« WOHLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU SHIP BOARD ASKS BIG SUM FARM HOME SURVEY IS MADE IN OREGON Chairman Hurley Submits Needs of Building Program. Washington, D. C.—Chairman Hur­ ley of the shipping board has asked congress for a final appropriation of a little more than $600,000,000 to wind up the government's shipbuilding op­ erations. This sum, he said, which will com­ plete the work of raising the United States as a shipbuilding nation to first Steps Taken to Improve Rural Hurley Throws jUp All Foreign Home-Making. • Contract Authority. EMBARGO ■ IS LIFTED Kitchen Arrangements, Labor- Saving Devices, Etc., Are Factors. STATE N EW S IN ! SMUGGLED TREAT! II SENATE'S H U S Newport postoffice will be second class after July 1. The advance will require the clerks coming under civil service laws. The marked increase in business accounts for the change. Walter Hamer is postmaster. Publication Ordered Over Pro­ test of President. Lake county officials are searching for C. M. Bonner, former resident of Bend, who is charged with issuing a number of fraudulent checks. Bonner is a Canadian veteran of the world war and was twice decorated for valor. START INVESTIGATION place and develop the American mer­ cantile marine fleet from a negligible New York Financiers to Be Asked to Events o f Noted People, Governments quantity to second place, actually is Indication o f Possible Losses to Ship- A hastily organized and armed vigi­ (Prepared by Oregon Agricultural College) $400,000,000 less than congress al­ , yards Through Board’ s Attitude Tell How They Got Advance 'and Pacific Northwest, and Other The amount and kind of work done lante committee of Dee Flat straw­ ready has authorized. Brings Surprise to All. berry ranchers In the Hood* River dis­ Copies o f Peace Terms. Things .Worth Knowing. by the farm woman In farm homemak­ trict put an immediate end to agita­ The present needs of the shipbuild­ ing, the number of hours she works, tions of a party of eight men and wo­ ing programme, as Chairman Hurley Washington, D. C.— The complete the labor-saving equipment she is sup­ men, who, it is declared, were trying Washington, D. C.—Out of a whirl­ America's historic old battleship, the outlines them, take Into consideration Oregon, went out of commission at the cancellation or suspension of con­ surrender of all authority of the ship­ plied with, and the social opportuni­ to call a strike of pickers last week. wind of developments the senate Mon­ ties she enjoys or lacks, will be de­ Four more alien slackers were for­ day got a copy of the peace treaty, the Puget sound navy-yard at Bremer­ tracts for 754 ships, which alone will ping board over foreign contracts of­ ton, Wash., Friday June 13. fered to American yards made by termined in a survey of representative ever barred from becoming American and, after a five-hour fight, ordered it effect a saving of more than $594,000,- Chairman Edward N. Hurley, of the farm communities conducted .by the citizens by an order of Circuit Judge The cost of food in Paris continues printed in the public record. 000. The administration charges of Eakin at Astoria Friday. Approxi­ board, at Tuesday's hearing before U. S. department of Agriculture and to rise, notwithstanding the attempts At the same time it got under way of the government to keep prices the whole business will be only 1.32 the commerce committee of the sen­ the state agricultural college exten­ mately 20 foreign born residents of down. per cent of the total final expenditure. ate, was almost as much of a surprise sion service. The work in Oregon will this section have been denied citizen­ the investigation of how copies have ship because they evaded the military reached private hands In New York by Charles F. Wyant of Minneapolis, When all is done, Chairman Hurley to Mr. Hurley as to the members of be under the direct supervision of Mrs. Jessie D. McComb, state home draft. president of the Mortgage Security points out, $2,861,755,570 will have the committee. summoning to testify a half dozen of It was plain to be seen that Chair­ demonstration leader. To the tune of jangling cow bells the country’s leading financiers. company and of 14 affiliated state been expended in the country’s great It will be impossible to conduct this the stockholders and patrons of Mt. banks, Saturday was convicted of ac­ effort which will be shown in 13,885,- man Hurley had not come before the The copy which went into the record cepting deposits in a bank which he 106 deadweight tons of ships on the committee with any intention of aban­ survey In every home because of the Angel creamery gathered Thursday in doning the board’s asserted right to expense and labor involved, explains was brought to this country by a news­ a grove near that city for their annual seas. Although a cost of $206 a dead­ knew was not solvent. approve or reject foreign contracts, Mrs. McComb. The partial survey picnic. An all-day programme includ­ paper man and was presented by Sen­ weight ton is Indicated, the actual cost Clarence Ousley, assisfhnt secre­ but he became lost in the the cross­ will be made representative, however, ing music, addresses and games was ator Borah, republican, of Idaho, just tary of agriculture, reported to the to the government will be less. fire of troublesome though at times by selecting typical farming communi­ enjoyed by the 400 people in attend­ department Saturday from Kansas after the reading of a cablegram from courteous questions. He had jock­ ties in several different counties, and ance. City that Kansas needs 100,000 labor­ President Wilson saying he could not eyed himself into an uncomfortable including every farm home in those ers to help harvest the record-breaking A total of 18 fatal accidents was re­ without breaking faith send to the sen­ position by offering as excuse for the communities. Nearly 800 farm homes wheat crop in that state. board's attitude the fact that the gov­ are expected to report the information ported to the industrial accident com­ ate the text of the treaty. To preserve a natural flow of wheat mission for the month of May in a ernment had on hand about $75,000,000 sought in the survey. The effect of Monday’s history mak­ from the farm, a periodical premium worth of materials which it wished Benefits of this preliminary work statement issued Saturday. Final set­ ing developments was to clear the air Washington, D. C.— Nicaragua has to dispose of to American yards. covering storage charges will be add­ for farm home betterment begin t<5 tlements in accident cases totaled 890 ed to the basic price at various asked the United States to land forces “ Don’t you think," asked Senator appear from the very first. One woman for the month, while 26 cases were re­ on the much-debated subject of pub­ guarantee markets, according to an an­ there to cope with a threatened in­ Chamberlain, “ that there would be reported that in studying the survey jected for cause. The commission licity for the treaty text, to widen the nouncement by Julius H. Barnes, vasion from Costa Rica. The state greater economic loss to the country forms to determine the inquiries and now has 731 cases before it in process breach between the president and the United States wheat director. if the American shipyards should be the answers in her home her husband of adjustment. senate majority, and to forecast a sen­ department is investigating the situa­ Lester A. Reppert, a former bat­ forced to close down than there was so struck by the inconsistency of The famous old battleship Oregon sational turn for the inquiry into the tion. talion sergeant-major at the United would be if the government lost $75,- running water in the barn for horses went out of commission June 11 at manner in which copies of the docu­ The Nicaraguan legation here in a 000,000 In salvage?” States* disciplinary barracks, Fort and cattle but none in the house for the Puget sound navy-yard and will ment have become available to unau­ Leavenworth, Kan., was arrested Sat­ statement Sunday declared that fol­ “ We are not closing down yards,” its human inhabitants that hei de­ remain there pending decision by Ore­ thorized persons. urday as the fourteenth man charged lowing the collapse of the revolution Mr. Hurley answered. clared then and there he was going to gon as to whether that state deeires Starting its investigation with an un­ with implication in the counterfeiting “ But,” said Senator Chamberlain, put in a home water system. Other to take over the vessel for the Oregon expected vigor, the foreign relations In Costa Rica, President Tinoco has scheme alleged by officials to have “ they w ill close down in the next 30 farmers were similarly affected by naval militia. Officers and men of committee, within a half hour after it massed large forces on the frontier. had its source in the barracks. or 60 days if they cannot take the out­ contrasting the power machinery they the Oregon have been assigned to convened, voted to call before it J. P. Tinoco, whose brother as minister side contracts.” have for the strong men with lack of Dr. Edward E. I,indeman, who other duties or released from service. Morgan, H. P. Davison and Thomas F. Chairman Hurley did not seem dis­ it for the weaker women workers that drowned Friday at Atlantic City, was of war is at the head of the Costa Marshfield, North Bend, East Side, Lamont, all of the Morgan banking considered an authority on the trans­ Rican army In the field, has charged posed to argue this point, and a ques­ they announced their purpose of in­ that the Nicaraguans aided the revo­ tion from Senator Edge, of New Jer­ stalling some of the most needed home Coquille and Myrtle Point face a con­ firm; Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & fusion of blood. He invented the dition which may result in suspension Co., and Paul Warburton, formerly method of blood transfusion by whtcb lutionists. The Nicaraguans have de­ sey, immediately afterward was the labor saving appliances. One farmer took measurements of of electric power and light, if the in­ connected with the same concern, and blood was taken from the arm of one nied the charge and cited that it was one which drove him kato agreeing to person into a syringe and then in­ the liberal party in Nicaragua, mem­ lift the ban. Senator Edge’s question the distance kitchen fixtures were tention of the receivers of the C. A. Frank A. Vanderlip, former president bers of the old Zelaya regime, that carried the insinuation that' the placed in a remodeled kitchen because Smith property to withdraw permis­ of the National City bank. It then ex­ jected into the arm of another. went over to Tinoco. board's attitude seemed but little else he wants to arrange his kitchen in sion to the Oregon Power company to amined Frank L. Polk, acting secre­ Nation-wide use of narcotic drugs than an attempt to hold up the Ameri­ the way most saving of labor in pre­ operate the electric plant at the main tary of state, about the official copies for other than legitimate medical pur­ can shipyards to pay the govern­ paring meals and serving them. His Marshfield mill is allowed to be car­ in the state department’s vaults. poses is steadily increasing despite Statements also were made to the ment's own price for the left-over ma­ w ife’s health he explained was not ried out. vigorous efforts in the last four years committee by Senator Lodge, republi­ terials. good, and doctor bills from overwork In the enforcement of the federal law, The need for $125,000 worth of re­ can, of Massachusetts, and Senator This brought the unexpected answer were increasingly heavy.- By proper was discovered by the treasury's pairs, reconstruction and improve­ Borah, similar to their declarations in from the chairman of the shipping Paris.— President Wilson, It is now arrangement of the kitchen and In­ special investigation commission, ments on the central Oregon irrigation the senate, that they knew of copies which submitted a final report Sat­ regarded as probable, will leave board that he would lift the embargo stallation of some labor savers he project, is given as the chief reason in New York, but could not divulge on the builders without delay. Senator thought she would be able to do the urday. France for the United States within Jones, chairman of the committee, work without overtaxing her strength. for an advance from 80 cents to $2 per the names of their informants. Beers and wine of low alcoholic con­ ten days''or two weeks. acre, in maintenance fees charged set­ When the senate met it listened in was determined that these should be A few women have felt abashed at tent are not “Intoxicating.” On the tlers, the request for which is made silence to President Wilson's cable­ no misunderstanding and obtained the the lack of consideration shown them other hajid they are healthful and their Washington, D. C.— The statement positive assurance from the shipping in contrast with the advantages other in an application just filed by the gram, which was taken as forecasting sale under close Btate and federal su­ in a Paris dispatch that President W il­ board chairman that he would write women enjoy, and refuse to answer Irrigation company with the state pub­ a refusal to comply with the request pervision should be continued, de­ for the treaty text embodied in a res­ a letter to the shipbuilders at once, some of the questions in the survey. lic service commission. clared D. Lambert Ott of Philadelphia, son might leave France for the United olution adopted Friday. The reading waiving all claims to the right of the Indeed it has been found that it is Strawberry harvest is at its height addressing the American Medical as­ States within ten days or two weeks shipping board to approve or reject rather more difficult to enlist the co­ in the Hood River valley now, and of this message concluded, Senator sociation at Atlantic City, N. J„ Sat­ was said to be "quite probable” at foreign contracts. operation of some farm women in motorists contemplating a week-end Borah immediately presented his copy urday. Dr. Ott spoke on 40 years’ the White House. It was not indi­ creating a demand for better house­ tour will find the Hood River valley of the treaty, which was ordered print­ observation among beer, wine and keeping facilities than to enlist that as interesting at present as during the ed by a vote of 47 to 24. cated whether a definite date had been whisky drinkers. of the men in making the necessary blossom season. Scores of tent-dwell­ set for the sailing of the president In full view of hundreds of persons purchases. ing crews may be found scattered from France. crowding the flying field at Eastmore- In recommending rearrangement of through the Oak Grove, Dee Flat and Washington, D. C.—By a vote of In view of the plan of the president land, Portland, a private aeroplane, 305 to 4 the house Tuesday passed the kitchen and installation of labor-sav­ upper valley sections. More than 1500 driven by VV. B. Hutchinson, wealthy to visit Belgium It was considered that bill authorizing an appropriation of ing devices the home demonstration pickers are there, many of them In­ Walla Walla rancher, and in which the sailing date more likely was two $750,000,000 for the railroad adminis­ agents always give careful considera­ dians. Washington, D. C.— To hasten re­ Sergeant John Milkowski, of Mather weeks distant than ten days. tration's revolving fund. Democratic tion, to existing conditions. The ability The first forest fire of the season turn to normal economic conditions flying field, was a passenger, crashed of the farmer to incur the expense, members urged a larger amount, but At any rate. It' was said, all plans into the concrete sidewalk of East the commercial value of the home kit­ in the Dallas district broke out last and restore the American dollar to a depended on progress at Versailles. did not press any amendment for an Twenty-ninth street, following a sen­ chen as determined by the number of week in the vicinity of Bridgeport, but parity In several foreign countiies, the increase, while republicans declared It has been understood generally that sational fall of several hundred feet persons to be served, and conditions was extinguished before any damage the president would stay in Paris until the fund would be sufficient until later control exercised by the government late Friday. Both men were killed of sanitation and health, are made was done. W. V. Fuller, of Dallas, in the year wl^on future needs would after the signing of the (¿eace treaty over transactions in foreign exchange supervising fire warden for the coun­ instantly. be known. The measure now goes to the bases of the recommendations. with Germany. ty, says that he has most of the tele­ and the exportation of gold coin, bul­ One farm home was equipped with John Colt Spooner, former United the senate where leaders plan early a simple and inexpensive water sys­ phone lines to the lookout stations lion and currency was terminated on States senator from Wisconsin, died action Troopa Disregard Orders. at hiH home In New York early Tues­ Votes against the appropriation tem by means of a barrel on the roof, completed and that several crews of Monday by President Wilson, acting Plymouth, Eng.— Fifteen hundred day after an Illness of several weeks. were cast by Representatives An­ a force pump on the porch below, and men are now at work cleaning out the on recommendations of the federal re­ British troops of General Allenby's He suffered a relapse after having thony, Kansas; Ramseyer, Iowa; suitable plumbing. Simple as it was fire trails. forces in Egypt and Palestine who serve board. partially recovered from a nervous Woodyard, West Virginia, republicans, it saved many steps in preparation of After the most vigorous fight ever returned here Sunday after haring Exceptions made by the president breakdown. each meal, literally miles of travel in and Thomas, Kentucky, democrat known In the history of the Mystic served at Gallipoli and in Mesopota­ included importation or exportation of the course of a year. None’ of them urged his objections to Shrine of North America, the imperial Every sausage making plant In San mia, Palestine and the Balkans, re­ The amount of farm work performed connctl, in session in Indianapolis. ruble notes or exchange operations Francisco was closed Wednesday as a fused to entrain for an isolation camp. the bill during the debate which was by women about the barn and in the Ind., Thursday, by a vote of 359 to with that part of Russia now under result of the strike that morning of all The order was given because six cases marked by the injection of consider­ fields are among other items* to be 142, decided on holding the 46th im­ the control of the bolshevik govern­ able political discussion. members there of the sausage makers' of suspected smallpox had been dis­ ment and exchange transactions with reported. Chairman Good of the appropriation perial council session In Portland, Or., union. The men demanded a wage In­ covered during the voyage to England. territories In respect of which such committee, in charge of the rail bill, June 8 to 11, 1920. Portland’s famous crease from $28 to $40 a week for an The soldiers who had entrained left transactions are at present permitted Potato Seed May Be Certified. explained that the reduction from $1,- hand and patrol, assisted by the band eight and one-half hour working day. the cars 200,000,000 requested by Director-Gen­ Potato growers who get their crops and patrol of Nile Temple, Seattle, and only through the American relief ad­ Ordered by the federal director of eral Hines was decided on by the inspected and receive certificates from aided by the Shrine temples of the ministration. Western Men Decorated. railroads to cut the month's operating Attention also was called hy the committee because it was admitted the agricultural college potato in­ Pacific coast and the northwest, was exponaes to meet June Income, the Washington, D. C.—General Per­ that exact needs of the future were spector will have their crops placed board to the fact that termination of a factor in winning the convention Louisville & Nashville Railroad com­ shing notified thd war department problematical. The new fund, he said, control did not authorize transactions on a recommended list and given wide fight. pany has prepared to eliminate the Sunday that he had awarded the dip- would make a total of $1,250,000,000 with enemies except so far as such publicity. This certification assures names of 700 men. largely shop em­ tlnguished service cross to the follow­ granted the administration since the Haynes station, near Forest Grove, transactions may be authorized by buyers that the seed is true to type, ployes, from the railroad's payrolls, ing: Joseph H. Carvo. Toppenlsh, rail lines were taten over by the gov­ and practically free of disease. Appli­ will be the location of the new Ma­ general or special licenses granted by beginning June 13. Wash.; Mike Btrinoli, Sebastapol, ernment. cation for inspection must be made sonic home for aged members and or­ the war trade board. Cal.; Peter Ratkovtch. Amador, Cal., in time to allow field inspections be­ phans. according to report of the com­ Apparently there is little hope that and Ernest Wernek, Mackey, Idaho. Low Rate Saves $100,000 Indian, Bill Put Through fore harvest. The potatoes will then mittee In charge of building operations the allied reply to the German coun­ Salem. Or.— More than $100,000 will at the session of the grand lodge of be inspected in the bin. Washington. D. C.— Enactment of ter propoaals will be ready before the The Northern Pacific Railroad Com­ Oregon, meeting last week in the Ma­ be saved the state of Oregon in road the Indiap appropriation bill carrying end of the present week. pany has lost its suit against the $15,000,000 was completed Tuesday The Klamath drainage district is sonic temple, Portland. The site se­ building during the present year be­ Delegates representing more than Puget Sound & Willapa Harbor Rail­ with adoption by the house of a con­ the first drainage corporation in the lected comprises 15 acres, offered hy cause of the reduced transportation 3,000,000 American working men and road company. The United States ference report. The measure Is the state to file with the state engineer an the Forest Grove lodge. It is prob­ charges for sand, gravel and other women at the opening session of the supreme court In deciding for the first of the unpassed appropriation application for water irrigation pur­ able that 15 or 20 more acres will be road-building materials. This estimate American Federation of I,abor at At­ Willapa company said it was difficult hills of the last congress to be sent poses. Its application for the appro­ purchased, making a tract -of 30 or 35 is made by Roy Klein, secretary of the lantic City, N. J., put the stamp of to treat seriously the contentions of to the president. The bill included a priation of water from the Klamath acres in all. The site Is near both state highway commission, to the pub­ their disapproval on the ideas of the Northern Pacific Railroad com­ rider authorising the secretary of the river was filed Thursday. It proposes, the Oregon electric and the Southern lic service commission. Mr. Klein re­ radical agitator* and prepared to deal pany. The case arose out of the cross­ Interior to lease for the mining of met- to construct an Irrigation system for j Pacific and is on the state highway, ports that $45,000 has already been with reconstruction problems of vital ing of tracks of the Northern Pacific altferous minerals $0.000.000 acrea of 20.646 acres at an estimated cost of 23 miles from Portland on the pave­ saved by the highway commission Importance to organised labor. since the lower rate went into effect. unalloted Indian lands. Railroad company at grade. ment. $205.000. % NICARAGUA SENDS OUT CALL FOR AID President Wilson May Quit France In Next Two Weeks $750.000,000 Railroad Measure Passes House j LIFTS EMBARGO ON EXPORT OF GOLD X