B U S IN E S S DIR ECTO R Y PIctM Mention Thin Paper When Answerinjr These Advertisements. - V ,-------------.------- - ^ - ----------- — —"------------ MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House Government and Municipal Bornia MORRIS BUILDING, 309-311 Stark SL Establiihed Over PORTLAND, ORE. Twenty-Five Y tara Phone Bdwy, 2151. ACCO R DIA NI P LE AT IN G ___ __ _ Skirts plea ted any ^ y l e T ^ l 00. em - stitching, 10c per yd. Buttons covered*. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., 85^ Fifth St. Accordian pleating, hemstitching, but-* tons covered, etc. Art Embroidery and Button Co., Morgan Bldg., Portland. AGATE CUTTERS <& MFG. JEW ELERS Splendid service, pleasing prices. Jew ­ elry.and watch repairing via mail. M iller’s 355 Washington St. ______________ ART IF ICIAL LIMBS Oregon Artificial Lim b Co., Inc. w rite for Catalog. 426 Wash St., Portland, A UC TIO N EER S- 2d H A ND FUR N ITUR EJ Ford Auction Co.—Auctioneer». We »»11 everything 191 Second St., Portland. AUTO^ACCESSORIES ^ S io to rs T g e a rs T o e u n r^ and trailers. W e wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts, at half price. David Hodes Co.. N. . Broad Iw ay and Flanders. Motor Parts M fg Co., 325 Burnside St. Parte for all cars at half pries. M O N U M E N T S P O R TL A N D M AR B LE WORKS 264-266 Fourth St.— Nru Bros. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Patronage solicited on basis of capable service and reason! able chargee. Thousand« of sat­ isfied patrons. A trial will convince. Chaa. W. Goodman, optometrist, 2U9 Morrison, Portland. Oregon.____________ m _______ WRIGLEYS W A L L PAPER Write us for prices, pioneer Paint Co.7 16« First St, Portland. P L A T IN G — N IC K E L AND SILVER. W rlte for prire«—wtT iZizy zvtlJin poHtage on email parcels. California Plating Works, 214 2nd St., Portland. SANITARIUMS W ff^ T H jjn iil3 r 'C U R E ? ~ A »£ 'Y £ e Moore Sanitarium. An Institution devoted to doing one thing well. Office 606 Belling Building, Portland, Oregon. Classy Bug Bodies PORTLAND Go 'with the crowd to the AblngtVizz Bldg., Portland to buy, sell or exchange Real Estate. Frank L. McGuire. 15th & Alder sts., Portland SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR RPET W E A V I N ^ M b ^ ^ ”~ ^ fe ~ h e ip the appearance of women! Inch switch or transforma­ Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Twenty-two tion, value |7.00, price $2.46. Rag Rugs, all sizes. Mall order» prompt _____ 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg._ ______ Send for Booklet. 9x12 Rugs, Steam or Dry Cleaned, $1.50. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES W E S T E R N F L U F F RUG CO.. 14-58 Union Ave. N. East 6615. B-1475 É T O L Ê f â I8M [53!C® il p il , iu i ; ujj |£ C H I R O P O D I ST Wants Men, Women to learn the trade; Painlees extraction o f all a il positions waiting; send for catalogue. merits pertaining to chiropody MISS DECKEH’S Prlvate Bualness Col­ will receive skilled treatment. lege. Alisky Bldg , 3d & Morrison Sts. Facial and scalp specialist. Hawthorne Auto & Gas Engine School, Graduate lady qperator. 610 Bush Lane bldg., 462 Hawthorne Ave. Practical experience cor. Broadway an A lder sts. In overhauling and repairing every make BUILDING MATERIALS of auto and gas engine. Oxyacetylene SHORE B R IC K CO., lace and mantel welding. Established 1907, brick a specialty. Phone East 1635: Resi­ dence, East 1797. 361% El Morrison St., H E M STITC H IN G ____ _________ Portland, Ore. '^Hemstitching^ Sc per yard. Buttons W e w ill gladly make estimât covered and pleating. Quick service. En­ Send ipr free booklet on Septic tanks. close stamps for return postage. 35u>.; P. L. Cherry Co., 271 Hawthorne Ave., Morrison St. Ethel E. Lerch. Portland, Ozegon. K. Stephan, hemstitching, scalloping, braiding, accordion side pleat, buttons CITY A N D FARM PROPERTIES covered: mall orders. 219 Plttock block. We protect your Interests. Farms, tim ­ ber, acreage, city, exchanges. Gilson R eal­ SILOS ANO GRAIN BINS ty Co., 431 Ch. of Commerce, Main 6117. ^Siiiy^exciusiiT^Ucnfim m fy! StPH oop? No Nalls, No Trouble. Stay Round SUo C LE A N IN G A N D DYSJNG Co., 301 Dekum Bldg., Portland. ^ i io F l:eiiaSle^Cieaning and 15yeing serv­ ice send parcels to us. W e pay return TAILORED SUITS ' Suits to orderT $10 down, $6.00 per postage. Information amd prices given upon request. month. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St., Portland. ___ BLN K B ’S C IT Y DYE W ORKS Established 1890__________________ Portland TEACH ERS’ A G E N C Y _______________ Rocky Mountain Teacher? Agency! DE N TAL SUPPLIES— ^ John Welch Dental DepoL Dervtad^sup^ Frank K. Welles, ex-asst State Supt, mgr, Portland, Or. Teachez-s placed promptly. plies of all kinds. Morg an Bldg., Portland. DOCTORS WALL PAPER— PAINT Mrs. Dr. W heatley Howe', "Indian Root A t wholesale and retail. Mall order» aftd Herbs Doctor, acute and chronic dis­ promptly filled. Smith’s W all Paper eases. .Paralysis a specialty. Indian H erb­ House, 108-110 Second St., Portland. al Baths. 252 Monroe St., Portland, Ore. PHYSICAL THERAPEUTICS Phone Woodlawn 276. DO O RS A ND W IN DOWS of the stomach, liver, kidneys, We can sell you Doors, Windows, j£ooi- Disorders bowels, goitre, high blood pressure and ing, Paint, Glass and Builders’ Hardware, female disorder».__________ ,_____________ direct at wholesale prices. W rite for prices before buying. Heacock Sash & PLUM B I NjG A PLUM BING S U P P L IE S T>oor Co., 212 First S t, Portland. W e can supply you with any kind of DRUG8 B Y M A IL ' plumbing supplies at wholesale price». Send to us for anything m Drugs, Rub­ W e will gladly estimate coat of «Jiy Job. ber Goods, Trusses, etc. Postage prepaid. W rite for prices. S T A R K -D A V IS CO., Plummer Drug Co., 260 8d St., Portland. 212 Third St., Portland FARMERS WITH TEAMS Price*—$85 and up. Burne«» & Martin MUSIC, PIANOS, VICTROLAS, BAND and ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS. Send for Cataloguea. 125-7 Fourth St, Portland’s Big Music Store. ABBY WHITESIDE, Pianist Member of Extension Faculty, University of Oregon School of Music. 605 Bush & Lane Building, Portland, Oregon NA-PEER TIRES MADE OF FIRST GRADE RUBBER Dealer* Write for Special Proposition ° n e 3 0 X 3 ° n Iy $ 19.00 P O R T L A N D R U B B E R M IL L S , PORTLAND. ORE. C A N A D I A N F A R M S This company is owned, controlled and operated by Canaditan farmers. ORGANIZED FARM ERS In business have proven a success in Canada, and now own 343 elevators In addition to warehouses, terminals at tide water, etc. Our farm land department specializes in farms and ranches of all sizes and descriptions. W e can help you locate right in Canada. Absolutely reliable information guaranteed. W rite or call. U N IT E D G R AIN GROWERS SECURI’JBES CO., LTD. Main 7266 625 Henry Bldg. — — 11 ‘ Kipling. .. 1.60 The Blue Bird, by M. Maeterlinck.... 1.75 In Ole Virginia, by Tho«. N. P a g e ... 1.40 Days Off, by Henry Van D ykq........ 1.50 Laugh and Live, Douglas Fairbanks 1.00 Sent postpaid If cash with order. A. W. SCHMALE 290 Morrison St. Portland, Oregon O R E ._____Writ» fr Mtw »na im A Moderately-Priced Hotel of Merit . Best Bank References. Send for free chart. Mail us magneto*. Quick serv* ice. Send for full information MAIL J . C . E N G L IS H C O . Electric Washing Machines lid i .od Stark. PORTLAND. ORE. FIFTM • OAR S m C IT * POSTLANO O M flO » 'TS!iin?YTFnEA5NEl7?TYorT:esintsrnffy T h e F la v o r L a s t s Soldiers Soothe Skin Troubles with Cuticura Columbia university, It has been shown that these rings are not only made faster than by other methods, but are actually stronger and mgre resilient than rings of the same chemical com­ position cast in sand. T h e microscope reveals a more uniform and finer structure. S IL O S Easy to erect—low in price—ill last lifetim e. This is the Silo that pr rac- tical farmers say is the Best Silo in the World. Weekly Rata Nenthly Rata _ EX PE RTS. __________ __ _________ The Tung Lox $1.00 With*.. Batk $1.50 ru b Bath Excelle» M ACJH H N E O pens You Will Feel Right at Home. Beautifully Furnished ~ rM L ~ E L > ÎA V/SCH£E^^ Bldg. Drugless methods, stomach, kid­ neys, rheumatism, constipation, liver trouble. PERSONAL me; best and most successful “ HOME M A K E R ;” hundreds rich wish marriage soon; stzlctly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; description free. “ The Successful Club,” Mrs. Ball, Box i/ V H Rests, Refreshes, Soothes, 566 Oakland, California.___________________ Heals— Keep your Eyes PORTABLE DRAG SAW Strong and Healthy. If Most highly Improved Drag Saw on the Furrier. Raw furs bot. The Fur Shop, they Tire, Smart, Itch, or 606 Swetland Bldg., 5th and Wash., Port- m arket lia s the only real and practical Burn, if Sore,-Irritated, land, Ore.__________________ _______________ clutch. W rite for particulars ana special prices. B E A V E R MOTOR PRO D UCTS CO. Inflamed or Granulated, HIDES, WOOLS & CASCARA BARK 246 Hawthorne Ave., Portlaad use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. W rite for Free Eye Book. So*p. Ointment, Talcum 26c. each. quotation. 195 Front 8t. Piston Rings. Sample»of "Oatlcar*,D«pt E.Boston.” Mnrine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago, U. S. A. HIDES, W OOL, TA LLO W Piston rings, of which millions are ^ b T s STS l q e r ' X c o .,'p n 5 r g o i''i5 7 8 T I? S ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE DOES IT. to 154 H h St. N., Cor. Irving, Portland. used yearly, arp shaped by centrifugal When your shoes pinch or your Corns and Bun­ Main OrTice, San Francisco. Branches: ions ache, get A llen’s Foot-Ease, the antiseptic Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salt Lake, Reno, action from molten metal in the spe­ powder to be shaken into shoes and sprink)»d in Billings, Missoula, Vancouver, B. C. the foot-bath. Gives instant relief to Tired. A ch ­ cial machine of DeLavaud. In tests at PO R TLA N D , OREGON TALBOT S l CASEY. Inc., Authorized Ford Dealers When in town, bring your Ford to us. Exceptional repairing facilities by first-class Ford mechanics. Magnetos re-charged in car while you wait. Try us for parts. No. 1 Grand Avenue. Portland, Or. GENUINE FORD PARIS from 5,000,000 to 30,UO0,OW feet of fir tim ­ ber, one mile from railroad, with own equipment. Phone or sefc W. H. Mott, Bank of Commerce, Salem, < >r. FARM J_OANS For^iny^tim e desired and" lowest "cur­ rent rates. Wm. MacMaster, 331 U. S. National Bank Building, Portland, Oregon FOOT S P E C IA LIS T S '’TjrT^CarlTIoven^ College Chiropody-< Orthopedics. Broadway Bldg. FURS TO ORDER— REMODELING M EN W AN TED For Paper M ill work. No experience neces­ sary. 8 hours work 45c per hour. Oppor­ tunity f o r advance­ ment. Single men pre­ ferred. Splendid new hotel, meals 35c, rooms 35c. Apply Crown W illam ette Paper Co., Camas, Wash. C O M P L E T E L IN E O F S T E E L P IL IN G D E V IC E S A N O S Y S T E M S W o rld ’s Greatest Cataract. Most Costly Map. K no w O n ly Tw o Seasons. What is set down as the greatest cataract in the world is on the Iguazu river, which partly separates Brazil and Argentina. The precipice over which the river plunges Is 210 feet high, that of Niagara being 167 feet. The cataract is 13,123 feet wide, or about two and a half times as wide ss Niagara. It Is estimated that 100,- 000,000 tons o f water pass over N iag­ ara in an hour. A like estimate gives the falls o f Iguazu 140,000,000 tons. The most eostly map in the world is a map of France which was presented to the republic by the czar of Russia when the Franco-Russlan alliance was consummated. The groundwork of the map is polished jaeper and the chief towns are represented by pre­ cious stones and their names inscribed in gold. T h i rivers are strips o f pol­ ished platinum, and the 87 departmenta are Set out on a wonderful scheme o f blazing gems. . There are but two seasons— the wet and the dry— at the equator In Africa. The form er (sum m er) lasts eight months, with the thermometer aver­ aging from 110 to 125 degrees Fahren­ heit. During the dry or ’’cold” season o f four months the thermometer stands at about 70 degrees. It is then that the natives, who have been hived in their bamboo huts so long by the rain, desert their towns and set out for the forests and Jungles. SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN • THE GOLD MEDAL No humbug! Any corn, whether hard, soft or between the toes, w ill loosen right up and lift out without a particle o f pain or soreness. This drug is called freezone and is a compound of ether discovered by a Cincinnati man. Ask at any drug store for a small bottle of f!%ezone, which w ill .cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one’s feet of every