A A A A A A A NEW S'* WORLD HAPPENINGS P STATE RELIGIOUS PACIFIST GREATEST IN BRIEF. OF CURRENT WEEK AND GRIEVE SAVED INDIVIDUAL FIGHTER OF WAR Brief Resume Most important Daily News Items. In order to provide for linking up the Columbia highway through The Dalles, the city council has adopted four resolutions calling an election for Friday, June 27, on voting necessary bonds. Daring Airmen Given Up for Corporal York, “ Battling for the Lord,” Slew 24 Germans in Machine Gun Nest, and With Five Assistants Captured 132 of the Lost Picked Up at Sea. Enemy, Including Four Officers — Was Willing Shows Great Increase in Use of Artillery The roster at the opening of the Washington.—American soldiers to Drill, but Not Kill. * state grange at Hillsboro Thursday in the bnttle o f St. Mihiel expended \ morning showed 118 delegates, repre nearly 33 times as much artillery senting 27 counties, in attendance ammunition as was expended by By FREDERIC J. HASKIN. without saying a word. And he didn’t Three hundred visitors are also pres the Union army in the battle of In tha Chicago D ally News. mean to be unsociable, either. Cor­ ent, making the total number in at Gettysburg. Nashville, Tenn.—He began ids mil­ poral York took after him. Events o f Noted People, Governments tendance the largest in recent years. News o f Fliers Who Week A go Started itary career as a religious conscien­ Tills comparison and others are The York estate comprises 40 ncres shown in a table of statistics pre­ tious objector. He was convinced of of land, of which part is rich bottom and Pacific Northweat and Other Across Atlantic Electrifies The current issue of an eastern mag pared by the war department to the need for killing Germans by argu­ land, but most Is hill country. The azine contains an article by Professor Thinga Worth Knowing. emphasize the great Increase in the Whole World. ments drawn from the Bible. And he house has one room on the ground Dryden, o f Oregon Agricultural col use of artillery to precede Infantry acted on this conviction by killing 24 floor, which Is dining room, sitting action as one o f the striking devel­ Germans In a machine gun nest, with room and all, while the loft Is every­ lege, in which is detailed the history opments of the present war. his rifle, and capturing, with five as­ body's bedroom. o f a Benton county farmer, Jess Han­ The kitchen is n The supreme economic council an* London.— Missing for six days and sistants* 132 of the enemy, Including The high marks in the use of lean-to, built against the house. The nounced Tuesday that the allied and son, who cleared $18,300 in four years virtually given up for lost, Harry G. four officers. artillery In offensive battle were farm crops are corn and hay nnd the associated governments had decided from chickens. Mr. Hanson started Hawker and his navigator, Lieutenant- reached at the Somme in 1916 nnd This achievement of Corpornl York, live stock consists of a pair of mules, his work with a capital of only $1000. to lift the blockade of Hungary as Messlnes ridge In 1917, before the Commander Mackenzie Grieve, Brit­ which has been called by General Per­ a cow, some hogs nnd chickens. All effective use o f tnnks wgs devel­ soon as a stable government is estab­ The adoption of a new wage scale ish airmen, who essayed a flight shing the greatest single exploit of about the place is tall virgin timber. oped. with increase in the minimum wage across the Atlantic ocean, without pro­ the war, has become famous, but the lished there. Lived Life of a Pioneer. The comparative table of artil­ So Corpornl York, before he went to for common labor from 45 to 50 cents tection from disaster, save what their man himself remains unknown. And For the first time since February 1, lery expended in battles of recent surely such a man deserves to be ex­ war, lived In the one-room house in an hour, and a proportionate increase frail airplane afforded, are safe. wars and the present war is us fol­ 1917, trading on the stock exchange plained. You want to know what sort a clearing, which Was the usual home in skilled labor, was announced by Monday they reached the mainland of a chap he is, and what environment of the American pioneer, and the life lows : Tuesday exceeded by a slender margin the Buehner Lumber company at and proceeded to London, where they fostered such a combination of moral Rounds he lived was Just such a life ns his the 2,000,000-share mark, heavy buy­ of North Bend Thursday. The increase were acclaimed as men returned to courage and physical skill. artillery forefathers had lived for generations. ing of specialties contributing largely am m unl- in wages will become effective at once life. The answer to these questions Is When not engaged in tilling his 40- Days’ t l o n ex* to the huge total. Ye a r. Battle duration. A r m y pended. and will apply to over 250 employes. Some 1100 miles out from New­ found here In the section that pro­ acre farm he»commonly went hunting. 1863. . C h i c k a m ’g a 2 U nion 7,325 The council of four of the peace con­ 1863. . G e t t y s b u r g 3 U nion 32.781 foundland and 800 miles from the Irish duced Corporal York. It may be stated All of the men thereabouts go hunt­ 1870. . St. P r i v a t 1 Germ an 39,000 State surveyors have completed In a sentence by saying that York be­ ing nn*l nre good shots, but York ference has decided conditionally to coast, Monday, May 19, the aviators, 1904. . N a n s h a n 1 J a p a n e s e 34,047 1904.. Liao Y a n g 9 R u s s i a n 134,400 recognized the anti-bolshevik govern­ their location of the road from the making the best of an engine which longs to the vanishing race of old was especially efficient with the rifle. 1904 . . S h a H o 9 R u s s i a n 274.360 1915. . N . C h a p e l l e 35 m ln . B r i t i s h 197.000 ments of Admiral Kolchak and General end of the present paving in Umatilla was failing to function properly, were Americans. Men who were Just like The standard nud favorite game of 1915. . S o u c h e z 1 French 300.000 him in their faith in God, their courage the section is the squirrel. Every man 191 6.. 50mme 7 B r i t i s h 4.000,000 Denekine, according to Reuter’s county at Rieth, to Echo. Data, maps forced to alight on the water. The 1917. . M es . R i d g e 7 B r i t i s h 2.753.000 and their straight shooting won the has a squirrel .dog, nnd n good one is and specifications for a call for bids 1918. .St. M ih ie l 4 hrs. U. S. 1.093.217 Agency in Paris. little Danish steamer Mary, bound Revolution and several subsequent worth $35 or $40. The dog trees the will be rushed so that the work may from New Orleans and Norfolk for wars. squirrel, nnd the hunter shoots It— Two hotels, representing jointly an be completed this summer. The road Aarhuus, Denmark, picked the way­ Of Pure American Breed. always through the head, so ns not to investment of $4,50(1,000, will be built as surveyed, follows the river, using Such men have become scarce in mangle the meat. If you want to know plnee that the theater, the movie, the farers up and continued her voyage. in the northwest by the California in many places, the old railroad grade. Lacking a wireless outfit, the cap­ America now. New breeds have come how Corporal York learned to shoot, parade and other similar stimulants o f Hotel corporation, Charles W. Moore, tain of the- steamer was Obliged to in and tlie old breed lias been changed try to knock n squirrel out of a tall emotion take in cities. Thnt is one Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin of Portland, vice-president, announced Tuesday by changing conditions. But there is hickory tree with n rifle, shooting al­ rensoh why tne camp meeting, with Its One will be in Seattle and the other. Mrs- Charles H. Castner of Hood River withhold tidings of the rescue until one section of America in which the ways for the head, 'Jfhey also hunt wild crowd emotionalism, Is found in he was opposite Butt of Lewis, where old American race still breeds true to foxes here, running them with dogs all backwoods sections. It also prob- in Tacoma. . . and Mrs. W, H Dancy of Salem were designated members of the advisory the information was signalled by type, ond more than that still lives nnd bringing down tlie swift quarry nbly explains in part the appeal o f Thy Philippine mission which went board for the state industrial school means of flags that Hawker and almost as it lived when the Boones- from a "stand.” On autumn nights such sects ns the Holiness church. to tlie United States in the interest for girls, in appointments announced Grieve were aboard his ship. boro men threw down their nxes, took coon hunting Is In order. The coon York’s father was a Methodist, and of independence of the islands re­ by Governor Olcott. Immediately word was flashed to their rifles and went out to extermi­ is chased up a tree by the dogs. Mrs. Baldwin he was brought up n Methodist, but turned to Manila Monday and was succeeds Mrs. George McMath, who the British admiralty which sent out nate General Ferguson’s command nt In the old days the tree was then he nnd his mother nnd sisters became always chopped down, so that the dogs converts to the Holiness church. The given an enthusiastic welcome by a served temporarily during Mrs. Bald­ destroyers to overtake the Danish ves­ King’s mountain. The section referred to Is the south­ nnd the coon could flglit it out, no mat­ belief of this church seems to be that crowd of thousands of persons who win’s absence from the state during sel and obtain confirmation. This was ern Allegheny mountain region. The greeted the party as it landed. done and one of the destroyers took plnee where Corpornl York was born ter who owned the tree or how valu­ If a mortal neither does wrong nor the war. able It was. Recently, owing to the the airmen off and later transferred nnd lived ail his life until he was called high price of lumber, a sentiment thinks wrong, he Is already, In effect, A delegation of 250 women employes an angel, and may taste on earth some­ That plans are being worked out them to the flagship Revenge. to war, is a typlrul bit o f it. His against cutting down a $10 tree to get thing of the bliss of heaven. At Its of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit com ­ for construction of a dam across Lost From this safe haven Hawker sent home post office is Pall Mali, Fentress a $1 coon has developed, nnd tills is meetings there are brief rendings from pany appeared before Governor Smith River bed below Merrill by which a message that his machine had stop- . county, Tennessee, about 100 miles regarded with contempt by the old- the Scripture, then periods of silent of New York at the city hall Tuesday later it is proposed to irrigate the ped owing to the blocking of the water east <>f this city. There is nothing at timers as a sign of tlie degenerate mod­ meditation, then shouting of great joy, to protest against the newly enacted reclaimed lands of Tule lake, is an­ circulation system. Pall Mall except the post office, and ern mercenary spirit. ns the full glory of their triumph over transportation law which bars women nounced by Project Manager H. D. n. , ____ . the three forks of the W olf river, Tlie law in this section is whatever sin nnd trouble burst upon the con­ \\ hen the airplane sped away from ... . .. ~ .. from working after 10 o’clock at night Newell, at Klamath Falls. Mr. Newell , . .. . , . ,, , 'which come together there. On all local custom approved, and It does not gregation, all at once. These alternate her starting point Pilot Hawker let | are , he wooded rtdgw of the Al- and which had cost them their jobs. npprove of restricting a man’s personal periods of silent meditation nnd fren­ says there is no certainty as to when loose his wheels and under gearing, legheny mountains. Until two years freedom. Tills is a fact of prime zied rejoicing often extend fnr into the One man was killed and several work will be undertaken but that the thereby lightening the weight of the ago it was 35 miles to the nearest rail­ importance to the understanding of night, and throw the congregation into Many men who went to war Corporal York. Every man here car­ n stnte of religious ecstasy. were hurt when a giant Tarrant tri­ plans will be ready when the funds machine by a considerable amount, road. but making a possible landing in Ire­ from this section saw a railroad train ries a gun, and is prepared ns a mat­ plane, largest in the world, was are available. York took his new faith seriously. It for tho first time when they answered ter of course, to shoot anyone who land a more hazardous venture. ing for its first flight near Farn- satisfied some cravings of his nature. Eleven thousand eight hundred nine This probably proved of much ad­ the call to arms. To all intents nnd presumes to trespass on Ills prem­ He still enrrled arms. He was still wrecked Tuesday morning while taxy- ty four voters were registered in Linn purposes they stepped out of the eight­ ises. borough. England. The machine dug county Wednesday night when County vantage when it became necessary to prepared to fight when need nrose. eenth century nnd into tlie twentieth. Men Make Their Own Liquor. its nose into tho ground and turned Clerk Russell closed the books for alight on the water. The airplane re­ That is whnt Corpornl York did. But when lie heard of tlie war and the Every man who wants to do so draft law he realized thnt he faced a over. It weighed 20 tons and was the special election to be held June mained afloat without difficulty during Region Where Clemens Was Born. makes his own whisky, keeps it in his great crisis. He believed In fighting the hour and a half it took the Danish equipped with six engines. Ail the people in this region are of house and drinks it when lie pleases. 3. Of this number 6887 were men and for the right, but he did not see how, steamer to effect a rescue. Scotch, English, Welsh nnd Irish stock. Stills are operated somewhat quietly, Thirty thousand men, ship workers’ 5007 women. The number in each All England is stirred by the news Their ancestors came down through In deference to federal regulations, but ns an angel on earth, he could kill a representatives of the merchants’ and political party is as follows: Republi of the safety of the two aviatars, but (he mountains from Virginia and North the revenue officer does not intrude fellow who had never as an individual done him any harm. manufacturers’ association, federation can, 6662; democratic, 4127; prohi owing to the difficulties of communi­ Carolina. in colonial days, nnd the much. It would be Impossible here Willing to Drill, Not Kill. of labor and other organizations, bit ion. 376; socialist, 254; miscellan­ lands have been held -by the same fam­ tq enforce the Mann act, the Harrison cation some time must pass before York nnd his mother went to S. E5. ilies ever since. One o f these fnmHIes drug law, the prohibition law, or any marched through the business section eous, 475. the full details of the voyage are is the Clemens family, which produced other law which involves opening bng- Frogge, a merchant nnd farmer liv­ of Baltimore Sunday afternoon as a In reply to the complaint of R. W. known. Mark Twuln. He was born at James­ gage nnd invndiflg premises. These ing near them, who was their repre­ protest against the proposed action Price, president of the Multnomah town, the county sent of Fentress coun­ people stand by the Constitution ns It sentative in the state legislature, nnd of the United States shipping board in Anglers' club, to the general effect London. — A dispatch to the Ex­ ty. His father owned large areas of is written, not ns it is Interpreted. begged that Frogge try to obtain an cancelling its shipbuilding programme. that the state fish and game commis­ change Telegraph from Copenhagen land near there, which he sold and Their creed in brief is that ns long ns exemption for York. The young man Information regarding numerous sion was in need of reorganization, and say8 it is reported on good authority traded nbout In such a way ns to Im- a man does not Interfere with anyone said thnt he could never kill in war. Jewish masskcres in central and east­ that matters within it were far from that the Esthonians have captured uiortnlize his name, for they nre still else, no one has n right to Interfere Frogge, of course, could do nothing. A trying to straighten out the titles to with him. That was tlie gist of Pat­ few days later York left for the first ern Europe during last March and right, Governor Olcott has written Mr Peterhof, 19 miles west of Petrograd. the Clemen, lands, nnd the old man’s rick Henry’s bill o f rights. time in his life the little clearing and A Helsingfors newspaper prints a April, forwarded by special representa­ Price saying that such, an inquiry will dealings promise to furnish occupation Like most men who vnlde their lib­ the cabin and tlie wild woodlands Moscow dispatch saying that Nikolai be held when all members o f the com­ tives of the Jewish relief organization, for many more generations of law­ erty, these mountaineers have a strong wliloji had theretofore been all the was presented to the state department mission are in the state, and that the Lenine, the bolshevik leader, has of­ yers. sense o f Justic«. They believe In the world to him. He took his convic­ fered an armistice to Admiral Kol­ Tuesday by Representative Siegel of inquiry will be thorough and open York Is the "third from the top,” proper use o f liquor by responsible tions ngninst war with him unshaken. chak, commanding the anti-bolshevik as they say down here, in a family of persons. When n couple o f bootleggers As soon as he reached enmp he said New York. Names of 54 Jews who A shameless rancher profiteer, who forces, in order to consider peace nine children, nnd is twenty-seven came Into the neighborhood nnd began that he was willing to drill, but not to were massacred were given in the re­ refused to divulge his name,"made $36 terms. years old. His father having died, selling whisky to boys, n posse was fight. He made his position perfectly port. last Sunday pulling stalled automo- By a surprise attack Friday night and his two older brothers married, he organized nnd the bootleggers disap­ clear to the cnptnln o f his company. Young Americans who regret the biles from the mud at the eastern became the head of the family and peared. The law was not invoked. In having this captain. York was for­ Ejthonian forces broke through the took care o f his mother nnd tho fam­ Mountaineer is Religious. fact that they did not get an opportu and western termini of the Coos City tunate. If he had been imprisoned, bolshevik positions along the whole ily homestead. He once described him­ Next to his personal freedom, the ntty to go to France during the world bridge, where the rains had created a Pskov front, captured Izborsk and ad­ self ns being "a kind of a roomraer's thing that a mountain man takes most hazed or mistreated, as other conscien­ tious objectors were, he would almost war, and who still desire to go over mired condition not observed until the vanced to within six miles of Pskov, boy.” seriously Is his religion. He believes certainly have spent the period of the seas, are offered a chance by the machines plunged in over the hubs capturing 1000 prisoners and many He is not. however, given to describ­ in the Bibh; ns the source of truth, and war in prison. But this captain was United States marine corps, which is The rancher said his tram could have cannon and machine guns, according ing himself at length. In this country as a guide for human conduct. a man of insight. He snw thnt York enlisting men for "special limited serv­ made twice as much had the necessary In these regions the church is a had In him the making o f a fine sol­ to an official statement issued at Es- where people never talk much unless ice" in France. Musicians, especially, number of tourists happened alon&. they are running for office, the Yorks place of sincere worship, a place o f so­ dier, nnd he also snw thnt York was a thonian staff headquarters. are in demand to relieve men now in had a reputation for silence. His fa­ cial gathering nnd an emotional expe­ conscientious objector by sincere re­ ther Is said often to have gone through rience. No doubt In all remote re­ ligious convictions. the service, and men for service duty . Mrs. Jessie Jarvis of Portland was Dry Orator Raps Wilson. a whole day in the company o f a friend gions the church takes somewhat the who want to spend the snmnfer abroad j Thursday elected president of the This captain was something of a Bi­ Denver. — "Since. President Wilson are urged to enlist at once. Oregon Rebekah assembly, to succeed ble student himself. He now refresh­ Mrs. Jeanle Burke of Grants Pass. made his declaration in favor of beer ed himself on the Scriptures, called Frank Livingston, negro, was tied to Other officers elected were; Vice- and light wines, brewery stock has York to him, nnd set out to convert a tree and burned alive by a mob of president, Miss Ethel Fletcher. Salem; advanced 40 per cent and the presi­ him to war by the good book. It is about 150 men, both white and negroes, secretary, Mrs. Ora Cosper, Dallas, dent's stock has gone down just that said that the argument lasted fnr Into about 18 miles from Eldorado, Ark., | re elected; treasurer, Miss Edna Ja- much,” declared Frank B. Willis, ex­ the night, that it was audible nt quite a distance, and thnt Biblical quotations Thursday. cobs, Portland, reelected; warden. governor and ex-representative of thundered back and forth like big guns ¡Mrs. Ethel Mehlrum, Mtlwaukie. The Ohio, in an address at an anti-saloon The supreme court was askid in In a bnttle. But when thd pale dawn latter was elected over a field of ten league meeting here Sunday night. memoranda filed by tho Commercial came, one mountain man was con­ The ex governor also ridiculed the candidates. and the Comrherciat Pacific Cables vinced that his God commanded him to federal court ruling that 3 per cent | go forth and slay Germans. companies to decide upon their merits I Efforts are being made to conserve beer is hot intoxicating, declaring that j the suits brought by the companies to th. 0Pop o f ragoara, one of the mo8t Battled for the Lord. if 6 per cent is intoxicating one can i «njoln the postmaster general from . .. .. , „ , When he went home on a furlough. get the same effect by drinking twice J seizing their properties under the j i n d , s p e n 8 * b l e * r,lc ,P 8 , n t h e m o d i c a l Corporal York, late conscientious ob­ as much 3 per cent beer. He also de­ presidential proclamation of last Nov w or^d and grown only on the Pacific jector, was a soldier through and nied that Ihe dry amendment was | through. A hunter nnd marksman by ember. (coast. The present crop growing In forced on an unwilling people. training, he wns fascinated by modern the forests of the northwest is ample Ten s quare blocks of Mobile's resl- military arms. The machine gun, with Woman and Son Killed. Its deadly sweep and play, the vicious deuce si tlon were swept by fire Fri to fill the demand for ail time If prop­ erly conserved. In other words, the army automatic, the mllitnry rifle with lavwiston, Idaho.—Jane Redcrow. a day which caused $750,000 property, Its wonderful range ar.d flat trajectory, 1casoars crop. If no! wasted, is repro- Nes Perce Indian woman, and her 5- d.m agr left 1600 people houseless ■ ducin8 Itgelf „ fagt „ „ „ con. now held his heart ns the creed of year-old son, struck by a freight en­ holiness on earth had held it before. and destroyed p ro b .b l, 200 buildings. amned. Thc mature crop still standing gine on the Spalding bridge, the lad There Is nothing more t o #tell about The international parliamentary ,s Prob» b,y »mple to supply the de- being hurled Into the Clearwater river, Corporal York, except that when he mand for from 20.to 30 years and the are both dead, the mother dying at St. commerclal conference has decided performed his wonderful feat o f shoot­ new crop which is springing up on Joseph's hospital and the boy being ing 24 Germans and capturing 132 of to reserve its decision on the question the million of acres of logged-off lands swept away by the current The wo­ them, he did not take the prisoners o f the internationalization of the Rhine. throughout the Pacific coast will ma­ man. accompanied by two other back to his own bnttniion, but to an­ .T h e Belgian claim for complete eco­ ture a new crop which will become squaws, had waited at the end of the other. Nor did he report what he had nomic and military liberty waa agreed available in 10 to 16 years If not de­ done. His exploit was discovered and bridge for the passing of the Spokane Class In toy nuAIng at work In the reconstruction hospital for disabled verified by accident. He did not bat­ to unanimously by the conference. stroyed. passenger train. •oldlers at Colonia, N J. tle for glory, he battled for the Lord. COMPILED FOR YOU STEAMER RESCURER DISABLED SOLDIERS MAKING TOYS