The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, May 30, 1919, Image 7

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    Hard Surface Highways Mean Greater Developme nt of Our Resources, Enhancement
of Land Values, Reduced Cost of Hauling, and Make Possible All-Year Travel.
VOTE NO. 318 YES aqj Jo a ' uu uj a .mom aqi q.ijimi
jects at the rate o f not less than three
dollars to one dollar, and the contract
construction shnil have been
Q.— Under what jurisdiction is the
money raised from the bond issue
and under whose jurisdiction are the
roads built?
Measure Must lie Considered in the
A.— The State Highway Commission
Light of a Gilt-Edge Investment
and the Federal Government exclusive­
for Polk Taxpayers.
A Wise Investment.
When- the voter lias digested all the
E IG H T E E N OTHER CO UNTIES ARE facts in connection with the proposed
bond issue he cannot fa il to immediate­
ly realize that pledging the credit of
the county in the sum named is a good
Polk Gets None of Government Appro­ investment, and one that he would
priation Unless It Matches the
jump at in the conduct o f his private
I f readers o f these lines
Money One to Three.
could secure a return o f three dollars
on an investment o f one dollar we
During the ensuing three years the would all be fallin g over each other
Federal Government w ill expend In to reach the source from which the
And public affairs
Oregon for the construction o f l*>st o ffer emanated.
roads the magnificent sum o f $4,000,000 should be conducted along practically
and when the congress gets to the con­ the lines o f private affairs, especially
The tax­
sideration o f the further needs o f not with reference to finances.
only this state but others throughout payers o f Polk county have been long
the land greater amounts w ill doubt­ suffering in their contributions fo r the
less be forthcoming.
These appro­ building and maintenance o f roads
priations w ill be distributed among that have comparatively little endur­
counties making provisions to match ance. and which under the present day
federal aid. and hence the proposed tra ffic o f motor vehicles o f various
bond issue in Polk county o f $265,000, types go to pieces soon after their com­
presented to the voters on .Tune 3 fo r pletion. leaving practically nothing for
Hard surface
their approval or rejection.
Unless large expenditures.
Polk county votes to issue bonds it roads eliminate further cost, and a f­
cannot get any federal assistance in ford opportunity for the county to
any amount whatsoever, meaning a build up a system o f laterals on which
loss o f three dollars from the govern­ is the lighter traffic, that is now out
ment for every dollar devoted to the o f the question fo r want o f adequate
purpose by the county.
Tuesday. Vote Number ,31ft X Yes.
F.ighteen other counties in Oregon
(From The Observer o f April 18)
Probably the largest and unquestion­
ably the most enthusiastic gathering of
taxpayers ever held within Polk coun­
ty was that o f Saturday afternoon,
called at the instance o f the Dallas
Commercial club for the purpose of
discussing and neting upon a propo­
sition to pledge the eredit o f the coun­
ty in the sum o f $265,000 for the better­
ment o f its highways.
The spacious
circuit court room was filled to over­
flowing with representative citizens of
the county, many persons being com­
pelled to crane their necks from the
corridor« on plther side in order to
participate in the deliberations of the
assemblage and to mingle their ayes
with those o f the more fortunate ones
who had taken time by the forelock
and gained admission.
The meeting
was characterized by its unanimity of
opinion, not a single voice being raised
in opposition to the measure which
the gathering contemplated submitting
to the qualified electors on June 3 for
their approval or rejection.
from isolated parts, those who have
long exhibited Job-like patience in
their suffering for want o f good roads,
appreciative o f this ray o f sunshine
along their market pathway, were
among the first to acclaim in favor of
issuing bonds o f sufficient proportions
to pull them out o f the mud.
sentatives from cities and villages
stood shonlder to shoulder with their
country cousins in the .successful con­
summation o f tile biggest constructive
undertaking ever launched in Polk
county, meaning an exiienditure of
millions o f dollars for road purposes
within the confines o f this bailiwick
during the next five years— a sufficient
amount to improve in accordance with
their demands practically every trunk
line and'm arket road, no matter how
oliseure the latter may be.
are presenting the same question to
its voters at the special election next
month, and if any fa il to carry the
proposition those counties voting bonds
w ill receive the money that would
otherwise go to their less fortunate
I f Polk's decision next
Tuesday is against pledging the eredit
o f the county in the sum o f $265,000
fo r the construction o f permanent high­
ways, as shown by the map printed on
this page, then those other counties
voting bonds w ill get our share o f the
government money allotted to this pur­
One post road project has already
been approved by the Secretary of
Agriculture, that between Dallas and
Salem, the estimated cost o f which is
$.327,000. but its construction is con­
tingent upon Polk county preparing the
roadbed, for which $1.3.000 is included
in the bonding measure.
Others will
follow in various parts o f the county
until our finances are exhausted. I>c-
fore which time, according to the beat
available information. Polk county will
have had expended within its borders
approximately $1,500,000 by state and
federal governments.
Tf all the $265,000 bonds were issued
during the present year and roads
built as provided for in the election
call a two-mill tax annually would pay
the interest and retire the full issue of
bonds on the present property valua­
tion in fifteen years.
The present
cost o f maintaining Polk county roads
represented in the improvement pro-
*eeii shown hr the map is practically
«17,000. ro $150 per mile per annum.
Tt w ill readily be seen from this that
the total cost fo r upkeep fo r fifteen
rynt-s on these graveled roads would lie
$225,000 to snv nothing o f the further
cost o f horseflesh, gasoline, wear and
tear as against hard surface roads,
the aggregate o f which cannot be es­
timated at less than *100.000 addi­
Tt lias been figured out bv
experts rhnt it costs the nutomobilists
driving a car with average gasoline
consumption one cent per mile more
to tread macadamized roads than hard
surface roads.
Aside from financial
gain good roads save health and souls
through hrainstrom. the value of
which are inestimable.
Information in Brief.
For the information o f those per­
sons who are not fam iliar with the
various points in connection with the
proposed bond issue the follow ing ques­
tions and answers have lieen prepared :
Question— W ill all o f the roads des­
ignated on the ballot he built this or
next year?
Answer— No.
Question— I f the federal government
does not build any roads in Polk coun­
ty. w ill the bonds he issued?
A.— No.
Q.— I f the bonds are issued can the
county spend the money voted for one
project for the construction o f any
other project?
A— No.
Q.— When will the bond« be issued?
A.— When the state highway com­
mission and the federal government
largest and Most Enthusiastic Meet­
ing Ever Held in Polk County,
That of April Thirteenth.
* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Without money to match government
and state nid in road building Polk
county w ill get nothing o f the $4,000.-
000 already allotted by the federal
government to Oregon. Other counties
voting to pledge their credit for build­
ing highways w ill receive our share.
Tt is only a matter o f good business
to carry thé $265.000 bond issue.
Tuesday. Vote Number .318 X Yes.
O f the $5.000.000 bonds for recon­
struction. $2.000.000 will be used prin­
cipally for building.
The plan calls
for a state hospital at Portland, a new
lienitentlarv at Salem, new buildings
at the University o f Oregon nnd the
Oregon agricultural college and armo­
ries scattered throughout the state.
Counties, however, which wish to avail
themselves o f the raonev for armories
must match it.
Buildings are pro­
vided for at the Monmouth normal
schools, a hospital fo r feeble-minded,
buildings fo r the soldiers' home nt
Roseburg and other projects.
Tuesday. Vote Number 318 X Yes.
Good roads are the best investment
the taxpayers o f Polk county can pos­
sibly make.
Practically every large
landholder in the county appreciates
this fact, and will not only vote to
issue bonds for the construction of
permanent hard surface highways but
w ill use his influence to that end with
his neighbor.
Tuesday. Vote Number .318 X Yes.
The entire state is directly interest­
ed in the proposed $5.000.000 bond issue
for reconstruction work.
O f this sum ;
$2.000.000 is to bo used only in co- ;
operation with the federal government
in the reclamation o f lands, by irriga­
tion. drainage and other improvements.
Tuesday. Vote Number 318 X Yes.
The Roosevelt Highway.
It is to lie hoped that the measure
Project One— For preparing grade as laid out by the state highway commission through Holmes Gap and south providing for an appropriation o f
p f Monmouth to the Benton county line, a distance o f 26 miles. $40.000.
, $2.500.000 by the state for the construc­
tion o f a highway down the coast will
Project Two— For preparing grade from the intercounty bridge at West Salem to the intersection o f Main and
be carried at the June election.
Academy streets at Dallas, as now surveyed and staked out by the highway commission, and having the approval of
is contingent upon the federnl govern­
Secretary o f Agriculture Wilson as a post road, a distance of 15 miles, $13,000.
ment making a like appropriation. Such
Project Three— For the purpose o f preparing road bed or matching State and Federal aid between Dallas and
a road would open up one o f the finest
the north county line, via Salt Creek and Ballston, a distance o f 13 miles, $.39,000.
dairying and timber countries in the
Pacific Northwest, the development o f
Project Four— For the purpose o f preparing road bed or matching State and Federal aid from the intersection of
which would soon return to the treas­
the road where the Porrdale road crosses nt the foot o f Dolpli hill to
the intersection with the West Side Highway
ury o f the state in taxes more than the
at the W aldo Finn corner, via Perrydale and McCoy, a distance o f 7 miles, $21.000.
amount expended on the highway.
a m ilitary thoroughfare such n road is
Project Five— For the purpose o f preparing road bed or matching State an<l Federal nid from Dallas to Falls
most Important.
City, a distance o f 10 miles, $30.000.
Project Six— For the purpose o f preparing road bed or matching State and Federal nid from Fern crossing to
A irlie, via Lewisville, a distance o f 8% miles, $24,000.
Project Seven— For the purpose o f preparing road bed or matching State nnd
crossing o f the West Side Highway a t Silver, r. distance o f 5 miles, $20,000.
Federal aid
A irlie
Project Eight— For the purpose of preparing road bed or matching State and Federal nid from Stiver to Stump’s
corner, north to Independence,, stubbing Buena Vista, a distance of 11*4 nil lea. $30.000.
Project Nine— For the purpose o f preparing road lied or matching State and
bridge at West Salem to Lincoln store, « distance o f 6 miles, $18,000.
Federal aid
the intercounty
Projert Ten— For the purpose o f preparing road lied or matching State and Federal nid from Clanfleld’s corner,
through Clearview, to county line, n distance o f 8 miles, $2.3.000.
Project Eleven— For the purpose o f preparing road bed or matching State nnd Federal niil from Perrydale west
to C. B. Byrley's corner, a distance o f .3 miles. $7.000.
Trucks Assigned to Oregon.
Seventy-two motor trucks, valued nt
$220,000 have been assigned by the
federal government to the Oregon stnte
highway commission.
Twenty-two o f
tile trucks have been ordered shlp|ied
to Pendleton and the remainder to
Salem, for use on highway construction
in tills Immediate n«*ctlon. contractors
I « ‘big given use o f the trucks.
nre two-ton and fonr-n nd-a-ha lf-ton
Normal Alumni Working.
Letters are I icing sent to the Alumni
o f the Norip m 1 by Miss Emily DeVore,
president, and Mrs. Beulah Hesse-
It should be distinctly understood that under no circumstances can money from one project l»e transferred to any
Craven, secretary, inviting them to be
other projert. and that unless the highway designated above shall be permanently improved the lionds for that
present at the 11*19 Commencement,
Postroad Project Considered.
asking them to sutiserilie to the Mem­
State Senator I. L. Patterson con- \ particular project cannot be ¡ssued.
orial fnnrl and urging them to vote for
suited with momliers o f the commis-<
the $5,<><>0.000 bond issue, from which
sion yesterday regarding rushing the
Enhances Value of tands.
which would open a vast territory o f | lire ever present«! to the electors o f th<> Oregon Normal is entitled to re­
nostroad project lictween Salem and
It Is our opportunity ceive $100.000 for buildings.
"Th e prospective construction of rich country, I want to see the Polk ; Folk county.
The commissioners agree to
call for bids for grading fo r the .Tune permanent highways has already en­ county Iiiftid issue carry, for it means and unless we take advantage of it th‘>
Always in (lie Right.
10 meeting, the bids being contingent hanced land values in sections adja­ local development o f one o f the best millions o f dollars that will come Info
“ Falls City will do its full duty In
on the passage by the voters o f Folk cent to the proposed betterments. Why. and most prosperous counties in the the state from the federal government
I during the ensuing few fears will go the rood bond election, have no fear o f
county o f their proposed rond bond the other day I sold a parcel o f land state."- M. Peterson. Grand Ronde.
We are alive to the fact that
to other counties voting lionds at (lie Hint.
I f the lionds fail to carry the for $7,000 to a party whose principal
June election and Polk will lose its good roads are not, only a convenience
His Turn W ill Come.
bill« will t>e rejected and Senator object in making the purchase' was to
Imt a necessity to the upbuilding o f
“ It has I hs ' ii sixty-five years since Jusr proportion.” — Representative W.
Patterson promised to pay the cost of j locate on an all-year-round road. There’
the country.
F a ll» City has always
advertising himself.
I f the bonds is no question in my mind that good thi‘ Starbucks first took possession of V. Fuller.
stood for good roads, and there It
carry the Salem-Dallas road w ill get a roads are at least a 20 per cent invest­ hinds in Polk county, during all of
stand« today.” — Hon. Frank K. Hub­
Others Will Vole Bonds.
landholders." — Ex-county which time it has been necessary to
flying start.— Oregonian.
trespass upon the holdings o f others to
There is little doubt but that Marion.
Judge E. C. Kirkiiatrlck.
Clackamas Work Planned.
reach a country road.
And while the 1 Yamhill, Lincoln, Tillaroisilf. Linn and
Must Maintain Our Position.
Ulackama« county, which heretofore
Road W ill Benefit Many.
road program outlined does not relieve other adjoining counties will vote
“ I f Polk county Is to maintain its
has refrained from voting roarl Imnds.
“ W ith the improvement o f the high­ my situation I am heartily In favor of lionds for the permanent improvement enviable position as flic Blue Ribbon
plans a special election and road bond way from the Salem bridge to the Lin ­ lmnding to help the more unfortunate. of their respective highways, at the
county o f the Pnelfle Northwest It
issue this summer.
coln sfore everylwslv jn our section will My turn w ill come."— I)r. A. II. Star- ; June election, polk county must keep must get right on the road question."
I apace with its neighbors or be lost In Hon. I. I,. Patterson.
receive benefit, and the project as out­ buck.
What Pat Thinks About It.
' the "hnffle.
Umatilla has voted to
“ The Salem-Rickreall road Is the lined should have their endorsement at
Now or Never, Nays Fuller.
“Joe” Is There Strong.
! issue $1.000.000 worth o f bonds for
worst damned road I have ever seen.” the polls on June 3."— Wayne D. Henry
“ There can be no good nnd sufficient i this purpose, while Sherman and
“ I heartily approve o f this bond
—Congressman C. N. McArthur before Spring Valley.
reason for the proposed lw>nd issue not Wheeler have each gone to the limit.
Issue and will do all that t can for Its
road convention.
His Second Choice.
carrying, and I firm ly believe It will
successful outcome at the election to
Remember fhe Number, 318.
lie held on June .3.'"—H Hirschberg.
“ Next to the Roosevelt highway. have the largest m ajority o f any mens-
Tuesday. Vote Number 318 X Yes
Published by authority o f A. B. Star buck. W. V. Fuller. H. Hlrshberg. Publicity Committee.