The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, May 30, 1919, Image 6

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Operations Without Anesthetics
One Method of Torturing
British Officers.
Captain Gilliland Declares Many Men
Were Driven Mad by Confinement
— Wounded Given No Medical
Attention for Months.
New York.— Capt. Horace G. GUH
land, British officer and author, now
la this country, tells a thrilling story
o f the cold-blooded treatment accord­
ed him while a prisoner In Germany
from October, 1914, until April, 1917,
when he escaped.
An officer In the Loyal North Lan
cnshlre regiment o f the British regu­
lar army. Captain Gilliland, landed In
France on August 12, 1914, with the
first division o f the British expedi­
tionary force. H e served with that
division until October when, at the
first Ypres battle, In the La llassee
engagement, he was made prisoner.
His company had been ordered, 370
strong, to hold a corner In front of
La Bassee while the hard-pressed Eng­
lish withdrew before a numerically
overpowering German force.
held for 22 hours, and, when the men
In gray finally 'storm ed over the
trenches held by the khaki-clad troops,
there was only Captain Gilliland and
three enlisted men alive.
A ll four
wore desperately wounded.
"YVe were ordered to the rear,” said
Captnin Gilliland, "nnd commenced
crawling along as none o f us could
walk. Our captors were enraged at
the resistance we had made against
them nnd refused us Red Cross aid.
One o f the men, unable to crnwl fast
enough an nccount of his wounds, was
buyoneted by a German soldier a few
feet In front o f me. Before we got to
La Bassee I had become separated
from the other two men nnd I have
never heard of them since.
the bone splinters from my lungs.
That, T think, was about the cruelest
experience I went through as a pris­
oner. Although there were plenty of
anesthetics In that hospital they re­
fused me any sort o f relief. I was
tied hand and foot on an operating
table and fo r two hours und twenty
minutes I lay there while that surgeon
worked over me.
I had a mental
breakdown when it was all over, but
I don't think you will wonder at that.
I will say one thing— the surgeon
knew bis business.”
Captain Gilliland described how he
wns sent back to BIshofswerda to re­
cuperate, where things were fairly
easy fo r a few weeks until Itoumanla
declared war.
“ I finally escaped from a train with
three other men,” Captain Gilliland
said. “ YVe leaped from the right-hand
side o f the car and the guards were
unnble to shoot at us on that account.
YVe had previously cut the signal cord
and they could not get the train
stopped. YVe walked 140 miles In five
days without food, and finally sneaked
across the Dutch border. In getting
across the border German sentries
killed two o f my comrades and wound­
ed the other.”
New Polar Discoveries Made by Bart­
lett to Be Named for For­
mer President.
New York.— The expedition which
Capt. Robert A. Bartlett will lead next
June to make an aerial survey of the
North pole will be known as the Roose­
velt memorial expedition, according to
an announcement by the Aero Club of
America, which is financing the trip.
Any land discovered w ill be named
“ Roosevelt land.”
Officials o f the club explained It was
fitting that this tribute should be paid
the form er president, ns It was he who
gave Rear Admiral Peary leave o f ab­
sence to head the expedition which dis­
covered the pole, and Captain Bartlett
commanded Peary’s ship, the Roose­
Given No Medical Aid.
Club officials also emphasized the
" I was suffering from a bullet fact that Colonel Roosevelt had been
wound In the itakle and • a serious one o f the first “ patrons o f aero­
shrapnel wound In the chest which nautics.”
lind driven splinters o f my ribs into
my lungs. In spite o f my condition, I
did not receive 'medical aid o f any CLAIMS
sort; In fact, It was a year and eight
months before the Germans even ex­ Woman Gave Up Her Possessions
Three Years Ago When
amined my wounds.
Germans Came.
“ From October until December 1 I
was In prison In Lille, and then I was
Altoona, Pa.— When Germany took
transported with n batch o f other possession o f Alsace-Lorraine 48 years
prisoners, British officers and men nnd ago, Mrs. Frnnz Essllnger gave up her
French, both regular nnd colonials, to possession? rather than submit to Ger­
Munden, In Hanover. Thnt trip, the man domination and came to Altoona.
men thnt went on It will never forget. Establishing n stand In the city mar­
‘‘At Munden, which was not the ket, she has become well known as
worst prison camp I saw, I was plnced “ the market woman.”
In a room, 30 feet by 30, In company
Now that France lins regained her
with 10 Russinn officers, the Idea be­ lost provinces, Mrs. Essllnger has,
ing. you see, that British officers through legal channels, presented her
should not have even the small com­ claim to a considerable tract o f land
fort o f talking to their countrymen. near Strassburg which belonged to the
“ We were not allowed to read or to family and for which she holds the
smoke, nnd mnn after mnn went mad. title papers. I f her claim Is honored
You cnnnot conceive of the hate thnt she will become Independently rich.
rises In your heart when you ure
locked In like thnt, hnte not only for
your captors, but also for the men
confined with you. I huvo seen men
in my room go stark raving mad be­
cause the walls o f the room persisted
In being square. You can hardly real­
ize thnt here, can you?
“ I kept trying to escape hut was too
went» with wounds nnd scurvy. They
pnve me no medlcnl attention, nnd
the food was awful.
‘‘Finally I got a letter home In a
secret code that my mother sent to
the foreign office nnd flnnlly It
reached the American embassy In
Berlin. Ambassador Gerard acted nt
once. His visit to Munden In April,
1918, resulted In our being transferred
to Rlshofswerda In Saxony, a fairly
decent prison.
Greensburg, Pa.— Gen. John J.
Pershing fulfilled the wish o f an
ancestor thut a member o f the
Pershing fam ily should save A l­
sace-Lorraine when he led the
against the Germans. This fact
Is disclosed by Rev. Justus N.
Pershing, a cousin o f General
Pershing, who has made public
a letter written In Alsace-Lor­
raine more than 200 years ago
by Frederick Pershing, ‘General
Pershing’s great-great-grandfa­
ther. In this letter the general's
ancestor expressed the hope
thnt his son, Frederick Per­
shing, Jr., or his descendants,
“ would come back some day and
redeem the fa ir lands o f Alsace-
Lorraine from oppression.”
According to the letter, the
Pershings lived In the village of
Kehe In Alsace-Lorraine In 1774
fought under
Charles against the Magyars.
Soon after that, when a law was
passed that all able-bodied men
between the ages q f sixteen and
fifty must join the landwehr to
protect their country from rav­
ages by the Austrians, Frederick
Pershing, Sr., sent his son to
Frederick Pershing,
Jr., reached this country In
1749 and, a fter marrying a Miss
YVyant In Baltimore, settled In
Westmoreland county, Pennsyl­
vania, where General Pershing’s
grandparents were born.
Japanese Wanted to
Make Suicide Certain
With a strange, almost de­
moniacal ritual, Kumatro Saka­
moto ended his life at Los Ange­
les. Cal.
Sakamoto, who came from
Japan ten years ago, suffered
from tuberculosis. He waa thir­
ty-nine years old, but waa not
married, and had no friends nor
relatives. He decided to die.
That he might utter no warn­
ing cry, he first cut off his
Thnt vnnlty might not stop
the deed, he cut off his nose.
Then he hacked his throat
with the razor until he dropped
YY’hen found In his room he
wns lying In a pool o f blood. He
died six hours later In a hos­
Campaign Started by Wisconsin Farm ­
ers to Use Only Purebred Sire*—
Record in One County.
(Prepared by the United States Depart­
ment of Agriculture.)
YVlsconsiu dairymen and farmers,
desirous o f Increasing their profits and
adding still greater honors to their al­
ready fatuous dairy state, have joined
in a state-wide campaign to eliminate
the scrub bull and use only purebred
sires. The record made last year in
the Brown County Cow-Testing asso­
ciation typifies the merits o f purebred
bulls and illustrates why farmers and
A Sire of Good Quality.
Mission to Be Sent to Plan for De-
velopmgnt of the Matanuska
dairymen w ill not tolerate the scrub.
In this association 12 cows qualified
Wnshlngton.— A commission consist­
ing o f three naval officers, a mining
engineer and a geologist w ill be sent
to Alaska to plan the development of
the Matanuska coal field, the navy de­
partment announced, preliminary In­
vestigation having led the depart­
ment to center Its efforts upon
this field In seeking a supply o f navy
The commission w ill sail from the
Bremerton navy yard.
The nnval members o f the commis­
sion have not been selected, but Sum­
ner Smith, superintendent o f mining
In Alaska, and Theodore Chapin, n ge­
ologist attached to the Alaskan en­
gineering commission, are to be the civ­
ilian commissioners.
for the register o f production. A ll o f
these cows were daughters o f pure­
bred sires, six o f them being daughters
o f one sire. The five best herds in the
association are headed by purebred
sires, while the five poorest herds are
all headed by grade or scrub sires.
The herds o f those farmers who used
purebred sires averaged 85 pounds
more fnt a cow than those using grades
or scrubs. Last year eight o f the mem­
bers purchased purebred sires o f
known breeding to replace their
For Farmer Who Has Good Market
for Products Dairying Is Most
Profitable Business.
Keeping dairy cows w ill help the
Zinc Container Found In Brazil Was average farm er to overcome three
main drawbacks to the one-crop sys­
Wrapped In a New York
tem o f farm ing:
A cash Income but
once a year, a depleted soli, nnd un­
equal distribution o f labor, according
to C. II. Staples, dairy specialist, ex­
tension division, Louisiana
“ For the farm er who does not have
a ready and accessible market fo r
dairy products, a few dairy cows w ill
provide the cheapest and best o f hu­
man food fo r the f „ 2 lly,” says Mr.
“ The cows w ill consume
much o f the rough feeds thnt usually
A 12-Inch gun disposes o f half a go to waste and the expense o f keep­
bale o f cotton at every shot.
ing them is almost negligible.
“ F or the farm er who has a good
market fo r dairy products dairying Is
a most profitable business, is always
a safe nnd sound line o f farming. Is
least affected by sudden changes o f
weather and sensons, gives a steady
cash Income, builds up the soil, and
provides employment fo r labor at all
Buenos Aires.— During the making
o f the excavation fo r a building at
Bahia, Brazil, a zinc box containing
four dynamite bombs was unearthed,
says a dispatch to the Rnzon from
The bombs apparently had
been burled nearly a half (jentury, as
they were wrapped In a copy o f the
New York W eekly Bulletin o f the year
Trouble Incident to Home Production
May Be Decreased by Using More
Careful Methods.
The ndoptlon o f more careful meth­
ods o f handling milk and crenm and
Improved practices in the making o f
farm butter w ill reduce rather than
Increase the trouble Incident to home
production o f this food, say dairy spe­
cialists, and w ill result in a superior
product which can be sold more easily
and fo r a better price than the aver­
age farm butter.
The first horses Imported into the’
United States were brought to N ew
England In 1C29. One horse und
seven mares survive«! the voyage.
Horses were not highly esteemed
nor much needed In America at that
time nor fo r a hundred years a fte r­
ward. There w ere no race courses nor
trotting parks and the roads generally
were so poor that speed was not de­
sirable had it been possible with
safety. Oxen were found to be much
te tte r for all farm work.
Most o f the land was rough, rocky,
nnd full o f stumps, so that oxen, being
strong, patient and slow, made much
the better team fo r agricultural pur­
poses and lumbering than did horses,
and they were -cheaper kept, needing
tu t little grain even when -at hard
work, and none at all when In pasture.
They required no expensive harness
like horses, only a cheap yoke and
chain, and w ere quickly yoked.
Under such circumstances It Is not
surprising that horses In N ew Eng­
land were not greatly admired or much
A farm er was prouder o f a
yoke o f large, fine red oxen, four years
old, well matched and well broken,
than o f a span o f -degenerate horses
such as were common at that time In
the country. They were seldom stabled
or groomed except when at work every
day. The colts until three years old
v/ere wintered In the yard. In order, It
w as supposed, to make them tough and
Tricks Found Necessary in
Getting the Ugly Crocodile
to Pose for His Photograph
Used No Anesthetic.
“ I was transferred half a dozen
times after thnt until April, 1910,
found me again nt Blshofswerdn.
There the Swiss Red Cross commis­
sion saw me and ordered the Germans
to give mo medlcnl attention. At this
time I weighed nbout 103 pounds,
where I had formerly weighed 193.
“ I Was sent to a hospital In Dres­
den where a surgeon operated, taking
First Horses In the United
States in 1629 When Oxen Did
Great Service on the F a rm t
Pershing Fulfills
Hope of Ancestor
Not Hard to Rais; Calves, Pigs and
Lambs if Skimmed Milk la
Easily Available.
The dismantling of Helgoland, In ac­ nel through which ammunition and
T h e dairy herd Is the foundation fo r
cordance with the decision reached by other stores could be safely taken dur­ the stock fnrmer or even fo r the gen­
the supreme war council at Pnris, ing a bombardment. During the war eral farm er who keeps several kinds
marks the passing o f the greatest fo rt­ sufficient stores and munitions were o f stock.
YYith skimmed milk it is
ress In the North sea and the final maintained to withstand a three easy to raise calves, pigs and lambs,
elimination o f Germany as a contender years' siege by Its garrison o f 2,200 but without It one may find a substi­
for sea power.
tute rather expensive and unsatisfac­
The North sea for a radius o f more tory. K eep the dairy cows and then
Since 1890, when Great Britain
ceded this square mile o f crumbling than twenty-five miles was mapped In these others may be added.
marl and sandstone cliffs to Germany squares, each gun having Its square or
for the protectorate o f Znnstbar nnd squares upon which It could be trained
YVltu, the Germans have spent more Instantly should a hostile ship enter FEED DAIRY COWS ROUGHAGE
than $8,000,000 a year In fortifyin g It. that little space o f sea.
During the war Helgoland was fur­ O utllna Given of T w o G rain Rations
Available records s h «v that Helgo­
to Bo Fed W ith Clover o r
land had a circumference o f 120 miles ther protected by wide mine fields
A lfa lfa Hay.
In the year 800, but hnd crumbled stretching toward th e ' possible ap­
away at the rate o f 100 square miles proaches o f Britain's grand fleet.
When the roughage fo r dairy cows
Behind these sea barrier», o f which
every century, until the Germans began
to dream o f world conquest. Large Helgoland was the center, Germany Is clover or alfalfa hay, the grain ra­
buttresses o f granite were put up to maintained naval, submarine, Zeppelin tions may be 200 pounds eorn-nnd-eob
protect the cliffs. R ifts and crevices and nlrplane bates for the four years meal, 100 pounds ground oats and 100
pounds gluten fe e d : or 250 pounds
were filled with ferro concrete. Break­ o f the war.
waters were constructed and a naval
By the dismantling o f Helgoland eorn-and-cob meal. 100 pounds wheat
hnrbor built nnd 12 and 16-Inch Krupp and the Internationalization o f the bran and 100 pouhds glnten feed.
guns were Installed In steel nnd con­ Kiel canal the German North sea porta
Consideration of Package.
crete casemates and sunken battery and those o f the nations bordering on
T h e package In which butter Is
| the Baltic will be opened to the unre­
marketed demands careful considera­
The Island was pierced with a tun- ^ stricted commerce o f the world.
It Is a habit o f crocodiles to conceal
themselves In burrows In the banks
o f rivers, which makes it a real task
fo r the photographer whose problem
Is to rout them out o f their holes and
get them Into view o f the camera. In
the American Museum Journal A. YV.
Dimock gives an amusing description
o f the methods ha used when con­
fronted with the task o f taking pic­
tures o f crocodiles In Florida.
It was really exciting, says Mr.
DIrnoek, a fter locating the mouth ol
a crocodile’s enve, to hang the noosed
end o f a rope In front o f It and stand
on the bank above waiting fo r a “ bite,’1
while my boatman busied hlmsell
thrusting a harpoon pole into the
earth from ten to twenty feet behind
me. In a few moments out would
rush the crocodile; then there would
be excitement at my end o f the line.
The big reptile always struggled and
fou gh t; he clutched at the line and
rolled over and o ver; he swam out
into the stream and he sulked in its
depths, but the noose was tightly
drawn and never allowed to slip, and
the end found the creature facing th<
camera on the bank.
It was a matter o f ethics that the
crocodile should be freed when he had
posed fo r his photograph, and remov­
ing the lasso called fo r much agility
on tne part o f the volunteer.
New Law Makes Available for Expend­
iture $9,000,000 for Roads
and Trails.
(Prepared by the United States Depart­
ment of Agriculture.)
The development o f the national for­
est road systems is given great Impe­
tus by the twins o f the post office ap­
propriations act which 'th e president
bas signed.
Besides increasing by
$200,000,000 the total fund available
under the federal aid road act, the
new law makes available fo r expendi­
ture by the secretary o f agriculture
$9,000,000 forv roads and trails.
The law also authorizes the secre­
tary o f war to transfer to the secre­
ta ry o f agriculture, material, equip­
ment and supplies suitable fo r high­
way Improvement and not needed by
the war department.
YY’ hile most o f
this will be distributed among thç high­
way commissions o f the states fo r use
on federal aid road projects, not to
exceed 10 per cent may be reserved by
the secretary o f agriculture for use In
building natural forest roads or other
roads constructed under his direct su­
The $9,000,000 fund may be used for
maintenance as well as survey and
construction. The new legislation, like
the federal aid road act, authorizes the
building o f roads and trails necessary
for the use and development o f na­
tional forest resources or desirable for
the proper administration, protection,
and Improvement o f such fo re s t or
co-operative local contributions can be
obtained, but in addition It contains a
new feature o f much Importance.
This new feature permits the secre-
of agriculture without the co-operation
of local officials to build and maintain
“ any road or trail within a national
forest which he finds necessary fo r
the proper administration, protection
nnd Improvement o f such forest, or
which In his opinion Is o f national
In the view o f forestry
officials this law is the most Important
step ever taken for rapid development
o f national forest roads system, and
will be o f Inestimable benefit to the
local public.
“ The measure gives us much broader
scope for a fully developed program
than we have had before,” says Hepry
S. Graves, chief of the forest service,
In commenting on the new law. “ Un-
Costly, Experiment.
“D o you subscribe to the the<jry
that a little learning is a dangerous
“ Yes,” replied Mr. Gadspur.
thought I knew enough about my au­
tomobile to take It apart and put II
together again, but this bill o f $154.17
from a repair shop proves that 1
Found Out.
K itty —Jack told
me I was the first
girl he ever told
he loved.
Betty — When
did he tell you
K itty — Monday
Betty— Oh, noth­
in g; only h^ must
have been lying
to me Tuesday
n igh t
Gcod Road in One of Our National
der the federal aid road act we had
for roads within or partly within the
forests, $1,000,000 a year, available un­
til expended. Owing to the war, which
practically halted the work, we have
an accumulated balance o f $2,500,000
unexpended and another $1,out),out)
which will become available July 1.
“This legislation will not only make
It easier to protect the forests with­
out costly expenditures to fight bad
Admires {he Conqueror*.
fires In Inaccessible localities, but will
“ Poor Dibbleby!”
also help enormously the many small
“ W'hat’s the matter with him?”
“ H e’s the worst henpecked man 1 communities and scattered settlers In
know. And what do you suppose his and near the forests who now suffer
for lack o f roads.
It will also en­
hebby is?”
able the construction o f Important
“ I can’t imagine.”
trunk-Nne roads crossing the moun­
“ Napoleonana.”
tains, with suitable provision o f sub­
sidiary roads. One result unquestion­
ably will be a marked development o f
“ The rich have
recreational use o f these great nntlonnl
no financial wot*
playgrounds with their wealth o f too
little known attractions.
“ Maybe
the opening up o f the forests to more
why many o f them
complete and varied use by the pub­
seem to find life
lic, which Is the fundamental object o f
so dull.”
their administration, will be tremen­
dously advanced.”
Under the law preference Is given to
“ Some poet used to say that hla
the employment o f honorably dis­
only books were women’s looks.”
“ H e evidently went to a co-ed col­ charged soldiers, sailors and marines
for the required labor.
“ Do yon find that motoring take«
your mind off business cares?”
"N o,” replied the amateur driver.
“ Just at present learning how to keep
my car In the middle o f the road la
the moat serious business I’m engaged
O ut of 804,029 Votes Recently Cast
384,780 Were in Favor of $50,000,-
000 Bond Issue.
I cent Pennsylvania election on the
No Charge.
“ How much did that hotel charge j $50.000,000 bond Issue fo r good roads.
384,780 were In favor o f the bond Is­
fo r your loom?”
“ Nothing whatever. That hotel al­ sue. Pennsylvania is over two to one
fo r proper, permanent highways, and
ways collects In advance.”
Is willing to pay for theim