The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, June 06, 1919, Image 7

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A remarkable photograph o f Camp Pontunezen at Brest, France, through which all American soldiers embarking for
home at that port pass, made from a French dirigible. The camp Is the largest of Its kind In the world. There are 60
miles o f duckbonrds in It, and housing accommodations for 80,000 men at one time.
The Suntu Teresa arriving at Hoboken with some of the men of the Eleventh engineers, who gained glory at Cnra-
brnl by dropping their picks nnd shovels and helping drive back the Huns. At the left Is Lieut. Col. II. W. Hudson, In
charge of the detachment, and at the right, Capt. C. F. Hubburd.
Land Shark Who Preyed on
Sailors Is Given His
Death Blow.
Shipping Board Establishes Govern­
ment Agency to Find Berths for
Seamen— Evils of Old System
Are Swept Away.
This Is the Marttnsyde transatlantic plane with Its pilot, E. I*. Baynhnm, nnd his assistant. Captain Morgan, climb-
ing into the cockpit, at St. Johns, Newfoundland. The portrait Is of Captain Morgan.
The United States wns startled the other day when there wns revealed a
great plot to slay lending officials nnd other citizens by means o f bombs sent
through tlie mails. It Is' believed to have been the work o f radicals, ns nearly
all the Intended victims were concerned In the prosecution or deportation of
members o f the L W. W. and other undesirables. This photograph shows the
bomb which wns sent to Judge Landis o f Chicago.
Lady Rending has departed from
Washington with her husband, for he
has completed the special work for
which he came here as British ambas­
sador and has gone home. This I* a
new photograph o f Lady Rending.
Caught at Last.
At one of the summer camps, a fa­
ther said to his pretty daughter one
“ What time did you send that young
Simpson home last night?
“ Oh,” replied the girl, " I don’t think
It was very late.”
" I t roust have been close to mid­
"W hy. father?"
“ Didn’t you send him out o f the
back door nnd hurry off to bed when
ydu heard me coming in?”
“ Oh I must have been In bed for
hours when you came In.”
“ You beard me, !h*en?”
•<Yes. You woke ate op."
"And you bad been In bed for
“ Uh huh!"
“ That certainly Is funny."
"W h y?"
“Because when I went to light the
lamp I nearly burned my hands on the
but chimney.”
Washington's several hundred yeomen (F ) celebrated the change from
navy blue to their attractive summer costumes by staging a drill which was
reviewed by Franklin D Roosevelt, acting secretary o f the navy. That same
night the temperature reached 35 degrees and the winter costumes came Nick.
Ur. Roosevelt is the civilian with a cane.
New York— Tho crimp, one o f the
ugliest figures ln th e predatory forces,
collectively known ns "land sharks,"
that once preyed unchecked on the
merchant sailor ashore, must give up
Ills grip on Jack when he Is In Ameri­
can ports.
Recent establishment by the United
States shipping board of a government
shipping agency o f national scope to
place seamen in positions nfloat will
put the crimp out of business.
The shipping board agency, known
as the sea service bureau, aims not
only to protect seaman nnd ship owner
against extortion, but to stabilize the
supply o f mariners at various ports
by shipping men to ports where most
needed, prepaying their fares,nnd look­
ing after their subsistence In transit.
This service will be performed nt
cost, nnd a nominal fee of so much a
man will be charged the ship operator
calling fo r men.
The passing o f the crimp is the most
recent In a number o f changes In con­
ditions nffecttng Amerlcnn sailors
when ashore that taken together con­
stitute a complete departure from old
lime standards o f what was consid­
ered good enough for Jack.
Into the discard which now receives
tho crinll) went some years ago the
sailors’ dance hall,'and Its attendant
sisterhood, who welcomed Jack ashore,
entertained him until Ills money was
gone, and turned him over to the
crimp, who In nine cases out o f ten
was a boarding house keeper.
Passing of Boarding House.
The sailor’s boarding house itself, ns
It was known In enrlier days, has suf­
fered eclipse by the welfure center,
where In a great clean building a
sailor may get a neat bed fo r 30 cents
a night, and meals at proportionate
cost, nnd wher6 he can play gnmes,
attend lectures nnd movie shows nnd
mingle socially with sober and self-
respecting companions.
Next on the list to go will be the
sailor's grog shop, which now Is on
A French pollu machine gunner and
gun o f the Twenty-third Infantry
guurdlng a portion o f the Rhine near
the village o f Crlmllnghausen, just a
few kilometers from Düsseldorf.
Its last legs. W ith that gone, the
props o f the old system for debauch­
ing Jack and plucking him will have
been sent to Davy Junes' locker. Few
will mourn the event, fo r n new style
o f sailor Is coming Into the merchant
marine— a sailor to whom old-time ex­
cesses ashore would not appeal nnd
on whom the “ land shark” would not
get fat.
The crimp will not go out o f busi­
ness willingly.
H e has too recent
memory o f days when to be n crimp
was to conduct a business of profit^
There nre tunny crimps In business
today who recall with professional
pride the days o f strong arm methods
In the merchnnt mnrine.
In those times the captain, whose
dignity' and ethics did not prevent
him from accepting a crew Hint had
been shipped by. deception or force,
turned to tlie- crimp ns to a specialist
to be engaged fo r difficult cases. The
crimp responded with the alacrity of
one who expects n good fee. It wns
In such cases that he shone, nnd his
methods were those of an artist In
guile. The fnct that he was an out-
lnw and that severe pennltles were
provided for any one aiding or abet­
ting him, ns well as for himself, did
not baffle him.
Liquor, drugged or otherwise, wns
Ills chief ally.
H e befuddled Jack
and worked Ills w ill with him. On«
classic method of the old time crimp
was to tap the drunken sailor over
the head with a blackjack, tumble him
into a boat, row him alongside the
ship on which he was slated to make
a long voyuge nnd have him hoisted
over the side.
Doom of the System.
The crimp knows where the worst
kind o f men are, to a certninty. He
mnkes it his business to go aboard
ships ns.they come In— sometimes get­
ting nbonrd in the guise o f ti dock
luborer— to solicit trade for Ills board­
ing house, offering inducements that
would not appeal to the newer type
o f Amerlcnn sailor, who In these times
lodges nsliore under the protecting
roof o f some friendly society.
One stroke o f business brings an­
other, with the crimp. He promises
Jack a Job If ho will stay on awhile
at the boarding house. When Jack’s
money Is gone, nnd the crimp's finan­
cial stake In the sailor must be made
good, Jack Is sold to the captain or
operator In need o f men who is w ill­
ing to pay the bonrd bill ns well ns
a fee. This practice received a hard
blow a few years ago, when the lnw
forbade assignments o f wages by sail­
ors, but it has been staggering along
since. It Is expected to die when the
shipping board's
agency gets Into full play.
She sea service bureau has met
with the Hearty npproval o f the mer­
chnnt sailors, who llock to Its offices
nnd lose no opportunity to inform
their mates arriving from voynges thut
there Is now a central government
agency for sigulng on men.
Youth Surrenders With a Record
of Hottest Fighting in
the War.
armistice, and into Coblenz. He hnd
been In the thickest of the lighting.
And he wns sntlsfied.
Frank Allee Again.
They mustered out Jack Anderson
on April 3; nnd lie beenme again Frank
W. Allee, deserter from the United
States navy.
H e paid n visit to his father nnd
Quits His Ship and Enlists In ¿he Six mother In Sjn-lngfleld, Mo., and then,
with his discharge papers, that told
Hundred and Second Engineers—
where lie had been since he deserted,
Fought at St. Mihlel, Chateau
lie went to Great Lakes nnd surren­
T h ie rry and Argonne Woods.
dered to Provost Mnrshul Lieut. It. C.
MucDuIUc. .
Chlcngo.— There wns action on the
Lieutenant MacDufflo explained tlint
sen. Warships that had met nnd fouglu the nrmy nnd nnvy veteran Is n prison­
were waiting, guns hared, fo r another er nt large, wnitlng for the nnvy de­
combat; submarines, armed merchant­ partment at Washington to decide his
men, nnd sw ift cruisers swept waters case.
strewn with mines. Each day brought
Its tale of vnlor nnd Its toll of dend.
And out In the Oznrks Frank W.
Allee, son o f a Missouri legislator,
heard the call and volunteered. He New "Made In Germany” Labels Sent
to London by Soldiers on
was only sixteen and could not get
Into the army, but with his father’s
consent he enlisted In the navy Febru­
ary 28, 1917,
London.— London business men nnd
Ho wns assigned to the battleship British manufacturers whose plants
South Carolina
ns a bugler— and nre located outside o f London are
America was at war. It meant action. alarmed lest the Germans should
again obtain a profitable foothold In
He was sure o f that.
the country. Tbe Intest Is the pub­
Pines for Action.
But there wns no action fo r him. lication o f labels which have been
The ship was In its war paint, but it sent to London by soldiers with tho
lay off Philadelphia awaiting orders array o f occupation at Coblenz.
“ Superior Scissors made o f the best
while thousands of lads In olive drab
double refined cast steel.
Made In
were crossing the sea.
Sixteen months he stood It, nnd he Germany,” rends one label, and “ fin­
drenined now o f trenches, o f midnight est hollow-ground razors, set rendy
raiding p a r tle v o f nlrplnnes, nnd henvy for use, w arranted; made In Ger­
tanks rumbling over No Mnn's Land. many,” Is another. Still others carry
the guarantee o f the Germnn manu­
Nothing like that In tbe navy.
Se one day he bought a civilian suit facturing firm, nnd nil /if them bear
and in due course of time wns listed ns the place o f origin.
According to an announcement by
a deserter.
About this time a well-built, tnnned, the bonrd o f trade, the regulations
wiry chap answering to the'nam e of against the Importation o f German
Jack Anderson enlisted In the Six goods In Great Britain are still In
Hundred nnd Second engineers in Bos­ force, nnd there Is no danger o f a
German trade Invasion.
Three weeks later he wns in Brest,
nnd then, as the Yanks went forward,
W ar 1« Resumed.
he wns In Chnteau Thierry, In St.
Milwaukee.— Is the war over? George
Mihlel, in the Argonne woods, fighting O’N eill said not. Frank Mlckel didn't
every day, sleeping In shell holes, and agree. B in g! W ar resumed. Casual­
In ditches.
ties: One fractured Jaw and one bat­
Across the front he went, after the tered face.