THE CIVIC CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS (P o rtland Journal.) “The W illam ette valey is go­ ing to have the biggest erop raised in 20 years," declares Verd Hill, who owns a ranch n ear Independence. “F arm ers are going back into the hop raising industry, w hich w as abandoned som ew hat during the period of the w ar. They feel th a t cutting out the strong d rin k s will help the hop indus­ try, since m ore hops th an ever will he needed for soft d rinks.” “THE UNPARDONABLE SIN” Mrs. Clyde Eckel' was again chos­ en president of tiie Civic Club here W ednesday a t the hom e of Mrs. S herm an H ays. The o th e r oittcers ( elected are: Mrs. T aylor Jones, 1st vice president; Mrs. C. O. Sloper, 2nd vice president; Mrs. J. C._ Jvreuiner, secretary; Mrs. J. S. Cooper, finan­ cial secretary; Mrs. G. W. Conkey, treasu rer; Mrs. Jam es liobbie, Mrs. W. M. Huff and Mrs. A. it. Thomas, m em bers of the executive liourd. BACCALAUREATE ADDRESS Much im p o rtan t business was GIVEN BY D. V. POLLING tran sacted including the report of several com m ittees an d the an n u al G raduation week begap Sunday report of officers. By request the evening wheir-D. V. Polling, student p resident's unjiuui report will be adviser of the O. A. C., delivered the published soon. baccalaureate address before the Follow ing the business session the g ra d u atin g class and a large g ath er­ m eeting w as given into the h ands ing a t the M ethodist church w hich of the social com m ittee consisting w as artistically decorated w ith the of Mrs. Jas. liobbie, Mrs. S herm an class colors crim son and white. The Hays, Mrs. F ra n k Sm ith, Mrs. Oliver speaker chose for his subject, “Now Sm ith, Mrs. T aylor Jones an d Mrs. Abidcth Co-operation, A ppreciation A. L. Thomas. The com m ittee had and DetermiiqUion, but the Greatest used a choice collection of Oregon's of These is D eterm ination." llis ad beautiful roses to m ake the home dres^ w as Very able and m any pretty m ore festive an d gay colored pun- pictures were d raw n w hich will sies too sm iled th e ir greetings. A prove helpful to the class and all program , of delightful num bers was present. Besides the congregational rendered including a solo, “T h at Lit­ singing J. G. M cIntosh rendered a tle Old Fashioned M other" by Mrs. pleasing solo an d the choir present Oliver Sm ith w hich w as h eartily ed a beautiful anthem : encored. Mrs. Sm all w as the p l e a s - ________________ ing accom panist an d w as urged to FARME r s SEEK RELIEF FROM give a solo but she declined. M aster DEPREDATIONS OF REAVER Bussell Jones w as the read er for the occasion giving for his first num ­ F arm ers living along the Luckia- ber, “My S ister’s Best F eller.” He m utc river have asked the state w as so gootl th a t he w as forced to gam e com m ission for perm ission to u p p ear in a second recall. The af­ kill the heaver which live on the ternoon closed w itli a m ost appetiz­ banks of the stTeam. The anim als in g luncheon prep ared an d served have underm ined considerable a b u t­ by the hostesses. ting property w hich not only is a T here will be a big boost'er m eet­ great detrim ent to the land but ing on W ednesday, June 25, a t which stock is injured by breaking th ru th e ground.. (Continued on Page 4.) -V Told by the Bank Book Page 57. The Only Savings Department For Miles and Miles and Miles DO you realize that the Farmers State Bank has the only real Sav­ ings Department between McMinn­ ville, Corvallis and Salem? Then you will realize what a huge terri­ tory this institution covers in its operations, and you may be sure that we are prepared to serve everyone in that section too. 4 P e r cent Interest on Savings. Accounts m ay be opened *nd m ain tained by Mail. C. W. IRVINE, President. J. B. PARKER, Vice President. C. G. IRVINE, Cashier. L. C. FITZGERALD, Asst. Cashier. Xof)QJ FARMERS STATE BANK Íftdep«>ndí»ncs> O re g o n INDEPENDENCE IS THE FOURTH TOWN WEST OF THE M ISSISSIPPI RIVER TO GET THIS PICTURE. IT WAS SHOWN FOR THREE WEEKS IN SEATTLE FOR A DOLLAR A SEAT. I want to remind you about that small chew of this good tobacco. It tastes better because it’s good tobacco. Its quality saves you part of your tobacco money. It goes further and lasts longer. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles R IG H T C U T is a sh.irt-ct:*' to b a c c o W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Motto—"H it, Don't Fan.” Class Colors—Red uml W hite. Class F low er—Red Carnation. IT Will IE A III Fum ili C E tE W Ilh Gel th e s p irit of th e Dig C u e b ralto u au u iio u ie C om ing. »Ye, ut llte u. S>. A. n av e ju s l te a m e d n o t. nig we are, so now is Uie u m e iu. ev erjn o u y io ceieoruie. i n e com lu tu e e s w h o h av e Uie d iiie ie iil d i­ visions in cuui'ge u re w o rk in g e a rn csiiy io n av e Ulen' fe a tu re s u ip a s a n ex p ectatio n s, ire r e s a s u rp ris e , m e r e w u i ne un O rien ta l u o a t lro m i'o n iu n u in Uie p a ra u e , a n d m au.t u n iq u e a n u o n g in u l sch em es a n Doing w o rk ed o u i ny b u sin ess lioilse - ior incur en tries, t h e sp o ils coni m ilieu n av e m a n y s u rp ris e s m s io n . i h ere w in ue m u sic—good m usic n p len ty - a u u a m u se m e n ts to n il in., uuy w n n tn e V ictory sp irit, i n bow ery n an ce w ill ne one ol in .1 sp len d id icu iu rcs. A ll th e c u rro lc ... in to w n w in give v en t to tn e ir »> lu m in o u s n a tu re s, th e r e w ill be a v u u u ev m e te a l a n d a baby sn o w , a n u , oi course, th e "p lu g u g u es w in m a k e a m ne o la u g n te r. A Soul S tirring P ictu rizatio n ot me Most T iem endous m ory ever W ritten " * • “M an sh all bo eaucated lor W ar auu W om an PRIZE W INNERS NAMED IN for recieation of the W arrior. E verything else is lolly."—Nietzscne. OREGON HISTORY CONTEST Anu m us are brute force and evil passions gloruied. H istory’s d a rk ­ est pages couiu scarcely recall sued teachings as this—the result is The final decision of the judges only .oo strongly snow u in “The im parttonabie Sin.” * “ • You in the contest offered by the Civic w on’t ueiieve it u n til you see it and w nen you see it you’ll w ant to Club to the history classes for the fight—any red blooded h u m a n being would 1 * • * couay w hen best essays on “Early Oregon His­ tne iau ii is com m itt’ed W om an nm es herseli. Man w alks proudly tory" or some phase of early history erect. oo conveniently lor M an, so bitter ror Woman! * * * A w as made. Monday evening. The w inners w ere K athleen Skinner, F o w en u i ¿story 01 tne B ru tality and Injustice ol M an tow ard freshm en, Otis Scott, sophomore, W om an—unbelievable, u n th in k a ne, its dram atic thrilrs will hold U N orm a C albreath, junior. Kathleen you riveted to your le a t. * * • “The U npardonable Sin” is m ak ­ and Norrpa tied for the general ing ah n m erica sir up and take notice. * • * It conveys a m es­ prize. As the girls tied in m erit it sage m at startle, tn n li an d del gut you—and you’ll be a better' was decided to combine the two hu m an being. * * * You'll a l’vuys see tne picture, you'll alw ays prizes an d divide them equally be­ rem em ber tne story, it w ill uve lit your nund lorever. tween the two w hich disposition gave each w in n er two dollars. The judges w ere Mrs. J. S. Cooper, Mrs. MbiSUilUl' liAlllkii Alii Clyde Ecker and Rev. C. T. Cook. ttkiuuiuulittij rail anuUllil..j They were highly pleased w ith the T w u m u iii ù A U M i ö S i U i N ZO-ÍHJC. thought given the subjects and the i n e M eth o d ist E udies A id a lw a y s I thorough m aim er in which the pa­ keeps n s eye o u u ie m u m m y s ut PROGRAM FOR REMAINDER OF THE WEEK in lters w ere prepared. They only re­ m e m ourners a n u n o t one is allow cu gretted each p articip an t in the con­ tu puss w n u o u i u p re tty ceiebruliun. WEDNESDAY, JUNE IS—BRYANT WASHBURN in “The W ay test could not be given a prize. The L u a t rn u rsu u y lilese lu u les p r e p u ie . of a Man W ith a M aid." Girls! Girls! \ \ ill you never learn? Of Club hopes to m ake other offers to u nice su rp rise- u t Uie aieiuouL -. course, you don't th in k tiio m uu r just U’yiug to be nice to the gjrl. the pupils along sim ilar lines. c n u rc u lo r airs. A. d . U uvidsou a m i You know Ins kind! B ut d on't worry! Sho cun pluy the gumo, too! axis. D eru m r erg u so n who n a d euc.i MACK SENNETT COMEDY “The Village Chestnut." LIEUTENANT RALF FLOYD reaclieu a n o u ie r u tile stoue. T he AND ORA FENTON WED I re v e ille s w yre a ll co m p lete a u d u s • . THURSDAY, JUNE 19—“CAPTURED BY CANNIBALS.” F inal clim ax to mu p tc u sa n t ev en t M if. It w as a g reat surprise to Inde­ ivuna layers a p p e a re d wiUi a b u n . in stallm en t ol M artin Jo h nson’s sensational pictures “Cannibals ot pendence friends to learn th at d ay cuke b ea rin g id can d les, i b e the South Seas.” A first han d visit to the land o! the hum an brute. L ieutenant Half A. Floyd and Miss iu u ics k n ew tney w ere p a s t Uml ug-.i A udaciously O riginal U nconventional S iu y lin g pictures of Savages. Ora Fenton w ere m arried ut Cor­ n u t rciu sc u to nuneve tu Uie U'uu. - Naked, T reacherous M an-killing and frequently M an-Eating. Se­ vallis a few days ago. The parties u o n s ot s u p e rs ltu o u a u d ea ch d e ­ lecting Bridles for M arriage—T rapped by »Man-Eaters—B urying the were “k id ” sw eethearts and the ro­ p a rte d w ith Uie, sa m e c h e e iiu l ho. . dead alive—Sixty ho u r death-w atch. m ance w hich w as interrupted by on m u a n u s u rro u n d in g m e n tis. the w a r w as resum ed in the glad­ some days of peace w hich n atu rally FRIDAY, JUNE 20—DOROTHY DALTON in “Quicksand." Come Celebrate in Independence. resulted in the ringing of m arriage on boys! Yes, every one of y^u. Mothers, fathers an d sisters, too! bells. See w h at life really is for a cabaret girl! See, if it n il gay m usic, L ieutenant an d Mrs. à lL /A JA lìllà ' A L t l i R L bright lights aud sp ark lin g cham pagne! CHARLIE CHAPLIN in Floyd are now on th eir “T he Firem an." way to the Philippine Uivau vy ul. yuya, ui uU oaalfaa Islands w here the ’l 'U ò a ttii mu' avtuüuni bilillwi ua . groom has been as­ aVcaiuy, auuv au, laiu, ut a b ululili. SATURDAY, JUNE 21 WILLIAM DESMOND in “Liie’s a F unny signed to active duty Proposition.” A rollicking comedy d ram a—the story of a bachelor's in the aviation branch agonies ov .• the unexplained and unexplainable possession of a r a u u u it m ; of the service. perfectly m uocent baby. OUTING CHESTER and a Comedy. CARI L BIRTHDAY PARTY Spuuid 41.f. L la n o D u e lle — D iosauut tim e AT PRATHERS SUNDAY, J UNE 22—D. W. GRIFFITH presents . .u n ta cu au u iiu u i Telhrow Linua. Lnst Friday night, Liuno boto— Come Fussy ' I'au im e Ferry the P ra th e r clan of w hich there are m any L im isi. W hat alunit th a t F rench girl th a t the soldier hoys,' hack victor- S m em bers, gathered at Fluito Solo—"Ou Tiptoe" c e lila W arner ions from tfie w ar, is telling about? Are her clothes startlin g ? Do ■ the home of Mr. and LeGraiii. the sk irts show her hose? Is she the “Frenchy" sort of person you p Mrs. n. E. P ra th e r and Fiuuo Solo—"C iuderilia W altz Uluru Flem ing . im agine her to be? D. VV. Griffith's newest m otion picture intro- p spent a very enjoy- duces you. Meet the girl the soldier boys knew in France. IT ^ able evening. E ither Fiuuo D uette—"The F irst D uette ’ Fi casia COST “SOME” MONEY TO GET THIS PICTURE, BUT W E BOOK- ; Mr. or Mrs. P F,. or l re m ic a uuU Opal ilew ett ED IT JU ST THE SAME. * both had a birthday Jiro wiili e i and the event was Fiuuo Solo—"Happy Holiday ) R u tti re th ro w duly celebrated. Limisi-.. Fiuuo Solo— S pringtim e Joys REV. STEWART Dotile YYomei I N D E P E N D E N C E § P IE S AT BANKS F resser Fiuuo Solo—"Rose W altz" iTTMiiwiiwiiHiiwiiaiii«iHiiiwii«iiwiiHtiMiiwii^iiimiMiiwiiniiwiimiwiiaiiiaiiiMiiaiiT M uniou Meyers Rev. W. S. Stew art, for three years pastor Fiuuo Solo—"H ie Contented Bird' Row i of the Independence GUY PAUL PRATHER RECEIVES M ildred ie tlu o w Methodist ehurch, died B ro w n ian i PLAUDITS AT GRADUATION Dud* ol Spring at Banks W ednesday. Fum o Solo L una D urili He had been in jioor health for a num ber Flutto Solo— Rainbow VYultz W eber The crow ning event of the season’s of m onths. His par­ m usical events w as the graduation L u cilie Uouke ents live at Mon of Guy Pauli P ra th e r last T hursday j McIntyre m onth. The funeral Fiuuo Solo—"Sunshine Foiku evening from the W estern Conserv- ! * T ru la G rant w as held at Salem atory of Music, Ixittie Hedges Mein- ■ INDEPENDENCE Streabix j Friday, a num ber from Fum o Solo—"W hippoorw ill \V ullz tosh, Interstate Faculty Teacher, j here atending. Luume R ureh The event w as held at ttie M etho-i W EDNESDAY dist church before a large and dis , Fea.;-» BEST OF PICTURES Fiuuo Solo—"W ultz of the Snowflakes crim inating audience. The choir I L uulta Baker AT ISIS NEXT WEEK loft w as a bower of beauty, a , LeGraud Fiumi Solo—"Fiay Ground M arch" color schem e of pink and green was 1 The best pictures are Bernice B u irig h t charm ing and effective. The chan ] coming to the Isis! cel rail w as entw ined w ith lacy ferns < Ebneren it The hill of the coming P iano Solo— "Spinning Song and pink ram blers and huge pink I iluzel B utler Music by the week is unusually peonies and choice roses of the sam e j Gilbei io strong. Feeling th a t j Vocal Solo—"A Dusky L ullaby” delicate hue m ude the setting one j Famous Tillotson’s th eir S aturday night ; M urgurul Z ielesch of extrem e lieauty as can only he Singing and Playing shows could be im -1 gathered from O regon's flower gar j FART II. proved, the proprietors i dens. Jazz Dance Orchestra F iauo Duette—"M arch Des Trom bours” Ch. Weh: proceeded to schedule l The youthful m usician w as as- I Bessie Flesinger and Guy F ratlier a high class repretoire. : sisted d u rin g the evening bv Miss ! "The U npardonable | Vocal Sólo—"Tommy Lad" G ertrude Rogers, violiniid, who de- ; Murget.v 11 Sin" (M onday nnd | lighted the audience with her se- I E ru e st Chow n Tuesday, June lfl-17) | lections, and Miss A rtm thnot, read- . oitBimmiiHiii 11 ■ I I I V I B I J W achs is one of the most pre- : F iano Solo —"The M yrtles" er, w ho alw ays holds her audience I Vera W ilson entious screen plays ! every m inute th ru her original m an ­ th a t has ever been a t­ F iauo Solo—"U nder the S tars" ner in creating the atm osphere of Daii-; tem pted, and has com­ the different characters she repre- j Goldia Hooker pleted n iter m onths o f| sent*. For this occasion she chose j L umi painstaking effort nnd ( Vocal Solo—“F ireside Faces" “Calling on Caroline." PHOTOGRAPH Vera W ilson w ith the expenditure I As a pianist of only fifteen yenrs, GALLERY OPEN of more real money P iano Solo—“Love Dream s" Guy Pauli P ra th e r played w ith a Brown) than has been enlisted i m atu rity and poise quite rem ark I Em ilia Zielesch In the aid of any | able. He displayed a brilliant tech­ A. Thom as, long years D o K ovcm photoplay pixeluced | Vocal Solos— (u) “N ita G itan a’ nique and ftplendid interpretation. experienced photograph­ Gelido (b) "The T w ilight H our" w ithin the pa-. iive | llis en tire program w as given from er, has opened the Inde­ Alma W ells yenrs. It is a bland j memory. The second group "Adagio pendence Studio and will new production, Mid F iano Solo-Quartette from Rigoletto "Verdi S iile .’ and A llegretto" deserve especial do all kinds of work In a Just now is having its j mention as the contrnst in action Bessie Plessinger initial ru n s in the im | pleasing and satisfactory w as a splendid attest to his anility. Sandei s .ti Vocal Solo—“S pring's A w akening” portant theatres in the His rendition of Chopin's "Polon­ m anner. Helen Jones F.ast. aise" showed consum m ate m astery In "The U npardon­ P iano Solo—"Dance of the Raindrops" and he was in sistan tly recalled In Adam : able Sin" Miss Sweet "A Scottish Tone Poem " he display­ E dith Plessinger ' is show n alone In a ed a poet’s response to Scottish ! Chopin room w ith one of the Riano Solo— Polonaise rhythem s. Guy P ra th e r , (C ontinued on Page 4.) I I ■ !>■ i MJ. (continued on i ’uge 4.) MUilUAl AnU lUtSUAY, JUNE lb & 17 "The Greatest Thing in Life" f THEATRE| DANCE JU N E 18 “See here,” says the Good Judge ■ M argaret E. B urroughs •C harles T. Calbreath Norma M. C albrealli Opal E. Ilew ett Gladys 1. McGowuu G race Seam an H B I HI NliBU