TERMS TOO HARSH SAYS FOE ■OF C U M T WEEK Brief Resume Most important Daily News Items. W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W f P i STATE NEW S IN BRIEF. Germans Asaert'to'Sign Would Be Ex­ ecuting “ DeJth Sentence.” Washtngton, D. C.—Germany, al­ though realizing that she must make sacrifices to obtain peace, is convinced that the execution of the peace treaty as drawn is "more than the German people can bear." Count von Brockdorff Rantzau, head ▼1 Director Says Public Ownership Only Other Solution. At a meeting of the subscribers to the Pacific & Eastern railroad stock Wednesday evening at Medford, it was decided to finance the proposition with local capital and have the com­ plete control of the road at home. LUMBER BUSINESS IS GOOD Stocka in West Coast Mills Are Badly Broken, Says Report. Seattle.—Commercial lumber busi­ ness has resumed in good volume, ac­ cording to a statement issued Thurs­ day by Robert B. Allen, secretary- manager of the West Coast Lumber­ men’s association. The recovery, how­ ever, ye said, has not yet reached the $26 average to which the war indus­ tries board declared it was entitled, and costs since the signing of the armistice have increased 23' cents a thousand feet. Lumber stocks In West Coast mills, the statement adds, are badly broken. The association’s stock report showed flooring stocks 65 per cent of normal, celling 45 to 87 per cent of normal, drop siding from 52 per cent below normal to 20 per cent above, finish lumber from 32 below to 8 above nor­ mal, and other lumber grades simi­ larly affected. During April stocks decreased 1.63 per cent. During December, January, Febru­ ary, March and April, the statement said, the lumber industry absorbed extremely heavy losses, but recently prices have stiffened until discount sheets show an advance of $6 or more in nearly all grades. Actual average sales, however, are somewhat below this advance, it was stated. S EASTERN CITIES Attorney General Palmer Home Object of One Attack. Taking advantage of a brief absence from the building of all the force of of the German peace delegation, thus the sheriff’s office, two prisoners con­ sums up the attitude of the German fined in the county jail at Pendleton nation towards the proposed treaty of Thursday broke jail by sawing their peace in a note to the allied and asso­ way through the bars of a back win­ Mayor o f Cleveland, O., Federal Judge Events o f Noted People, Government* ciated powers, outlining various Ger­ Government Official Tells House Com­ dow. man counter proposals. The German at Pittsburg and Others Marked. mittee Roads Need More Cash, and Pacific Northwest and Other One of the biggest liquor hauls of note, delivered to Premier Clemen- the year was made early on morning Radical Blown to Atoms. Things Worth Knowing. But He Opposes Rate Rise. last week on the state highway south ceau, president of the peace confer­ of Bend, when Sheriff S. E. Roberts ence, last Thursday, was made public and Chief of Police L. A. W. Nixon Washington, D. C.—Another at­ Private advices received in Wash Sunday night by the state depart­ Washington, D. C.— Director-Gener­ stopped the car driven by John Rogers ingtun Tuesday In Mexican circles ment. tempted reign of terror, directed chief­ al Hines outlined to the American The German delegation nowhere in Short Line railroad association con­ of Pendleton, finding four cases of ly against public officials who have said Francisco V i ^ ’s forces captured whisky. been active in their prosecution of Chihuahua City Monday. The advices its note asserts that it will refuse to vention here Tuesday his plan tor a sign the present treaty, but declares solution of the railroad problem, un­ enemy aliens and other radicals, was were without official confirmation, An active campaign throughout on behalf of the German nation that der which the railroads would be con­ Linn county this week in behalf of launched shortly before midnight Mon­ Ksthonian and Finnish forces have “ even in her need, justice for her is solidated into from 12 to 20 great sys­ the proposed $600,000 bond issue for day night. taken Petrograd, according to an un too sacred a thing to allow her to tems under government regulation road improvement was decided upon A bomb explosion which damaged confirmed telegram from Vardoe re­ stoop to accept conditions which she sufficiently definite as to attract pri at a meeting of the Linn County Good the residence of Attorney-General A. ceived by the National Tidende at Co­ cannot undertake to carry out.” Mitchell Palmer, in the fashionable vate capital and affording protection Roads association in Albany Thurs­ penhagen. Exclusion of Germany from the to the weaker roads. The only alter­ day. It is proposed to hold meetings northwest section of Washington, but The Utah State Press association league of nations, the note asserts, native to such regulation, he declared, in all sections of the county. which apparently resulted only in the ( In convention at Salt Lake City, adopt­ means that in signing the peace treaty, would be public ownership, for under death of the bomb planter, was fol­ After filing a petition bearing 250 ed resolutions favoring the return of Germany would be executing a "de­ any other plan private management lowed at brief intervals by Bimilar ex­ the railroads to private ownership cree for its own proscription, nay, its would be doomed to ultimate failure. signatures asking a recall election at plosions in seven other cities in a belt Cherries Open at 7 «Cents. the annual school meeting June 16 They also favored the league of na­ own death sentence.” extending from Cleveland to Boston. The director-general said each sys­ Yakima.—The 1919 cherry market tions covenant. The German people, the note says, tem must he made up of some of the with the Intention of ousting Carl A. Besides Washington, Cleveland and Johnson, member of the Bend school opens with a quotation 2 cents higher Boston, cities in which bomb outrages have been disappointed in their hope stronger roads and some of the weaker The report of the killing Sunday of board, the petition signers were in­ a pound than a year ago, although occurred were Pittsburg, Paterson, N. Miguel Otto, an American, by Yaquis, for a peace of justice which had been ones, be of a highly competitive char­ formed that Mr. Jqhnson will go out the crop was scant then, while this J., West Philadelphia, New York and promised and stands "aghast" at the acter and have government represen­ near. La Colnrada, Sonora, was con­ of office before he can be recalled. season it is about normal. Buyers Newtonville, Mass. firmed Tuesday. Otto’s body was demands made upon them by the “ vic­ tation on its directorate. for Libby, McNeill & Libby are in torious violence of our enemies.” West Philadelphia and Pittsburg A workable basis on which a proper found, stripped of clothing, mutilated As a trophy of the conquests in The German delegation agrees to return on the valuation of the railroad which her sons participated, and of the field for good stock at 7 cents a were subjected to two separate ex­ and with a bullet hole through the reduction of Germany's army and navy properties could be ascertained, was her own- driving annihilation of the pound, although it is not yet deter­ plosions. head. on condition that Germany be ad' essential, Mr. Hines declared, adding victory liberty loan quota, in the fifth mined how many cherries they will The similarity of the reports re­ Two men were shot to death and mltted immediately/to the league of try to handle at the big cannery. Chi ceived from the various cities recalled that excess earnings should be divided and last campaign, Portland is soon to two others were dangerously wounded nations; to renounce Germany’s' sov cago buyers are ready to take any to the authorities the May-day bomb between the railroads and the govern possess a captured German cannon— in a riot late Tuesday night growing ereign rights in Alsace-Lorraine and amount of fruit offered. ment. plot of a month ago. one of the few awarded to cities which out of the labor disturbances Involv­ Posen, but as to all other territories The bomb planted under the steps Prompt action by congress in pro­ led the loan in the several districts. ing 13,000 emplo/es of the Wiilys- which Germany is called upoq to give of the home of the attorney-general viding for the future of the railroads Overland Automobile company at To­ up the principle of self-determination, The Bay City sawmill Thursday at 2132 R. street wrecked the dwelling, •was necessary, in Mr. Hines' view, as ledo, O. applicable at once, is asked; to sub the present situation causes the public announced it had met the prevailing smashed in the windows of adjoining minimum schedule of $4 per day for Sweden and Denmark have notified ject all German colonies to administra to suffer. houses for a block, but injured no one the peace conference that they will tion by the league of nations, but within the Palmer residence. Only by increased rates can the gov­ common labor and declared a night Portland.—Wheat—Government ba not join in a blockade of Germany in under German mandatory and to ernment-controlled railroads meet op shift will be added at the mill Thurs An empty suitcase found near the the event of a German refusal to sign make the indemnity payments as re­ erating expenses, Director-General day. The mill was unafble to operate sis, $2.20 per bushel. entrance and a handbill signed “ the Flour — Patents, $11.45 delivered anarchistic fighters,”, printed on red the peace treaty. They state that a quired, but in amounts that will Hines told the house appropriations on night schedule on attempting to blockade could be made effective with­ burden the German taxpayer no more committee. He is opposed to any in recently, because the wages were to $11.30 at mill; bakers’, $11.15@11.30; paper, worded in inflammatory fashion whole wlleat, $10.25@10.40; .graham and serving notice of the intent of its heavily than the taxpayer of the most crease at this time, however, because low. out their violating their neutrality. $10.05@10.20. heavily burdened nation among those it might advance the cost of necessi authors to begin general war on lead­ At the annual meeting of the Polk Modification of the war-time pro­ represented on the reparafions com­ Millfeed— Mill run f. o. b. mill, car ers of society, was the only clew avail­ ties of life. County Fruitgrowers' association held hibition law so the working man may mission. Mr. Hines, who appeared to ask for in the commercial club room in Dallas, lots, $37@38 per ton, mixed cars able at a late hour. have light wines and beer was urged The note declares Germany is will­ $1,200,000,000 additional for the rail the following officers were elected to $37.50@38.50: ton lots or over, $39@ Instantly upon receipt of the news Tuesday by representatives of organ­ ing to pool her entire merchant marftife road administration’s revolving fund manage the affairs of the organization 40; less than ton, $40@41; rolled bar of the attempt on -the lives of other ized labor. Plea was made at the with that of the associated powers. for the remainder of this calendar during the coming year: President, H. ley, $60@62; rolled oats, $61; ground leading men in other communities, first of the hearings by the house ju­ Neutral participation in the inquiry as year, declared that while wages of C. Eakin; vice-president, Henry Voth; barley, $60. Major Pullman ordered special guards diciary committee upon liquor meas­ to responsibility for the war is asked Corn— Whole, ton, $75; cracked, $77 sent out to the residences of cabinet railroad employes had been increased secretary, Frank V. Brown; treasurer, ures. Hay—Buying prices f. o. b. Port­ officers and prominent men in the,, 51 to 52 per cent during government N. L. Guy. land: Eastern Oregon timothy, $36® government. Toronto's “ general" strike In sym­ control, they now were only “ reason­ John R. Smith, a mining prospector 37 per ton; alfalfa, $28; valley grain pathy with striking metal workers end­ Mr. Palmer and other members of able and fair.” He added that he could who has delved in the out-of-the-way hay, $26@28; clover, $26@28. ed Tuesday night, when representa­ the family were at home, but escaped see no prospect of reducing them. Butter — Cubes, 92-score, 59c; 91- any injury, though the front of the tives of the various unions Involved The present Wages were based on places in Coos and Curry counties for voted to accede to the request of the corresponding rates in industry, Mr. the past seven years, has disposed of score, 5814c; 90-score, 58c; prints, residence almost collapsed with the metal trades council that sympathetic Mayence.— The Rhine republic was Hines said, and while the increases a placer claim on Rock creek, south parchment wrappers, box lots, 60c; force of the explosion. They were on strikers return to work. This deci­ proclaimed Sunday in various Rhine were in part responsible for the gov­ ern Coos, for $10,000. Mr. Smith has cartons, 61c; half boxes, Ht: more; the second floor preparatory t'o retir­ sion affects between #000 and 8000 cities. The population welcomed the ernment loss in operating the lines, investigated every mineral belt in less than half boxes, lc more; butter- ing at the time. workers. As in Washington, the bomb plot in event with satisfaction and expressed part of the loss was represented in in­ districts’ mentioned and opened many fat, No. 1, 59@60c per pound, station. prospects. Eggs — Oregon ranch, case count, Boston was directed against a public Prominent business men of Tokio the hope that it would put an end to creases of from 55 to 70 per cent in 45c; candled, 46c; selects, 48c. official. He was Justice Albert F. have met to discuss the project of lay­ the painful uncertainty prevailing' in equipment costs. Nearly 1000 applications have al­ Poultry— Hens, 35c; broilers, 32@ Hayden, of the Roxbury municipal ing a now cable line between Japan the Rhine provinces regarding the ready received by the real estate de­ 35c; geese and live turkeys, nominal; court, who recently handed down de­ and the United States. Committees allied nations and Germany. partment from realty brokers who dressed turkeys, 40@45c. cisions in riot cases, in which more The new government is headed by will be appointed to study the ques­ want to take ou£ licenses for the Veal—Fancy, 19c per pound. than 100 men and women were ar­ tion. The persistent delay in cable Dr. Dorden. It has been installed current year. C. V. Johnson, who has, Pork—Fancy, 26c per pound. raigned in connection with a radical messages has aroused public opinion provisionally at Wiesbaden. Dr. Dor­ been appointed manager of the real Fruits— Apples, $4@5.50 per box; demonstration in the Roxbury district Washington, D. C.—Investigation of estate department by Insurance Com­ to such an extent that active interest den addressed a message to the dif­ $2.50@5.25; cherries, on May day. is being taken in the possibility of ferent governments and to the peace the bomb explosions in eight cities, missioner Wells, began his duties strawberries, $2.50 per box, 1714@20c per pound; In Cleveland also plotters attempted conference. which were intended to kill public -Thursday. laying another cable. cantaloupes, $4.50@12 per crate. to take the life of a public man. Mayor men, has convinced secret service The professional hobo and the seek­ A strike of union Morse and multi­ Vegetables — Cabbage, $3.50@5.50 Hat-ry L. Davis. chiefs here that the outrages had a Many Die In Theater Fire. er for adventure and hunger who go per 100 lbs.; lettuce, $2.25@2.50 per plex operators at the Western Union Two explosions occurred in Pitts­ \VlenceSur-Rhone.— Fire broke out common source, and that they prob­ about the country looking for hand­ crate; peppers. 30c per pound; arti burg. The first damaged the resi­ offices at Atlanta, Ga., in support of during > the performance in a moving- ably can be classed as an unsuccessful the striking employes of the Southern outs was almost unknown on Coos chokes, 90c; cauliflower, $3.25; beets dence of United States District Judge picture house here and a large num­ attempt on the part of a still unknown Hell Telephone & Telegraph company Bay until two youth, 18 and 21 years $2.50 per sack; carrots, $3.50 per William H. Thompson and the homes ber of persons were killed or injured. anarchistic group to resume a cam­ of age, trudged into the city the other sack; turnips, $2.25@3.50 per sack; of three prominent business men lo­ was voted Tuesday night by the local paign of terrorism begun with the May Early the list of dead had reached 80, night, en route from Los Angeles to cucumbers, $1.50@2.25 per dozen; to­ cated nearby. council of the Commercial Telegraph­ the bodies of 53 children and 21 day attempt to deliver a series of in­ ers’ Union of America, it was an­ “ somewhere,” and asked the city matoes, $3.50@4.50 per box; spinach, In this explosion C. J. Cassady, an fernal machines through the mails out women having/ been found. The in­ nounced by Charles F. Mann, a vice- police for lodgings. 8c per lb.; peas. 12}4@15c per pound; official of the Pittsburg Plate Glass juries of most of those taken from the of New York. president of the union. rhubarb, $2.25@2.75 per box; aspara­ company, and his wife and four chil- Washington police Tuesday devoted building were slight. Four thousand Figures compiled by State Insur­ dren were hurl (Ml from their bods by gus. $2@2.25 per crate. Winston Spencer Churchill, secre­ spectators were in the theater and efforts to reassembling fragments of ance Commissioner Harvey Wells, the force of the explosion. The other Potatoes — Oregon Burbanks, best tary for war, speaking in the house of when the fire broke out many children the man who was killed^ at the door taken from the annual reports of in­ Pittsburg explosion occurred in the commons Saturday, foreshadowed the were trampled on. of Attorney-General Falmer's home, surance companies operating in Ore­ $1.60@1.75; new California, 8@9c per west end district, where W. W. Sibray, chief inspector of the bureau of im­ possibility of the withdrawal of for­ while attempting to plant his cargo gon, show that investments of all such pound. migration there, was hurled from his Onions — Brown, $3.75 per crate; eign troops from Hussia by the end of explosives. Epidemic Strikes Babies concerns up to December 31, 1918, bed. white. $4.75 per crate; red, 514c per of summer, owing to the favorable Police at New York, Philadelphia, In Paterson, N. J., the home of Max Los Angeles.—An epidemic of bac­ amounted to $35,135,000. This figure pound. Gold, a silk manufacturer, was dam­ situation. terial dysentery, which already has P i t t s b u r g , Cleveland, Newtonvtlle, does not include liberty bonds alloted Hops—Oregon, 1918 crop. 45c; 1917 aged and windows within a wide ra­ A resolution directing the house for- caused the death of three children, Mass.; Boston and Paterson, N. J., to Oregon insurance offices or real crop. 27@28c; 1916 crop, 15@17c per dius broken. No one was injured. wer* engaged in the widespread hunt. estate owned by local fraternal so- elgn affairs committee to investigate i *laa appeared in the Antelope valley, The Philadelphia police said that pound; three-year contracts, 30c, 28c, the two explosions there were attri­ the amount of American-owned ltus- miles northeast of Los Ange- Detectives were sent from Washing­ cities. 25c. buted to two men in an automobile sian bonds, and the plans for their *eB- according to a statement here ton t® the first two named cities in After holding up three employes Wool—Eastern Oregon and Wash who were seen to pass the réctory of interest payment, was introduced Frl Sunday night by Dr. J. L. Pomeroy, order to connect up operations. the Catholic Church of Our Lady of The hat of the Washington bomb- Wednesday and robbing the Bank of ington. 40@57c per pound; valley, 30 Victory in. West Philadelphia, and the day by Representative Mason, repub- l-*08 Angeles county health officer. Haines of $3115 in currency, a lone @50c per pound. planter, purchased in Philadelphia.* home of Louis Jagieiky, a jeweler, Mean, of Illinois. ------------ robber gave his victims their choice 2, 614c per pound; grease, No. 1, 6$4e; eight blocks away, where thè two ex­ and other details, indicated a possibil­ , . England Has OH Well. of being locked in the vault, which No. 2. 514c per pound. A nation wide campaign for a con- ____. . . . . plosions occurred. Three women were , , , London.— For the first time, mineral ity that the consignment of explosives Cascara Bark— New. 10c per pound. injured. gre.slon.l Investigation of lynching 0„ of hi* h quttlltv atl^ .conglderabU> had been sent out from there. Another might have meant death by smother­ The explosion which occurred in Grain Bags—In carlots, 13c. ha. been inaugurated a . a result of qtmntltlM> eYen at flrit fIow. ha9 connecting link in%the view of author­ ing. Or taking an oath on a Bible that Newtonville, Mass., just outside of they would not leave the bank or give the mob murder of Jay Lynch, a white . , . __ . . . . . . „ Cattle— Best steers ..... $13.00@13.50 Boston, damaged the home of Repre­ , . .. ,M*en discovered in England. For ities! here was the similarity of the an alarm for 30 minutes. The three Good to choice steers . 11.00@11.50 sentative Leland W. Powers, who ac­ man, at Lamar, Mo., the national as ___ ... .... ... ... . . some months past, through the Initia- anarchists handbills found near the took the oath and kept it. The holdup Medium to choice steers.. 10.00@11.00 tively supported the anti-anarchy bill sociation for the advancement of col- ... . . ... , , . „ tlvo of Lord Uowdray. experimental scene of the explosions In several Fair to good steers.... .... 8.75@ 9.75 occurred after banking hours. The Common to fair steers__ 7.75® 8.75 recently passed by the Massachusetts ored people announced Saturday. . . . „ . legislature. * j borings have been in progress near cities. bandit escaped in a taxicab. Good to ch. cows, heifers 10.00@11.50 The Salvation Army’s campaign for 1 Chesterfield, in Derbyshire, Med to good cows, heifers 6.50® 7.50 Railways to Divide Costs. Rate Measure is Favored. Plans for the enlargement of the Fair to med cows, heifers 4.50® 5.50 a $13,000,000 home service fund has More than 50 head of cattle were Canners ................ ........ 3.00® 4.00 Washington. D. C.— Validity of the Moore hotel at Seaside, purchased Sat­ Washington D. C.—The senate in- pass Ml its goal, according to latest re­ taken to the Wenaha national forest terstate commerce committee by un- urday last by a coterie of business Bulls .................. ......... 6.00® 8.50 Washington state law of 1913 authoriz­ ports Friday. 9.00@13.00 last week by C. L. Jamison of the anftnotts vote ordered favorably re­ men of that city from Dan J. Moore, Calve«' ............. Stockers and feeders..... 7 00@10.00 ing the state public service commis­ Lieutenant E. 8. Wisdom of the Farmers' Saving bank of Walla Walla. ported a bill, restoring at once the proprietor for the past 15 y&rs. in­ Hogs— Prime mixed ...... 19.50 @19.85 sion to apportion between two or army aviation school at Rockwell The stock is owned by a number of rate making powers of the interstate clude the construction of a $200.000 Medium mixed .............. 19.00@1950 more railroads crossing each other, field. North Island, was killed Friday farmers and dairymen. The hank or- commerce commission. The bill hotel structure, according to John L. Prime mixed ................ 19.75@20.00 the cost of makingr the crossing was 19.50@19.75 when an airplane In which he and ganiied a pasture club, provided reg- amends the railroad control act so as Etheridge of Portland, who negotiated Medium m xed ....... Rough heavies .... 18.00@18.75 Monday upheld by the supreme court Lieutenant E. R. Kelly were flying istered bulls, Insured the stock for to give the commission complete *u- the deal for the purchasers. The price Pigs .................... 17.75@18.20 in deciding a suit appealed by the came down near Ramona, about 30 half Its value, paid all fees and as­ thority to set aside, change or modify paid for the property, Mr. Etheridge Sheep— Prime sprg lambs 14.00@15.00 commission growing out of a dispute miles from San Diego. Cal. Lieuten­ sessments and will return the cattle all rate«, fares, classifications and reg­ reveals .was $75.000, comprising a medium lambs 12.50@13.25 between the Northern Pacific and ant Wisdom's home was San Francis­ to the owners this fall at a nominal ulations Initiated by the president dur­ cash payment of $20.000. the ;-;;;3 3 Z Z the Puget Sound and Willapa Harbor co. char»«. "v ing the period of government control. mainder to be paid within six months. Ewes ............................. 6.00® 8.00 Railroad companies. COMPILED FOR HIGHER RATES LOOM YOU RHINE R E P U B LIC S BIRTH AN NOUNCED P H ILA D ELP H IA SAID TO BE PLOT CENTER PUBLIC MEN TARGET