The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, June 13, 1919, Image 2

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    Meat Production
Smashes Record
Twenty Billion Pounds Is Total
for United States in
1918 .
Output Never Approached in Magni­
tude in Th la or A n y Other Country
— Striking Increases in E x ­
ports Are SHown.
Cincinnati Reds Get Two
in One When Slim Sallee
Is Taken From New York
Vogue Launched by French Mak-
ers Still in Favor.
Ity o f the people, as a whole, enabled
them to afford the increased cost. In
fact, laboring people probably con- j
sumed more meat during the lust year
thun in prewar times.
“The total number of cattle slough- :
tered in 1918 is estimated at 15,750,400, |
as against 13,723,900 in 1917. .Their
average weights were practically the j
same for bi/th years, and the beef pro- ;
duced from them was 0,680,000.000 j
pounds In 1917 and 7.641.000.000
pounds In 1918. Tills was n remarkable
achievement, ns It hardly would liave
been credited thut beef growers could
Increase their production u million
pounds in one year.
Results Called Stupendous.
“ The hog matures quickly, therefore ;
a much more rapid increase would be |
looked for than was the case w ith , cq|-
tle. Even soothe resists for 1918 can
be described only us stupendous. The
hogs marketed In 1918 numbered 09,-
854,700, as against 57.48tt.800 In 1917.
Furthermore, the average weight was ;
nine nnd a half pounds more per hog
in 1918. Thus when the animals are
turned Into pork and lard we have a ,
11.225,064,000 j
pounds in 1918, as against 8,478,289.-
000 pounds In 1917, an increase o f 2,-
Miss Sybil Fletcher, daughter
747,355,000 pounds, or 32.4 per cent,
Rear Admiral and Mrs. F. F. Fletcher,
nearly one-third.”
is one o f the attractive girls o f the
Striking increases In exports also are younger army nnd navy set in Wash­
shown by the bureau. Beef shipments ington. She is the older o f two daugh­
abroad in 1918 were 94 per cent more ters and is attending Vassar this year.
than in 1917— the chief 1918 Items be­
ing 514,000,000 pounds of fresh beef
nnd 141,000,000 pounds of canned beef. United States than In any other n>nn-
Exports o f pork und lurd in 1918 try in thu world— although some
amounted to 2,279,287,030— which was sparsely settled countries raising much
71.7 per cent more than the quantity meat have a larger per-capita consump­
tion. It also says that there is room
sent abroad in 1917.
The bureau shows that in the aggre­ in tli«» United States for a great expan­
gate more meat by fur is eaten in the sion in the use o f mutton and lamb.
Washington. — American
•mounted in 1018 to 20,129,800.000
pound.s— a quantity never before ap­
proached in magnitude by tile live
stock Industry o f tills or any other
country. The corresponding figure for
1017 was 16,317,300,000 pounds.
Three-fourths o f the enormous in­
crease was in pork und one-fourth was
in beef.
The meat surplus In 1918 was so
great that dxtra export demands made
little impression on It, although 1918 ex­
port shipments o f meat and lard nearly
doubled the 1917 figure— rising from
slightly less thun 1,700,000,000 pounds
to slightly more thun 3,000,000,000
pounds— and these figures do not In­
clude shipments to American military
forces abroad.
The aggregate 1917 consumption of
dressed meat and lnr(l in the United
States was approximately 14,500,000,-
000 pounds. This means, after allow­
ing for Increase In population an nddl-
ition o f 23 pounds for every man, wom­
an nnd child in thè country— despite
the food-conservation campaign which
In 1017 caused consumption to decline
Farm er Was Big Factor.
“ While the people, us a whole,
through their abstinence averted the
Immediate crisis, It was the farmer
who was the really big factor in the
ultimate situation,” says the burenu of
.animal Industry, United States depart­
ment o f agriculture. “ The producer,
o f course, was expected to do Ills part,
but he did it with such powerful effect
that in a single year the meat shortage
electrically lighted mill wns a bright
was turned Into a pronounced surplus. Save Ammunition Dumps and Big
target fo r the German bombers, ran
Thus in 1918 there .was not only meat
electric wires into the heavy \joods fo r
enough to supply all foreign demands
n distance of one-third of a mile from
compatible with the restricted shipping
the mill and installed a number o f elec­
facilities, but n greatly enlarged quan­
tric lights on the trees. Whenever nn
tity was available for the home con­
alarm o f nn nlr raid came, the lights
iff the mill were extinguished nnd the
“ T o be sure, It cost the farmer more,
lights among the trees one-third of a
much more, to feed his animals nnd
mile from the mill w ere lighted by
get them to mnrket. I-lkewlse, all other
Electric Lights S trin g in Woods Mis­ switching on the current nnd were kept
steps frimi producer to consumer, be­
blazing while the Germans wasted
lead Huns— W o rld’s Biggest Regi­
came more costly, hence the High
bombs on them nnd inflicted damage
ment Cut 3,000 Cords of Wood
prices. Hut the unprecedented prosper-
only on some o f the trees.
a Day for Fuel.
“ Other mills up nlrmg the fighting
Washington.— How the Twentieth, front were also bombed frequently, but
the biggest regiment In the world, made without serious damage.”
Hungry Mothers Are
Continuing his statement nbout some
up of lumbermen and foresters, fooled
Eating Their Children
tlie Germans nnd saved ammunition o f the wonders accomplished by this
dumps nnd big sawmills from the Hun regiment o f lumbermen nnd foresters
New York.— Starving refugees
bombers, Is told by Perclval Sheldon (luring the war. Mr. Itldsdnle writes in
In the southern Caucasus are re­
Itldsdule, secretary o f the American the Americnn Forestry Magazine:
"Th e regiment was composed o f 49
sorting to cannibalism, a num­
For«*stry association, o f Washington,
ber o f cases haviilg been report­
who recently returned from a three- companies of approximately 250 men
ed o f mothers killing and eat­
month tour o f France, Belgium nnd ench, divided into 14 battalions and
ing their children, according to n
England Investigating the forest losses having connected with It 36 engineer
message received here by the
o f those countries.
The association service companies or labor troops. It
American committee for Arme­
lias planned to aid In the reforestation was organized originally to contain 48
companies, but the Forty-ninth was
nian and Syrian relief from Hr.
of those countries, also of Italy.
added in France, being composed o f
J. H. T. Main, commissioner to
Fooled the Huns.
members o f the New England saw mill
the Caucasus for the committee.
“The biggest mills operated by the
untt who had spent almost two years
“ The southern Caucasus is
Twentieth regiment,” says Mr. Itids-
in cutting In the Scotch forests. Three
full o f refugees," Doctor Main’s
dale, "w ere nt Eclnron, in the forests
officers and 90 men volunteered ns a
message rend. “ For example,
o f Argonne. These were situated near
nucleus o f this company. The full
I-lrlvan, thq, capital o f the so-
big ammunition dumps nnd as the
complement wns secured by getting
called Armenian republic! nor­
plant was ran nil day nnd all night, be­
men from other organizations.
mally had a population of 30,-
ing electrically lighted. It made a very
“ The chief forest cutting o f the regl
000. At present there are 100,-
good target. The mil's were bombed
000 persons In the city and vi­
inent was in the Vosges section, with
several times, but none o f the workers
Epinnl ns headquarters. At Eclnron,
was Injured nor wns much damage
“ Mothers nre killing their chil­
in the for«»sts of Argonne, wns the Inr-
done, and finally a real Amcrlcifti trick
dren and cnllng them. Cannibal­
gest single installation, n mill capable
resulted in so misleading the German
ism, British officers tell me, Is
o f shipping, ns it did, nn average of
bombers that the danger was entirely
becoming quite common.”
overcome. This trick wns devised by 5,000 ties a day. This mill furnished
Major Spencer, who, realizing that the duck boards, bridge timbers, piles nnd
poles, etc., for the First and Second
“ At the time the nrjnlstice wns
signed, the regiment had 81 lumber
mills In operation and 12 more being
The contingent with the First nnd
Second American armies at the fight­
ing front mnnaged to secure and main­
tain a production o f nbout 3.000 cords
o f wood n dny, which supplied fuel for
approximately 1,000,000 troops.
Foresters Trick
German Bombers
Newspapers Claim Supremacy in Com­
mercial Development of
Kx-Eraperor Carl of Austria-Hungary seated between two companions at
his place o f exila io Switzerland, and, above, W artegg castle, his place o f
residence there.
Sometimes when a ball club signs
some particular player it reully gets
the equivalent o f two athletes by a
simple mathematical process, adding
Afternoon Drese of White Crepe de one mun to its own roster und re­
moving one from some other club—
Chine Heavily Embroidered in
a fellow who hus been special poison
Front W ith Black Wool.
to the team.
For instance,
The imported gowns from that dear signing by the Cincinnati Ited! o f
In acquiring Sul the
Paris are not pretty as to line andsde- Slim Sallee.
sign— not even the most enthusiastic Reds get a good left-hander— one of
admirer o f French creations can en­ the best o f them ail In his duy, and
thuse ovfcr the very short skirts and
sleeves und the rather bunchy look
most of them seem to have— but they
are decidedly interesting nnd, more
than that, 6veu they uce different from
anything w e see hereabouts.
Now, for instance, says a fashion
writer, comes a white silk Jersey eve­
ning gown, and from Doucet. It is a
charming thing with long lines so very
graceful that It is distinctly novel.
While it is true most o f the import
ed models seem to be rather bunchy.
It Is also to be noted that they all more
o f less are of the one-piece or chemise
type of dress. This particular evening
gown is an excellent example, as it
has nothing to hr«»ak the long lines ex­
cept a wide sash going twice around
the waist and looping just at the hip
on one side. The ends are finished
with u heavy silken fringe und about
halfway tip the skirt are looped
strands o f white beads punctuated
with large tyrUjet sequins. The yoke
o f the bodice Is ornamented with the
same sort o f beuds and Jet so placed
thut they fall over the shoulders und
thus form the sleeves, as there are
no others. It is difficult to describe a
frock of this sort for the reason that
It is far lovelier to see than it Is to
read about.
A ll last year the French makers
Slim Sallee.
were busy launching a vogue o f black
and white, nnd tlie combination is still with probably another good season in
highly favored, us I find it exploited his composition.
But, heililes
pleasingly in a Lanvin afternoon dress lug a southpaw to the club,
of white crepe de chine heavily em­ Reds remove from the N ew York team
broidered in the front with black wool.
man who was arserflc and prussic
This dress bus the queer skirt distin­ acid to the Cincinnati club— a pitcher
guishing a number of French gowns who could always bent Cincinnati and
by beigg so much longer in front than was sure to take afHeast five or six
in the black and also by having most games away from the Reds each sum­
o f the fullness gathered in the front. mer.
A black sash goes around the waist
and falls quite to the hem in the hack.
Indeed, the sash is an important
thing bn every gown, ns it appears In
many unusual and interesting ar­
rangements, sometimes placed high up
under the arms and crossed In the front
The art of cooking*cannot be learned
out of a book any leore than the art
and again in the hack, where it loops
o f swimming or the\art of painting.
between the shoulderbiudes and then
The best teacher Is practice; the best
falls the length o f the eutlre frock. In
guide sentiment.
this instance the sash is not more than
A)ur Inches wide and appears on a
Seasonable Food for the Fam ily.
Lige satin frock made with the sim­
A dainty breakfast or any other
plicity of a little girl's school dress, meal well served with a few well-pre­
falling long and straight from the pared dishes is o f far more value to
shoulders, with only the little crossed the fam ily than the mere food
sashes at the bust and in the back to nutrition; a good meal has a moral
hold in the fullness. The sleeves are influence which we often fail to ap­
very short, just the length we would preciate.
call awkward, as they stop far short of
the elbow.
Fillet of Beef With Vegetables.
Mother’s Cook Book.
Colorado Beetle Is Sure to Exact
Heavy Toll if Close Watch
Is Not Xept.
Attacks Eggplant, Tomato, Ground
Cherry and Other Plants— Blister
Beetle Feeds Upon All Forms
of Garden Tru ck .
(Prepared by the United States Depart­
ment of Agriculture.)
I f careful watch Is not kept, the
Colorado potato beetle is certain to
exact a heavy toll. This beetle and its
“ slugs” a rt so well known that no de­
scription is necessary here.
The range of this pest covers a large
portion o f the United States, but it is
not found extensively or in especially
injurious numbers near the Rocky
mountains. It abounds from New Eng­
land und Canada to Florida, westward
to Texas, and in the northern Pacific
region, where it has become trouble­
some only recently. Both the “ slugs”
(the young, or larvae), and the
beetles (adults) feed upon tlie potato
plants. A fter passing the winter in
the ground, the beetles usually appear
at about the snnve time us the potato
plants, lay their eggs, and continue
They often destroy small
areas, especially those grown for gar­
den purposes. When the “ slugs” of
the first crop begin their work they
usually finish up that begun by the
overwintered beetles, leaving only bare
stems, which become dry nnd black.
A fte r exhnusting the potato, the
beetles attack eggplant and other
plants o f the potato family, including
tomato, ground cherry, jluipson weed,
nnd related weeds. In the most north­
ern range of this insect there is prob-
nbly only one generation a year, but
two generations and a partial third oc­
cur southward.
Ducks, guineas, and other domestic
fowls eat the beetles and larvae. So
also do snakes, toads, and skunks,
which frequently gorge on them. Ar-
of leud is the best remedy, ap­
plied-as advised under “ Leud Arsen­
Blister Beetles.
Blister beetles are next in impor­
tance to the Colorado potato beetle as
potato Insects. They are slender, some-
W ipe a three-pound fillet o f beef
nnd brown in a hot frying pan In hot
drippings; when the entire surface
Is seared over, turn occasionally, cook­
ing fo r thirty minutes. Remove the
meat to a serving dish nnd garnish
with n cupful eacli o f cooked peas
nnd parrots, the carrots cut In fancy
shapes nnd w ell seasoned; add one-
half pound o f mushrooms sauted In a
little butter fo r five minutes and
serve with
Mushroom Sauce.
Take one-fourth o f a cupful o f fat,
add five tablespoonfuls o f flour nnfl
stir until well browned; add n cupful
o f soup stock, a third o f a cupful of
mushroom liquor nnd half n pound of
mushrooms cut in pieces and cooked
In butter five minutes. Season with
.salt, pepper, nnd just before serving
add n little more o f the fat le ft from Colorado Potato Beetle and
the frying pan. To obtain mushroom
oisLarvae, at W ork.
liquor cook the stems o f the mush­
rooms in cold water to cover and re­ what soft bodied, o f various colors,
duce to a third o f a cup.
nnd feed upon nil forms of garden
truck, appearing to prefer potatoes,
A pricot Shortcake.
following with beans, peas, and re­
Prepare a rich biscuit dough, roll lated crops, beets, cabbages, squashes
out rnther thin, butter and place in and others. When occurring on the po­
two layers with the butter between. tato, they are sometimes called the
"old-fashioned potato bugs.”
T h is is a most charming vest of rose When the cake is baked it Will spilt
Lead arsenate Is the best remedy,
silk and lace- Many are the acces­
prepared and applied as directed fo r
sories for milady’s spring wardrobe
the Colorado potato beetle, but driving
and the vest is decidedly popular ened apricots and juice. A little but­
ter spread on the enke adds to Its and burning also are useful.
among the number.
Materials for Inner Finish of Coats
and Capee Afford New and Ap­
proved Idea.
W e hear o f satin capes shown at the
Parts, openings that were lined with
I-ondon.— The British press general­ a soft p llf fabric like duvetyn. These
ly asserts that the commercial devel­ must add materially to the warmth of
opment o f the airplane Is much further the garment, notes a fashion writer.
And have you heard of gingham lin­
advanced in Great Britain than In any
other country. According to the Amer­ ings? This Is a new Idea, but after
ican chamber o f commerce In London, ail, why would not gingham make as
a mall sendee from Cairo to India al­ good a lining fo r a summer cape or
ready has been surveyed and a route coat as satin or penu de cygne or chif­
from Cairo fo the Cape o f Good Hope fon ?
Who would ever have dare«) to use
Is being laid out.
Aerodromes are to be established at unbleached muslin for the lining o f
«ultnMe stmts In the British isles and coats and capes? No one in the world
llrltish possessions nnd equipped with hut one o f the smartest of Paris dress­
wnind nud light signals, balloons, aerial makers. Appntvntly this Is merely a
umys, and wireless telegraph nnd tele­ hit o f daring, and not done in an ef­
fort toward economy, for the un­
phone outfits.
"Already cargo airplanes nre In bleached fabric is used to fine the
dght,” fhe chamber o f commerce nn- mogt gorgeous nnd luxurious o f gar­
aotinces. "A huge British Seaplane o f ments.
lovei type, equipped with five motors,
Organdie and English Prints.
das been flown, carrying six tons, nt
Some of the newest French blouses
100 miles nn hour. Experiments are
being made with another having a car­ are of organdie trimmed In English
prints, ■ cotton fabric printed In calico
rying capacity o f nine ton».”
Rice W ith Banana*.
Peel nnd scrape three ripe bananas
and mash them until creamy, adding
a few drops o f lemon juice. Stir this
lightly into cold, cooked rice and
serve with sweetened cream. ThLs is
a dessert especially liked by the lit-
*le p«*opie.
Savory Toast.
Chicken gravy poured over bnttered
toast makes a nice supper dish or
good fo r luncheon. Served with a crisp
salad nnd n cup o f cocoa one has a
fine meal.
Another dish similar to the above
Is a white sauce with chopped «herd
cooked eggs, poured over toast. The
eggs may be leftovers from break­
Date Salad.
Arrange stoned dates cut* In quar­
ters on lettuce w it i a small spoonful
o f mayonnaise In the center, with the
iat«»s forming rays like the petals o f a
flower. This Is a salad which the
'hlldren will be allowed to eat.
Organization Formed in Louisiana to
Interest Farmers in Breeding
Better Animals.
(Prepared by the United States Depart­
ment of Agricultsre.)
Tfie 25 sheep-extension men o f the
United States department o f agricul­
ture now working in co-operative dem­
onstration projects with state exten­
sion forces will be under the supervi­
sion o f G. H. Bedell, who wns formerly
county ngent of Green county, Penn­
Mr. Bedell has been ap­
pointed specialist in sheep husbandry
and began his work in the federal de­
partment March 17. The work o f the
department’s extension man in Louisi­
ana Is illustrative o f what these work­
ers are doing in many parts of the
country to Improve the sheep industry.
He assisted In bringing the sh«»epmen
o f that state together nt a meeting o f
•live stock raisers, which resulted in
the organization o f the Louisiana
Sheep Breeders’ and Wool Growers’
association. The purpose o f this or­
ganization is to interest farmers In
raising more and better sheep, to sell
their wool clips co-operatively, and to
unite them In their fight against sheep-
killing dogs.