system and experiences EBBS 9:15 A. M. daily Miss Arbutlinot returned Monday from Tbe Dalles ers who have returned from war to a few things calculated to shatter FARM PRODUCE No. 4 arrives from Camps find in their homes the children of the ribs of movie audiences. where she was an instructor in the teachers’ institute. 4:00 P. M. daily except Sunday WOOD The usual big Saturday night their wives and German fathers. No. 1 departs for Camps WOOD The photoplay leaves nothing to be show, the main feature being Bessie 10:50 A. M. daily except Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Baun left Monday for their old home desired in its appealing depiction Barriscale in “ Joselyn’s Wife.” GROCERIES No. 3 departs for Hoekins Marguerite Clark, the “ sweetest of a pathetic story of woman's love in Pennsylvania. They will be away about two months. SHOES 4:15 P. M. daily and sacrifice and its conclusion re­ girl in motion pictures,” appears FURNISHINGS Freight service 2:30 P. M. on Sunday, Sept. 21, in “Three Men and a solution of the problem that Owing to work on tbe west side road, traffic to ¡Salem veals Tuesdays and Saturdays DRV GOODS a Girl." The theme deals with three is as logical as it is interesting. now goes on the east side. Tbe east side road will be good On Wednesday night, dainty Viv­ men, all of them woman haters, and until the rains set in. ian Martin plays the role in “Little a vivacious girl who, to escape an CACn on TRADE Comrade" of a girl who becomes a odious marriage, finds refuge in the SWOPE & SW OPE summer camp where the three farmerette because she thinks it will Two elderly men, C. G. ¡Sayre and Jasper Sipes, living woman haters are living. They find LAW YERS in this vicinity, were adjudged insane last week and taken be great sport. She spends several her asleep curled up on a couch in The Polk County Post was enter hundred dollars for a proper cos­ ed as second class matter March 26, to the state hospital. their cottage. They are extremely tume, which she designs herself, us­ I. 0. 0. F. Building 1918, a the postoffice at Independ ing the attire worn by the Russian annoyed an»l the girl terms them ence, Oregon, under the Act of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Kurre have returned to their home ballet as a model. Then she has bears and leaves them to take up March 3, 1879. independence, Oregon her residence in a nearby house. A at Cottage Grove after a two weeks visit with relatives several photographs taken of herself dead line is established between the in costume leaning on a hoe. But and friends in this section. when she gets to the farm she learns two habitations, but strangely the that there is real work connected haters of women seek to cross the \ erd Hill was a visitor in th southern part of the state with it. Her gorgeous costume does dead line continually. The photo­ last week. He started out by automobile but after it com­ not stand very well under the strain play is one of exceptional interest it affords Miss Clark a delight­ Established .1889 menced to rain he left his machine and completed the jour­ of cleaning chicken coops and milk­ and ful role. She has few if any super­ ing cows, and neither does her pa­ ney by rail. triotic spirit. But she surprises iors in her presentation of delightful every one by pulling herself togeth girl characterizations and her ad- INTEREST P A ID ON TIME er and saving a young soldier from inirers have another pleasing hour in prospect. desertion. In the end she is a total­ Announcing the 1919-1920 Season DEPOSITS ly different sort of a girl. The add»'»! RESIDENCE STUDIO attraction for the evening is Mr. MISS LA VON LEITCH BECOMES MRS. LO T T IE HEDGES M cINTOSH BRIDE OF HAROLD R. KELLEY Officers and Directors and Mrs. Sidney Drew in "Harold, The Last of the Saxons." While Mr. PIANO-----VOICE - HARMONY H. Hirscliberg, Pres. D. W. Scars, V. P, (Continued from Page 1.) Drew is no longer with us in person, Interstate Faculty Teacher Ira D. Mix, Cashier her home for some time. She is a the smiles he left will bloom forever. Western Conservatory of-Music The scene is of a small town home musician of exceptional ability and W. H. Walker 1. A. Allen O. D. Butler Chicago talent play in which "Polly” plays a composer of rare worth. She is a the part of the wile of "W illiam the graduate of San Francisco Conserva­ High School Pupils enrolling now A Successful Business Career of Conqueror." “ Henry” didn't like the tory. As a designer Mrs Kelley has may receive full High School credits Twenty-Five Years acting of "W ' am" anJ "Polly" and a reputation of giving just that in­ dividual touch that never fails to Phone M4821 he stopped the ' know.” Oil Thursday night there is a good please. At the time of her marriage Miss Inez Nineman of Rings Valley will teach the Pe- dee school this next year. M . P. Max Goldman Deals in The Independence National Bank