* i a CJL.í^'fa / f i t * * ‘ ( V/ / I- J PU BLISH ED E V E R Y F R ID A Y c **^*A*\* l H a - ^ Q * < jl U L "h* %ttt^LL '- ^W. THE POLK COUNTY POST ONE SECTION Subscription Rates: $1.50 a Tear Strictly in Advance; Six Months $1; Three Months 50 cents. All subscriptions stopped at expiration. VOLUME EL NUMBER A INDEPENDENCE, OREOON, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1919. CLYDE T. ECKER, PUBLISHER INDEPENDENCE’S FOURTH WILL BE A SCREAM Independence will celebrate tlie glorious Fourth o f July in a manner that will assure to every guest and visitor a pleasant day and a royal good time. The Civic Club, which has very cleverly and financially managed several other attractions with great success, w ill! be in active charge o f the celebration, and its members, enthusiastic as they are, intend to go the limit and give Independence a Fourth celebration that will be a “ scream.” Women only scream when they are greatly excited— the state of mind they are in regarding Inde­ pendence Day lor Independence— The Post uses the word “ scream” as forcibly indicating the kind of a Fourth cele­ bration Independence will have. Of course, the c'elebration is backed up by the male of the species and all of them are standing behind the ladies and “ sickin’ ’em on ” to do their best and then some. While the present is a little too early to name any at­ tractions or go into details as £o the particular kinds of entertainment-and stunts that will occur in Independence on Friday, July 4, 1919, it goes without further talking that everything will be here and duly exhibited, including an etaoin, a shrdlu and emfwyp and possibly a vbgkqj. NEXT WEEK AT THE MOVIE THE “ M IC K E Y ” NIGHTS W E R E B IG NIGHTS Two large crowds saw “ M ickey” at the Isis on Monday and Tuesday nights. Every seat was occupied at each show. Eighty came down on the Hoskins special. Every­ body was well pit«.«:*! with the picture and the Isis made more friends^md patrons. Miss Laura Baker added to the pleasures of the evening by her clever interpretation o f the music that accompanys the film. Then when she sang “ Mickey,, she made another liitj receiving round after round of applause. W OM AN OBJECTS TO B U ILD IN G H IG H W A Y Monmouth Herald: One lady along the road south, when she saw the surveyors at work said she didn’t want any highway built by her door. She asserted it would mean a swarm of automobiles going by which would run over the children and the chickens. J. M. A K E R S SELLS H IS FA RM J. M. Akers this week sold his farm o f 95 acres south o f Independence to L. W . Fuller of McMinnville. This year’s cjop will also be included in the sale. Possession will be given at once. Search has been made along the Willamette river this ween ueiween inuepenuenoe anu Corvallis lor tlie body oi ivev. o . oionenoergcr, pastor oi Inc CinisUan cnurcli ol V/orv aims. mesuay morning Rev. Cronenberger left ilia home in ms auiomoLUie anu upon ms not returning lionie in tue aiternoon, Airs, cronenuerger became alarmed and tele- pnoueu a mend, m en an investigation was begun and tue auioiiiouiie anu me pustoi s ciotues were found on the names ot me river aoout a mile norm ol Corvallis where ue at least once Oeiore nad gone in swimming. ino tne river ui Corvallis das been repeatedly dragged me body lias not yet been located. W A LLA C E R E ID — L IL A LEE— CARUSO WEDNESDAY MAY 28 W A LLA C E REID in “ Too Many M illions.” W hat would you do with a million dollars ! Would the pos­ session of such wealth add to your happiness if you were happily mar­ ried, satisfied with your job and were* doing well l These are the problems Wallace Reid is called Upon to solve as Walsington Van Dorn, a book agent. Paramount Flagg comedy, “ INDEPENDENCE B ’GOSH!” ge UUE a TION U A Ì P A R A D E AND E X E R C ISE S i b e parade on Uecoration Hay, Friday May 30, wi l l iorni on Aiuin street at 10 xi. Ai. r irst will come tlie Grand Army nag vvinen win be escorted by Captain Ray Walker and Airs, licitila Campbell, 'men will ioiiow the G. A . R., vv. R. C., ispa• urn-American war veterans, World War veterans, me local comp;my oi tnc iNationai Guard and civic organizations. Ciuci oi idonee Barker will be the otheer ol tlie day. Hie exercises will be held at the pub* nc school building. THUBSDAY MAY 29 F IV E R E E L FO X and a Two Part Sunshine Comedy. Every Fox is high class. P T. ASSOCIATION HOLDS F IN A L M EETING The Parent-Teachers Association held its last meeting o f the season at the High School building last Tuesday evening. The event was largely attended and a splendid program was rendered. President Ackerman made a very interesting talk. The girls o f the domestic science class served the gathering to ice cream and cookies o f their own making which were pronounced genuinely good. The gar­ ments made by the class, under the direction o f Mrs. Mc­ Laren, were on display. Pretty little summer dresses and dainty lingerie made by the girls were highly praised. SEARCH RIVER FOR BODY OF CLERGYMAN F A R E W E L L RECEPTION FOR M ESDAM ES CHASE FRIDAY, MAY 30 L IL A LEE in “ Such A Little Pirate.” A gentle little lass with a sea-captain grandfather who spins wild yarns of buccaneer days— that is Lila Lee at . the opening of “ Such a Little Pirate.” But, say, before it ’s over, she become a regular old-fashioned pirate, lnmtiug bidden treasure at the bead of a gang who would freeze tlie heart in your moutli 1 Talk about excitement— this picture is some dyna­ mo! F A T T Y A R B U C K LE in “ The Rough House” Atthe Huff home on ThWsday afternoon amid a galaxy of Oregon roses, Airs. C. G. irvine and All’s. W. M. H uff entertained A4 independence Ladies complimentary to the Aiesdames li. G. and Alien Cnase, who are soon to leave for another state to make their home. The delightful af­ ternoon was still more reiresiiened by Ail’s. Alien Chase who contributed several violin solos j then others present sang. The day was closed by an elegant two course lunch­ eon and those present departed thankful for the oppor­ tunity of wishing the Aiesdames Chase all the good things of life in their new home. SATURDAY, MAY 31 CITY AND COUNTRY Miss Hilda Hilke is visiting relatives and friends in In­ dependence this week. CARM EL M Y E R S in “ "The Dream Lady.” iS. L. Burk of Airlie has been summoned for service as a federal grand juryman at the J une term o f court in P ort­ land. SUNDAY JUNE 1 CARUSO in “ M Y COUSIN.” MONDAY MAY 26 Lieutenant Half Floyd, who is at the home o f his par­ ents near Vancouver, Wash., has been ordered to the Phil­ ippine Islands where he expects to be stationed for at least two years. THE A L B A N Y GLEE CLUB and K A T H A R IN E TR EV E TTE , recitist and impersonator. Auspices Civic Club. Benefit Community Memorial Fund. Admission 25-35c. Thomas Tatum, for many years a resident o f P olk coun­ ty and who was born in Kings Valley in 1865, died at Ta­ coma, Wash., one day last week. He was a brother o f Airs. ¡8. D. Walker of Independence. ¡ R. L. Wells was in from Buena Vista this week to get some trespasss notices printed. He says that hunters are C ITY AND COUNTRY getting so thick and careless that for the protection o f his The Independence training school closes on June 3 and stock he is obliged to put up the signs— “ I f on this place Herold House and Miss Dorothy Buchanan of Inde­ you wish to roam, just leave your gun and dog at home.” the high school on June 13. pendence were* married Sunday and are now domiciled on Polk County Observer: According to the Monmouth Herald, some a farm south o f this city. friction has developed in that section, and more especially in the Lurkia* •*v mute region, over the manner in which the county court described the Senator MeNary has notified the Dallas Commercial route to be taken in reaching Benton county, property holders there hold­ Club that government experts will soon arrive in Polk ing that by the designation the route is not properly fixed. It may be . Page 47 said in ttiis connection that the county court has no say regarding the county to investigate prospective old fields. fold by the Bank Book We Want Yeung Patrons Too THE Farmers J5tate Bank is every bit as adaptable as a youngster’s bank -as for grown-ups. Our Sav­ ings Department already has a great many of Polk County’s fut­ ure financiers listed as depositors -but we want them A L L to be able to enjoy the advantages of having a place to put their savings -and to reap the reward in IN TEREST which we pay Bring YOUR boys and girls in to seo us. . C. W. IRVINE, J. B. PARKER, C. G. IRVINE, L. C. FITZGERALD, President. Vice President. Cashier. Asst. Cashier. rse FARMERS STATE BANK. ln dop«»n d»n c» Oregon During the month of April there were 345 books taken from the public library and read— 233 by adults and 112 by children. During the same time the library had 158 visitors. route of the west side highway, that devolving upon the highway com­ mission, and hence the latitude given that body in designathig the route for the special election. The commission will doubtless build the road as at present planned, notwithstanding the effort Independence is making to secure a change. Among the recent arrivals home from overseas service are Les Byers, Wayne Williams and Beiden Owen. The arrival in New York City of Charles Bennett o f Independ­ ence is announced. A community piano has been purchased and placed in the school house at Buena Vista. A cenunittee consisting o f Cleve Prather, Guy Prather, Miss Alma Wells and Mrs. J. G. McIntosh made the selection. Albany Glee Club and Miss Trevette,' recitist and im- j personator, at the Isis Monday night, May 26. They ap- ■ pear under the auspices of the Civic Club. Tlie net re­ ceipts go to tlie community memorial fund— a worthy cause that all should contribute to. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. A lacy celebrated their fourth wed­ ding anniversary Thursday night at their home in Salem. Among those from Independence attending the happy occasion were Dr. and Mrs. O. IT. Butler, Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Butler, Dr. H. C. Dunsmore, Misses Arbuthnot, Taylor and W est and Howard Morl.m. “ L is te n !” »ay* the G ood Judge— “ And remember it, too. $9 The better the quality of your chew, the more you’ ll enjoy it. You’ ll get more out of your to­ bacco money, too— you’ll save part of it for something else. A small chew of this quality tobacco tastes good — and it lasts and lasts. THE REAL TOBACCO qHEW put up in two styles RIGHT G U T is a short-cut tobacco W-B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco